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I made a complaint last week about an employee at my local tesco. I'd noticed for a while that this fella who moves trolleys around in the car park had started wearing makeup, earrings and skin tight leggings. I find 'womanface' extremely offensive, this man's interpretation of femininity was - as it always is with these freaks - a grotesque hyper-sexualised caricature of womanhood; no woman tesco workers wear Pat Butcher earrings, red lippy and skin tight leggings. Heard from a few people that this man is 'transitioning' :rolleyes:

Anyway, last week I saw him in the car park wearing a pale pink thick bondage collar with studs and a huge heart shaped padlock and was livid. So I went and saw the manager and pointed out that this man was clearly a transvestite who was getting his jollies by wearing bondage gear to work. I stated that it was wildly inappropriate, what about when little kids ask "Mummy, why is that man wearing a pink dog collar?" and that I, as a customer, should not be aware of what kind of bedroom kinks their employees have. They wouldn't tolerate this from any other employee. This bloke was just taking the piss because he knew he is now a 'protected class'. I said if I ever see this again I would contact head office.

I have since seen this pervert at work a few times and not once has he been wearing his gi mp collar! It's a small victory but it felt good. I'm keeping an eye on this degenerate.
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I’m absolutely gutted. A family member who I haven’t seen since pre pandemic as they live in the US , but used to be very close to. His wife posted online a few months ago that her brother is now her sister. Didn’t surprise me too much because these are very liberal Californians etc. But today she’s posted that my family member is no longer her husband but is now her wife. Complete with awful pictures of a nearing 50 year old man with receding purple hair in awkward dresses. But this isn’t some creepy AGP this is someone I used to be very close to who’s always been sane, sensible, normal. I’m devastated. It’s like he’s been drawn into a cult. The post from his wife is awful too. He no longer uses his social media accounts, you can message her to find out his new accounts. He’s changed his phone number, message her to find out his new number. So basically if I want to contact my family member now the only way to do it would be to message his wife and no doubt I’d have to use his ‘new name’ and pronouns. I’m gutted. I feel like someone has died. This was a wonderful couple I used to be really close to. I can identify the circumstances leading up to this nonsense. She had an awful horrendous childhood then an abusive marriage in her late teens/early twenties, she had a bad cancer in her twenties that not many people survive. She did, but was left unable to work. He has no family at all left on the same continent, he works in tech from home. During the pandemic they were heavily shielding due to her previous cancer and the health problems she’d been left with. So they’re both just at home all the time probably chronically online and searching for a community and sense of belonging. It’s a clear path to this nonsense but it’s so gutting.
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I genuinely do not think we ever should have got to the position where birth certificates were reissued in another sex. This is a simple lie, and the principle behind it has caused no end of issues. It’s contributed to confusion in young people, and it’s perpetuated the idea that gender discomfort is very widespread, or that there are gender stereotypes that are important, just when we were starting to get away from that in other contexts.

Even when legal sex is NOT changed, the ideas behind “gender recognition” have proven fairly disastrous.

That does not mean I am “denying anyone’s existence” or not respecting anyone’s wish to dress or present how they wish. I am all for men being as “feminine” and women being as “masculine” as they want without criticism or judgment.
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Saw this and thought it was spot on. They either dress like little girls, hyper-feminine and hyper sexual caricatures, or their mothers.
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Hi all, I've commented on this thread before but haven't been on in a while and need to have a little rant. Please bear with as quite long.
So I've been part of a Facebook group but don't want to say what it is without giving it away.
The past few months admins have warned people not to start posts saying "hi ladies" or "hi girls", incase it offended those who did not identify as that.
Anyway, I've bit my tongue but last week someone posted something along the lines of 'what do cis-women think about being called cis". What annoyed me was the amount of pandering from women on there saying how much that is what women are. "We are cis!" "I have a trans daughter! I am a cis-woman!" Etc etc.
Then a woman commented saying that if any cis-woman is offended by the term then they are bigots. No argument.
So I commented saying what a ridiculous statement. That I do not like the term cis and I do not want to be called a cis women but does that make me transphobic?
Then afterwards a very condescending comment from someone else asking me to ask myself why do I hate the term? Do I need to dig deeper into myself to find out who I am as a person? I clicked on their profile and it was a man. With long green hair. His profile had about 42 words how he identified and also something about how much they hate terfs!! And if you were a terf to fuck off 🤣so anyway I replied to comment that no, I do need to ask myself anything. I don't like the term cis and that's how simple it can be.

I was blocked from the group!!!!
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Transphobia is a nonsense term that invested groups and people have endeavoured to have treated like homophobia and racism. However, those are actions and prejudices against who a person is, where as ‘transphobia’ is objection to the fiction a person is trying to have everyone else agree with. It has no power over me, I don’t care if you call me that.

I will not participate in their delusion. They have no right to make me believe in their cult.

Gender dysphoria is a mental illness. I have sympathy and compassion for those suffering but they need therapy and to accept the body they have, like everyone else, and if they must alter it, pay for that themselves, like nose jobs and BBLs.

The GRA became redundant when same sex marriage was legalised and should have been repealed.

The trans agenda is being pushed by wealthy AGP perv billionaires like Pritzker who has never been told no and the pharma companies who see the money selling in lifetime hormone treatments. The donations have completely converted the greens, the Lib Dem’s and labour.

The conservatives have let this happen because they didn’t see women as their voters anyway. Belatedly Kemi Badenoch has taken up the fight and she has brought the most attention to it in parliament. I’m politically homeless, I don’t trust Starmer at all on this subject and I’m wary they will still try to go for self ID.
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I‘ve been thinking about ”misgendering” and “deadnaming” this morning and about how het up people get about them, way way more than any other social faux pas you might commit.

I‘m a woman who gets misgendered a lot, as I’m tall, broad shouldered and have short hair. Once a week or so, I’ll get called sir, or mate, or someone will say something about the man over there, because people are busy and distracted and don’t look properly. And the effect of this heinous misgendering is…nothing. I roll my eyes and go on with my day. And it’s not like it doesn’t matter to me, people thinking I’m masculine or male- it does. It taps into insecurities. I’ve been told all my life that I’m not feminine enough, or I’m coming over as aggressive or women with muscles or my height just aren’t sexually attractive, and when I was younger and my self confidence was low, that tormented me.

So when I hear trans people wigging out over being sir-ed instead of ma’am-ed, or he-d instead of she-d, and people reacting as if a terrible wrong has been done to them, and there is much wailing and gnashing of teeth, I just think “you know you had another option available to you, which was not to react, right?“

Because what does it matter? It gets to the heart of one of my objections to trans ideology in that it places so much of a persons happiness and ability to thrive into the hands of others. It tells you that people not sharing your perception of yourself are doing you a terrible wrong, and there’s a recipe for psychological torment if ever I heard one. The healthy message is that other people‘s opinions aren’t always very important. My auntie said when I was younger “try not to worry too much what other people think of you, it’s really none of your business”.

likewise with ”deadnaming”. I didn’t take my husbands name on marriage, and that is important to me. I’m not chattel, and my family name has all but died out. It’s a big deal. But I get called “Mrs Mr-Soupy’s-Name” reasonably regularly, so people are casually over riding my strong preference. Do I take to social media to denounce them? No. I say “I kept my own name on marriage”, and move the fuck on.

Sorry- bit ranty this morning 😬
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Transphobia is a nonsense term that invested groups and people have endeavoured to have treated like homophobia and racism. However, those are actions and prejudices against who a person is, where as ‘transphobia’ is objection to the fiction a person is trying to have everyone else agree with. It has no power over me, I don’t care if you call me that.

I will not participate in their delusion. They have no right to make me believe in their cult.
Exactly. You're not Christophobic if you don't believe in God or Islamophobic if you're not a Muslim. You just have a different belief system. We don't hate trans people. We just don't believe what they believe.
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Just seen

I'm against surrogacy, full stop - even for genuinely good, loving, childless people. To my mind it's exploitation of women, baby trafficking, and far, far too open to abuse.

Seeing this trans-identifying male in a hospital bed having the baby handed to him as though he has just given birth is just fecking beyond belief. The lengths they go to to indulge their narcissism are terrifying. That poor baby; an accessory to self-obsession. What life will s/he have?
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Welcome to the gender discussion thread. This thread is a place discuss gender critical issues; the erasure of gay people, erasure of women's rights and the indoctrination of vulnerable people, especially children.

Read the Cass report here:

✨ Women don't want men in their spaces
✨ Lesbians don't want dick
✨ Gay men don't want franken-willies
✨ Let children be children
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It’s all about them not getting a shag. Always. They tried to beg women into it, they tried to turn lesbians through threatened force and now they insist that if you don’t agree to sex you are transphobic.

These porn addled morons need to understand they don’t pass as anything but goblins, they aren’t attractive and even if they transformed their entire bodies to be indistinguishable from a beautiful woman (which is impossible) they would still never be attractive to women because of their horrible, hideous, heinous personalities.

‘Be kind’ has increasingly deluded all these men into thinking they are attractive, and as entitled delusional men do, they then think all women owe them attention and ultimately sex.

I understand the fawn response in real life, but on god’s anonymous internet, why are so many women falling over themselves to affirm these losers and ultimately putting other women in danger. I don’t get it.
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Debbie is a he, not a she. Debbie created the school guidance that says boys should be allowed in girls spaces if they identify as girls. Debbie uses women’s toilets.

Thinking that manipulative men like Debbie are reasonable is how we ended up in this mess in the first place.

Also Stonewall is clear that cross dressers are under the trans umbrella
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It's not part of my normal work but I ended up in a room with what turned out to be young trans people and TRAs for a few hours yesterday. They all seemed under 25. I know this is a cruel thing to say but every single one of them was one or more of the following:

-crushingly lacking in confidence
-in a wheelchair/using crutches/wearing a hidden disabilities badge
-had blue or other brightly coloured hair
-talked often about them 'being on the spectrum' or (most commonly) ADHD

None of them looked like they were enjoying life. During conversation, none of them seemed to be excited about their careers, their lives, travelling or getting out there and living in any way shape or form. It was like they had retreated for one reason or another and this gender/trans/hidden difference/labelling stuff gave them a cloak to hide behind. I came away feeling really sorry for them all and really concerned for our society as a whole.
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I’m convinced the rate of trans kids amongst celebs is disproportionately high. I’d love to see some stats on this.
Never posted on here but been lurking!
I work with children and young people, who are vulnerable in some way. Some have been through unthinkable trauma (it’s heartbreaking). We have a high proportion of young people with different pronouns and gender identities.
In each young person who has changed their pronouns etc they have been through extreme neglect, SA or trauma (loss of a parent etc).
I have come to the conclusion that the kids who are insisting on being they/thems etc are doing it because they have lost all control in their lives and this is a way of them regaining that…

I imagine this is the same with baby spices child… it’s not a normal upbringing and they will have been exposed to things most kids aren’t; most likely.

it’s all deeply worrying and an absolute nightmare as a professional working with these people to navigate!!! I’d absolutely love to sit with the children and their parents and try to instill some logic but would most likely get sacked!
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I used to think Debbie Hayton was reasonable - now I think he is just sly and manipulative and ‘not like other TIMs’ but he is still using women’s facilities and spaces and therefore making them by definition mixed sex. His relationship with his wife looks like coercive control to an outsider. I think he is seeing his privileged position as an ‘accepted workman’ slipping away as JKR’s bravery allows ordinary women to also say the truth, that men cannot change into women and we should not allow them to pretend they can. So he attacks her in the

JKR has gone zero tolerance and I can’t blame her, I am her - even the reasonable ones are trying to make us partake in their delusion and that has led us here.

Look down on the DM all you like, but they are the one paper keeping this in the public eye, the public that doesn’t use X or tiktok and has no idea of how this has become embedded in public services.
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This is Lucy Clark, the referee. He is not a woman.

I agree with JKR 100%. Women did the be kind thing and it got us nowhere. All that happened is that men like Hayton pushed and pushed our boundaries because nothing other than total capitulation is ever going to be enough. Hayton is - IMO - an abusive man who has gaslit, manipulated and deceived his deeply devout wife and ruined his children’s lives to pursue sexual gratification. And has continued to try and do exactly the same to women at large.

He can piss off. I’m not interested in his opinions.
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