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Anyone else think that CBS are teasing the only controversial bits of the Oprah interview, and the rest will be a borefest, punctuated by adverts for oat latte?
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I’ve read through the threads and I find some sentiments a little off

Racism in the uk - It’s not people getting killed by the police or racial slurs so people think it’s “not that bad” and a lot of people feel black people are constantly pulling the race card because it’s not overt racism that can be physically seen

I do think Meghan is a big opportunistic with an agenda to be rich and famous by any means necessary, but that doesn’t negate the fact that she has been unfairly targeted by the British media because she’s of black heritage. The headlines when it became common knowledge her mother was black were disgusting and abhorrent and her targeting by the British media was/is laced with racist undertones

Do I think Meghan is a pro black activist or is someone deeply in touch with her blackness who feels targeted? No. She’s taken what Black Brits saw happening to her based on our experiences and what we know of racism in the UK, and she’s manipulated that and ran with it for her own benefit.
But there's no evidence that the press targeted her 'because she was of Black heritage'. (One clumsy and badly-judged headline about 'Straight Outta Compton' is all there is.)

Kate, Sophie, Camilla, Fergie and Diana were all thoroughly done over by the Press for years and the headlines were far, far worse. If anything, Meghan had better treatment - until she and Harry declared war on the press in 2019.

Meghan's PR has pushed the line that she was driven out by a racist UK press long and hard, when it's her obnoxious behaviour that is rightly being called out.
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If you are going to claim that the RF have been spreading lies about you which is what she has basically said then you better have the proof to back it up Meghan. This is going to be a car crash! I really don't want to watch it but I can't help myself!! I think the national grid might actually explode. There are no winners here and if her intention was to isolate and alienate Harry from his family - as she has done to hers - then slam dunk! This is so distasteful as I am afraid that in the middle of the worst time in modern world history for these 2 whingers to be on Oprah and farting about with James Corden - ffs!!! Plus Oprah will want her piece of flesh - she is not doing this to be kind - she is doing this to make money!! I cannot believe how stupid these 2 are and they will be the laughing stock among Royals across the globe!!! Kate was treated appallingly by the press early doors - and her family too - remember the headlines re her mum being referred to as 'doors to manual' - that must have been awful. Just recently Kate was criticized for saying motherhood was exhausting - which it is and she was empathising with mothers world wide. Meghan has never had the headlines some of the other's have had - good grief Camilla was ripped to pieces!!!!!! They were quite happy to be on the front pages on their wedding day - not so much when being called out for their continued hypocrisy. Don't preach about climate change and fly private jets, don't moan about your life from your $14m house in a $4k gown when just a few miles away from you there are homeless people on the streets. Self absorbed, self important, spoiled brats! I hope that the press absolutely rip them apart!!!
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Because it’s not tangible or overt so how exactly can examples be provided. The same way black women are 5x more likely to die during pregnancy? In a modern western country those stats are terrifying and are rooted in medical racism. But the average Brit will tell you “there’s probably just something in black womens dna that causes this” or a black person being followed around Sainsbury’s by security guards “oh they would’ve done that to anyone it’s not because they’re black”

These aren’t things that you can’t physically prove, but both are 100% examples of racism
With all due respect, you’ve just completely contradicted yourself.

You claim that no obvious instances of this “racism” can be provided because it’s not overt enough, and you then give examples of overt racism.

Security guards following more black people around supermarkets than white people can be evidenced. How do you know this even happens? Because more black people make complaints or talk about it, yes? That’s called evidence.

How have you decided that black women dying in childbirth more often is due to racism? There are differences between groups for a million different reasons. A difference between a black group and a white group is not always down to racism...if it is, that would be evident. And which “black” group do you mean? Can all people who are not white be easily dumped into one homogeneous group so that you can make a determination about them en masse? No - humanity doesn‘t work like that. We are not divided up into black & white, and that’s it.

Did you know that proportionally more BAME people go to university in this country than white people? Why’s that? Racism towards white people? Unlikely. Probably there‘s something else at play - probably a complex mix of reasons. But I can guarantee that if the situation were reversed, you’d automatically assume “racism” - which would be unfair, unjust and almost certainly untrue.

If you can detect racism in the mainstream media then you should be able to alert others to it, unless you have some super active racism detector genes the rest of us lack? If you can’t provide examples it’s because it’s not there.

The UK is simply not a racist nation. We have a hideous history, like the entire rest of the world does, but we are, in 2021, one of the most tolerant countries the world has ever seen. Meghan was criticised in the media because of her behaviour, and that’s it. If she didn’t like that she was quite free to take advice and present a different public persona. She chose to play the R card and run away instead. Her choice.

Everyone who sees racism should call it out - always. But I rather think the decent thing to do is come with some evidence when you do and not use the excuse that it’s not “overt” enough.
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Pom Bear

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I never know these threads to move so fast...I admit I've had to miss out the last 6 pages of the last thread but it's a good book you can't put down. xx

Two pics from me today.. two new books out on Harry and Meghan 😄 xx.


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How you doin' bubba ?😘
Up and down tbh.
Hurts like hell because it was my dad who brought me up, not my mum, so we’ve always had that extra special bond.

It actually made me reflect on a few Meghan things...

When she first came into the public eye, she appeared to be a daddy’s girl (like me).
Photo’s were shown of how much she loved adored her father (like me).
Her father brought her up (like me).
She was thoroughly spoilt (NOT like me!). 😁

And then the facade slipped...

When her father had a heart attack, she sent him a text and then never bothered again. :mad:
When mine had a heart attack, several years ago, he was in hospital for 10 weeks.
Three times a week I took the 6 hour round trip to sit at his bedside for 2.
I had 2 young children at the time.
I did it, not because I felt obliged to do it but, because I wanted to do it.
My dad had always been there when I needed him and I wanted to be there when he needed me.

Sorry to make this about me but the only way I can get my point across properly is to compare.

Meghan being a “daddy’s girl” is fake. She never was - she used him until she didn’t need him anymore.
Thomas, I do believe, did adore her and I can’t even imagine the pain he must be going through to see his “little girl’s” true colours.

Putting aside what she is doing to the Royal Family, she should be utterly ashamed of what she has done to her own father - the man who brought her up and adored her. She used him and them cast him aside like a used tissue.
She disgusts me. 🤬

These past few weeks I’ve gone over all the stupid little things that I didn’t do for my dad and I’ve berated myself for them. Then I looked at the bigger picture and realised that I may not have been the perfect daughter 100% of the time, but I was the perfect daughter for him and he was the perfect dad for me.
I’m not proud of much in my life, but I am proud of that.
We were so lucky to have the relationship we did. He was my first love and I will miss him always.

@spangly I’m sorry to hear your news too. How are you doing? 😘

And to leave this on a lighter note... Freda, thank you for asking - not many people have asked if I’m ok! 😉
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Latest Benjamin Smallbrook on Quora:

"Something’s about to happen…

The top news item on the BBC is about Meghan Markle accusing the Royal Family of lying. This is unprecedented, and cannot continue. The Royals must be aghast at the depths the actress will go to. She is damaging their reputation around the world.

‘Buckingham Palace’ has issued a statement… When statements are sent out from Buckingham Palace to news agencies they are NEVER issued without the Queen’s approval. Never!

Yesterday’s statement informs us: “The palace said it does not and will not tolerate bullying or harassment".

Nobody in the media can believe things have deteriorated to such a state where the Palace publicly shouts back at Markle! Because, make no mistake, this is what’s happening. Hardened news editors are rubbing their hands together with glee!

I believe we are getting close to the Queen ordering the media to release what they know about Markle.

Up until now, they have been officially gagged
. Every editor knows that if they released the explosive information they hold, it would destroy Markle within 24 hours. The Royal Family is also well aware of this, but it will come at a price. It will be damaging to the Royal Family, to a great extent. The Queen’s advisors must be wondering if the fallout will be worth it to get rid of the nasty smell once and for all, and move on. The question is, “How can they deal with Markle so that there is no more washing of the Royal laundry in public?”

When push comes to shove, there will initially have to be a massive Royal PR exercise that puts the working Royals in the news every day for several weeks, so that a disgraced Meghan Markle won’t be able to get a look in. The Royal Family will need 100% support from the press to do this. Media people must be quietly hoping that unprecedented access to the Royals, to promote the Family favourably, will be offered to them in return for dishing the dirt on the actress.

Prince Philip, at the age of 99, has now spent 16 days in hospital. He has just had a successful operation for a heart condition and is improving. This will come as a great relief to the Queen and members of his family. They could all do without the distraction of a petulant and vindictive Meghan Markle, proudly telling the world that the Queen is a liar."
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I’m starting to think that they didn’t choose to leave the Royal Family but were told to leave. That’s why they ensured they announced it first. If they chose to leave then why are they so bitter? They got what they wanted.
No, I really believe they were told to go.

Oh and for Meghantoinette and her fans, here’s food for thought...

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I can’t bear the way they are speaking. Just call a spade a spade

“Perpetuating falsehoods” just say lies
“Your truth” no just say THE truth as no one is interested in Meghans made up version of “her” truth

I can’t sit through 2 hours of this dragged out shite
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Well-known member
Next thread suggestion:

perpetuating falsehoods is a load of tosh... just admit its always been about the dosh!
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She should have waited for Jeff Bezos to get divorced or try and catch another billionaire - she wants that lifestyle, not a royal one.
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MM’s main problem is she literally can’t pipe the fuck down. Imagine, these shady clowns have got everything they could possibly have wanted. She’s won! Prince tick, Archie tick, California tick, massive house tick, Netflix tick, famous mates tick, sympathetic biography tick, massively raised profile and social circle tick, (bizarrely) a reputation as a humanitarian from doing about 5 days work ever, tick. But that’s not enough for Snarky. I can’t get over the continual rude fucking backchat towards the Royal Family who, let’s not forget are the ACTUAL family of the man she claims to love, and include the actual Queen. All those snide fucking statements like: “While there is not any jurisdiction by The Monarchy or Cabinet Office over the use of the word ‘Royal’ overseas..”, “I am my mother’s son..”, the “service is universal” bollocks, the “calculated smear campaign” crap, the whole of the frankly creepy Finding Freedom ‘book’ (boo hoo Kate didn’t take me shopping) and now it turns out blaming them for “perpetuating falsehoods”. Why couldn’t they just take all the booty and cackle off into the sunset? Enraging as it is to see two talentless grifters like them raking in the dollars, if they weren’t so intent on rubbing the RF’s noses in it and trashing the UK, people would just shrug and let them get on with it. Honestly Harry must be on drugs to let all this go on without defending his own family. Shocking.

Plus NO-ONE would be rehashing these “several years old allegations” if she hadn’t unilaterally decided to talk about that EXACT same period in a trashy, self-serving tell all interview! Duh 🙄
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Because it’s not tangible or overt so how exactly can examples be provided. The same way black women are 5x more likely to die during pregnancy? In a modern western country those stats are terrifying and are rooted in medical racism. But the average Brit will tell you “there’s probably just something in black womens dna that causes this” or a black person being followed around Sainsbury’s by security guards “oh they would’ve done that to anyone it’s not because they’re black”

These aren’t things that you can’t physically prove, but both are 100% examples of racism
Fair enough, but she needs to provide examples. Was she ever followed around Sainsburys? Did her staff ever ignore her requests and directions, raise their eyebrows at her, give each other knowing looks when she walked into the room? She was offered the best obstetric care when she was pregnant (?) with archie, but she refused to see any of them.

Does being mixed race entitle her to bully people? Exempt her from criticism? That's a recipe for disaster and leads to people not being held to account for any bad behaviour.

The RF bent over backwards to welcome her and the British public were happy to see her joining the RF. It all started off well.
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Things that really piss me off about the Markles:

I'm still angry about the 'No one asks me if I'm ok' remark. Why would anyone ask her that? She portrays herself as a strong woman and nobody asks strong women if they're ok. People have their own problems and their own worries. She should be asking if they're ok. The only people who should ask if she's ok are her family and closest friends. No one else should and she shouldn't expect them to.

'We want to be financially independent' Harry has a trust fund of £40 million. I'd say that's pretty much financial independence. It's insulting to people earning normal wages to imply that they don't have enough money.

'Why can't I have freebies' because you're a member of the privileged elite and thats the only reason you're being offered freebies in the first place. No one would look at you twice if you hadn't married Harry.

'We want our privacy' Then why are you always doing interviews? Why didn't you move somewhere out of the spotlight? Why don't you stay quiet?

'...perpetuating falsehoods about me'. In fairness they did perpetuate the idea that you weren't a bully and presumably a lot of other stuff about you. What you're angry about is that they didn't perpetuate the idea that you were a goddess amongst women and could do no wrong.

'Its all racism' No it isn't. Britain has it's racists and there's no denying it but as a country we're generally not racist. We have laws against racism and the people of Britain marched in the streets to insist that racism be stopped. Plus you spent a lot of years pretending that you were white. You can't be white when it suits you and black when it suits you. It doesn't work like that.

They want out of the RF but still use the titles the RF gave them.

Finally, Markle was warned that the press would attack her before she married Harry. Harry told her that it would be bad, really bad. Considering Diana had papparazzi spitting at her in order to get a reaction, he knew what he was talking about. She said she could handle it and then had a hissy fit when things didn't go her way.

Also, can someone tell me what JCMH stands for please?

I think she thought that she would be loved by the people like Diana was. It didn't dawn on her that it takes years to get that amount of respect and love and even then there's still endless criticism by the media.
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Just catching up and let me just get this straight, according to Meghan she has been mistreated and lied about by...

- the Queen
- every single member of the royal family especially that mean and jealous Kate
- every single member of her own family bar Saint Doria
- her school friends
- every single member of the British press bar Scobie
- every single member of staff at the palace, the aides, the security, the treasury staff, the chef....
- the paparazzi
- the British public aka racist peasants
- all her personal staff
- an incompetent nanny
- the mean casting directors who called her out for lying about being Union before her suits days
- Trevity Trev Trev not giving her acting roles

Any more for any more?

There’s a saying that if you encounter an asshole in the morning they’re likely an asshole. If you’re encountering assholes all day... then the asshole is you. But of course, we are mistaken; poor persecuted Meg faces hardship wherever she turns, the perpetual victim she is!:rolleyes:
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Ok, I was enjoying, and even buying into this thread until I started reading about “moon bumps”, “fake babies”, “photoshopping the queen into photos with Doria” and “Meghan’s backers who want to take down the monarchy”. With absolute tin hat nonsense like that it’s no wonder they have a decent bit of support 🙄🙄🙄. We really are in the age of the conspiracy theory🥱
Ok, well you found your way in, so I'm sure you can find your way out.

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Chatty Member
the many LIES she spewed on that engagement interview and her grabbing harry to control him omg LOL

did she REALLY say she didn't know who Harry was before meeting him? SHES NUTS
So she knew who Matt Cardle was but didn't know the man who was third in line to the throne?! (Ignoring the sprogs)
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Wrote this for the last thread but it was locked by the time I posted it

Court documents? Which ones? Publicly available? Or not? And if not, and as he's made clear he has details that cannot be made public for legal reasons just how did he access this information from non publicly available court documents?
Yes it throws up a lot of questions doesn’t it! Also how is it fair that palace staff are named publicly (assuming its in the public court docs) and specifically that one had been dismissed, yet meghans mates are protected for blabbing to people magazine? This case feels more and more corrupt by the day!

It’s rather amusing that the treatment of Meghan is compared to Diana, yet apparently it’s racism. Am I missing something? Last time I looked Diana didn’t appear very black to me.
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So, here's a quiz. A Duchess wants to wear some vulgar but very expensive earrings. Her aide tells her it's not a good idea, because the person who gave them to her is all over the news headlines, implicated in the grotesque torture, strangulation and dismemberment of a journalist (and US citizen). The Duchess tells the aide to fuck off, wears the earrings and lies about where they came from.

How would you describe the Duchess:
(a) compassionate and kind or (b) cold-hearted and without natural feeling for others
(a) beautiful and glamorous or (b) ugly on the inside
(a) insanely smart and a recognised expert in international relations or (b) too stupid to know she knows nothing and a diplomatic embarrassment
(a) respectful of the expertise of her professional assistants or (b) rude, bullying and dismissive of advice she doesn't like
(a) very, very important, as manifested by the size of her diamonds or (b) tacky, mercenary and corrupt
(a) always walking the talk on truth and justice in the world or (b) a liar

Mostly (a)'s - you are being played by a dangerous, narcissistic con-artist.
Mostly (b)'s - you are wise and fair, but what you didn't know is that the Duchess is bi-racial, so you are also a racist bigot.
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