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BIB - That's what makes me shake my head - seriously - he grew up with the whole thing, how the, what the...😂 words fail me.

And when Meghan was having suicidal thoughts, he said he felt ashamed.

But he was ashamed of his family because they 'neglected' them!!!

Er, grown man with access to big money and private doctors feels ashamed of his family because they didn't help his wife.
A wife who crows about being an independant woman who couldn't call a doctor for herself.

If, of course, she did have suicidal thoughts.

Harry you tosser, you married her.
You brought her into the Firm.
You should be ashamed of nobody but yourself.
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Worst than that. She thought Hazza and her were in the same league as William and Catherine. I think that was a huge disappointment to her and where the nastiness comes from her for them. For that I truly hate Hazza. William has always been a great big bro to him and Catherine has always been so kind and loving. Hazza is truly a dick letting this malicious hate towards W&C happen. I felt sad when I read how the monachy is on William‘s shoulders to carry because of his selfish brother. I have known it and have said it myself but to actually read it in a snippet from Bowers book made me sad. Such a burden for William. Its not bloody fair and a lot of it is because of horrid Hazza and Megabitch.

I think the behaviour we witnessed from Peter Phillips, David Linley and Mike and Zara Tindall at the church service shows us that William has some loyal people to help him bear the burden.

They have his back.
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@Chita, you are a genius at capturing them so perfectly in every detail. I would say it is a caricature, but, honestly, it is hard to parody people who are already parodies

A cartoonist takes a feature and exaggerates it for comedy effect and I suppose comedy/satire is a bit cruel, but they trashed the Queen's parenting and disrespected her and the ailing Prince Philip.
So they deserve it.
They are shits.

Tom Bower's book is called revenge.
Meghan and Harry take revenge on anyone who doesn't worship them.
The cartoons are my way of piercing their inflated ego in the hope they will take a look at themselves and make amends.
Chita's revenge on behalf of the Queen.
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I may be in the minority, but given the choice between sitting next to a jolly, somewhat offensive, extrovert telling insensitive jokes or sitting next to a whining, self-pitying fool who wants to drone on about his mental health and family problems…I’ll take the jokester..
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From The Sun article.

"And she responded to Vanity Fair saying Meghan would be delighted but didn't want a piece about her - it should represent Meghan as a major actor and especially as an activist and philanthropist. "


No one mentioned the book would be comedy ☺
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By being late, they can make the grand entrance. 'The event can begin, the Duchess has arrived'.. its incredibly rude, and at the Jubilee service, their grand procession up to the 2nd Row was very embarrassing for them. it was delicious to watch, but humiliating.
Actually this just shows how stale and fusty the Snarkles are. They think they're a cool young dynamic couple but they're dated - hair plugs, implants, wigs and both botoxed like hamsters. Arriving late in polyester to make an entrance was in the old days cool and glamorous but it's the height of bad manners and crass and has of course always been a no-no for the Royals. Ditto correctly fitting underwear a must.
This is the worst bra I have ever seen.

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I was thinking similar. Haz’s old mates definitely seem to live in a ‘bygone age’ of toffs joking about everybody or anything not in their ‘world’ and no doubt some of their comments were out of order, but as a newcomer to the group, to me, it would have made more sense to just make my excuses and leave. She wanted everyone to conform to her opinions and no doubt expected adoration and all attention on her so her giving off was probably more to do with getting people to listen to HER. She also didn’t want to risk leaving him with his mates cos they could have talked some sense into him (maybe). All of this is just my opinion though.
But what’s important here is the pattern. THE PATTERN!

Over and over she comes into situations, his friends, his family, the RF business, the fashion ad shoot…and from the first MINUTE…she demands POWER. She corrects and demeans everyone. She thinks herself such a superior being. These stories, all taken together, show a very disturbed individual with a raging personality disorder in my opinion.
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New article in Sun has more…

“Harry explained that Meghan refused to tele- phone Thomas Markle because she suspected that ‘his phone was not in his possession’ and ‘his email account was compromised’.
“The inconsistencies of Meghan’s excuses not only irritated Charles but perhaps also the Queen.”
Bower reveals that Prince Charles, Harry and Meghan gathered for the call during a break together at the Castle of Mey, the Queen’s Mother’s former home in Caithness, Scotland. The Queen, now 96, was on the other end.
He writes: “She joined Charles in a conference call with Meghan and Harry. At the outset, Charles and his mother urged Meghan to fly to America for a reconciliation.”
Meghan could not accept the suggestion, saying: “It was completely unrealistic to think I could fly discreetly to Mexico, arrive unannounced at his doorstep (as I had no means of secure communication with my father), to a location and residence I had never visited or known, in a small border town . . . and somehow hope to speak privately to my father with- out causing a frenzy of media attention and intrusion that could bring more embarrassment to the Royal Family.”
The conference call ended with both the senior royals vexed.
“I was especially sensitive to this” Meghan later admitted, “as I had very recently married into the fam- ily and was eager to please them.”
In turn, Harry fretted that Meghan needed protection. He sympathised with her resentment about the Palace’s keen sense of deference and hierarchy, saying: “They fundamentally don’t under- stand.”
Within two years, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex would announce on Instagram that they were stepping back as “senior” members of the Royal Family and becoming financially independent.
The new book details the build-up to Megxit, how the couple thought they had Diana’s “magic”, how Meghan believed she should star as a campaigner and how “The Sussex brand” would offer the same global opportunities enjoyed by Barack Obama and his wife Michelle.
Bower says Meghan felt William and Kate were failing to offer the recognition and generosity she deserved, plus she hated the comparisons with the Duchess of Cambridge.
Bower writes: “Meghan was angry that Palace officials refused to protect her image. She refused to accept that staff were not employed to promote her as an individual, but instead placed her within the grid of the entire Royal Family.
"In particular, Meghan fumed about the refusal officially to criticise Thomas Markle. From her perspective, Meghan was isolated, vulnerable and stifled by conventions.”
The book says Meghan “hated the comparisons with uncomplaining Kate” and, in turn, Kate “regarded her neighbour as dismissive of other people”. Bower says: “Meghan’s manner towards her staff had become self-centred, manipulative and demanding.”
He continues: “Meghan became increasingly fragile, demanding that the Palace staff view the world from her perspective. In self-defence, she demanded retaliation against her critics.”
On Friday, October 12, 2018, at Princess Eugenie’s wedding reception, Meghan revealed she was pregnant. Two days later, the Sussexes flew to Sydney, Australia, and received an amazing reception.
But Bower writes: “Meghan was allegedly abrasive towards her four female staff and even towards the local British diplomats. According to one report, Meghan allegedly threw a cup of tea into the air. Her anger may have been partly fuelled by Harry. Every night he trawled social media, searching for snide comments on the internet. Every morning he and Meghan turned on their phones to surf the internet.
“Thin-skinned, they were inflamed by the slightest criticism. Then, both bombarded their staff with demands for retribution and removal of the criticism.”
Lawyers on behalf of Meghan have repeatedly denied that she bullied palace staff or aides.
Thomas had spoken out again. This time detailing how he “heard the baby announcement on the car radio”. Plus there were reports about one of Meghan’s outfits costing thousands of pounds. The book details how she was “irate”, and blamed staff for not suppressing the reports.
Meanwhile, Harry told her she resembled his mum Diana, who wowed Australia during a 1983 tour with Charles and baby William.
Bower writes: “The Sussexes had convinced themselves that their Australian success blessed them with Diana’s magic.”
He adds: “Meghan could not understand that Diana had won the public’s affection after years of work. Neither she nor Harry could grasp that emulating Diana required time, to weave a narrative and create a brand from which influence would flow.” Bower believes that, encouraged by Harry, Meghan conjured a fantasy that she could provide the leadership the monarchy required.
He writes: “Her activism would enhance the brand. To her staff, she gave the impression that she believed she personified the monarchy’s importance. Naturally, her American agents and lawyers were encouraging. For years they had struggled to land parts for her.”
The couple welcomed baby Archie in May 2019.
Four months later the secret edition of British Vogue was printed that caused such chaos within the palace that staff were left in tears.
Both Meghan and editor Edward Enninful dispute who came up with the idea but it was so top secret that when it became public knowledge Buckingham Palace was blindsided. The focus of the top secret magazine was on 15 women identified as Game Changers who “reshape society in radical and positive ways”. The Queen was not included.
Meghan even asked Palace staff member Sara Latham, head of communications for her and Prince Harry, to demand that the official publication date in Britain be delayed by one day to let publication in the US take the lead.
Her demand was rejected and the relationship between Meghan and Vogue’s staff deteriorated.
Bower writes: “Meghan’s ‘virtue-signalling Vogue’ was called ‘an epic misjudgment’. Diktats poured down on Latham from Buckingham Palace to ‘end it’ as fast as possible.
“She called Vogue’s staff with demands to terminate the maga- zine’s promotion. As each demand was refused, she abruptly ended the call. The blowback in Kensington Palace was instantaneous. Latham was seen weeping. “Under pressure from Buckingham Palace, Latham was fighting a thankless battle.
“Having published Vogue’s best- selling edition for 105 years, Enninful saw no reason to end the controversy. Nor did Meghan or her Los Angeles publicists and managers. The publicity was the prelude to the next stage of Meghan’s strategy.”
In November, Meghan received a visitor to their Frogmore Cottage on the Windsor Estate, Hillary Clinton. Meghan “unloaded her anxiety” to the American politician.
Two weeks later it was revealed the couple would not spend Christmas at Sandringham.
Instead they headed to a waterfront mansion on Vancouver Island in Canada, arranged by a friend and neighbour of Oprah Winfrey. Bower says Meghan was in regular contact with her business manager, lawyer and PR agency, continuing negotiations with Netflix and Spotify, and Sussex Royal applied for trademarks on a range of products including bandanas, newspapers, sportswear, pens and “emotional support services”.
Bower writes: “Meghan consulted her Los Angeles team about the best terms for their departure from Britain. The encouragement from her Los Angeles advisers was intoxicating. The Sussex brand, Meghan was assured, offered the same global opportunities as those reaped by the Obamas.

“Their first step should be a major interview. Oprah Winfrey was waiting.”
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I wonder if any journalist will bother digging into the company that Metz set up for her mother out of Delaware. It has all the hallmarks of a shell company used to funnel hush money to Doria outside of IRS scrutiny
I noticed that Tom Bower mentioned that in his book ( excerpts from paper). Doria is the sole CEo/equivalent of the Care Home Set up . I thinK Doria is laundering money for them and keeping it under the radar from Hazehole. I think he's mentioned it now because it's going to be significant moving forward . my oh my, we know all this imagine reading it for the first time. Its almost as if Bower is laying an audit trail and .... BINGO! or should that be ~GOTCHA!
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I'm not going to be disappointed in the book. I fully intend to enjoy every minute of it. :LOL:

I'll be shouting to my husband "See! see! I TOLD you that was happening. I was right!! I was right!! And I was right about the pair of them too!"

My poor hubby will have to wear ear plugs just to get through it all. :LOL:
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I love the shade that is being thrown in the book, Meghan was feeling fragile, Meghan felt undermined... 😂
The Tom Bower book has thrown so much shade in the snippets that have been released so far! I saw headline and thought Lady C was at it again, but no it’s the new book! I can’t wait to read it!

The Queen said “thank goodness” Smug didn’t attend Prince Philips funeral!
Tom Bower must have absolutely irrefutable sources to be able to write that.

Who else things Harry and Smugs will try and do some huge PR stunt on the day the book is launched? Taking the kids out so they all get photographed and get in the news to try and shift focus away from the book.

I hope Smugs gets a dose of reality after telling “her truth” on the Oprah interview let’s see how she likes being on the other end.
Revenge is definitely a dish best served cold and it would appear Tom Bower is serving it all on a tungsten tea set!
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These companies like amazon ( who are a godsend for millions of infirm people and people who live in outlying areas or on the Islands of Great Britain ) employ a lot of people who pay P.A.Y.E. and then once paid, pay their rent or mortgages etc and also spend their wages in their local area . They also do pay tax on their business, the warehouse buildings local council rates, their electricity and gas bills , employ maintainance staff, and many many delivery drivers all in vans ( paying the VAT tax on petrol or diesel each time they are filled up) & the insurance business for companies ( taxed as well) and the Road Tax , that have been bought and are being paid for ( and serviced and maintained, tyres etc at local businesses) .
I know they get a bad press but that's mainly political , in my opinion.
Ebay is the same ; it's kept The Royal Mail and all its staff in lots and lots of work, and the same applies, etc
I agree.

And back when Bezos was still in the office every day, I watched a docu on amazon.
It said he micro managed and if there was a problem, he was on it personally.

I had suffered a few problems with deliveries and drivers not up to the high standard I had come to expect so I emailed Jeff Bezos.

I got a reply, too.
From Jeff!
He said he was concerned and had asked his deputy to fix the issue.
I got an email from the deputy the next day and the issue was not only sorted, but I got a year's free extension of my Prime membership and the supervisor of the local UK delivery depot put a letter through my door to apologise and enclosed an amazon gift voucher for 20 quid.

So I won't hear a word against them

When I send a letter I expect it to be acted upon immediately.
You got that Camilla and William????
Deal with the fecking Harkles.
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Churchill's Ghost

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Having worn combat boots & spent 10+ years in a man’s world, you learn a thing or two pretty quickly. Some of the dirtiest jokes I ever heard were from my Army days and some of the rudest comments I’ve ever heard made about women were also heard while in the ranks. You’d either ignore it and walk away, or bust ‘em down a notch or two and remind them it wasn’t necessarily that the girl they were with the previous night was loose, but maybe their Johnson was just too tiny!! That used to shut them right up! 🤣

Yup - I spent 25 years in the Army and 1) Dark humor rules the day, otherwise you can't get through some of the stuff you see/do/experience and 2) If you give it right back to them, they back off immediately. I grew up with a passel of older brothers and as the only girl in my neighborhood, so I was able to zing it back and shut them up. And honestly, I saw these same guys risk their own lives to rescue the vulnerable, even when they didn't have an obligation to do so. They might talk some sh*t, but I trusted them implicitly to have my back
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'Meghan departed. To the surprise of the wardrobe staff she forgot to leave behind the Aquazzura shoes.'

Nowt but a common thief. 😡
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Diamond Mel

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She is selfish and not to be trusted. The newspapers tell their readers what a good, lovely person she is and their readers believe it!
so is she selfish because she married the man she has loved for so many years...? or because she is kind to people and treats them nicely when she meets them or is it because she likes to have a laugh with people.... sorry but I prefer camilla to Charles first wife... at least Camilla and Charles are happy together...
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I have no problem believing that the meeting of Megz vs Hazno's Eton pals encapsulated their relationship in a nutshell: two distinct flavors of rich people bullshit that, when combined, are somehow even more obnoxious than the sum of their parts.

No doubt some of the jokes were probably eye-rollingly elitist, sexist, etc., and the ensuing nasally guffaws enough to drive most of us face first into a Martini, but you really have to pick your battles in environments like that. You're certainly not going to change anyone's thinking by alienating them down to a man right off the bat - if that is your aim. Especially as an outsider like a new girlfriend, you just have to suck it up a little and establish rapport before any attempt to push back against long-held assumptions can be effective. I find that humor, real humor, can work wonders in getting people to let their guard down enough to really challenge their thinking, but of course that requires a level of wit and social finesse there is absolutely zero reason to believe Smegs possesses. Furthermore, she is of course a hypocrite - she's just from a different set of rich, vacuous, detached elitists high on the smell of their own farts. She probably bored the tweed pants off everyone within 5 minutes of her arrival by droning on about cis-centric transmisogynyracism against demiromantic BIPOC sex workers :ROFLMAO::rolleyes:

It would definitely have been one of those situations where my attitude to the cultural clash would have been "I don't care who wins, I hate you both. I'm just here for the cocktails and popcorn."
Hope this doesn't offend anyone but @el_coochita 's post coincided with a friend sending me this ... I admit I lolled
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Mock Turtle

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I think the American PR agents are partly responsible for her delusions.
They also had a complete misunderstanding of her role and what was expected of her, a completely different culture to what they had always dealt with. If only she had left them to one side and learnt the role for a few years, things could have been ok. But she knew best.


From Lady C’s book
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She was equally furious that her battle with P&G was omitted. Kashner resisted revealing that Vanity Fair’s fact checkers had raised questions about its accuracy and, after consulting P&G and advertising historians, had concluded they could not prove the whole story. They could also find no evidence, as Meghan claimed, that she received a reply from Clinton. Unknown to Kashner, Thomas Markle knew Clinton and P&G had not replied to Meghan. The success of her “campaign” was fictitious, invented by an adoring father.

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