Have you ever known someone who went missing or was murdered?

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I went to the same school as Stephen Lawrence. We didn't have any classes together so only knew his face but shared mutual friends. I remember going into school and hearing the news.
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My great aunt was murdered. I don't remember her as I was only 4 when it happened but it is such a sad story. She was 66, never married, church goer. Actually the alarm was raised as she missed a prayer meeting.
She was strangled and raped. They got the killer 20 yrs later with advances in dna, she was a very brave lady and fought back and his blood was left at the scene. He got 25 years for murder and defiling a corpse, i hope he rots in there, evil scum. He was a young neighbour of hers.
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I think I may have watched the documentary regarding this .. Sharon Birchwood? She seemed lovely there’s some pos in this world!!! Shame they never got to suffer the time in prison but also great they will never see the light of day again

This is the documentary I watched ..
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When I was younger my flatmate was seeing a guy for a few months. Me and some of her friends became suspicious of him because things he said did not add up. He was a little bit older than us and he said some weird things. Some information came to light and we decided that nobody was going to say anything to the guy. Instead we got together and contacted the police because we were scared and hoped it was all a lie. Within a few hours of contacting the police he had vanished. I recall his flatmate telling us that he did not take a single thing from his room. He even left his wallet and ID behind and his phone number suddenly no longer existed. He was a convicted murderer who had been released and given a new identity. It still makes me feel sick to this day knowing that we all felt something was a little off and we were right all along!
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UGH that is scary. I think it’s bad that they’re given a new identity and can create a new live ever after what they’ve done. I don’t care if they’ve served their time. They still a murderer and shouldn’t hide that from people for their own safety
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Any murder is appalling but this one was particularly disgusting and well known in the UK. Some people make silly mistakes when they are young and will forever be known as untrustworthy in their local areas but someone like that got to make a new life for themselve!!!!!
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My Aunt had 2 young neighbours who decided to go travelling in Australia she went first without her husband as he had business to clear up. Anyway they were due to meet in the airport in OZ but she never turned up, Months later they found her murdered body in the outback.
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Same as those awful kids who murdered James Bulger
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Not murder but did used to know someone who is now a convicted peadophile
A teacher at my high school was convicted about a year after I left, he was fairly new when I was there and had never taught me (he worked with the younger classes.) It emerged he had gone round to a student’s house while their parents were out and intimidated the kid into letting him in
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I remember a town I used to work in, there was a woman found chopped up in a suitcase in Morrison’s car park. It transpires it was her partner. Just awful and awful for whoever found the body too
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Again a pedophile one but my teacher at secondary school was congcineged of child sex offences, he married one of his pupils after having known her since she was a child then got done for assaulting other pupils on a school trip
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Again a pedophile one but my teacher at secondary school was congcineged of child sex offences, he married one of his pupils after having known her since she was a child then got done for assaulting other pupils on a school trip
Crazy! Reminds me of the Mary Kay Letourneau case she ended up marrying the student as well and they were actually married for 14 years and had 2 children insane
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Again a pedophile one but my teacher at secondary school was congcineged of child sex offences, he married one of his pupils after having known her since she was a child then got done for assaulting other pupils on a school trip
One of our neighbours's wife kept finding blonde hair in on their pillows turned out her teacher husband was having an affair with a 16 year old blonde he was teaching.
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Crazy! Reminds me of the Mary Kay Letourneau case she ended up marrying the student as well and they were actually married for 14 years and had 2 children insane
One of my friends was taught by the teacher who ran off with the student to France a few years ago
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From all these stories here about teachers, it actually terrifies me how many teachers (presumably in the past as I think or *hope* checks are more vigorous now) were paedophiles
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From all these stories here about teachers, it actually terrifies me how many teachers (presumably in the past as I think or *hope* checks are more vigorous now) were paedophiles
I was a primary school teacher about 10 years ago. I remember people used to joke that male primary school teacher are always paedophiles. I’d always laugh and say “apart from X and Y.” (X and Y were two male teachers I’d worked with in different schools - both amazing teachers, popular with pupils, staff and parents. Lovely men. One was older with a family, the other was younger and I dated him briefly). Anyway, when I’d been out of the profession for a while, I suddenly found out that X had gone to prison for having child porn and secretly filming children in his class getting changed. I was horrified and so so shocked. More years went by, then last year, Y was done for possessing child porn too. I was so so so sad about it. It’s made me wary of male teachers and I hate that because there are some brilliant ones who would be disgusted at the thought of paedophilia…but I thought that my two teacher friends were firmly within that category and o couldn’t have been more wrong.
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From all these stories here about teachers, it actually terrifies me how many teachers (presumably in the past as I think or *hope* checks are more vigorous now) were paedophiles

Unless a few of us on this thread went to the same school, the similar experiences are absolutely shocking.

We had a teacher try it on with a sixth former which he was sacked for - bit of debate about how ‘wrong’ it was because she was older but, position of trust etc, and it was enough to lose his job

Then we had a music teacher who had a ‘relationship’ with a pupil which ended in her attempting suicide. It was kept quiet and hushed up because the teachers uncle was the head teacher. He has now gone on to MARRY an ex pupil he used to teach!!!!

Then the ‘worst’ one was our PE teacher who groomed and abused a girl in my year at school resulting in him going to prison. He was engaged at the time and in a ‘normal’ relationship but still felt the need to groom a child , at his home and in his car. It came out because the girl had mental health problems and told a therapist!!!!

That was just what I heard of in an Ofsted OUTSTANDING school whilst I was there!!!!! This is in the last 15 years btw, not the distant past
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Don’t think for a moment I’m excusing it but I wonder if this happens because the adults are with these young people all day. For example would they have been interested if they were mechanics?Or is it just a crime of proximity.
I’m not explaining what I’m thinking very well. Just I guess that if they were never teachers I wonder if it would’ve ever crossed their minds
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