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chocolate choux

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I had a flatmate who I thought was going to be great to live with. He was a keen cook and made lovely food from scratch, and he seemed to be a neat and tidy person

Turns out he wasn't. He would make lovely food to share with me but leave mess everywhere and clean it up maybe once a week, if at all. Curry all over the cooker, flour on the floor (he made pizza dough/bread from scratch). The flour was ridiculous, it seemed like more ended up on the floor than in the dough, and my socks/tights/feet would be covered as if I lived in a bakery

We decided that we would share the washing up and agreed that a ‘load’ could be considered as small as the items from one meal. In the interest of being fair, I would do the day’s washing up in the evening as there wouldn’t be much from breakfast/lunch. Instead of following suit or even taking advantage, he would let it all pile up for days until it covered all the counter space in the kitchen. Then when we got flies in the summer, he blamed me. Yeah it my bananas that were the problem, not the food that was rotting on the unwashed pans 🤦🏻‍♀️

He would also leave his plates and cups on the tiny coffee table until there was no room for anything else. We had no dining table so would eat on the sofa and put drinks/condiments on the table. He didn’t understand why I did not want to eat my dinner right next to his manky breakfast stuff

Probably the worst thing was his farting habit. He managed to control it around others but would always subject me to it. They fucking stank. He’d make a nice dal which smelt wonderful while cooking, but his farts for the next day had exactly the same smell - just with the addition of shit. I had to stop eating it. He’d usually cook enough for a few days so I’d spend half the week trying not to breathe. Sometimes he’d fart loads and I’d say “just go do a shit” and he would. I literally had to tell him to go to the toilet
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I looked and couldn't see a thread dedicated to this... so thought I'd start one.

Have you ever lived with an absolute nightmare?

My old flatmate moved out on March 16th, literally just before lockdown, and I am SO. HAPPY. ABOUT IT. I honestly count myself as the luckiest girl in the world that I didn't have to spend quarantine with her!

She was so awkward, would never sit down and chill in the living room, left tea bags in the sink in a huge pile, never listened to anything I said or made any effort to, and had a secret boyfriend I never met who used to come over late at night and leave before morning. She gave him a different name and once accidentally called him by the wrong name. I think he must've been married with kids or something? As if I cared what his name was.

She was really funny about things and insisted we buy loads of furniture, but returned everything she bought so I furnished the whole flat. I think she was a master manipulator. And I am a pushover 🥴

We lived together on the proviso that she worked away a lot and so as I work from home anyway it would work well as I would have the shit bedroom but work in the living room during the day, then it transpired she never ever ever went to work and just literally was there constantly, doing nothing and making a massive mess. This was pre-lockdown when most people went to work – she just sat at home all day every day. I wanted to KILL HER!

When she moved out she took loads of random shit with her, even though she was moving in with her family – like took all the clingfilm and tin foil, that she didn't even buy or need (not that it matters who bought it – why tf would you take the tinfoil with you?) She also took my set of brand new saucepans and my kettle. Fuming! ahaha.
Oh my god she sounds vile. I once had a flat mate who went on holiday and left all of her dirty dishes and pans in the sink! I dumped all of it in her bedroom for when she got back 😂😂😂
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VIP Member
I looked and couldn't see a thread dedicated to this... so thought I'd start one.

Have you ever lived with an absolute nightmare?

My old flatmate moved out on March 16th, literally just before lockdown, and I am SO. HAPPY. ABOUT IT. I honestly count myself as the luckiest girl in the world that I didn't have to spend quarantine with her!

She was so awkward, would never sit down and chill in the living room, left tea bags in the sink in a huge pile, never listened to anything I said or made any effort to, and had a secret boyfriend I never met who used to come over late at night and leave before morning. She gave him a different name and once accidentally called him by the wrong name. I think he must've been married with kids or something? As if I cared what his name was.

She was really funny about things and insisted we buy loads of furniture, but returned everything she bought so I furnished the whole flat. I think she was a master manipulator. And I am a pushover 🥴

We lived together on the proviso that she worked away a lot and so as I work from home anyway it would work well as I would have the shit bedroom but work in the living room during the day, then it transpired she never ever ever went to work and just literally was there constantly, doing nothing and making a massive mess. This was pre-lockdown when most people went to work – she just sat at home all day every day. I wanted to KILL HER!

When she moved out she took loads of random shit with her, even though she was moving in with her family – like took all the clingfilm and tin foil, that she didn't even buy or need (not that it matters who bought it – why tf would you take the tinfoil with you?) She also took my set of brand new saucepans and my kettle. Fuming! ahaha.
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Chatty Member
I had an awful one at uni. She forced us to let her move in with her boyfriend (she wasn't a student but he was) and when the council found out lied to the Landlord and said she moved out. Then she was utterly obsessed with washing clothes like constantly and putting tumble dryer on next door to my room. One night during the middle of my final exams she put it on at 11pm, I turned it off and she put it back on. We started having an argument, I told her she had no say as she didn't actually live there. She was at the top of the stairs and threw her plate with food at me. I put my arm up to stop it hitting me and it smashed. I rang the police as she worked with nursery aged kids! She was trying to break my door down begging me not to. I was utterly terrified and a wreck the next day for my exam.
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I lived in communal housing for a year, it housed 7 mums with kids/single women and my God we had some really strange residents we had to share everything but our bedrooms with.

My favourite who was in my strange neighbours post was a woman in her 50s, a raging alcoholic who looked like a corpse, her entire family had disowned her and there was no wonder, she used to have "threesomes" with two 19 year old gothic lads on the local graveyard and would come back boasting about it the next day, showing us her "shag rashes" and she constantly contorted her body in strange ways to look like a zombie, it was tiresome. I had to pick her up once from outside she was rolling around on the floor with them cheap shocking pink clip in hair extensions hanging on for the ends of their life where she was boasting about giving the best blow jobs in the local vicinity.

I had another one who was very single white female with me, she was constantly borrowing all my clothes, right down to my knickers and doing her hair like mine. She had filthy habits such as picking her nose and eating it and came out with some very strange stories one being that her ex boyfriend threw her out of a 5 storey window, breaking every bone in her body so she crawled away on her chin through a hole in the fence. I found that very bizarre and very possibly untrue. She told me one day that she had told the lad she was seeing, who was a neighbour of ours that she had lied about having a miscarriage and she asked me to go along with it if he asked as to my knowledge she was infertile and would often break down in genuine, heartbreaking tears about being so. Anyway upon talking to our neighbour who she was seeing, it turned out he had lost a baby who was only hours old and still 5 years down the line was still understandably traumatised. My housemate had concocted this story to get closer to him about losing a 4 year old daughter the same year he lost his baby and went into detail about her dying of a terminal illness as a result of a rare congenital defect and had to change her feeding tubes every night. The whole thing was sick and when found out she packed all her shit and disappeared leaving my bank account £250 lighter. She was reported and I got my money back.

There was also one who was a medium, she gave us all readings the night after moving in. She was so spot on she reduced us all to tears, she honestly told me things about myself and my dead mother only I would know and also predicted my future!
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@chocolate choux that honestly sounds like my ex. He was a great cook and that was it but the mess and farting was pure overkill.

Another person who lived at our communal residence was an absolute hypochondriac and would phone herself ambulances for things such as headaches and insect bites. It was ridiculous. Most of us there used to also smoke marijuana, the back garden was at least 150 foot long with a big brick shed at the end which is where the weed smokers would go. One morning complained and said that the smoke the night before was coming out of the shed, travelling up the garden and coming through the windows and getting her stoned and because she is a hayfever sufferer the faintest of weed smoke will flare up her sinuses. Now if she said she could smell it and the smell was bothering her I may have had some sympathy, but the levels of hypochrondria was too much and she was feeding me with crocks of shite. The house next door was having some minor roofing repairs which lasted no more than a couple of days - she went out to a hardware shop and bought herself a pair of industrial workman goggles just incase anything fell in her eye. She looked a right tit sat in the garden with them on 🤣
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Active member
I looked and couldn't see a thread dedicated to this... so thought I'd start one.

Have you ever lived with an absolute nightmare?

My old flatmate moved out on March 16th, literally just before lockdown, and I am SO. HAPPY. ABOUT IT. I honestly count myself as the luckiest girl in the world that I didn't have to spend quarantine with her!

She was so awkward, would never sit down and chill in the living room, left tea bags in the sink in a huge pile, never listened to anything I said or made any effort to, and had a secret boyfriend I never met who used to come over late at night and leave before morning. She gave him a different name and once accidentally called him by the wrong name. I think he must've been married with kids or something? As if I cared what his name was.

She was really funny about things and insisted we buy loads of furniture, but returned everything she bought so I furnished the whole flat. I think she was a master manipulator. And I am a pushover 🥴

We lived together on the proviso that she worked away a lot and so as I work from home anyway it would work well as I would have the shit bedroom but work in the living room during the day, then it transpired she never ever ever went to work and just literally was there constantly, doing nothing and making a massive mess. This was pre-lockdown when most people went to work – she just sat at home all day every day. I wanted to KILL HER!

When she moved out she took loads of random shit with her, even though she was moving in with her family – like took all the clingfilm and tin foil, that she didn't even buy or need (not that it matters who bought it – why tf would you take the tinfoil with you?) She also took my set of brand new saucepans and my kettle. Fuming! ahaha.
haha, sound abit like my old room mate, who asked to move in with me and she was living in a shitty rundown bedsit. Moved in tighter and after 1 month up and left, leaving me with 5 months rent to pay, and then was sneaking back to the house to steal from me including tampons of all things. I needing up warning people not to take her in or treat her but they did. Her b/f at the time allowed her access to his bank account and she stole over £13,000 from him over a few months, and she had also moved into a Mutual friends house, were she sold her credit card and took out mobile phones and ordered things from the internet.

she was a mess!
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Had a nightmare housemate at second year of uni. She was such a nightmare no one wanted to live with her so wine and my friends agreed to it. She was FILTHY. Never washed her dishes, literally left them until they were mouldy (this was when I refused to clean after her). She would take up different activities and become obsessed with it and drop it for another activity in a week. She thought she was so much better than me for having a richer family even though they were all mental (her mum and dad ended up splitting and marrying their best friends who were also husband and wife!!??) she never opened her windows. I remember she was really ill once so I took some stuff to her room as she was in bed and literally the stench was awful where she had built up old farty yucky air circulating the room for a few days 🤢 she also would leave shits and period blood in the toilet and not clean. Safe to say we did not live with her the following year!
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When I was at uni i lived in a shared house my second year with some of the people i lived with in halls. One girl ended leaving the course so we had a couple of different people move in. The first was a lad who was at college who would blast music and invite his mates over all hours of the night. He would steal your food and i often found him in my room with his mates going through my cds.....the final straw was him blasting music at 4am, i got up to go to the loo to find pukes all over the bathroom. I got him kicked out as enough was enough.
The next person to move in was a french girl who was the scruffiest girl ever. I would clean up and the house would be sparkling for it to be trashed half hour later. She would use every single pot and pan and plate including ours and leave them all over the kitchen. I eventually just got mine out and put all hers in her room dirty. And sh broke my new blender :mad:
Omg this reminds me of a friends flatmate, she kept stealing food to the extent my friend put a padlock on her cupboard, the flat ate got lock cutters and cut it off!
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I had an awful one at uni too! There was a group of us decided to rent a house for second year and my friend asked if her friend (the nightmare flatmate) could move in with us. We thought why not. Big mistake.
She was a horrible person who hung out with real unsavoury types, had this horrific chav boyfriend who wasn’t a student just some drug dealer from the local town who she met whilst we were at uni.

These two had a big fight one time and split up.
one day I was in the house by myself ( a big 5 bedroom property) when I hear someone trying to kick the door in. They eventually broke the door down, but I don’t think they realised anyone was home I think they were gonna break in and take all our stuff. I was terrified but I went and peered down over the bannister and the nasty ex boyfriend saw me and luckily for me, legged it.

we reported it to the police but I was too scared to say it was him for fear of what he might do to me. Horrible time. Luckily we parted ways with her and I rented with someone else the next year.
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I lived with this girl for my 3rd year of Uni and a year after I graduated who I was actually good friends with at the time. It was fine at first and we got on really well, until she started showing her true colours.

She was really messy and never cleaned up after herself, never emptied the bin, never got rid of old food. Once there was a weird smell in our kitchen so I checked her food cupboard and found the culprit was a bag of parsnips that had been there that long they had literally turned to liquid. I don't even know why she had the parsnips, she couldn't cook so she existed on spam sandwiches, boil in the bag rice and chicken supreme from a tin, which she would leave open tins of in the fridge.

She got a job working nights and became really unreasonable. Like I had to be silent during the day when she was in bed and couldn't use the washing machine or have people round but when she came in from work she would make all sorts of noise. She was just one of those people who thought that it was her world and everyone else just lived in it.

Despite everything I wanted to continue our friendship when I moved out and did go over to see her a pick up some stuff not long after, and everything seemed fine, but a few days later I texted her about some money she owed me for a bill and she ignored me. I then went on Facebook to discover that the bitch had blocked me! Anyway I haven't spoken to her since but I learnt my lesson never to live with a friend.
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my old flatmate used to have her mum come round to watch her dog while she was at work... even if I was in. Her mum would get there half an hour after she left and stay all day til after she got home. When I told my flatmate i didnt want her mum there all day if I wasn't working her mum took the hump and wouldn't speak to me 😂 id known her for over 10 years! As well as that she always left her dishes in the basin in the sink, which (to me) meant I couldn't do mine without doing hers aswell - she never ever reciprocated. She also blocked my hoover multiple times with dog hair 😂

I still love the girl dearly and she's still my best mate but i was so happy when our flat got put up for sale 😂
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my old flatmate used to have her mum come round to watch her dog while she was at work... even if I was in. Her mum would get there half an hour after she left and stay all day til after she got home. When I told my flatmate i didnt want her mum there all day if I wasn't working her mum took the hump and wouldn't speak to me 😂 id known her for over 10 years! As well as that she always left her dishes in the basin in the sink, which (to me) meant I couldn't do mine without doing hers aswell - she never ever reciprocated. She also blocked my hoover multiple times with dog hair 😂

I still love the girl dearly and she's still my best mate but i was so happy when our flat got put up for sale 😂
😂 oh god her mum coming over would drive me *mad*! That’s your space!
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@Cloak yeah it did! Felt like i was trapped in my bedroom because of it cos her mum took over the living room 🤣

Actually the worst one was when she gave her key to my ex (ex at the time aswell) so that he could take her dog a walk while she was working instead of asking me! The excuse was I don't want my dog to be a burden... aye cos my ex floating about wasnt more of a burden 🙈
I have also had dogs pretty much my whole life so it would never have been an issue. Id offered to walk him before all she had to do was ask!
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Oh it rages me!!!
I remember being so upset my last night as my dad had driven the 6 hour jouney to pick me up and was staying over. The house was spotless when i met him and by the time we had come to the house it was like a bomb had hit it. He didnt want to even have a drink and didnt leave my room as the house was that bad.
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Norfolking Good

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When I was doing my teacher training I lived off campus for the year with two guys who worked but seemed to think a postgrad student would be the key to lots of sexy student parties. They picked the wrong person as I was working in my room till 10pm on lesson plans and marking but I digress.
One guy seemed to think putting his hubcaps in the dishwasher was ok so when I opened it, everything was covered in brake dust! Another time I found a dildo in the dishwasher, nearly lost my lunch with that find! He used to bring back women for 1 night stands, sleep with them and make them sleep on the floor as he ‘didn’t want to share a bed’... one even slept under his desk! Me and the other flat mate who was sweet usually had to make small talk with these girls while they waited for a cab. Awful.
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I lived in a couple of flatshares when I first moved to the big smoke. First one the flat mates weren’t actually too bad it was the flat and the landlord that were total nightmares.
second one was really weird. Total stoner lived on the third floor, shortly after I moved in came down to my room at about midnight, knocked on the door and told me how nice it was to meet me and wanted to get to know me better (slept with the door locked after that). He’d smoke in the bathroom (next to my room) so the weedy smell would seep into my room.
Then the two other lads decided I was the messy one (admittedly I can be a bit messy but not the extent they claimed). I
Was away for a week and the night I got back they told me it was me who makes all the mess I was like...haven’t been here so don’t think so.

Then when I moved out at the start of the month (agreement finished at the end of the month) I came back to clean my room just before I gave my keys back and OH WAIT the communal area was still a state. Not me then pals is it 😉

I don’t want to put people off houseshares with strangers as I think it really helps with your independence but I’m never doing it again 😂
I’ve generally been lucky with flatmates but once I lived with a girl who was insanely stingy with everything ( in halls) and asked us to give her 2p each to wash the tea towels we used communally.. she also refused to vacuum until the end of the corridor as her she never went there (literally a doorway extra of space 🙄 I also lived with a guy who had basically a revolving door of girls, fine I don’t care, but also had a girlfriend I got on well with... I debated telling her but decided not to. Anyway cue an awkward situation as she confronted me asking if he was seeing other people and I had to say yes, obviously, she was devastated yet continued seeing him and he continued the same 🙄
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When I was at uni i lived in a shared house my second year with some of the people i lived with in halls. One girl ended leaving the course so we had a couple of different people move in. The first was a lad who was at college who would blast music and invite his mates over all hours of the night. He would steal your food and i often found him in my room with his mates going through my cds.....the final straw was him blasting music at 4am, i got up to go to the loo to find pukes all over the bathroom. I got him kicked out as enough was enough.
The next person to move in was a french girl who was the scruffiest girl ever. I would clean up and the house would be sparkling for it to be trashed half hour later. She would use every single pot and pan and plate including ours and leave them all over the kitchen. I eventually just got mine out and put all hers in her room dirty. And sh broke my new blender :mad:
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I lived in a couple of flatshares when I first moved to the big smoke. First one the flat mates weren’t actually too bad it was the flat and the landlord that were total nightmares.
second one was really weird. Total stoner lived on the third floor, shortly after I moved in came down to my room at about midnight, knocked on the door and told me how nice it was to meet me and wanted to get to know me better (slept with the door locked after that). He’d smoke in the bathroom (next to my room) so the weedy smell would seep into my room.
Then the two other lads decided I was the messy one (admittedly I can be a bit messy but not the extent they claimed). I
Was away for a week and the night I got back they told me it was me who makes all the mess I was like...haven’t been here so don’t think so.

Then when I moved out at the start of the month (agreement finished at the end of the month) I came back to clean my room just before I gave my keys back and OH WAIT the communal area was still a state. Not me then pals is it 😉

I don’t want to put people off houseshares with strangers as I think it really helps with your independence but I’m never doing it again 😂
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Not me but my sister. She had a really fussy and petty flatmate who would moan at the tiniest thing. One day the flatmate told my sister to put the bins out, my sister was packing for a trip and said she would after she was done. My sister unfortunately forgot and went off on her trip. To add my sister was always clean etc, she just forgot to take the bins out.

She returned a week later to the main kitchen bin which had been placed in her bedroom, surrounded by stinking black bags of rubbish dotted around her bedroom. Absolutely rotting food in the bin and bags etc therefore it stank. Really stank and had been left there for a week. The flatmate had done it to teach her lesson. Utter bitch.

My sister moved out not long after.
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