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I opened the egg. Blimey.


Normal sized coffee mug for scale!


Another tin!! Truly the storage Gods have blessed me this Easter!



Still haven't eaten any of it - there's a little bit of backstory to this.

Easter eggs are what started my binge eating habit about 40 years ago. This is sort of an experiment, done with my counsellors approval, to see where my feelings are around them. Part of the reason for splurging on an Ostrich was that I simply cannot physically eat this much chocolate in one go, although I could probably do it in a single day. The fact that it has been here nearly 24 hours and I haven't yet eaten any of it is a good sign that the changes really are sticking.
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The last flock is in for lambing and April isn't with them :(

James, their shepherd, told me that when they were gathering they found a dead ewe near a small offshoot of the first burn on the hill, but said not to bother going up there as there isn't enough left to tell whether it's April or someone else's ewe - everyone's missing one or two this year, it seems. He didn't quite say give up looking, you're not going to find her alive, but you could see it in his eyes. Why is it always the favourites that you lose?
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I want to come on the trip too, can we get a trailer? Coaches aren't readily accessible for sideboards. The transport industry is still very Cotswoldist.

Happy birthday Frank ❤ I love the festive dog birthday jumper as well.

Sideboard Cat isn't here at the moment. Yesterday I rang my mum to take her and keep her safe. I've not been taking my medication properly for the last week so I'm withdrawing hard and feel fucking rancid. Completely my own fault so not looking for sympathy on that front but I've done it for a good reason although nobody else can understand why. Since the cat's not here I've basically just been sitting at my computer smoking (I would never smoke indoors with her here, I'm not that much of a cunt). I feel much better knowing she's safe but now I'm completely alone and awake at all hours just going round in circles getting into a really fucking weird and frightening headspace. I don't even know where I'm going with this, as if I expect a bunch of very nice ninnies from a wretched hive of villainy to solve my problems. Fuck's sake, I am such a twat. Sorry. Send doggos.
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That's exactly what I thought about seeing the same stuff @BubbleDuck and I've found that I used to react to almost every post in some way but now I'm completely skipping so many. I will always 😂 any 'yes, absolutely' posts tho because that never gets old, neither do gifs. If anyone is worrying they're the irritating person, it's probably not you! They seem to entirely lack self-awareness.

For a change I do have something positive to share today. After years of listening to me running on about what I do in the gym, my mum has decided that she would give it a go as I get guest passes with my membership. I haven't been to the gym in two weeks so it was very stressful and I still feel weak so I had to drop my lifts by 5kg which made it less fun. My mum did really well though despite her atrocious mobility which I only discovered when I had her do bodyweight squats as the first thing and she got barely halfway to parallel before getting stuck. I tried to ease her in gently but she's going to be fucked tomorrow and I'm sure going to hear all about it. She's 64 btw so if you think you're too old to start lifting weights, you are definitely not although you are probably past being able to bench press the Queen I'm sorry to say.
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A couple of pictures from my Dublin trip so far 🙂 So many libraries and book shops! First time here and a big fan already
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Jack didn't even mention the jubilee trifle did she?

I'd eat it, but no chance I'm spending hours making that and then having a kitchen to cleanup
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Also I’m not an OG Frau and also go missing for months at a time. Never feel anything less than welcome which is lovely.
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Just popping my head in here for a breather from the MT. Hope everyone is ok, haven't been in here much in the last few weeks ❤

Thought I'd show off my scones too, cheese and wild garlic, I make them every year ☺

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Definite vibe change. It seems we are all thinking of the same posters which makes me feel like much less of a twat. I've deployed the ignore button and it's much better. When the threads are moving as fast as they are and someone keeps talking about Scottish politics and how much they don't like beans or huge me-rails it's a ballaché. I get that sometimes talking about yourself is relevant, most of us have done it at one stage or another, it's just like Sweetie T said - it's too much. It makes me feel bad when someone posts something about their difficult personal situation and my response is actually idgaf, there are other more appropriate threads to post this stuff.

Orphy B you're not annoying ❤ it's not anyone who posts in this thread either. No idea if it's someone who's been around before as I know there were a couple of odd posters not long before I joined. I'm aware I've been posting a lot lately as well, it comes of having nobody else to talk to, soz.
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Chatty Member
I've got no cattoes but here is a nosy sheepo who came over to watch me eating lunch a few weeks ago
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I feel a bit gauche darling at coming in when people are sad, but I do have some news.

I've been offered the opportunity to take a funded professional qualification and to go fulltime at work - which makes a significant difference to our income, which has already doubled in the last two months since Mr D got himself a permanent fulltime job.

Part of me is debating spunking loads of it on clothes, shoes and shit/holiday/new mattress/new oven/carpet in the bedroom for the first time and maybe even setting up a savings account. But part of me is thinking SHIT, I haven't worked fulltime since 2005 and I fell to pieces then with the biggest flare I've ever experienced, so much so, I ended up not working for eight years. Am I going to be able to cope with it?
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I had a bbq chicken pizza at spoons yesterday and I have to say it was the absolute nuts.

It was my birthday yesterday,I was 31 and felt weirder about it then when I was 30 last year bizarrely. I’m not generally arsed about getting older but had a bit of a down day for some reason.
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Hello frauen. Big thing that I feel more comfortable telling you than IRL friendslol but OH (🤢) and I have decided to start trying for a baby LavaFlake!!! I have a copper coil which needs to come out so ringing the GP tomorrow to try and book that in.

I am just about 30 plus or minus a year or two 🔺️ and while friends I went to school with have had kids, noone I went to uni with has. But my OH is older than me so it makes sense to start trying sooner than later and I think we are as financially stable as can be. So I hope if I am lucky enough to conceive I won't feel too old or young with my peers also havint kids! I've also had a fair few health issues around my ovaries and cysts which required major surgery so feeling a bit scared but I know this is irrational so trying to push that to the back of my head!

On the topic of food... I made this today and it was bloody lovely
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Jay-cloth Cow

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Here she is on my lap! We had first pick of the litter and chose her as she is a little bit cheeky (she bit mr C on the nose) and she kept coming to us for cuddles when we were sat with all the puppies! I've been a bit low lately and in the few days we've had her my mood has improved so much, she is just the best ❤ (although she has already eaten one of my shoes)

I've been going through such a hard time lately, I'm on the waiting list for bowel surgery as I have adhesions from previous operations and stage 4 endo. Some days the pain is so bad I don't think I can stand another minute. The worst thing is I can't take codeine as it binds me up which affects my bowel causing more pain. I'm a mess, ninnies. I'm really trying to keep my sense of humour but my gosh it's hard going lately.
My cat Pooh has always been a one-woman boy but he's been even more full on this week. He insists on sleeping with his face pressed up against mine and while it's very sweet it's hard to breathe with a 13 kilo MC playing Hot Breath Telephone on your face.
Oh MCM I'm so sorry to hear this ❤ sending you upside down hugs, I hope the cats are giving you comfort. Not that anyone deserves to be in pain but you are such a lovely person you deserve the best - hope you are ok, sending you all my love xxx
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I’m on a constant grunk these days but I thought I’d share my beautiful compression socks featuring tampon holders with you all this morning x
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I just want to say (and this might be a bit cringy) but this place has really been a lifeline since things fell apart at the backend of 2019.

I don’t go out (other than volunteering 3x a week, running and swimming ), I only talk to Mrs T and Tunnel dog IRL and my friends (who were all related with teaching have drifted away- probably due to me being a twat). Having this place, where I can read your comments, see what you are getting up to and learn so much (on here, the MT and others) is so, so comforting.

Much more I could say l, but no need. But thank you xxx.

I also want to say that I miss @Silver Linings and @Marmalade Atkins on the MT. Others are doing fantastic work and it means a lot, but their acerbic and insightful comments added so much to the thread.
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Spine bright and keep you power (not my quote) @Into_the_tunnel 💎❤

I'm with you Hotes. It's difficult to know how to word or even mention things without getting a warning for backseat modding. Maybe it's just because I am feeling and behaving like a twat at the moment but I've never ignored anyone on the MT and I'm pretty close to doing it to a couple of people who have shown up recently. I feel bad being cryptic and talking about people who don't post in this thread, like discussing it here is really bitchy buttery snake behaviour. It's just macerating my kale a bit. Also I stupidly read all the triggering content after the latest dervish which is entirely on me.

To save this post from being completely negative I'm sending proof I left my rancid pit yesterday. Sorry to disappoint but I didn't slide on my arse down any steps to the beach or frolic on MOD land.

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