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VIP Member
I'm looking through Getty Images and Rebecca is no where in sight of the Carlos arrival photos so yeah she'll likely arrive separately
I cannot imagine her arriving together with/around his parents tbh.
Maybe her being hinted by Ginevra is her own plan
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Pole er bear

VIP Member
yeah, I agree, some of theses quotes are CRAZY and just bad on human level
I am dying at: "plot, plan and execute it in detail"
I am considering buying that ebook for the pure entertainment of seeing what else is there (stop me)
I'm literally talking to my guy friend who is losing it because he got conned by some "girl from bali" / insta model he thought would suck his dick.... and she extorted him. But totally following a play book of how to use a man
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Well whoever he's with martin got hooked up by Kelly for where he is. That view lines up 100%. Definitely a romantic getaway for him and someone
It's the view from the top of one of the well known walking trails. People often go for nighttime hikes up there.
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Pole er bear

VIP Member
I know, I miss you too 💗 nowadays I mostly read tattle before going to bed and went back to lurking, I even missed some races because I got a summer job as a translator for young wealthy tourists visiting Colombia, I just didn’t expect it would quickly evolve into “keeping this people alive and out of trouble” and being in call 24/7.

Can you believe that since June I’ve explained 3 different times that crossing the border to Venezuela through the river because it seems like a fun adventure is a TERRIBLE IDEA.
sorry that is absolutely ridiculous! I was in Colombia (and Brazil) for several weeks last winter and these people must seriously have blinders on if they dont see what the Venezuelans are dealing with in Colombia.... for a better life than Venezuela. i had people in tears begging me to adopt their child. I know poverty in general, but these people were desperate and willing to risk them and their childrens lives for a chance.

As an American specificially ridiculous when the State Department makes it very clear, Do Not Travel


Also specifically
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This is a little disingenuous, especially in regards to McLaren. Stella came in in December when Seidl resigned and instantly made some very sweeping changes including switching up the way things worked within engineering departments back at the MTC, the aero department in particular where we now know the heads of the department had been stifled and sidelined by Key. We are staring to see the effect of those changes with the b-spec car (the last thing Key had a hand in was the Baku upgrade to the old car). There's a very interesting in-depth interview out with Zak this week where he opens up as to what was actually going on at McLaren around the time of Seidl departing and Stella coming in and what had been happening at the MTC that led to Key's sidelining and eventual sacking. It explains a lot, not only in regards to why the 2022 car was so flipping mediocre but also gives a large clue as to why they didn't fight harder to keep Andreas Seidl when he wanted to leave. It's worth a read actually - a good illustration of how much a team can shoot themselves in the foot internally by having just one person in the wrong position.

Vowles hasn't been at Williams long enough to make a difference performance-wise at Williams but what he has brought a visible difference to is the culture and spirit within the team and that shouldn't be underestimated. From a people management point of view, at least, he is proving to be exactly what they needed (kind of reminds me of Seidl in that regard when he first took over at McLaren and turned the team culture and spirit around in 2019).

I think the biggest problem at Merc is what I'd call the hangover of success. When a team has been at the top for as long as they have, a certain amount of complacency and to some extent entitlement kicks in. A similar thing happened to McLaren back in the early 2010s and also to Ferrari post-Schumacher. They got used to winning, they expected to win, and to a large extent they felt entitled to win so the road to acceptance of failure and turning that around becomes much tougher because accepting they were wrong is harder to swallow. We saw that very clearly with Merc last year and to an extent the start of this year as well. The two teams who have affected huge turnarounds recently (AM and McLaren) did so because they held their hands up, admitted they had screwed up and chose to take the pain (and accompanying ridicule) of falling down the order for the months needed for them to start over. The willingness to do also came about from new blood being appointed in the team - Szafenauer out and Krack in at AM and Stella taking the helm at McLaren. Not saying at all that Toto needs to go but a shake up at the heads of departments may not be a bad thing. They may not be coming from as far back as AM or McLaren were but they still need to be willing to make some sweeping changes to properly progress imo.

I also think Merc also got used to just being able to chuck as much money as they liked at a problem to sort it out and they're struggling somewhat now they're not able to. It's no coincidence that the two teams struggling the most to turn things around under a cost cap are the two who were used to throwing endless amounts of cash at everything - Mercedes and Ferrari. Yes Red Bull have a lot of money as well but they did always operate under a budget that was significantly lower than Mercedes or Ferrari. I think it's been a big culture shock at Mercedes, not just to Toto but throughout the team, and it's taken them a while to get their heads around it. I'm still not sure they have - sometimes Toto says things that make me feel hopeful and other times I'm not so sure.
I’m really interested in this interview. Written press or podcast? Do you remember where to find it?


VIP Member
My comment was not aimed at Lewis or what he said. I don't actually have any problem with what he said.

My comment was aimed those fans who are now acting like Max's achievements this season should be devalued and are not that impressive. Because what he is doing is incredibly impressive, by any measure.
It’s maybe controversial but I don’t really see it as impressive when it was any of them, be it Max, Lewis, Seb or Michael. I didn’t watch F1 regularly for years even when it was Lewis because it was just boring. I certainly wasn’t tuning in to every session like I did when it was 2016 and 2021 that’s for sure. Maybe like 2010 too that was a great year. Michael literally had teammates with contractual agreements to never be faster than him so what’s impressive about him winning? It’s just to be expected. The most impressive thing in these cases to me is the lack of mistakes and the work from the mechanics to make the car reliable. But even that there’s an element of luck involved. Doesn’t mean if you’re a fan of whichever driver it is you’re not going to be happy about it, I certainly was, but I’m happy to acknowledge its boring and predictable


Active member
Does Thierry have a gf or is he another possibility? seems him and Tom are together constantly now so if Tom's location matches up with Maguis then guessing his does too.
and as annoying as Magui is, I refuse to believe Tom Bale has managed to impress her enough to date him 🤣
not sure but aylin_yor?


VIP Member
To be fair, if they didn't sack Nyck, Daniel wouldn't even be back on the grid. 🤷‍♀️ And after they did, he didn't get the seat because he is the best but because they basically didn't have any other option at the time.

(I'm not saying he is not motivated, but I honestly think his time is over)

Damn and someone just ruined it by exposing her following that manipulative account :LOL:
All the effort Red Bull and Christian did for him and with him is not out of charity but they sincerely believe in him.
Effort, energy and money for nothing you all think?
You all know I believe in him and that he belongs in the Red Bull seat.
Nothing has changed for me.


VIP Member
also (and very selfish of me to concentrate on this part), at least it partially explains all the cancelled carlando golf dates this year cause he said he's had to limit golfing.
Ironically, it is Carlos who initially brought it up in an interview saying that he knows certain drivers are struggling with back pain because of car stiffness 😅


VIP Member
Can someone who is not geoblocked by sky confirm, Nico's shoes are for real?
View attachment 2422195
Well he just wants to look like Ken (from Barbie)

I love how she’s basically having to sneak into the paddock unnoticed these days … seems like she got fed up of all the hate comments everyone left under Kyms posts about her 🤣
We all know who the queen is in hiding. Think Kelly took lessons....


VIP Member
it was you that posted it!! I’ve just been trying to find the screenshot - can you send it to me or post again? i wanna re look at it 😂

she def dyed it tonight to make it look like her. i wouldn’t put it past her
Just found my post with the screenshots on page 22!
I didn't download the video, just screenshot it, sorry!


VIP Member
well some gossip account i saw yesterday definitely gave the link to Rebeccas page.
Never thought that page would be THE source for people to actually see
she must hate it
(or love it)
I noticed since yesterday few gossip accounts started linking to her thread here, found it interesting as she did not appear or hint being around carlos for few days and the gossips about them definitely went a bit silent, so there is no reason to hype the interest in that story. I guess there are not enough other gossips so ig pages are looking for more and that is why they kind of started coming back to her.
I'm really intrigued...

I think someone close to Rebecca or Carlos looks at my account-its weird to think about but I didn't share a single link regarding her(just one screenshot), and stuff related to other wags-which she also went and viewed 💀 💀

please leave me alone, Rebecca- I don't want people in the high-end escort industry knocking at my door 🙏

they are probably checking which ig page posts about them watching their stories. that v something page that is obsessed with rebecca posted she saw their story some time ago (and posted about Carlos' sister watching it) but f1official for example wrote that they will not be sharing who of the drivers/their family or friends watched their stories. so maybe it is to check which page posts about it immediately.