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Chatty Member
I'm having an odd time at the moment as left my job due to stress 2 months ago. I'm anxious still, but a few days ago my granny's ring disappeared and I honestly think I'm going round the twist about it. I wore it every day and have no idea where it has gone. I've been utterly obsessed about the DIY I'm doing in the garden, on my decking etc and wound up power washing my phone so I've got a metal detector coming next week to see if I washed it into the lawn. I've also booked with A hypnotist to see if I can work out where I put it. But I feel so sad and alone without that ring. I stayed up until 0230 the other night looking for it. I put on a head torch and dug through my compost bin.

I was painting my decking at 2200 last night.

I have therapy and psychiatry booked. I know I'll get another job. I'm very lucky that I got a settlement so I'm ok financially for a while but I feel so lost. To not have that ring feels the end of the world. I hate the fact I can't cope with this. I hate how low it has brought me.

Sorry for the selfish rant. Please share happy stories of lost items. Perhaps I could cope better if I had hope
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Pesky Tarian

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My husband bought me a one of a kind necklace for my 21st it was the first nice piece of jewellery I had owned. I lost it in a house move age 30, I tried not to think about it as it upset me, I would have liked to hand it down etc.
Anyway nearly a decade later it just fell down on me from a high shelf. A shelf I had dusted, taken things down from, put things on many times 🤷🏼‍♀️.

I hope the ring comes back to you @Bread ❤.
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I find it crazy when you lose something in the house, you check everywhere, check a certain room/drawer again and it’s there? Yet you definitely checked there last time, like how?! 😅

What makes it worse is when no one believes that you did lol
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A watch, given to me as a very special gift by my parents. It was worth tens of thousands. I took it off in the bathroom at work and forgot it. When I went back for it, it was gone. HR sent out emails, building security were called in to help. I barely slept for days thinking about how I would explain to my parents. Then one day, about two weeks later, it magically ‘reappeared’ exactly where I had left it in the bathroom. I was so relieved, I didn’t ask any questions.
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Chatty Member
Thank you so so much for your responses. It's made me feel less alone. I'm so happy to read the stories of the random finds and send sympathy to those whose precious items haven't turned up.

@Rosie glow could you ask for copies of your certificates?

@Sea that thought is very comforting. Thank you.
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Rosie glow

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I manged to loose my folder with all my qualification certificates in during a move a few years ago i was devastated i worked so hard for them i still darent tell anyone there gone 😭
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Chatty Member
I find it crazy when you lose something in the house, you check everywhere, check a certain room/drawer again and it’s there? Yet you definitely checked there last time, like how?! 😅

What makes it worse is when no one believes that you did lol
This happened to me with a misplaced passport! I went to the same drawer over and over again, the place where, logically, I would have kept it, I had some old, canceled passports in there, too. I really don't know what happened and in fact I may have had it in my hands and not realised it was my current one. I think sheer panic, stress and confusion allow us to look but not fully see. It definitely gets to a place of madness sometimes. 😣

I've lost two pieces of precious jewellery - a posy style ring from my dad (it was from Past Times, remember them?). I had it for a very short time when I wore it to work and I either put it at the side of a sink or it dropped in the waste paper basket, possibly pulled off as I was drying my hands. When I realised and ran back to the washroom, it had vanished. I tipped out the bin and everything. I was working with a lot of people whom you wouldn't trust as far as you could throw them. I made a plea for it and it never showed up.

A silver scarab charm a late boyfriend got me from the British Museum over 30 years ago somehow detached itself from a necklace and was lost on a public walking trail in a forest about two years ago. It was worthy of Houdini, it shouldn't have been possible. I actually went back the next morning to retrace my steps and thought I might see it glinting up at me. I also put in with the park's lost and found but to no avail. It still makes me jolt with sadness at times, a tangible thing from a person I loved so much. I know that he would be entirely philosophical about it and how fitting it was that it fell in a forest (assuming no one picked it up), which makes me even more emotional.

@Bread you are not alone. 🥲 But I do hope your ring turns up one day, you never know. I found something 12 years later one time. Sending you peace. 💓
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One time my parents came to visit me and stayed in a hotel nearby. After they checked out and went home I got a call from my mom saying she’d lost her wedding and engagement rings, and could I please check with the hotel? I thought for sure someone would’ve taken them (diamond ring, after all). But nope, the maid found them and turned them in to the front desk. Still some good people in this world after all.
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I lost my wedding ring at the start of the year. We'd only been married six weeks!
I was very ill at the time and the last thing I remembered was taking it off to have a shower (I still wasn't used to keeping it on all the time so took it off when my hands got wet as it felt weird).
Turned the whole house upside down. Looked literally everywhere. Was really depressing. The ring was made from family gold so irreplaceable.
Then one day about a month later I was sorting through my wardrobe to have a clear out and heard a clang in one of the metal basket drawers. It was underneath a pair of trousers I hadn't worn in ages. No idea how it could have got under there.
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I lost a very special ring. It was gone for years and I'd searched high and low for it repeatedly. I found it randomly one day in the top pocket of a jacket. Once I found it I remembered I'd put it there during a day out to stop it getting damaged or (ironically)

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.
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I don't think I've personally had such situations, but one of my close friends lost her ring while gardening . She and her family searched everywhere but couldn't find it. Years later, she was pulling up some carrots and found the ring encircling one of the carrots.
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Nelly's mum

VIP Member
I am like a woman possessed if I lose something, I literally cannot rest till I find it and keep rechecking the same places where it should be! It is not just the value of the item, it's the thought that I've put it somewhere and have no idea where😩

I lost my childhood teddy bear, I moved out of my first 'independent adult' home and accidentally left him behind. I actually went back and asked the new resident if they'd found him, they must've thought I was nuts, but no luck, they hadn't seen him.
I remember once when I was camping, I took off all my rings while I was handwashing some clothes, then walked away and forgot to pick them up. I was gutted when I went back and they'd gone 🙁
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My husbands good watch disappeared, we thought he had left it at a hotel. Then doubted everything. Searched the whole house, looked in every drawer. Nothing. Then one day nearly six months of it being gone, opened the drawer and it was sitting right at the front of the drawer with no chance of missing it. A drawer he went in regular!
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A while back I thought my most special posession had got sucked up the hoover by accident while cleaning and I was so distraught at the idea that I was too scared to even check the hoover/rubbish. This went on for a while until I randomly found it safely somewhere else.

I have never been as careful with anything as I have that necklace since then but I felt very out of my mind over it for a while there.
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I lost a set of keys, and although I could easily replace them, I hunted high and low, nothing left unturned, retraced my steps on the streets, was ridiculously stressed and cross about losing them.
This week, 3 months later, i found them in the handbag I last used 3 months ago🤦‍♀️ (although i know I would have looked in there)🤦‍♀️

(I hope the posts help you a bit, but if you don't find your grannie's ring - try to take it as sign to needing to move forward, look ahead to a new future, that you will actually be able to cope).
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Chatty Member
I hope you find them. I'm sure you'll find the ones in your house... It's just a question of When.

I've had a metal detector out and consulted a hypnotist. I'm certain now that the ring is in my house somewhere - which is hardly a mansion - so the mad panic has abated a little to just sadness and a lost feeling. My grandparents were my sun and moon. I need them more than ever

I have enjoyed the stories of things randomly turning up though!
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Chatty Member
I have twins son and daughter and when they were little, i bought them two inflated bounce-and-hop balls. One afternoon my daughter started crying out loudly as she 'lost' her bouncy ball. They were huge, neon coloured and not something to lose easily. And we searched it everywhere for 2 days. My son was ready to share but she didn't want his 😂 had to live with all the fuss and drama. And then...we got to know that they were at my MIL's house, 1 block away from my home. She hadn't visited us since 2 weeks. My daughter was 3 so she wasn't old enough to walk to her place on her own. I still don't know how did it got teleported to her place.
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VIP Member
Husband lost his card wallet with all his cards in it. It was a nightmare to replace all his cards. Then suddenly about three months later it turned up down the side of the sofa. We had definitely looked there many times!
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VIP Member
Too many things …

A beautiful antique garnet ring
a gold cat necklace (left in a hotel I think )
a sapphire and diamond eternity ring
my engagement ring (stolen at the gym when I forgot I took it off on the elliptical)
my SLR camera
two sets of house keys within days or each other
and most recently my Apple Watch

the last three were definitely in the house 😳 I seem to live in the Bermuda Triangle of lost things.
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VIP Member
I'm having an odd time at the moment as left my job due to stress 2 months ago. I'm anxious still, but a few days ago my granny's ring disappeared and I honestly think I'm going round the twist about it. I wore it every day and have no idea where it has gone. I've been utterly obsessed about the DIY I'm doing in the garden, on my decking etc and wound up power washing my phone so I've got a metal detector coming next week to see if I washed it into the lawn. I've also booked with A hypnotist to see if I can work out where I put it. But I feel so sad and alone without that ring. I stayed up until 0230 the other night looking for it. I put on a head torch and dug through my compost bin.

I was painting my decking at 2200 last night.

I have therapy and psychiatry booked. I know I'll get another job. I'm very lucky that I got a settlement so I'm ok financially for a while but I feel so lost. To not have that ring feels the end of the world. I hate the fact I can't cope with this. I hate how low it has brought me.

Sorry for the selfish rant. Please share happy stories of lost items. Perhaps I could cope better if I had hope
Aw it's so frustrating losing something like that, but good for you for booking therapy. I hope it helps you feel better soon, and I hope your ring turns up soon, if you've been doing lots around the house it is bound to be there somewhere. I read an article once where a woman had lost her wedding ring and years later was digging up carrots in her vegetable patch and the carrot she dug up had grown through the ring!
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