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I had a few nightmare flatmates when I was at uni but the absolute WORST was when we needed one other person to share this house we found so my friend suggested this girl on her course so we thought fair enough, she looks quiet and innocent which she WAS. But so innocent to the point where we watched a movie once and she was sat in the corner covering her bloody eyes when the couple on screen KISSED (she was not religious and is very white so it couldn't have been culture!). We made her watch 50 shades and that was a whole new world for my girl. She would also make boys coming over such a big issue and sometimes she would question why they were in my room when we have a living room! The weirdest part was she was always around like I could leave my room (Which was next to hers) and I hadnt even got to the bottom of the stairs yet and she was following. Anyone came home with friends? She was out of her room in a flash with any excuse. Obviously we knew she probably didn't have many friends and wanted someone to talk to but she did this every single day we were home at uni. Sometimes a girl just wants to go to the kitchen without being accosted. She was also the stingiest person I'd ever met. She said she took out her SFE loan and saved 80% of it and complained about paying for communal bills all the time or making everyone feel bad because she couldn't afford a takeaway to the point where sometimes we would offer to buy one for her. She told us her account balance when we got her drunk once and she was bloody minted. I'm talking 7k+ plus and theres my friends going in to overdrafts feeling bad for her! She was a hoot to wind up though ngl. So gullible. We once convinced her one of our flatmates was pregnant and didn't know who the father was or what she was going to do w/baby. She was so scandalised! This was only 5 years ago and she's not changed at all. I cannot imagine her in any professional career, poor girl.