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I'm AMAZED that Narcs & Spencer didn't win the title vote though - made me chukle that one !
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The wall street journal piece is amazing, I found the following comment on their twitter page and thought it would make a great title

Harry & Meghan #363 Nobody has done less with more.
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Thursday, news that Pwince Twat wanted to interview Putin.
Friday, civil war breaks out in Russia.
Fastest Markling yet?
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Congrats to @Thalia for the winning title!!

Well so much going on…. But not really.

Megsy’s latest pap walk just a week ago (was it really?) took place on her driveway or some other tarmac’d lot, and didn’t paint the nicest picture of a cool, chic duchess. Then the grifting comments from the popular Spotify exec and blogger may as well have been the nail in the coffin because when Dior announced their new ambassador, it was not a 41 year old Duchess of monteshishow, it was a 16 year old K-pop star from Korea. I mean, I guess you can barely tell them apart, except for, you know, one being beautiful, young, stylish and charismatic and the other being a desperado duchess who keeps text messaging people for party invites and getting laughed at and ignored (according to a blind).

Other than that, the RF have been kicking goals in terms of unity, grace, happiness and style as they continue to roll themselves out en masse to summer events, this past week’s being Trooping and Ascot.

Meanwhile Harold is being laughed at for his great idea to unpack childish trauma with the likes of Trump and Putin on a podcast that, for some peculiar reason, never grifted off the ground.

I know I missed heaps… feel free to add! Tattle on!

Old fred here
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She's in a state of melancholy is she?

Prince Philip, Queen Elizabeth, Charles and William can all trump that.

She caused it ALL.

So if she's getting even a tiny taste of what she put them all through, then GOOD.
Serves her right.
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Churchill's Ghost

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It really seems like the dam broke after the NYC stunt…we all predicted 150 threads ago that there would be an act that would destroy their support. I would have thought it was slagging off your dying grandparents, but here we are!

It is glorious but I want more. I want the former employees to spill everything
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I want everyone spilling everything. I want them so shamed that they never show their faces again. Not that that will happen. I don't think smegs can be shamed and haz is far too high to realise that theres something to be shamed over.
Bloody awful people. I want the entire world to see that.
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She's in a state of melancholy is she?

Prince Philip, Queen Elizabeth, Charles and William can all trump that.

She caused it ALL.

So if she's getting even a tiny taste of what she put them all through, then GOOD.
Serves her right.
I am so sad for her that my heart pumps piss and I hope the cunt is fucking miserable after the shit she dealt to our lovely Queenie.

Piss off and have a lovely breakdown you deluded,demonic,duplicitous gobshite
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Oh @Cinnamon.girl , we need you! It is the fact that we have different points of view that makes us different from a cult. We may not always agree, and we sure debate different opinions, but that's healthy! That's what the world has little of lately.

When I first got here I had never thought about the kids being real or not and although I think that she at some point was pregnant - just because she gain so much weight - I really thing there's something murky there.

Also, 100% with @Scotch Mist that it is "exotic" to say the least when press says that QC looks beautiful, because err... she just isn't, no matter matter how many Diors she wears. I also claimed that KC3 is a narc himself, although not a malignant one like the ILBW.

But, the bottom line is: the richness of this group, I believe, is that we are different, we see things differently but we agree about disliking the Harkles. And most of all we respect each other different point of views. If we all thought the same, we would be no different from the Sugar forums where they all follow blindly their wrinkled goddess.
Thank you. My sole reason for taking a break was worry that I was causing offence, and it had got to the point where I was ... errr inhibited and kept crossing stuff out then deleting it. My posts may be articulate but I'm diffident in real life and would rather absent myself than annoy anyone. But free speech rules and people on here have made that clear, which is great as I didn't want to go.
I'll go back and do Celt, and thank you @Happy Lady for offering to do BookWorm but I'll do that too. And Neil, am happy too as long as @lady muck posts them.
I also like Tom Bower on Tuesday to transcribe though some are fed up of him.
It's important to get these other bloggers' news out there if the press reads on here, as nobody but nobody is uttering a squeak officially.
My self-imposed exile didn't last long and of course I feel a right tit.
Hamster, liquidise some cheesy Poofs and dribble them over your nasty new boss's laptop. Sorted.x
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My maternal uncle died recently. It was the first time I saw my younger brother in four years. The last time before that was at a wedding in 2016. His narc wife was responsible for splitting the family a few years before that. I didn’t acknowledge him. He didn’t acknowledge me. There was no sense of anyone wanting us to patch things up. It is now generally accepted that it was an irrevocable split and I doubt either of us give a damn about each other as it is. Everyone has moved on. The irony is that if his marriage hit the skids then I'd support him no end if his wife, and her victim playing, tried to turn the screws on him.

I get the same feeling between William and Harry but with a difference. There is no reconciliation there as is. Period. If Harry divorced, came to his senses then I am sure William would have helped take him back but with Oprah, Spare etc then I think there is no way back even if that happened. There is a toxic spiteness and bitter motives behind those which William presumably wants to wash his hands of.

With Charles he might feel the same way but it is his son after all and he is getting on in years. However, I doubt any proper reconciliation will happen because surely Charles sees that his sons popularity is non existent and any overt attempts at reconciling could lose him public support. It would require the mother of all PR jobs to make welcoming Harry back with open arms work. When Charles referred to them building their lives overseas then I take that as him tacitly acknowledging that reconciliation will never be on the table again i.e. loved you, still love you but don't wanna know you.
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If she took private drama classes her father paid for that too. Never a word about her taking drama classes on the uni level. She would have been shown up as being a poor actress by the other more talented.
she had ballet lessons didn't she.
That might account for the toes.........

ballerina 001.jpg
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I haven’t caught up on the thread yet but Mr Plum read about Taylor Swift rejecting the offer to appear on Archetypes and has recommended
“We are never ever doing a podcast together” as a thread title
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How can Harry & Meghan, their love story, possibly be up for an Emmy Award when the trailer advertising this "documentary" used phony pap shots of the Harry Potter premier and that the "documentary' was reportedly not even filmed in their own home? Who knows what else was fake in it so I don't believe they will win anything and, if they do, it is a farce and should be called out by real producers/directors of documentaries, IMO.
Never forget , this is the documentary that took the late Queen’s famous Commonwealth speech, promising to serve all the peoples of the Commonwealth for all her reign , and edited it so it sounded like she was demanding they serve her !!!

This was his tribute to his late grandmother …he is dripping in spite !
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The car "chase" seems like years ago at this point 😂

And Harry surely has lost all credibility thinking he could have a table chat with Putin over their childhood waaaaaaaaaaghs.

Whatever next...
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Celt Views.

Thanks @LadyMuck 😘
Celt wanted to squash three untrue rumours about Catherine.
She doesn't get on with Camilla, they are frosty and she didn't curtsey to Camilla at the concert. Nonsense, you only need to curtsey when meeting on a day for the first time, thereafter not needed. She and Camilla get on fine.
Rose Hanbury, more nonsense and the rumour has been denied by the person who started it. It spread like wildfire.
Catherine is lazy and doesn't work hard enough. More nonsense. She's a full-time mum and a wonderful all-rounder.
All the above is Sussex shit-stirring.
The drab carrion crow can't bear the sight of luminous Catherine, with a glow you can only get from being loved by a good man with snake hips.
Worst of all, she's The Star of The Show 💥⭐🌟⚡ while Minge lurks at Avis wearing a gold foil dress pawed by Mr Rear Entrance.
Let's face it, the Ho's got a ginger psycho on the skids with a wonky todger and monkey eyes. No wonder she's seething, I would be. 😂
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The short answer is that they didn’t want to work that hard. Harry could have had a whole series about Africa and be a Marlin Perkins wannabe. Or even a podcast with Jane Goodall. Nope. Too much work for him. I think underneath it all Harry doesn’t give three hoots about Africa or wounded warriors. Meghan doesn’t give a shit about the plight of AA women because she knows she is white in her heart of hearts. Total poseurs and fakers.
BIB I agree entirely.

Someone here mentioned something ages ago and I thought "Yes! That's exactly it." They suggested that one of the reasons - the main reason - that Smegs took against the UK, is that for all of her life in the US and when travelling in the Americas and Europe, she had presented and passed as white. She identified as a completely white woman, stating Caucasian on CVs and official documents. At various times she lied about having Italian or Maltese ancestry to explain her colouration. She lived as a white woman, hung out with white people and dated white men.

And then, when she pitched up in the UK with our moronic finger puppet on her arm, we wanted to know all about her, and because the UK - especially in metropolitan areas - doesn't give much of a stuff about race, we remarked on her mixed race simply as a matter of fact.

Poor Smegs! In the same instant that she was getting the global coverage she craved (albeit only because she was shagging a member of the Royal Family), her assumed 'white' persona's cover was blown.

I'm 100% certain she was appalled. The only way she could play it was by spinning it that by mentioning her mixed race heritage, the UK was implicitly racist.

I've read so much here about narcissism, and the phrase "every accusation is a confession" has cropped up umpteen times and explains Smegs' accusations of racism to a T.

And as for our very own racist Hazno, eurrrgh.

He's the ONLY member of the Royal Family with a proven track record of not one, but countless episodes of racism:
  • Insulting and mocking a London bus conductor when on an outing with his mother and bodyguard Ken Wharfe .
  • Dressing up as a Nazi.
  • Anti-Semitic bullying of a Jewish student at Eton.
  • Calling a fellow officer a P***. (And worse IMO was laughing it off as "banter".)
  • Calling Arab people "ragheads".
  • Explaining to his friends that his girlfriend Chelsy, though from South Africa, "wasn't black or anything".
And these are the ones we know about...

These individuals are already repugnant on so many levels. With race, as with so many other things, their actual behaviour gives the lie to their words.
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I disagree slightly. Most media from the time indicates that the UK population didn’t actually know about her heritage, and when we did find out about it we didn’t care.
We can agree that she was appalled that we weren’t as racist as her, & suddenly there was no point in her charade.
Then, like many others who have an interest in finding racism wherever they look, she had to import a different cultural mindset as a background to her new story.
But she cared. She didn’t want to be outed as mixed race, she didn’t want her black side to be known. In my opinion she was ashamed of being mixed race. It didn’t matter that there was no malice intended in the coverage about her - as you say, no one actually cared about her race - but never again could she pretend to be caucasian. Meghan herself is a racist. She eradicated all traces of her black heritage from her face. What had the Raglands done to upset her? Yet none of them except Snakebite were invited to the wedding. Remember in South Park where the ‘Princess of Canada’ makes a comment about being mixed race, and the Prince goes ‘wait, you’re mixed race?’ I wonder how near the knuckle that was. At what point did Harold know? Considering his known racism, (he was very eager to tell his friends that Chelsy wasn’t black) was he in too deep to extricate himself before he found out?
It’s a huge irony that so many in the black community love and defend Meghan. People have said what a massive opportunity she squandered, but the truth is she never wanted to be the Black Princess. She wanted to be Princess Diana. She and Harold are the only royal racists.
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When people ask why is she a role model, this is why. She is confident, she knows where her priorities are and she works for what she believes. Yes, she has incredible privilege, but so many do too and make the world about them, in a very dishonest and unhealthy way. Catherine is healthy more than wealthy and the world today has forgotten about the first and tends to focus on the second. It is because she is healthy, in all possible forms, that she then can be generous with her time and attention and be useful in a life of service.
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