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Hi all,

I've started gardening during lockdown and have a few plants on the go but would love people to chat to who are also into gardening and can offer tips and advice :)
I have a lot of veg growing - carrots, cucumbers, lettuce, peas, beans, broccoli, beetroot and carrots! Already had some successful radishes grow! Are you growing anything?
I have a lot of veg growing - carrots, cucumbers, lettuce, peas, beans, broccoli, beetroot and carrots! Already had some successful radishes grow! Are you growing anything?
Not Im not but I am planning on giving my garden a bit of a makeover when I can get to a Garden Centre and get some nice plants/flowers.
Not Im not but I am planning on giving my garden a bit of a makeover when I can get to a Garden Centre and get some nice plants/flowers.
Yes not being able to get to a garden centre has been tricky, luckily for me my family stockpile a lot of random (but very handy) gardening supplies so I've been able to make a start before I can get to the garden centre
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Its been a ball ache getting mine tidy but its done now and it looks nice with loads of alliums, aqualegias etc all flowering. No one has even said anything, like its looking nice.
I don't like doing the gardening but I cant stand it looking a mess. Band Q and Aldi sell cheap plants and Asda. You don't have to pay garden centre prices. I go for perennials really and just have a few pots and sinks for bedding plants.
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I have a big garden (not showing off) and I'm trying to get it sorted. It's not going to be summer ready this year but I'm planning on keeping on top of it over the remainder of summer and winter and then hopefully it'll be summer ready 2021. I'm not a gardener at all and have no clue about plants but I'm going to hang out on this thread and see if I can learn some bits.
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I had a busy day in the garden today - planted out some tomato and bean plants i've been growing for a while, painted some wood to build a little veg patch for when some of my other plants are ready for the big wide world and gifted some friends some sunflowers I've been loving - was told I couldn't keep 30 😂 😂
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Has anyone got some gardening plans for 2021? I'm living somewhere with a front/back garden now so when it gets a bit warmer I'm going to try and grow some tomatoes and chillies, maybe some strawberries and possibly some plants in pots/tubs.
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I was just thinking of starting a gardening thread but had a quick search and found it 🤗🌱

I have been sorting my seeds this week and ordering ready to start sowing in the next few weeks. So many plans this year as we took on an allotment at the end of last summer.
I made a seed order yesterday of a few different heirloom tomato varieties I wanted to try. Also rainbow beetroot 🤩 you can't beat the taste of home grown can you!?
I have six different varieties of sunflowers I'm hoping to grow this year as they are so much fun, my little ones love watching them shoot up. I'm really excited about the teddy bear variety 🌻
What is everyone else's plans?
It's such a nice distraction hobby isn't it 💚
When they are open again in the summer the carboots are actually a really good place to get plants ☺ Random but got some good bargains this year!
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Allotments also have open days and plant sales, really good quality flowers and veg, so keep an eye out at your local one in Spring, when we may be allowed out again!
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Maybe the best thread to bump for weed advice?

Are electric weed burners any good? Thinking of getting one to avoid having to spend an afternoon every other month on all fours getting the weeds out from a paved drive (why did people ever replace concrete with these things from hell?!). It's quite big and would probably go through gas like no one's business so not considering a gas canister one.
Hi folks, I have some gardening questions, complete novice here! I made myself a nice big raised bed using timber planks and now am having varying degrees of success.

I planted tulip bulbs back in Feb and they were shooting up fine until the middle of last month. Then all the shoots started turning yellow brown and died off. Was that lack of water? I was a bit negligent in watering in the early part of April. Other plants are doing fine, I have pansies doing great, my daffodils did well and I have gladioli shooting up right now.
Planting tulips in February is really late, usually you'd plant them in November (and not earlier than November). They can still grow when planted in February but usually you would just get foliage in the first year. It could be watering as it was so dry in April or could also be the frost that has got your delicate shoots 😔