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And I suspect him spinning the Taliban stuff on Colbert is him trying to save his Invictus position. Will be interesting to see if the MoD continue to support it.
As much as he irritates me, Pen Farthing or someone else in the military should set up an alternative to the Invictus Games, one that is in the UK. To insult the Royal family and then stand beside ex-soliders who got injured fighting for Queen and Country is a fucking joke.
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I’m a little unnerved by her silence/ not being papped going to the late show filming with him etc I must admit, I can’t decide whether it’s for optics that this is his thing so he wants to do everything regarding Spare on his own, or is something else afoot! I’d say maybe she was busy being mother whilst he was “working” but I can’t even stifle the laughter typing that out. It’s all just a bit iffy again for me.
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Weird addition to the thread from me, but yesterday I was talking to my therapist and I asked her what she'd thought of Prince Harry's interview. I mentioned this because the whole thing made me wonder about narcissists in my family and whether they believed the lies that they tell. My therapist then told me she'd felt a lot more empathy towards him since the interview. I'm genuinely questioning her intelligence now 😅
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I think the big news is about physical abuse by Richard Cranium against an American sex worker between June (after the Platty Jubes) and September. I know some ppl are like “Meh. Twitter is a cesspool,” but like SO many other things that seem to be baseless rumors, much has proven to be true. Apparently, he called the RF to help him out of this one and they said NO! And, apparently there’s some stories about Smegs about to be unloaded as well, so I guess we’ll just have to wait and see. People are NOT holding back anymore, and thank GOD!!
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Come on guys you are being unfair, of course Meghan left the hospital an hour after the was the rumoured surrogate who had to stay in hospital for 24 hrs. :ROFLMAO:
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Why is he pissed off that Charles, William and Camilla went to Birkhall on the day the Queen died and he had to have dinner with the rest of his family?

Ok, maybe C, C and W should have dined with ALL the family who were there but why should he have joined them if the rest of the family didnt???
On that day, the family lost a beloved family member. Life would change in many ways, but in many ways would go on as usual.m,
Charles was now King, a whole new life, responsibilities. Camilla would be Queen , something she never wanted. William was now POW with responsibility for the Duchy of Cornwall.
No wonder they wanted to be on their own. And the last thing they need was a “what’s in it for me” whinging brat.
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Rita Chevrolet

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What a bunch of lickspittles! :ROFLMAO:

Tell me, am I alone in being extremely irritated by the so-called writing style this rubbish has been released in?

Its just a collection of bullet points, ie
* I said to Megan.............................
* Granny told me................
* I cried...................
* Blah-de-blah-blah..................

You'd think with his education he could manage somewhat better than this childish nonsense
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Chatty Member
This is the weirdest part of the book for me
They are in Tyler Perry house.
In the front hall was a painting he (Archie) found especially interesting.
He started every day locked on to it. A scene from ancient Rome. We asked each other why. No clue.
Not long after those first steps Archie went marching up to his favorite painting in the front hall.
He stared at it, made a gurgle of recognition. Meg leaned in for a closer look.
She noticed, for the first time, a nameplate on the frame.
Goddess of the hunt. Diana.
Thanks for all of your hard work, there's no way I would buy or read that drivel, but having it in small bite size chunks is awesome. Now I've been reading through them and as with everyone else, have been gobsmacked, angry, sick and mostly having a right good laugh. This paragraph though has actually stopped me in my tracks, the magical lock of hair and singing to the seals, yep totally ott, weird and simultaneously hilarious, but to imply that Archie, at under 1 year old, somehow connected to the painting with a very tenuous link to the saintly Diana, is words.
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I WAS SUMMONED TO Buckingham Palace. A lunch with Granny and Pa.
The invitation was contained in a terse email from the Bee, and the tone wasn’t: Would you mind popping around? It was more: Get your arse over here. I threw on a suit, jumped into the car.
The Bee and the Wasp were the first faces I saw when I walked into the room. An ambush. I thought this was to be a family lunch. Apparently not. Alone, without my staff, without Meg, I was confronted directly about my legal action.
My father said it was massively damaging to the reputation of the family.
How so?
It makes our relationship with the media complicated.
Complicated. There’s a word.
Anything you do affects the whole family.
One could say the same about all your actions and decisions. They affect us as well.
Like, for instance, wining and dining the same editors and journalists who’ve been attacking me and my wife…
The Bee or the Wasp jumped in to remind me: One has to have a relationship with the press…Sir, we’ve talked about this before!
A relationship yes. But not a sordid affair. I tried a new tack.
Everyone in this family has sued the press, including Granny. Why’s this any different?
Chirping crickets. Silence. There was some more wrangling, and then I said:
We had no other option. And we wouldn’t have had to do it if you’d all protected us. And protected the monarchy in the process. You’re doing a
disservice to yourselves by not protecting my wife.

I looked around the table. Stony faces.
Was it incomprehension? Cognitive dissonance? A long-term mission at play? Or…did they really not know? Were they so deep inside a bubble inside a bubble that they really hadn’t fully appreciated how bad things were?
-For instance, Tatler magazine quoting an old Etonian saying I’d married Meg because “foreigners” like her are “easier” than girls “with the right background.”
-Or the Daily Mail saying Meg was “upwardly mobile,” because she’d gone from “slaves to royalty” in just 150 years.
-Or the social media posts about her being a “yacht girl” and an “escort,” or calling her a “gold-digger,” and “a whore,” and “a bitch,” and “a slut,” and the N-word—repeatedly.
Some of those posts were in the comments section on the pages of all three Palaces’ social media accounts—and still hadn’t been expunged.
-Or the tweet that said: “Dear Duchess, I’m not saying that I hate you but I hope your next period happens in a shark tank.
- Or the revelation of racist texts from Jo Marney, girlfriend of UKIP leader Henry Bolton, including one saying that my “black American” fiancée would “taint” the Royal Family, setting the stage for “a black king,” and another averring that Ms. Marney would never have sex with “a Negro.” “This is Britain, not Africa.”
-Or the Mail complaining that Meg couldn’t keep her hands off her baby bump, that she was rubbing it and rubbing it as if she were a succubus.
Things had got so out of hand, seventy-two women in Parliament, from both main parties, had condemned the “colonial undertones” of all newspaper coverage of The Duchess of Sussex.
None of these things had merited one comment, public or private, from my family.
I knew how they rationalized it all, saying it was no different from what Camilla got. Or Kate.
But it was different.
One study looked closely at four hundred vile tweets about Meg. Employing a team of data specialists and computer analysts the study found that this avalanche of hate was wildly atypical, light-years from anything directed at Camilla or Kate. A tweet calling Meg “the queen of monkey island” had no historical precedent or equivalent. And this wasn’t about hurt feelings or bruised egos. Hate had physical effects. There was a ton of science showing how unhealthy it is to be publicly hated and mocked. Meanwhile, the wider societal effects were even scarier.
Certain kinds of people are more susceptible to such hate, and incited by it. Hence the package of suspicious white powder that had been sent to our office, with a disgusting racist note attached.
I looked at Granny, looked around the room, reminded them that Meg and I had been coping with a wholly unique situation, and doing it all by ourselves.
Our dedicated staff was too small, too young, grossly underfunded.
The Bee and the Wasp harrumphed and said we should’ve let it be known that we were under-resourced. Let it be known?
I said I’d begged them repeatedly, all of them, and one of our top aides had sent in pleas as well—multiple times.
Granny looked directly at the Bee and the Wasp: Is this true?
The Bee looked her right in the eye, and, with the Wasp nodding vigorously in assent, said: Your Majesty, we never received any of these requests for support.

Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex
Really horrible people write really horrible stuff about people on social media. You’d have to have been living under a rock your whole life not to understand this. You don’t even have to be a public figure, just stick your head above the parapet on an issue and comment and you will get a load of abuse. What I don’t understand is why you would read it. Going by this excerpt from the book he and TW seem to have spent an inordinate amount of time trawling SM for offensive comments. What purpose, other than to be outraged/upset, does this serve?
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So H prints his book with his truths yet when anyone, press or public, question it or challenge it, he claims 'press took it out of context'
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Chatty Member
He writes only about night when they went to Royal Albert Hall, but later there is no mention of suicide, depression or that she went to therapy after they fled.
Fails to mention that they got booed that night at the Albert Hall and both were very pissed off. I think the suicide story was meant to make all the howwid people who booed feel very mean to poor little them and I never believed a word of it, obviously a story created after the fact.
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Scotch Mist

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Imagine if Diana was still alive and possibly married to someone else by now I bet she would also be criticised by Harold in the book along with Charles. His obsession with her is extremely creepy, taking a picture of her to a hospital when Smegz is collecting the sprog from the surrogate giving birth, Archie loving a painting of Diana (yeah sure) he would only like it if it's in cartoon form, keeping her hair by his bed, seeing her everywhere FFS it's unbelievable 🙄
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Harry ONLY focuses on the media. He’s stuck in his 12 year old self’s fixation on the media and that it is everything wrong within HIS world. He doesn’t even give his family the respect that they are able to react to everything for themselves…. No….he thinks they are reacting in a way only influenced by the media. I don’t usually comment on mental health issues but this idiot has drug induced paranoia (in my humble opinion, but I do have a Pysch degree 😬)
I think we're all assuming that at 12 years old chronologically Harry was also at 12 years old developmentally. I don't think so anymore. I bet he was probably somewhere around 8 years old developmentally when his mother died. (Or who knows what age but definitely already delayed.)

He trots out Diana's death as an excuse for every and any inappropriate behavior. Awful at polo and takes it out on his horse? "It's because mummy died and after that I developed anger issues blahblahblah."
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Is that a piss take? It might be the same bit of cord but no way did he have that when the confrontation took place……for a start the sprogs weren’t born! So, the confrontation episode should read that William broke a bit of black cord?
Like Triggers broom in Only Fools and Horses, it’s the same necklace even though he’s replaced the cord and the bits dangling from it are different but it’s definitely the same necklace 😂
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Hours after Grandpa’s funeral.
I’d been walking with Willy and Pa for about half an hour, but it felt like one of those days-long marches the Army put me through when I was a new soldier. I was beat.
We’d reached an impasse. And we’d reached the Gothic ruin. After a circuitous route we’d arrived back where we’d begun.
Pa and Willy were still claiming not to know why I’d fled Britain, still claiming not to know anything, and I was getting ready to walk away. Then one of them brought up the press.
They asked about my hacking lawsuit.
They still hadn’t asked about Meg, but they were keen to know how my lawsuit was going, because that directly affected them.
Still ongoing.
Suicide mission, Pa mumbled.
Maybe. But it’s worth it. I’d soon prove that the press were more than liars, I said. That they were lawbreakers. I was going to see some of them thrown into jail. That was why they were attacking me so viciously: they knew I had hard evidence. It wasn’t about me, it was a matter of public interest.
Shaking his head, Pa allowed that journalists were the scum of the earth. His phrase.
I snorted.
There was always a but with him when it came to the press, because he hated their hate, but oh how he loved their love.
One could make the argument that therein lay the seeds of the whole problem, indeed all problems, going back decades.
Deprived of love as a boy, bullied by schoolmates, he was dangerously, compulsively drawn to the elixir they offered him.
He cited Grandpa as a sterling example of why the press wasn’t anything to get too vexed about.
Poor Grandpa had been abused by the papers for most of his life, but now look.
He was a national treasure!
The papers couldn’t say enough good things about the man.
So that’s it, then? Just wait till we’re dead and all will be sorted?
If you could just endure it, darling boy, for a little while, in a funny way they’d respect you for it.
I laughed.
All I’m saying is, don’t take it personally.

Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex.
Jesus he really despises his father, KC3 cones across as very wise in his dealings with the press
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On today’s episode of “it’s everyone else’s fault but mine!”
I'm worried going to blamed personally at some point for the absolutely terrible life 666 has had "and then Fatpiggy of Tattle said something mean about us and my wonderful wife collapsed into a weeping pile (again, because she's such a strong feminist but also; a delicate creature who feels every slight like a dagger to the heart) and I knew I had to protect Aldi and Lidl and my darling, talented, young wife from the evils of misinformation".🤣🤣xx
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Has anyone else noticed how he uses womens names like Angela and Pat but when describing similar men in authority get abreviations or nicknames like Mr. R or the Fly, Wasp and Bee? Wonder why that is, how curious
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I removed two ornaments, soft little corgis, and brought them back to the staffers. One each. Souvenir of this strange mission, I said. They were touched. But a bit guilty. I assured them: No one will miss ’em. Words that seemed double-edged.
So he’s a thief as well. Worra cunt! :mad:
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