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If she’s trying to sell fashion instead of gym wear, I think the clothes are way too heavily branded. I don’t know if she thinks her brand is super cool that everyone wants to have TALA plastered all over but to me it’s like getting a T-shirt that says PLT on it. Really puts me off buying.
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Violet has posted some photos on her Insta of some lavender fields that very closely resemble those pictured in Montana's stories. This is quite clearly just a holiday for Grace but in typical Grace fashion she didn't want to look bad for going on holiday in the middle of a pandemic, so tried to spin it as an essential trip to visit her Mum. Montana has just been calling it a holiday, why did Grace have to make it seem like something entirely different?
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Is it just me or does this reply make no sense? Every time she comments on any form of social media I read her replies, reread them and still don’t really understand what she’s getting at. She spouts a load of crap to give off the impression that she has bucketloads of business acumen but really what the fuck does the ‘s curve’ have to do with the fact that your “sustainable” products don’t last 5 minutes?
She needs a refund on her Harvard course because all she’s good at doing is putting business key words together and hoping the person reading believes her. If you actually know anything about business you’ll know the way she writes and explains is more to distract than actually providing a valid researched response that actually makes sense. Consumerist consumer, lol.
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Okay, so out of curiosity, I went to the Genflow website to see what they said and what they do. It opens with,

"In 2020, influencers should have there own brands. Why? It's authentic. You can make a real difference for people. Make at least 5 times more than brand deals. And most importantly. You OWN it. #equity #notad. We build brands for influencers"

They then lead into this:

"What we do"

"In 2020 anyone can launch a direct to consumer brand. Setup a website, get some products/make a course and sell it online. It’s easy, we get it.
But would it be successful? You will make some sales but would it work in 12 months, will it build into a full fledged business that can grow without you? Could you sell the business for $100M one day? This is what we do. We work with you and give you a team focused on strategy, branding, paid ads, content, eCommerce and the rest so you can focus on being the CEO to lead the business and the team handles the business processes, day to day operations and growth."

It then lists all their clients that they have started brands for with a lot of big names. Anothony Joshua, Patricia Bright etc.

The part that confuses me is the, "we'll handle the products, customer service, branding, strategy, growth, ads, Ecommerce, day to day operations... you can focus on being THE CEO." Hmmm.. this company seems like an influencers dream. The company literally does everything and then the person can play "founder/ceo" while everything else is taken care of.

Someone can basically be the "founder/ceo" while doing absolutely nothing, and still making a fortune, based on their following and IG promotion. You literally take any "entrepreneurship"/effort/skill/hard work out of it and then become an instant "CEO". It's amazing to take advantage of your popularity and your opportunities, but I feel it's hurting a lot of people who will compare themselves to the influencers and not see the full story.
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You can tell grace knows she’s absolutely out of order with this holiday because neither her or Montana have posted a single pic or story together. And they are usually go out their way to show off their friends
Yep, she 100% knows she's in the wrong, otherwise she'd have responded with some snarky comments to those who have called her out on it.

At this point I'm doubting whether her mum is even in France...
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Someone I know actually applied for the TALA social media role and got through to the second round (first round was just sending CV) and you wouldn't believe the amount of work she had to do for it!! She basically had to design social media strategies for 4 different types of campaign and build a whole presentation. It took her two days to complete and then she didn't get it...

But something I found really interesting was that even though Grace insists TALA and BND/Shreddy are separate companies, the TALA employee dealing with her application said 'we'll pass your application over to the team at Shreddy as there may be opportunities coming up there'.

Doesn't really seem like they are separate at all then... can't imagine applying for a job at Maccies and having them send your CV over to Nandos lol
I’m always really suspicious of companies that ask for so much in selection stage. Like they’ve basically just had loads of applicants provide them with campaign ideas and strategies which they can go on to use giving no credit to the individuals. I do understand doing activities to see if you’re right for the role, but I just don’t trust companies not to exploit the process and steal ideas- ESPECIALLY GRACE. Then if anyone challenged her she’d be like
“I have a Harvard and oxford degree, I have been working on this idea for 10 months so there is no way my idea is not sustainable and self-thought, it isnt my fault you didn’t get offered a role, you should’ve worked harder.”
Then employs a white blonde, petite, young twenties girl with minimum 5k followers and friends with love island stars to join team.
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Ngl the one thing I won't fault her on is her political views. Though I think she can sometimes be performative, I'm very glad someone with her influence (especially in the UK) speaks up about the issues she does. A lot of influencers stay quiet as not to divide their audience and I'm pleasantly surprised and glad that she's vocal about racism and classism, even if she could be doing better about it in her personal life.
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Chatty Member
Grace has completely missed the point here. This girl is tweeting about being black and seeing other black women in her industry being a blessing - relevant to all the issues of white privilege and it being the norm to be the only person of your skin colour in many scenarios if you’re black. Somehow grace has made it about herself and how her being a white, middle class, female CEO in the fitness industry (not rare at all) can relate ... I can’t with this girl. She really shouldn’t be relating feeling isolated because you’re the richest and most ‘successful’ of all your friends to being isolated over not being able to communicate with other people of your race in your job

Not undermining her feelings at all I’m sure it must be nice to talk to others of your job, but how self centred do you have to be to not understand you shouldn’t be conflating it to issues people have had because of race
"meeting people in similar positions I can talk to about my job"? What kind of people are those? Rich skinny white female influencer performative self-centered privileged brats who make boatloads of money ripping others off only to bring a hot tub into their house during a giant global pandemic? I don't even care about undermining her feelings my poc ass is triggered bwahaha
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'The way Grace cares is selective too imo and if you called her out on it, she would probs lash back and get angry instead of try to fix herself.'

Yep - I called out the irony of her calling it 'our protest' on her story from inside her multi million £ house whilst there are people fighting the real fight, taking away from the BLACK voices we are supposed to be centering. She changed the caption on her story claiming it was a a typo and then actually DM'ed me calling me a 'sad person' and a 'hater' and damaging her mental health - I kid you not she genuinely called me a 'hater'! I had previously sent her 4-5 other messages saying how tasteless it is to be posting boxes of gifted food every day during a pandemic when there are people far more in need who the food could be sent to, and also called her out for hiding the #adgifted in her stories so they are barely visible - not very ethical advertising. I literally worded it exactly like that (except with a few more !!!'s) and apparently those criticisms are spewing hate. She said I don't know her and only know the snippets she posts online - I pointed out that every single thing I had said had been in response to something she had posted, not a personal attack!!! She even said that her and her friends like to laugh at my messages and find it funny how i have 'extreme reactions to the smallest things' - I think that just ultimately shows how she really just doesn't care about these issues.

She really must have lived a very comfortable life without ever being challenged about any of her words and actions if she truly thinks that constitutes hate - I guess it's just an easy cop-out to avoid having to reflect or admit wrongdoing. It would really help her gain some perspective if she actually hired/was close friends with anyone from a different background - not just POC but people from different socioeconomic backgrounds too. If I hadn't worked minimum wage jobs til I was 22 or made different friends at uni I'm afraid I would have been much more similar to her! I used to really like her and I still use her bands, but honestly I'm reading back her replies to my message and she actually is quite nasty when I never once made it personal.

(I found this page after receiving her DM a couple of days ago looking to see if anyone else had also had one - so glad I did, the stuff about Genflow etc is really eye opening!! (but not surprising lol))

Edit: I was trying to quote from the post above but I'm not sure how to do it sorry!
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There's actually a chance that Flora annoys and pisses me off way more than Grace does (and don't worry Flora I do not follow you). She reminds of the kind of privileged people who literally have never experienced any sort of hardship and so they think that anything that is a wee bit hard or negative is some giant horrible thing that will destroy her. But what else should we expect from someone who called herself a person of relative influencer or whatever in an attempt to make a BLM post which of course centered on her.

Srsly self-entitlement runs way deep in these Beverley veins.
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I was reading those really long replies she was sending to those tweets and then the following rant/ramble she did...

She says so many words without ever actually saying anything? Saying something in 100 words which could be said in one sentence doesn't make you seem more intelligent, especially when what you're saying is so fake deep and insubstantial
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I was reading the Oxbridge privilege convos and thought this might be useful: my BF just graduated from Oxford and was in the same year as Grace (but completely different courses) and he was friends with admissions ppl from his college and they said that Oxford is not influenced by money donations at all (in fact they were focusing on trying to bring in more state-educated students). However, that's not to say that those who go to Oxbridge are void of privilege - I just think the way privilege works is different from the UK and US (where I studied). In the US, they have very clear routes of privilege: legacies (if your family member went to that uni, you have a higher chance of getting in), fraternities / sororities types of connections, and donations. While privilege in the UK may not be that obvious and candidates have to meet real benchmarks to get in, privilege exists in the form of where you went for before undergrad, and all these opportunities that eventually lead up to you applying for oxbridge (and ofc the US has these things too). Families who have access to colleges like Eton and stuff are clearly way more privileged to go into Oxbridge than those who went to public schools. Like literal schools that build you to be the ideal oxbridge candidate that costs money to go to. So while I don't think Grace paid to get into Oxford - it feels like you have to be in real aristocracy or real real generational wealth / billionaire kind of privilege to be able to do that - I do think she was privileged to get into Oxford and had a lot of opportunities (also in the form of time to join choirs and work in a well paid internship at IBM).

Privilege comes in many forms - which Grace needs to understand: this is free time (not having to work in multiple jobs), a better mental health (from not having to worry about the stresses and problems that come with financial insecurity), and the privilege of options (changing from politics to music - i.e. being able to focus on a "less" practical subject than people who have to "be more realistic"). And all of these gave her a boost and took her to Oxford where others would have to go towards Oxford not having these forms of privilege.
Of course Oxbridge can say that they're trying to bring in more state-educated students, however the way these institutions are structured truly isn't conducive to that. In order to truly make the system accessible requires a complete overhaul of the status quo

A lot of the "state-educated" kids that do get in are middle-class kids who happen to go to a good comp or grammar, with their parents supplementing experiences that kids are offered at private school. Yes, grammar schools are included in their "state" figures.

Also, Grace is "real real" generational wealth though, so there's nothing to suggest that she couldn't have paid to get in.

Privilege works in the same way in the UK. It's just less overt. This happened almost 20 years ago, but I don't doubt that it still happens to this day but people are more cautious now:
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"perceived entitlement to you energy" comment by her sister. Wow sorry but if I'm being advertised to 24/7 by those influencers and they're getting rich because of it then damn right I'm gonna expect enjoyable content. Or are we meant to follow them and thank them for kindly being influenced to buy their shite
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Screen Shot 2020-07-03 at 9.25.11 AM.png

I'm genuinely confused why Grace's followers and minions don't think that she can be criticized? Like are these people not adults? Do they actually think criticisms or even actual questions are only reserved for certain types of people? I'm so confused. It's literal life, grow up, she's also not gonna become your best friend bc you're defending her day and night. Even if Grace is doing every single thing right she would still get criticisms like every other person on earth does.
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Someone earlier mentioned how you have to pay to return faulty tala products. That’s actually not allowed, there’s even a whole letter template on to send to a company that tries to make you pay to return faulty goods. So if they are they are in breach of the consumer rights act.

It rang a bell to me because I help run our family business and we have a decent size e commerce shop so I’m fairly well versed on what you can and can’t do in regards to that.
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