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To make people think she’s deleting them 🤷🏽‍♀️

She’s probably in Dubai. I just wanted to point out it’s easy to do.

Yes people are crazy.
She’s lost everyone’s respect and they don’t even know what she’s doing 🤣
I think it’s totally unlikely that like 3 diff people commented - then they all went back of their own accord to delete their comments just to make her look shady 🤣🤣 she’s literally digging a hole for herself by blocking and deleting
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Mars mars

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Just catching up now, the further you get down the IG comments (not the ones in direct reply to her apology) there are alot of unhappy folks. Just seen one tag all the brands she works with.
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I hadn't thought of it possibly being the original commenter - presumably they were getting a ton of notifications?! Or maybe Fleur wanted to delete her original apology and try again.
The last comment I saw was somebody calling out that beside the sea account and telling them they’ve made the whole situation worse & to let Fleur answer for herself. When I tried to load further comments it was gone.
Maybe Fleur was embarrassed by that account after all 😂
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The comments from this morning about Dubai are still on her latest post and a few new ones. Do you think she is going to just breeze through this whole scandal and ignore any negative comments?
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Oh wow, she finally addressed it. Clever for her to do it by replying to a comment and not as a story or post that lots of people would view.
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New member
On a technical point: there are hardly any private ICUs in the U.K. (they’re too expensive to run). If someone needs an ICU, they’ll be using the NHS ICU (which everyone is entitled to).
Yes, this is completely correct. About 100 private ICU beds in Central London I think (please correct if I'm wrong).

A lot of my points are general NHS points as opposed to covid based. Should Fleur, Mike or River catch covid and need hospital treatment they would need to use NHS provision as I imagine they aren't close enough to a private ICU to use one.
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Ahh sorry - I don't think it's right if I share content of DMs on here.. Changed my mind instantly after I posted that message. We can openly scrutinise what people have said online publicly but even on a gossip site I don't feel OK sharing DMs - sorry to be a tease haha!
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VIP Member
I always find it really interesting when people go out of their way to defend influencers and even celebs
Like what do they think they're going to get out of it? A little like notification to make them feel good that this person acknowledged them? .

I dont think there is a "cancel culture" its just holding people accountable. We all know Fleur is going to be fine. She'll have followers. She'll still get sponsorships. Even if she decided to quit social media she'll be fine because she's an incredibly rich white woman. So truly, no one should feel bad for her about this.
Give people a bit of credit. As a general comment maybe they don’t agree with a comment. I’ve seen comments on Niomi’s thread saying I just DM’d her & said Joe doesn’t want you anymore haha!!!!!! I’m not a huge fan of Niomi but I’d defend her against that. (To be fair people on the thread didn’t really engage with that person)

I do think cancel culture exists. I don’t think in this case people are trying to get Fleur cancelled (yet anyways) but 100% think it exists & it goes beyond looking for accountability.
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Are there any videos where you get a good look at how big their house is and a bit of a tour? I can see she uploaded a few separate videos showing her bathroom, kitchen etc separate but that’s boring, I just wanna see how big this bloody house is that she felt the need to escape
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Regarding Mike's business making employees redundant, I don't agree with it at all personally. I have a small business, and luckily the industry I'm in is fairly recession resistant (but we were still hit quite hard by the pandemic). But at the end of the day, it is a business and not a charity. No it's not fair and I wouldn't want my employees to suffer (and hopefully it will never come to that), but that's sort of the risk you take if you don't work in the public sector. I have friends who are only in their early 30s working in investment banks and quite a few have been made redundant in the last few months, but I have others who are civil servants and they're at peace knowing their jobs are secure.
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I had to delete my very thought-out comment I made to her Instagram response because of the amount of hate I was getting from her followers. Shooketh.
What was the comment

Well, usually, we wouldn’t give a flying fuck but we are in a *global* pandemic where everyone’s actions affect everyone. Not the time to get on with our own lives and ‘leave them to it.’ They need to be called out, shamed, fined possibly, whatever necessary until they stop.
Yes and it’s not just about them it’s the companies sending them free shit when they make money off of us! We want the companies to do better and donate to the homeless or other charities
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one of the ones who commented about her being in dubai (username is chazzie something) is followed by Holly sheeran, talkbeckytalks sister?!
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I think the only way Fleur will address it is if people start posting it in youtube because more people will pick it up and it'll be harder for her to ignore.

She actively tried to deceive us, which is the worst thing about this all. If she hadn't said anything and been offline for weeks prior I don't think people would have been as outraged. It's the fact she has been so outspoken about the rules and how it was impacting her and that she had cancelled plans etc. She also then posted videos and posts on Insta to again give the impression she is still in the UK. That is just so dishonest and unnecessary! She knew she shouldn't be doing it, but did it anyway and thought if I just pretend I am still in the UK no one will know.

I would have had more respect for her if she said, yes i was in dubai guys. I knew this wouldn't go down well so I didn't mention it. It was a risky decision for us to make, but weighed up the pros and cons and to us it was worth the risk. I scheduled content and posts because I didn't want to go off the grid completely so I know this does give the impression that I was still in the UK. I probably shouldn't have done that, but at the time it was the easiest thing to do. I realise now it was naive of me to think I could get away with it.
I think she has gone about it the wrong way. A sneaky way. She should have been honest from the start.
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She has said a couple of times they wanted to get away 'to spend time as a family'.
Why can't they do this at home? The family home? I just do not understand that logic.
She has fucked up massively. It's the lying really that makes it so much worse. And I firmly believe she intended to keep it all a secret - because she knew it was morally wrong.
And quibbling about tier lockdown deadlines is just irritating - if there was such a narrow window of opportunity it doesn't mean you should take advantage of that loophole to sneakily slip under the wire. It was obvious since way before Christmas that things were only going to get worse.
She still needed a negative covid test to enter Dubai
All of them did
**in advance**
They would have been informed at this covid test facility where there are health workers that the lockdown was going to commence
Her “apology” was a classic *FLEUR*
Not offending anyone, not starting agro with anyone..

Her statement is self preservation 100%

She wouldn’t have travelled if she really cared about the NHS (which let’s be honest she won’t be availing of ..... the privilege that people seem to disregard....)

She has been showing it quite a lot lately.
Which makes me LOL
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Silly Sausage

VIP Member
The one on her second to last pic where she’s walking away from the camera is legit. She’s in dubai also - her page is public. And she wasnt saying it in a nasty way; she was actually quite friendly in her comment - which makes me think it’s true,it’s not just some troll..
Wow that comment was from 5 days ago
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