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Thanks Mog.

Basically it confirms that the various stories we have heard about what a roiling bitch Meghan is are all true; but that to call her out on her bullshit is to fail to recognise what a remarkable, brilliant and utterly lovely person she is - oh and we're all racist.

What stands out to Aunty is how unbelievably cowardly, vicious and treacherous it all is. Although she's too narcissistic and he's too stupid to realise it, neither of them are easily going to be able to come back to the country let alone the Royal Family after this. No-one is going to believe that she didnt effectively write the book; or that either of them knew what it said in advance or could not easily have stopped publication. So all the hurt, hate and drama (everything the BRF and especially the Queen most hate) was deliberate. A cold calculated act of vengeance that has spectacularly misfired.

A pair of prize bastards we are well shut of them. The Court Case or its resolution is going to be the last act of this tawdry saga. La comedia e finita....
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Talk about hoisted by ones own petard! MM must be off her fucking skull to think this book will paint her in a positive light. Who the fuck does she thinks she is? She is a dime a dozen actress who managed to hoodwink a cunt struck prince. She had the goose that laid the golden egg. That wasn't enough for this schemer! Instead of thanking her lucky stars at pulling off the con of the century,the fucker does the most cuntable move by wanting more. (how much more can you get?). She had managed to have the world at her lumpy feet, more money than most could ever imagine,and global exposure....Naw,that wasn't enough for the ingrate. She is so fucking used to getting her own way,that she couldnae believe that she wasn't, and could never be the top of the pile. So, in her fucking stupid delusional thinking, she tried to slag off those above her in the pecking order. My wee Granny used to say.... " Dimming another persons candle, doesn't make yours shine any brighter". Fuck right off Yacht girl. Your ship has sailed.
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Ghosh I see Aunty's been having an identity crisis. Also my old chum celebrity former art lawyer Mark Stephens has been following my advice on similar fact evidence and Ive sent him a bill. Which of us do we think is him? Is it you Freda? He always had a mouth on him and everyone you meet in London claims Irish heritage.

Ive been following the new "inside account" of the Thomas Markle debacle with real interest as it is central to the Privacy Case.

It just doesnt add up. There are all the elements of our little Princesses psycho behaviour. The Grandiosity: her just "loving it" descriptions of the extravagant travel and other arrangements being made for Thomas; the references to "my team" and all round James Bondishness surrounding her big fat gypsy wedding as she no doubt took control of an entirely fake "crisis" and used it to run around screaming at the lowly civil servants trying to manage her preposterous expectations of instant global mega-celebrity and imperial power. The grotesque lavishness will ensure such an event never happens again.

At its heart is the vaguely endearing oafishness of her elderly and sick father who foolishly decided to participate in some frankly harmless and innocent pap shots of a kind with which his suddenly globally famous cable tv micro-star daughter and vulgar lifestyle blogger was more than familiar.

Quite possibly he wasnt entirely frank with her when they came out. I can well imagine, despite the Mills and Boon prose descriptions of her endless sweetness and concern, that she is far from easy to deal with and I imagine he is terrified of her; and she may have had an agenda to stop him coming. I mean why hadnt they flown him out sooner? Surely, as with the Middletons some getting to know you might have been in order rather than just flying him in with scant time to get togged up, take the heffer to the shambles and stagger back to Albuqurque with the souvenir double-decker full of shortbread?

Also the massive over-reaction. They make it sound like he'd just released a sex tape or sold nude pictures of his daughter rather than engaged in some ill advised but essentially innocent fund-raising. The justification for his instant excommunication being the overblown crisis that they had created out of a situation that could have been brushed off with elan. The justification for his unforgiveable treatment when he had what is clearly serious heart surgery is even more tortured and just incredible. What it isnt, at any level is the behaviour of a decent compassionate daughter apparently ecstatically in love with her handsome Prince.

You can easily construct alternative explanations for all the deranged drama. Deranged drama it was and deranged drama it remains....I dont believe a word of it.
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There's a good piece behind the Telegraph paywall, titled "Meghan and Harry seem to bring the worst out in each other" by Angela Levin.

Just before Prince Harry got engaged to Meghan Markle, he invited me to Kensington Palace for a chat as I was writing his biography. One of the things he was keen to get across was the importance of teamwork.

“If you want to be a success you have to be a team player,” he told me. “You get taught in the Army that you can’t get anywhere without the support of other people. I agree.”

He even brought up the subject during the BBC interview he and Meghan gave on their engagement day, 27 November 2017. Proudly, he told how he saw Meghan as “an added member of the family. It’s another team player as part of the bigger team,” he enthused.
Meghan gazed into his eyes as she replied that she was looking forward to a “new chapter” in her life adding: “Now it’s time to… work as a team with you.”

Finding Freedom, the new biography by Omid Scobie and Carolyn Durand, confirms what we had already guessed — that, when it came to her role in the Royal family, Meghan wasn’t a team player, but a fiercely ambitious woman who wants to be number one and seemingly finds it difficult to compromise.

Her time with the Royal family has been more of a paragraph than a chapter even, but it’s been long enough for her to become one of the most famous women in the world. Yet in the book she is quoted as having “given up her whole life” for her new role.

I was given generous access to follow Prince Harry on his engagements for more than a year in 2018. He is charismatic and, like his mother, wears his heart on his sleeve, which meant that it was always easy to guess his mood. Every now and then a wave of irritation or resentment would cross his face. But most of the time he was an irresistible combination of royal stardust and accessible everyman, someone who oozed confidence and mischief.

Less than a year on, however, I witnessed this warm young prince morph into a nervy, tense man who seems constantly on edge. It is as if the dark side that we had only had glimpses of previously, have fully enveloped him. It is ironic that the book quotes Harry bemoaning the state of society, asking “where is the positivity? Why is everyone so miserable and angry” - for these are surely questions he must ask of himself.

I watched Harry become increasingly uneasy when Meghan began to make most of the speeches, walked in front of him or pulled his sleeve to sit down – as she did at Canada House in January this year – while he was mid-conversation. She is a mega-watt attention grabber with the eyes of the world upon her and Harry’s shine has faded in her shadow. Does the torment he feels come down to believing he hasn’t done enough for her? But can he ever do enough? Perhaps Meghan is one of those people who never has enough, who, unless everything and everyone around her is not 100 per cent going her way, will always zoom in on the negative.

Sadly it’s this double downing on the bad stuff which seems to have engulfed Harry, to the extent that the closest members of his family are now at the top of his list of grievances.

He told me that William was “the only person in my life I can say anything to and trust completely.” But Finding Freedom reports that he now barely speaks to him for suggesting he took “as much time as you need to get to know this girl.” A source in the book said Harry felt the comment was too snobbish and “p----d him off.”

Harry also told me: “I absolutely adore my grandmother.” The feeling was mutual. Once she passed her 90th birthday she asked Princes Charles, William and Harry to help out more. Harry said: “The Queen has been fantastic in letting us choose what we’d like to do. She tells us to take our time and really think things through.”

Yet in Finding Freedom the complaint is that there were no photographs of them on the desk when Her Majesty delivered her 2019 Christmas message. In fact, there were only kings and heirs to the throne on show, which Harry, at number six in line to the throne, is not.

Harry also no longer seems grateful to his father Prince Charles, who walked with Meghan down the aisle when her father couldn’t come to the wedding because of illness. Charles let it be known that he saw both Harry and Meghan as having an important role in his slimmed-down monarchy and is keeping them afloat financially. Yet we hear the Sussexes complaining that Charles, heir to the throne, had first pick on choice of engagements and dates. Similarly, there are swipes at Kate for not helping Meghan enough, sending flowers, but not checking in on her.

The sad truth seems to be that however much Harry and Meghan stare blissfully into each other’s eyes and however tightly Meghan hangs on to her husband’s arm, they seem to bring out the worst in each other.

The pair of them — described in the biography as “impulsive and impatient” — are said to want to “be in charge of their own narrative”. Where then is the team playing spirit Harry had been so enthusiastic about? Meghan arrived in this family very much as an individual, one whose needs and desires have now seemingly been serviced to a worrying degree.

It’s true, however, that Harry often thought about leaving the Royal family before he met his wife. He confided in me how much he hated living in a “goldfish bowl”, ached to be “something other than Prince Harry” and wanted to lead a “relatively normal life.”

It’s a wish that couldn’t be more misplaced in Los Angeles. Seeing Harry look so dour, claiming to be a victim, it's obvious to me the peace he desires continues to elude him. Settling scores is likely to lead to more unhappiness. Maybe it's time for Harry to take a step back and remember who he was and what was really important to him before all this began.
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Briefly, then its back to the day job (well Im retired actually).

Anyway its not Judgment being handed down its a full on hearing (eye-wateringly expensive). God knows whats been going on since they first made the Application. Meghan is being reprsented today by Sherbournes head of chambers the very well connected highly political Justin Rushbrooke QC. This could be because Sherbourne is so busy or just because they need a very big hitter. Anyway he has the advantage of not having made a fool of himself in front of the same judge but he's only as good as his arguments.

He is arguing that the famous five should be treated as journalistic sources who enjoy protection under s10 of the Contempt of Court Act which prevents such sources being identified to prevent them being sued/sacked/persecuted thus deterring people acting in the public good by (typically) Whistleblowing corporate wrongdoing and the like.

Ingenious, also not quite how this was first being put which suggests some frantic re-thinking, but surely the problem is that they are not just Whistleblowers acting in the public interest. They are also witnesses and the reasons for doing what they did are key elements of the whole case. Usually the motivation, and thus to an extent the identity, of a journalistic source is irrelevant but here its not what was disclosed but why and how that matters. Fascinating actually but still they have an uphill struggle imho.

One thing for sure is that we are highly unlikely to get a decision today. Also this is almost certainly going to end up being Appealed (some very fancy legal issues are being dragged in) which buys more time for settlement with the identity remaining undisclosed which may well be the ultimate strategy of the Claimant.

Bye - aunty is having a lovely time btw.
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Not Now Bernard

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I cannot believe that during the midst of a global pandemic they thought it would be a good idea to release this book. Businesses destroyed, people losing jobs left right and centre; people unable to pay their mortgage/rent and these bozos are whining about not getting the respect they think they deserve?? Just unbelievable.

Boo frigging hoo - you were 3rd in-line to the throne and now you’re 6th. Guess what - im 50 millionth in line to the throne but I’ve managed to plod along, happy with my 3 bed semi, boring and badly paid job.

What a Pair of spoilt, immature, whiny brats. How can they not see that they had the lifestyle of billionaires and all they had to do was cut a couple of ribbons a year?
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Do you know what pleases me greatly?
That so many posters on this(and preceding threads) stuck to our guns from the get go, despite being sneered at and called all sorts of names on other threads and by intruding sugar nuts. No, it wasn't jealousy and it wasn't racism, it was basic good intuition and recognising a wrong un and a charlatan when we saw one.
And here we are being proven pretty much spot on by the idiots themselves. Love it. :m

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Here's the latest excerpt from the Sunday Times:

No workplace is perfect. In the rarefied world of the monarchy, the pressure could be insane. Such were the internal politics between Buckingham Palace, Clarence House and Kensington Palace that even royal-watchers started snickering when it appeared the households were scheduling events and social media posts on the same day to outdo one another. “There has always been competitiveness between the households,” admits a senior aide. “That will never change.”

It could hardly have come as a surprise that leaks were happening. One courtier privately bragged to friends about their ability to place a story, positive or negative, in any publication with a click of their fingers, and another told a respected newspaper editor that he could “handle anything after putting up with one of Meghan’s temper tantrums”. Staff described the atmosphere inside the three households as “competitive”, “miserable” and “full-on”.

Responsibility for the problem didn’t rest completely with the household staff — some of it came from the princes themselves. The rift had begun when the Duke of Cambridge questioned the pace at which his brother’s relationship with Meghan was moving.

“A happy and content Harry is rare, so to see him practically skipping around was a delight,” a source still in regular contact with the brothers said. “But at the same time William has always felt he needs to look out for Harry, not as a future monarch but as an older brother. Their whole adult lives he’s felt he should keep an eye on Harry and make sure he’s not in trouble and on a good path.”

Back when Meghan and Harry were dating, William, having met Meghan only a handful of times, wanted to make sure the American actress had the right intentions. “After all, these are two brothers that have spent their whole lives with people trying to take advantage of them,” the source said. “They’ve both developed a radar to detect that type of person, but as William didn’t know a whole lot about Meghan, he wanted to make sure Harry wasn’t blindsided by lust.”

Some members of staff were whispering words of alarm into the Duke of Cambridge’s ear. Meghan was totally foreign to this group of advisers, who could sometimes be even more conservative than the institution they guarded.

This was the backdrop when William sat down with his brother to discuss his relationship with Meghan.

“Don’t feel you need to rush this,” William told Harry, according to sources. “Take as much time as you need to get to know this girl.”

In those last two words, “this girl”, Harry heard the tone of snobbishness that was anathema to his approach to the world. During his 10-year career in the military, outside the royal bubble, he had learnt not to make snap judgments about people based on their accent, education, ethnicity, class or profession.

Also, to remove Meghan from the equation, Harry was tired of the dynamic that had become established between him and his older brother. There had come a point when Harry no longer felt as though he needed looking after. There was a thin line between caring and condescending. Just because he went about his life differently from his brother didn’t make it wrong.

William may have felt he was acting out of concern, but Harry was offended that his older brother still treated him as if he were immature. “Harry was pissed off,” another source said. “Pissed off that his brother would ask such a thing. Some felt it was an overreaction. But then, this sums them up as people — William, the calm and rational one, and Harry, who can’t help but take things far too personally.”

“Harry has a heart of gold, but he’s incredibly sensitive,” a longtime family friend said.

Though another friend added: “Harry could see through William’s words. He was being a snob.”

Harry was taken aback, even angry, despite the fact that William was simply looking out for his brother. He didn’t really know Meghan yet. William was concerned that Harry had isolated himself from many of their old friends. “But perhaps he just didn’t want to accept that Harry had grown up and become his own man,” said a source.

At least two other family members also voiced concerns to each other over the pace at which Harry’s relationship had moved. Meghan had often been the topic of conversation and gossip among them. When she arrived in the prince’s life, one senior royal referred to the American actress as “Harry’s showgirl”. Another told an aide, “She comes with a lot of baggage”. And a high-ranking courtier was overheard telling a colleague, “There’s just something about her I don’t trust.”

Harry was “aware of the talk”, a close friend of his said. “He’s extremely protective of Meghan. He understands that a lot of people are against them, and he will do everything he can to keep her safe and away from getting hurt — even if that means distancing himself from those people.”

Harry didn’t care what his family thought or said. “Nothing was going to get in the way of his happiness,” a source close to Harry and Meghan said. “He knew Meghan was right for him. Their love was real, and their feelings for each other were genuine. Everything else was noise.”

In the months after William talked to Harry about the relationship, the two hardly spoke. The brothers went from always making time for each other to spending barely any time together. Harry had always loved popping across the grounds of the palace to see George and Charlotte, bringing them gifts that included an electric SUV for his nephew and a tricycle for his niece. But those visits had come to a virtual halt by the summer of 2017. In fact, Harry had spent less time with Prince Louis than the others because of the growing tension between him and his brother after Louis’s birth on April 23, 2018. The distance came from both directions. Harry spent less time going over to see the children, but the invitations from William and Kate were the first to dry up.

Though it was not necessarily her responsibility, Kate did little to bridge the divide. She was fiercely loyal to her husband and his family.

Once Harry and Meghan were married, the gap between the brothers only widened. William and Kate’s feelings seemed obvious to the Sussexes that summer and beyond. Among all the friends and family Harry and Meghan hosted at their house in Oxfordshire between May 2018 and March 2019, the Cambridges failed to visit. “The invite was there,” a source said.

It was a far cry from how Harry had envisioned his future. The younger prince once told a friend that he had an image of getting married and spending time with William and Kate, the two couples together, their children best friends.

The friction between the brothers was one of several reasons Harry wanted to base his family in Windsor. “He wanted to get away from the goldfish bowl that was Kensington Palace,” a source said. “Everywhere you turn, you’re surrounded by staff and family. He was at a point in his life where he was working with his brother, doing the foundation with his brother and living by his brother. It was too much.”

High-ranking aides across all three royal households were so alarmed by the press coverage and speculation on social media about a rift between the brothers and their wives that they began openly discussing the impact it could have on the monarchy if things weren’t righted.

‘The Duke and Duchess of Sussex will move to Frogmore Cottage on the Windsor estate early next year as they prepare for the arrival of their first child,” the palace announced in November 2018 of their new home, a stone’s throw from Windsor Castle and just yards from Frogmore House, where they had held their wedding reception and engagement photoshoot. “Windsor is a very special place for their royal highnesses and they are grateful that their official residence will be on the estate.”

Frogmore was perfect for Harry and Meghan, given its connection to Windsor — but it wasn’t next door to William and Kate and their children. That was enough to set off the narrative of “Duelling duchesses” that took flight two days later.

Refusing to address incorrect rumours only reinforced them. Traditionally, the palace has had no comment when it comes to rumours, but the Sussexes felt it wasn’t afraid to bend the rules if it was to correct a story about higher-ranking family members. (Case in point: a spokesman went on the record in July 2019 to deny claims by a cosmetic clinic that Kate had had “baby Botox”.) Harry and Meghan were frustrated by this approach.

Meghan would agree with the assessment that the duchesses were not the best of friends. Their relationship hadn’t progressed much since she was Harry’s girlfriend. Although Meghan might have understood Kate’s wariness to strike up a meaningful friendship, they were still no closer by the time she was a fellow senior working member of the royal family and the wife of William’s brother. Flowers for her birthday were nice, but Meghan would far rather have had Kate check in on her during the most difficult times with the press.

But they were not at war with each other either. There were awkward moments, such as the day the women happened to cross paths at Kensington Palace (in early 2017, when Harry and Meghan were still only dating), and although both were heading out to go shopping — in the same street — Kate went in her own Range Rover. The truth was that Meghan and Kate just didn’t know each other that well. Although some aides claimed at the time that they “talked and texted regularly”, by the time of Harry and Meghan’s wedding the sisters-in-law had spent only a handful of occasions together.

At the outset of her romance with Harry, Meghan had fully expected Kate to reach out and give her the lie of the land on everything an outsider to the Firm needed to know. But that was not how things turned out. Meghan was disappointed that she and Kate hadn’t bonded over the position they shared, but she wasn’t losing sleep over it. According to a source, Kate felt they didn’t have much in common “other than the fact that they lived at Kensington Palace”.

The press continued to save its harshest criticism for Meghan. One story had a “furious” Kate intervening after Meghan “bollocked” a member of her staff. The Kensington Palace staff member was rumoured to be the deputy communications secretary, Katrina McKeever, who had left the palace after five years to explore new opportunities. Even Kensington Palace didn’t understand the bizarre story. McKeever left on a good note with the Sussexes, who sent her a handwritten letter and huge floral arrangement when she left.

It was open season on Meghan, with many looking for anything and everything to criticise. “Duchess Different,” a close friend of Meghan’s said. “That’s what people have a problem with. She’s the easiest person in the world to work with. Certain people just don’t like the fact she stands out.”

“This is a script that wrote itself as soon as you knew that an American actress was coming into the royal family,” another aide added.

Meghan felt as though some of the commentary and tabloid stories were more than a culture clash; they were sexist and prejudiced. If a man got up before dawn to work, he was applauded for his work ethic. If a woman did it, she was deemed difficult or “a bitch”. The double standard was exacerbated when it came to successful women of colour, often labelled demanding or aggressive.

Racism takes a different form in the UK from in America, but there is no mistaking its existence and how ingrained it is. A major theme of racism in the UK centres on the question of who is authentically “British”. It can come through in subtle acts of bias, micro-aggressions such as the palace staffer who told the biracial co-author of these words, “I never expected you to speak the way you do”, or the newspaper headline “Memo to Meghan: we Brits prefer true royalty to fashion royalty”. While the columnist was criticising Meghan for her Vogue editorials, there was another way to read it, which is that to be British meant to be born and bred in the UK — and be white.

There were reports that, before the wedding, Meghan had left Kate in tears following a bridesmaid fitting for Princess Charlotte. “Kate had only just given birth to Prince Louis and was feeling quite emotional,” a source said. There were reports that claimed Meghan’s “strict demands” caused Kate to cry.

A source, who was at the mid-May wedding fitting and has never discussed before what really happened, said stories about tears have been “puzzling” to those who were present. “Some of the children weren’t co-operating, and there was a lot going on. Everyone tried to help where they could, but it’s never easy with kids at fittings. There were no tears from anyone. And in the end, the fitting was fine. Kate and Meghan were both a little stressed but professionals in the room, and there were other people there.”

Those close to Meghan questioned whether someone from the palace or a former employee could have been behind the story, and wondered aloud why aides refused to set the record straight there and then. “There are people, whether they work with the family or are members of the family, that know that a lot of this stuff isn’t true, and aren’t allowed to say anything, like that ridiculous story about Meg and Catherine and the bridesmaids’ dresses,” a trusted confidant said. “That story was ridiculous and so false.”

At the time, though, a Kensington Palace aide said only that the women, who were both hurt by the accusations, were “very different people”.

Several aides across the royal households now confirm that there was no fitting that left the Duchess of Cambridge in tears.

The press continued to save its harshest criticism for Meghan. One story had her demanding spray-bottle air fresheners to spritz around “musty” St George’s Chapel (the Queen’s regular place of worship, which contains the Royal Vault) for her wedding day, horrifying Buckingham Palace officials. The truth was that the discreet Baies scented air diffusers for the chapel provided by Diptyque — much like the candles that Kate chose to scent Westminster Abbey for her 2011 nuptials — had been approved by all parties involved.
What I take from this is that Harry is extremely sensitive when it comes to what he perceives to be criticism. He’s a Virgo and so that wouldn’t be a surprise. However, I think when William said to Harry to “take time”, I believe Harry took this to mean that William didn’t like Meghan, when really all he was doing was saying “slow down, if she loves you then she will be happy to go at your pace”. Harry took it as an affront and dug his heels in. His relationship with Meghan turned into a way of “proving everyone wrong”, even though that isn’t what William meant at all.

The section of this excerpt referring to racism in the UK is somewhat confusing. The quote that they have included (“Brits prefer true royalty to fashion royalty”) is a criticism of Meghan collaborating with British Vogue (something many saw as a fame grab and inappropriate) - I don’t see anything racist about it. If Meghan really had experienced racism, then she would have been able to provide a better example than this. I don’t believe that she has struggled due to her being mixed race. Britain is a country where opportunity is given to everyone and we are one of the most tolerant countries in the World. Meghan has had a tough time because of the choices she has made whilst in the Royal Family, not because of any unconscious bias. I say that as someone that does believe unconscious bias exists, but I don’t feel that she has experienced it. I think that the Royal Family were more than welcoming to her. They might just have been a little guarded due to the pace their relationship was moving.

As for the sections of this about Kate, why is Kate obligated to be Meghan’s friend? We all have family members that we only see at family gatherings and with who the conversation never really moves past polite pleasantries. Surely Meghan isn’t suggesting that just because Kate is a woman that she should have made an effort - because if so, that’s actually sexist and as someone who calls herself a feminist, Meghan would do well to realise that. Kate is her own person and has more facets to her than simply just being biologically female. Kate has the free will to socialise with who she pleases. I read this in the sense that Meghan was upset that the paparazzi couldn’t get photos of them together shopping and so on. Meghan knows she would have received so much press attention if they were spotted socialising together.

The whinging continues...!
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Just a little preview of tomorrow when I gather the Mail have revealed that Judgment will be "handed down" in the injunctive application to restrain naming of their 5 "letter" Winesses.

Usually this happens: The Judgment will have been sent to the Barristers for both parties late yesterday afternoon. This is on the strict understanding that neither it nor its conclusions will be dislcosed any further. Although in Practice the Barrister tells the solicitor and they sort of hint at the outcome to the client "Its not gone entirely our way..." This is to allow the Parties representatives to try and agree consequential directions. These will be about the conditions either of the imposition of anonymity or its relaxation; or if either party Appeals what happens until the Appeal is heard. If either party Appeals the Court has to give leave which if they refuse (because they think an Appeal is hopeless) the losing party then has to make another Application to another judge for leave to Appeal. You can see why its all so absurdly expensive.

Speaking of which, also costs. The losing party will usually pay the winning parties costs of the Application which are usually assesed on the spot, and payable in weeks, although if they are very large and its complex they can be assesed by yet another specialist Court. It might also be that this hearing is where the Judge disposes of the apparently unresolved issue of who pays the costs of the Application lost in May, which would make sense.

Anything the parties cant agree will be determined at tomorrows hearing and whoever loses those arguments will also pay all or part of the costs of that hearing.

So Meghans perfect week could continue with game over on protecting the naming of her Witnesses and two expensive adverse costs orders. We can but hope.
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PS Not that I have any sympathy, but you can see just why people operating at David Sherbournes level earn their money and often burn out in the process. He has been fighting for Johnny Depp all week, preparing the next days cross examination and submissions overnight; and tomorrow with less than 24 hours notice he has to take instructions from Meghan, prepare and then spend yet another very difficult day in court arguing with another Oxford Double-First who put simply wants to humiliate and kill him....
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Scotch Mist

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I think the whole thing is a serious load of BS! I personally think Megan and Harry are the escape goats for aul Andy and whatever else is going on. I have noticed that every time something big happens in America in relation to the Epstein enquiry some thing trivial and absurd appears in the UK media taking front and centre page About Meg and Harry or Peirs Morgan goes off on one just to remind us how awful they are 🙄. I think Harry wanted out and the queen said I will give u an out one condition you help me with non stories to hide the big story! We are crying about Megan taking Harry away (let them go, what does it matter) and no one is shouting looking Andrew questioned or held accountable!
Sorry but I really think this is rubbish. I don't think Harry and Meghan are covering for Uncle Andy. Andrew is a disgusting old perve and I hope that I never see him again at any royal event but I also feel the same way about petulant Harry and his grifter wife. To suggest that the two scandals are linked and the Harkles are covering is nonsense.

The only possible link is Soho house and Meghan's yacht girl days. There are rumours that Meghan had met Andrew before. Still that hardly reflects well on her 😁
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Can they use this against her? Are they allowed to bring similar evidence into it?
They are. Its highly likely that one of the centrepieces of the Trial (if it gets that far) will be whether the "leaks" of the letter were orchestrated by the Claimant and...shazam...incontrovertible evidence its her modus operandi! More screwed than a Yachtgirl on a stopover in Dubai.
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Interesting perspective from Dominic Lawson; that Harry is the status obsessed one.

There is no way on earth Meghan would have been attracted to such a petulant, sub intelligent man child if he wasn’t a prince.
She would have known this wasn’t a marriage for life but a get rich quick scheme.
Hence all her US contacts being left in place, and the speed at which she ( the surrogate) produced Archie the collateral.

The video by Taz shows that Harry is in the devaluation stage. The next step is the inevitable discard. For a narc, the negative publicity is still fuel. Meghan is all over the press and that is what matters to her.

i think once COVID is over, she will have some kind of future in the US as a professional victim. I suspect she’s sitting it out and is pushing Harry’s buttons till he snaps. The book doesn’t paint him in a good light at all.

Hes going the way of Uncle Andrew; status obsessed and useless to the firm.
He could have had a brilliant job as President of the commonwealth ; but he’s pissed all over that with his woke BLM spoutings.

he’ll be back eventually, but will stay hidden from view.
Even if he has loads more therapy, he doesn’t have the intellectual capacity to process, benefit from and move on from the shitshow his life has turned into.

i think he was well hidden within the family and royal press pack and allowed out as the court jester. He has blown his own cover, because Meghan has made him believe he was more important; beyond his capabilities, so she could merch Sussex Royal in the US.

When Needy met Greedy has never been a more apt thread title.
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So the Harkles are now claiming they didn't want a 12 month review period but it was forced on them..

Anyone here think that's likely?

Full Story:

Harry and Meghan: Duke refused trial period because he wanted clean break
Prince had to be talked into 12-month review

The Duke of Sussex was so intent on quitting the royal family that he initially refused the offer of a trial period allowing him and the duchess the chance of returning to the UK, The Times can reveal.

His determination to make a clean break without the option of review after 12 months emerged after three days of revelations about the unhappiness felt by Harry and Meghan and the battles they fought with both family and senior courtiers.

Finding Freedom, which has been serialised in The Times and The Sunday Times, revealed how Harry believed that the “old guard” at Buckingham Palace disliked Meghan and wanted to make her life difficult.

The book, by Omid Scobie and Carolyn Durand, also told how the rift between Harry and his brother the Duke of Cambridge was sparked by William telling Harry: “Take as much time as you need to get to know this girl” — a remark which Harry felt was “snobbish”.

Sources on both sides of the family divide admitted that no one has emerged from the weekend’s coverage looking good — except the Queen. One said: “People are aware that this does not look good for anyone.”

Before the weekend palace insiders were nervously bracing themselves for the worst. Today, however, while several of them felt exhausted by the “uproar” of recent days, there was a palpable sense of relief that it had not been worse.
“I don’t think anyone looks at all of this with any particular happiness,” said one source.

However, a suggestion in one newspaper that the disclosures meant the couple had “torpedoed” their chances of creating a new position for themselves within the royal family were dismissed by more than one source.
For not only do Harry and Meghan show no sign of wanting to come back from their new home in California, but it has now emerged that Harry had to be persuaded into accepting the idea of a trial period in the first place.

The idea of the review was suggested so that the couple would know that the door was always open for them. The Queen had always made it clear to Harry that he would be able to come back if he changed his mind.

“He was adamantly opposed to the review process,” said a source. He took the view that he did not want the press to write that there would be a review, suggesting that therefore they might change their minds and come back.

He was also opposed to the idea because it had come from the institution, which in Harry’s view was enough to make it a bad idea.

The source said that “under no circumstances would they ever admit ‘this was a big mistake’.”

However, one source said the purpose of the review was not so much to allow them to come back, as to permit some flexibility about their future role.

A source close to the Sussexes said: “Do I rule out them taking on roles for the family in the future? Absolutely not.
“But a full-scale return soon is not likely. That is not down to animosity or anything like that. They have not yet reached what they were seeking to do.”
The source said that Harry’s relationship with his brother was not as bad as it was portrayed at its nadir in the book. “It is not perfectly smooth, but the uproar of the weekend makes it seem more fractured than it is.”
I have to laugh at the comments: "It speaks volumes that Harry & Meghan tell a one-sided story yet still come out of it looking like fools. It’s like playing football with the other side not turning up, and ending the game 0-5 down." :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
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They never chose Windsor. Not for one second. Will and Kate have most of KP and Amner Hall. Charles has Clarence House, Highgrove, Birkhall and Llwynywermod. Prince Andrew has Royal Lodge on the Windsor estate, Sophie and Edward have Bagshott Park, Princess Anne has the Gatcombe Estate. All are massive properties worth millions. Harry and Meghan weren't offered Frogmore House, they were offered a former staff cottage. I think that was when HM sent them a clear message that they weren't the "big shots" that they felt they deserved to be and what started the whole downward spiral because Meghan realised that she was never going to waft around a palatial English estate and/or a grand London residence and entertain Hollywood royalty from there.
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One of Aunties more embarassing vices is the online gossip blog D Listed which used to be hilarious but has become a bit woke and tiresome. Anyway the btl comments are a definite barometer of the opinions of a particular section of the US Public. Broadly, youngish, hippish, urban, anti-Trump and right-on. The demographic that the Smegs need to reach.

Originally the general tenor was "Shes a game girl struggling with the racist dinosaurs in George III's mangey empire".

Now - not so much! The general flavour is: "Fuck Right Off with your moany entitled bullshit; we fought our way out of all this bowing and scraping and weve moved on!!!!"

A small indication but if they think they have a ready audience and a future with the good and smart folks of America they are as ever seriously mistaken.
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Oh my! This is really something isn't it? Thank you all for sharing your brilliant minds🌸!
They are writing about this in Sweden aswell, I just saw one article mentioning that the Cambridges did try their best to make Smeagol feel welcome.
Poor W&K, this is like casting pearls to swine.

Regarding Scobie's age, I think 33 is the age he aim to freeze his face at, but it's not happening honey.
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Miss Havisham

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They are a pair of scruffy twats.
His hair looks unwashed and unkempt at the best of times, and she can’t be arsed either, scraggly hair and ill fitting clothes. Both of them spotted at important events, wearing battered shoes.

I am baffled at why MM could not have at least had a go at being part of the RF, at least for a few years. At least she could have tried to win a few people over by then.
As soon as the baby was born, she was off. No way H was not going to give in to her demands to leave, and allow her to return to the US with his child - he had to go with her.
Is this the best they could come up with, to justify their behaviour? William referring to her as a “girl”, during a private conversation with his own brother - and Catherine not doing enough for MM, just sending flowers and not being at their beck and call

The strangeness of her relationship with her father is deeply suspect. H never met him, would not have been difficult to visit him, he is her father after all. No sign of any awful behaviour from him before a few papped pics. Why did she decide that she had no family life, and that her father was so awful?
She had no intention of having him at her wedding.

The timeline of their relationship does not add up. They have come up with so many different versions of the dates they met / dated / became engaged, etc.

Not many folk are buying into their accusations against the royal family, that they have been unfairly treated, cast aside etc. It just comes across as ridiculous, entitled and manipulative.
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