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Maybe he's too young to remember the anti-drugs campaign "Just Say No"! I have no sympathy for his drug-addled arse, I know addiction is a terrible thing, and you have to want the help to overcome it, but honestly with him I just cant go there.
If he had the help and support of a family he might eventually overcome his drug habit, but he hasn't. If the MIL and TW are drug users then he is just the bank to supply the money for their habit. From what is written in the book it looks like Wills tried to help him see sense on more than one occasion but he didn't want it or is/was too drugged up to realise that is what he needs. Without any close friends, or family now, to tell him what a fool he is making of himself he is out on a limb and will carry on like this for the foreseeable future.
As you say you have want the help to overcome it and, at the moment, he seems to be enjoying life and all the attention he is getting. He has become 'top dog', the most talked about and interviewed member of the RF, everybody is interested in him and not his brother, he is high on the drugs, the adrenaline, the fame. He is lapping this up and there will be no way he wants this to change.
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I'm still gobsmacked at watching Tom Bower's revelations on gb news last night that H has been a drug addict for 25 years, is still using and that Doria was a drug dealer! That's why her and,TM split up. And that she was missing for 10 years but legally he can't say anymore about that.

He's an experienced lawyer himself. Can't wait for other journos to pick this up
Thomas Markle was on coke as well, wasn’t he? I’m sure I read an interview somewhere where he said that it was common among film crews and cast to push through long nights with a line of snow?
What if Doria were his supplier?
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Thinking further about this. She has an induction, and an epidural , then gives birth and then is sitting at home 2 hours later. Would this be Frogmore cottage ? How long does it take to get from the Portland Hospital to Windsor ?
An hour and a half. :unsure: 🙄

Never believed she was pregnant, that moonbump was up, then further down, then up, at each public engagement.

Nothing adds up, the miscarriage in November 2020, them carrying the remains out of the hospital and burying them under a banyam tree, Harry digging with his bare hands. Then Megraine giving birth in June 2021, a mere 7 months after said miscarriage.

The need to read up on gestation times, none of these dates, timelines add up. Either that or it is a miraculous conception, pregnancy and birth.

They probably believe they are Jesus and Mary, visited by three kings who followed a star. 👼
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I’m still shaking my head in disbelief at what I have heard and read. If life is so good and the RF and the UK so bad why does he want any part of it? But yet here he is still gripping on to the Titles, willing to help with the Commonwealth, wanting his Pa and his brother back, reconciliation …… if I had been treated like ‘his truth’ tells us I would have turned my back on all of it and walked off into the sunset.
If he has been taking drugs for 25 years then I fear there will be no way back and it will all end in tragedy. He appears to not want help, or is being prevented from getting the right help he needs, and is on the slippery slope. Seeing him like this and having to just stand and watch must be heartbreaking for his family.

He seems to be thorough enjoying the publicity right now. He looks positively gleeful in the clips with Stephen Colbert.

He has spewed vitriol and hatred at pretty much everyone who ever crossed his path, including or indeed especially his family.
What happens when all of the publicity dies down?
He has not alone burnt bridges, he has nuked them.

I know Tom Bowers described him as really unintelligent, but my goodness, Harry is really intent on proving him right.

This also springs to mind - "It is better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt" - Abraham Lincoln.
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So he expected the British taxpayer to continue funding his security in another country. And he would grace us with his presence for ceremonies and events. Not opening a sewerage factory on a wet PP did.
His lack of self awareness is astounding. Just as much as his sense of entitlement. 🙄
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Just reading this thread. Catching up. I've got to the post about when Harry and Megan go to see Elton John.
"The azure sea" It's not a GCSE creative writing piece.... 🙄
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He got one hell of an applause as he bounded onto the Colbert stage, with screams from the crowd as they chanted "Harry, Harry, Harry!"
View attachment 1873337
Except audiences on all talk shows are given instructions on how they are to respond guests. Nothing is spontaneous. Even placards are held up to remind them to clap and shout as if it were the Second Coming after a guest is announced. Partly to build up the guest and partly to show how awesome the host is by getting such a catch to appear on his show.

American showbiz, folks.

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He's seriously mental , I just thought they were narcissists and entitled before but what the hell ?! And the bit about sparing his dad's life he's unhinged.
That's why I believe William was so worried about him as he went through it all with Diana. People have Diana on a pedestal but she was not a well woman mentally.
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LATE AT NIGHT, WITH everyone asleep, I’d walk the house, checking the doors and windows.
Then I’d sit on the balcony or the edge of the garden and roll a joint.
The house looked down onto a valley, across a hillside thick with frogs. I’d listen to their late-night song, smell the flower-scented air.
The frogs, the smells, the trees, the big starry sky, it all brought me back to Botswana. But maybe it’s not just the flora and fauna, I thought.
Maybe it’s more the feeling of safety. Of life. We were able to get a lot of work done. And we had a lot of work to do.
We launched a foundation, I reconnected with my contacts in world conservation.
Things were getting under control…and then the press somehow learned we were at Tyler’s.
It had taken six weeks exactly, same as Canada.
Suddenly there were drones overhead, paps across the street. Paps across the valley. They cut the fence. We patched the fence. We stopped venturing outside. The garden was in full view of the paps. Next came the helicopters. Sadly, we were going to have to flee.
We’d need to find somewhere new, and soon, and that would mean paying for our own security.
I went back to my notebooks, started contacting security firms again.
Meg and I sat down to work out exactly how much security we could afford, and how much house.
Exactly then, while we were revising our budget, word came down: Pa was cutting me off.
I recognized the absurdity, a man in his mid-thirties being financially cut off by his father.
But Pa wasn’t merely my father, he was my boss, my banker, my comptroller, keeper of the purse strings throughout my adult life. Cutting me off therefore meant firing me, without redundancy pay, and casting me into the void after a lifetime of service. More, after a lifetime of rendering me otherwise unemployable. I felt fatted for the slaughter. Suckled like a veal calf.
I’d never asked to be financially dependent on Pa.
I’d been forced into this surreal state, this unending Truman Show in which I almost never carried money, never owned a car, never carried a house key, never once ordered anything online, never received a single box from Amazon, almost never traveled on the Underground. (Once, at Eton, on a theater trip.)
Sponge, the papers called me. But there’s a big difference between being a sponge and being prohibited from learning independence.
After decades of being rigorously and systematically infantilized, I was now abruptly abandoned, and mocked for being immature?
For not standing on my own two feet?
The question of how to pay for a home and security kept Meg and me awake at nights.
We could always spend some of my inheritance from Mummy, we said, but that felt like a last resort. We saw that money as belonging to Archie. And his sibling.
It was then that we learned Meg was pregnant.

Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex.
Never owned a car but had the unlimited, unrestricted use of luxury cars since learning to drive. Never carried money but could buy weed and coke whenever he wanted it? And you weren't made redundant, FFS, you chose to leave your employment.
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Apparently the Quora post which originally said that this assault story would be coming out has been updated. Since it hasn't yet come out it's a "I'll believe it when I see it" situation, but if its true he asked the RF for help, for this latest alleged incident, and they said no, fair play to them. View attachment 1874888
They made that update last night.

Allegedly, Hazz did something terrible to a woman in California, he’s allegedly got form for doing this kind of thing before, and allegedly Markle has been using lawyers to bully and intimidate the alleged victim into silence. Allegedly.

Apparently, this will all be made public “shortly”.

While I’m definitely super sceptical about this whole thing, some things have been kind of weird recently:

1.) Lady C said the palace was trying to keep a “huge, huge, huge, HUGE” story from coming out in the video she posted yesterday.
2.) There have been rumours that Charles and William will no longer accept Harry’s calls, not even through their aides, and instead has to speak to them through their lawyers/solicitors.
3.) Harry’s minders with the glock cases, Harry looking even more twitchy than usual.
4.) Where the fuck is Peg? I know Montecito is currently going the way of Atlantis, but even before the flooding, she’s been conspicuously absent from all of this book furore, which isn’t like her.

Again, I am taking all of this with a massive heap of scepticism, but I just thought I would list why some people are seeing it as credible right now.
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I'll be honest I'm not arsed whether doria went to prison or not, who cares. I agree it's hypocritical if it's been covered up and they've thrown all of other family members under the bus, including her dad of course- but I don't really get what 'outing' her would do.
I think it would demonstate two things. That the family went to great lengths not to embarrass Mehgan and protect her and Doria. They kept that secret.

And two, if Harry has indeed struggled most of his life with substance abuse, any family would have some concerns with him marrying a woman who passed out bags of weed at her previous wedding, and had a Mother who was jailed for selling drugs.
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Scotch Mist

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“ I also set a framed photo of my mother on a little table. Meg’s idea.”

Dear God. She really has infantilised him, trapped him and parentified herself, hasn’t she? I actually find this incredibly disturbing - it’s like 550 pages of Stockholm Syndrome. When she starts degrading him in preparation for dumping him, he’s going to need to be sectioned. I’m not taking the piss, here - I do think he’ll absolutely implode, and it will be horrible to watch.

😳 I found that really creepy
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Maybe because we were an ocean away from the old chaos and stress.
When the big day came we were both surer, calmer—steadier.
What bliss, we said, not having to worry about timing, protocols, journalists at the front gate.
We drove calmly, sanely to the hospital, where our bodyguards once again fed us. This time they brought burgers and fries from In-N-Out. And fajitas from a local Mexican restaurant for Meg. We ate and ate and then did the Baby Mama dance around the hospital room.
Nothing but joy and love in that room.
Still, after many hours Meg asked the doctor: When?
Soon. We’re close.
This time I didn’t touch the laughing gas. (Because there was none.)
I was fully present. I was with Meg through every push. When the doctor said it was a matter of minutes, I told Meg that I wanted mine to be the first face our little girl saw. We knew we were having a daughter.
Meg nodded, squeezed my hand. I went and stood beside the doctor.
We both crouched. As if about to pray.
The doctor called out: The head is crowning. Crowning, I thought. Incredible.
The skin was blue. I worried the baby wasn’t getting enough air. Is she choking?
I looked at Meg. One more push, my love! We’re so close.
Here, here, here, the doctor said, guiding my hands, right here.
A scream, then a moment of pure liquid silence.
It wasn’t, as sometimes happens, that past and future were suddenly one.
It was that the past didn’t matter, and the future didn’t exist.
There was only this intense present, and then the doctor turned to me and shouted: Now!
I slid my hands under the tiny back and neck. Gently, but firmly, as I’d seen in films, I pulled our precious daughter from that world into this, and cradled her just a moment, trying to smile at her, to see her, but honestly, I couldn’t see anything.
I wanted to say: Hello.

I wanted to say: Where have you come from?
I wanted to say: Is it better there?

Is it peaceful? Are you frightened? Don’t be, don’t be, all will be well. I’ll keep you safe.
I surrendered her to Meg. Skin to skin, the nurse said.
Later, after we’d brought her home, after we’d settled into all the new rhythms of a family of four, Meg and I were skin to skin and she said: I’ve never been more in love with you than in that moment.
She jotted some thoughts in a kind of journal. Which she shared.
-I read them as a love poem. I read them as a testament, a renewal of our vows. I read them as a citation, a remembrance, a proclamation. I read them as a decree.
She said: That was everything.

She said: That is a man. My love.
She said: That is not a Spare

Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex.
That is a man. My love. That is not a spare. Oh my god 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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Chatty Member
He talks about them wanting to leave the UK as they feared for their life's due to the press/media.

Then proceeds to talk about the press cutting through the fence at the mansion they are staying at (in America)

The invasion of sea boats full of paps
( in America)

The fast car chases with the paps in Toronto (again in America)

Seems to me all they had to fear from the UK press were some disapproving stories from time to time.... They seem to be being harassed more in their safe haven in the US
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I RANG GRANNY on January 3.
We’re coming back to Britain, I said. We’d love to see you. I told her explicitly that we hoped to discuss with her our plan to create a different working arrangement.
She wasn’t pleased. Neither was she shocked. She knew how unhappy we were, she’d seen this day on the horizon. One good chat with my grandmother, I felt, would bring this ordeal to an end.
I said: Granny, are you free?
Yes, of course! I’m free all week. The diary is clear.

That’s great. Meg and I can come up for tea and then drive back to London. We have an engagement at Canada House the next day.
You’ll be exhausted from the travel. Do you want to stay here?
By “here” she meant Sandringham.
Yes, that would be easier, and I told her so.
That would be lovely, thank you. Are you planning to see your father too?
I asked, but he said it’s impossible. He’s in Scotland and can’t leave until the end of the month.
She made a little sound. A sigh or a knowing grunt.
I had to laugh.
She said: I have only one thing to say about that.
Your father always does what he wants to do.
Days later, January 5, as Meg and I boarded a flight in Vancouver, I got a frantic note from our staff, who’d received a frantic note from the Bee. Granny wouldn’t be able to see me.
Initially Her Majesty thought this would be possible, it will not…The Duke of Sussex cannot come to Norfolk tomorrow.
Her Majesty will be able to arrange another mtg this month.
No announcements about anything shall be issued until such a meeting takes place.
I said to Meg: They’re blocking me from seeing my own grandmother.
When we landed I considered driving straight to Sandringham anyway. To hell with the Bee. Who was he to try to block me?
I imagined our car being stopped at the gate by Palace police. I imagined smashing past security, the gate snapping across the bonnet. Diverting fantasy, and a fun way to spend the trip from the airport, but no. I’d have to bide my time.
When we reached Frogmore I rang Granny again.
I imagined the phone ringing on her desk. I could actually hear it in my mind, brrrang, like the red phone in the VHR tent. Troops in Contact!
Then I heard her voice.
Hi, Granny, it’s Harry. Sorry, I must have misunderstood you the other day when you said you didn’t have anything going on today.
Something came up that I wasn’t aware of. Her voice was strange.
Can I pop in tomorrow then, Granny?
Um. Well. I’m busy all week. At least, she added, that was what the Bee told her…
Is he in the room with you, Granny?
No answer.

Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex.
Christ on a bike, he's even divulging the Queen’s conversation now.
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He is loving it isn’t he?All the attention, the faux fawning.He actually believes these people think he is great.
Yes, it's quite fucking sickening to watch. Still, the higher he flies the harder the crash will be. Once they've milked him, they'll turn and destroy him. I cannot fucking WAIT for that day.
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