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I WOKE TO a text from Jason.
Bad news.
What is it now?
The Mail on Sunday had printed the private letter Meg had written to her father. The letter that Granny and Pa urged her to write.
February 2019.
I was in bed, Meg was lying next to me, still asleep. I waited a bit, then broke the news to her softly.
Your father’s given your letter to the Mail.
Meg, I don’t know what to say, he’s given them your letter.
That moment, for me, was decisive. About Mr. Markle, but also about the press. There had been so many moments, but that for me was The One. I didn’t want to hear any more talk of protocols, tradition, strategy. Enough, I thought. Enough.
The paper knew it was illegal to publish that letter, they knew full well, and did it anyway. Why? Because they also knew Meg was defenseless. They knew she didn’t have the staunch support of my family, and how else could they have known this, except from people close to the family? Or inside the family?
There was nothing in that letter to be ashamed about. A daughter pleading with her father to behave decently? Meg stood by every word. She’d always known it might be intercepted, that one of her father’s neighbors, or one of the paps staking out his house, might steal his post. Anything was possible. But she never stopped to think her father would actually offer it, or that a paper would actually take it—and print it.
And edit it. Indeed, that might have been the most galling thing, the way the editors cut and pasted Meg’s words to make them sound less loving.
But the pain was compounded tenfold by the simultaneous interviews with alleged handwriting experts, who analyzed Meg’s letter and inferred from the way she crossed her Ts or curved her Rs that she was a terrible person.
Rightward slant? Over-emotional.
Highly stylized? Consummate performer.
Uneven baseline? No impulse control.
The look on Meg’s face as I told her about these libels rolling out…I knew my way around grief, and there was no mistaking it—this was pure grief. She was mourning the loss of her father, and she was also mourning the loss of her own innocence. She reminded me in a whisper, as if someone might be listening, that she’d taken a handwriting class in high school, and as a result she’d always had excellent penmanship. People complimented her. She’d even used this skill at university to earn spare money. Nights, weekends, she’d inscribed wedding and birthday-party invitations, to pay the rent. Now people were trying to say that this was some kind of window into her soul? And the window was dirty?
Meg wanted to sue. Me too. Rather, we both felt we had no choice. If we didn’t sue over this, we said, what kind of signal would that be sending? To the press? To the world? So we conferred again with the Palace lawyer. We were given a runaround.
I reached out to Pa and Willy. They’d both sued the press in the past over invasions and lies.
Pa sued over so-called Black Spider Letters, his memos to government officials. Willy sued over topless photos of Kate. But both vehemently opposed the idea of Meg and me taking any legal action. Why? I asked. They hummed and hahed. The only answer I could get out of them was that it simply wasn’t advisable. The done thing, etc.
I told Meg: You’d think we were suing a dear friend of theirs.

Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex.
Who says ‘excellent penmanship’???🤣 You’d more say ‘lovely handwriting’ wouldn’t you? He sounds like he’s stuck in a bloody Charles Dickens novel.
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I am surprised they even had gravy- isn't it so terribly British? Might have given her food poisoning...

Looking at the whole picture and all the accusations of racism etc.

They're now denying the RF is racist. However Harry himself has been racist on many occasions, but has also displaying shocking contempt for his own country.
The Sugars sites are hideous about Britain and how racist and backwards it is. Glass houses or what...
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Chatty Member
Why does he think every time he makes these grand pronouncements to his family at these meetings and is met with silence it's because they are stunned by his eloquence and reasonings rather than being stunned by his utter stupidity?
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Stephen Colbert asks "Would you like a cocktail before we begin?" and Harry enthusiastically responds 👇🍹🥳

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Churchill's Ghost

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As a veteran...I am offended by his words by his words about war
As a woman...I am offended by his words about other women
As a mother...I am offended by his words about others' children
As a wife...I am offended by his words about others' spouses
As a daughter...I am offended by his words about his father and stepmother
As a sister...I am offended by his words about his brother and sister-in-law
As a historian...I am offended by his words perverting history
As a human being...I am offended by his words about everyone who is not TW
As a writer...I am offended by his words*

There are only a few people in the world that I can honestly say that I would spit on if I ever saw there are two more. They are both the most vile, disgusting excuses of human garbage that I can imagine.

*I would love to hear the editors discussing this. I cannot believe that a single adult person thought that this was anything other than a putrid piece of trash
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I don't understand why all these pap photos from Canada USA UK and so on are never published anywhere? There should be 1000s according to him.
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Wackie Jeaver

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I am so cringed out, I've never felt so British in my life! Get a fucking grip you big wuss, apply your stiff upper lip. Or, as they say in the theatre (which Smegz probably doesnt know) "tits and teeth dear, tits and teeth!" AKA, just smile and get on with it.
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You know this will peak soon, then it will be free fall into oblivion, they can't keep moaning about family, the ace up the witches sleeve is divorce and she can keep it up for years. But Harry can't.
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Shite. Utter shite. If baby’s head is there, with cord around the neck, you’re not going for a c-section. They’ll loop it over once the head’s born, and baby will magically be fine. Drama for absolutely no reason.

Also, Meghan wouldn’t have been able to move her legs properly two hours after an epidural. More shite.

As an ex midwife i can catagorically state that if this is the case you STOP PUSHING and breathe.....good grief
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Harry ONLY focuses on the media. He’s stuck in his 12 year old self’s fixation on the media and that it is everything wrong within HIS world. He doesn’t even give his family the respect that they are able to react to everything for themselves…. No….he thinks they are reacting in a way only influenced by the media. I don’t usually comment on mental health issues but this idiot has drug induced paranoia (in my humble opinion, but I do have a Pysch degree 😬)
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IT FELT GLORIOUS TO watch an entire country fall in love with my wife.
South Africa, that is. September 2019.
Another foreign tour, representing the Queen, and another triumph.
From Cape Town to Johannesburg, people couldn’t get enough of Meg.
We both felt a bit more confident, therefore, a bit more courageous, just days before our return home, when we strapped on the battle armor and announced that we were suing three of the four British tabloids (including the one that printed Meg’s letter to her father) over their disgraceful conduct, and over their longstanding practice of hacking into people’s phones.
It was partially down to Elton and David. At the end of our recent visit they’d introduced us to a barrister, an acquaintance of theirs, a lovely fellow who knew more about the phone-hacking scandal than anyone I’d ever met. He’d shared with me his expertise, plus loads of open-court evidence, and when I told him I wished there was something I could do with it, when I complained that we’d been blocked at every turn by the Palace, he offered a breathtakingly elegant work-around.
Why not hire your own lawyer?
I stammered: You mean…are you telling me we could just…? What a thought. It had never occurred to me. I’d been so conditioned to do as I was told.

Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex.
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So he didn’t want to spend his own inheritance from his mum as it was meant to be and inheritance for his own children? God what a bloody luxury.
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Gerry o

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What’s with Lorraine laughing at the sham royal introduction trumpets that were on Stephen Colbert last night and then he joked they were for Tom Hank’s like it’s still disrespectful and she’s laughs like it’s a funny joke 🤦‍♀️She honestly drives me mad can’t hide that she’s a Harry and meg fan🙄
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Chatty Member
Wait, why is Harold so happy about this tour? This was when they feared for Sprog's life when a fire broke out the heater expired and Sprog was in grievous danger in the kitchen. And then, the evil aides refused to let them stay with Sprog but go on to their next engagement!!
Is Harold suggesting it wasn't as serious as 43 made out in her podcast to take attention from Serena Williams? SURELY NOT!
So basically, this isn’t Hazno’s autobiography, it’s Megz’s biography.
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With regards to the awful things being suggested on Twitter that Haz did in Afghanistan, surely the RF would still take action against libel (if the rumours aren't true) as it is quite damaging to their whole family. Obvs they aren't going to sue for libel, but do the RF send cease and desist letters? Then we would see these tweets being deleted, but currently a good few are still up I think

Also can any legal tattlers tell us possible reasons why Tom Bowers can't say why Doria was missing for 10 years? Surely if it were prison, that is a matter of public record anyhow.
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MEG AND I WERE ON THE phone with Elton John and his husband, David, and we confessed:
We need help. We’re sort of losing it here, guys.
Come to us, Elton said.
By which he meant their home in France. Summer 2019.
So we did. For a few days we sat on their terrace and soaked up their sunshine. We spent long healing moments gazing out at the azure sea, and it felt decadent, not just because of the luxurious setting. Freedom of any kind, in any measure, had come to feel like scandalous luxury. To be out of the fishbowl for even an afternoon felt like day release from prison.
One afternoon we took a scooter ride with David, around the local bay, down the coastal road. I was driving, Meg was on the back, and she threw out her arms and shouted for joy as we zoomed through little towns, smelt people’s dinners from open windows, waved to children playing in their gardens. They all waved back and smiled. They didn’t know us.
The best part of the visit was watching Elton and David and their two boys fall in love with Archie.
Often I’d catch Elton studying Archie’s face and I knew what he was thinking: Mummy. I knew because it happened so often to me as well. Time and again I’d see an expression cross Archie’s face and it would bring me up short. I nearly said so to Elton, how much I wished my mother could hold her grandson, how often it happened that, while hugging Archie, I felt her—or wanted to. Every hug tinged with nostalgia; every tuck-in touched with grief. Does anything bring you face-to-face with the past like parenthood?

Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex
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Sorry, but I simply must get this off my chest.
I'm really annoyed about the snarky sniping commenus made by Tattlers about Harry and Meghan, and their beautiful love story, as told in the book.

thanks to you lot, I've ruined two t shirts with tea being snorted and dribbled, and a pair of joggers when I laughed so much, spaghetti Bolognese landed in my lap! I demand compensation! Failing that, extra large bibs! Keep up the good work!!😂
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