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Assa teaches his leghumpers so well.

A convicted burglar with a felony record has NO right to call anyone trash. A man who has consented sex with a female and creates a life and then does nothing but send 200 a month has NO right to call someone trash
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Why in the hell is Brandi explaining for Asshole and Pigcilla to stop before Abbie gets upset, and have Abbie use her device?!? This is basic shit that should've been done long ago, and implemented every day so using her device to communicate becomes the norm. I thought Asshole is the Jedi of autism? I can't even watch the rest of this shit.
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Whatever Brandi says to them falls on deaf ears; they know everything about everything, they’re lazy, and they gave up on Abby making any progress years ago. 😡

Abby was calm in the car because Brandi was there; I’m sure she’s the same at school. She thrives on consistency and calm, clear choices. Her idiot parents are too self- consumed and self- absorbed to tune in to Abbie’s needs and communications unless 1. Abby has a tantrum and they need her to be quiet and rock so they can “work” ( A with his vlogging/ editing and P Limelifing on her phone); gotta keep that cash rolling in, or 2. It fits into their narrative, “Look! She signed candy/doughnut! ABBY wants to go to Dunkin. Let’s go sweet girl” because they want Dunkin themselves.🙄

I believe she could be out of diapers if they set a timer for a consistent time interval that they all could hear; “ding”, “OK Ab, let’s go the the restroom together.” Once there, quiet consistency with visual supports: pants down, potty, wipe, pants up,flush, hand washing process. “You did it; we’ll try again in 45 minutes” or whatever necessary interval she needs to stay dry/have “productive” potty runs, gradually lengthening the time between alarms. Will Abby ever recognize the sensation and independently choose to toilet alone and stay dry? Maybe not, but they could get her out of diapers. Surely she’d be more comfortable (and her skin would be healthier) than rocking in a wet/soiled diaper so they can “work” until they can be bothered to change her (which clearly isn’t too often due to the intermittent missing sofa cushion).

ABAPQueen1995, I agree with you that Abby needs signs that will empower her and respect her autonomy. Unfortunately, whether she shakes her head no or says it with her IPad her useless parents will either completely ignore her or keep pushing their own narrative ( “she really means yes”🤬) or keep badgering her/asking the same question until she finally answers with what THEY want to do.🤨🤨🤨
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Not a bit surprised to see them all without masks. Its happening all over, young and old. I work with some anti-maskers. They dont like me anymore bc I wont allow them in my office without a mask...and since I have had Covid they think I shouldnt care. Idiots.

But I'm glad to see Isaiah happy, and that he has made friends so quickly. I had a good feeling about it. Getting away from his soul sucking parents is the best thing he could have done for himself.

And Asa, look how happy your son is to be able to live as a young adult and not a caregiver. He is free to do as he chooses without having to see if he has to watch Abbie for you. This kills your whole lecture from last nights vlog. This is what people meant. He IS happy to be free.
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1. Boring...yup sure mention carbs like you care
2. OMFG it's a pineapple corer. This is riveting blog content....not
3. Oh you know rum was poured into that pineapple
4. Yup Piggy it makes perfect are you soooooo excited...we aren't
5. I give up with cooter boards...another thing just to taunt us
6. Push those Amazon links
7. Wait is Piggy acting like she only has one biscuit on her plate
8. Oh lookie a cooter fruit plate 🤣
9. And this is what they teach her...they are really still pushing for that Dunkin sponsorship
10. I don't really care about your iPads blowhard
11. SUPERCUTE can get same results with a curling iron you probably already have but guess $25 is a drop in the bucket for the makeup mogul
12. Like Isaiah has a choice sending his vlogs to them early...bullshit you're editing them
13. Is the cushion gone again?
14. Nice kick Abbie
15. Why are they riling her up🙄. Leave her alone Summer
16. What other social media sites are left for them to make money...Assa and Piggy on Onlyfans....PLEASE GOD NOT THAT
The end

Again 12m17s of my life gone
Watching my ice packs melt was more exciting than this vlog
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I'm here to laugh at and talk shit about the hambeasts and their extended family.
I do not give a damn if any of you like what I say and I really really don't give a damn what random leghumpers, lurkers or whatever they are think about my posts personally or the forum in general.
It's a friggin gossip site.
In my view, 🐖 is a terrible human and a worse excuse for a mother. Why not talk about it truthfully? She's fat. That's a fact. The photoshopped pics from talented tattlers are intended to be funny. That's a fact too.
I come here to laugh and enjoy myself at the expense of these people. I think others do too. We need confirmation the shit we see and hear on the vlogs was real. 😜😁
Getting chastised by other tattlers is ridiculous. I think it would be a fantastic idea to stop shaming fellow tattlers for having independent opinions and thoughts.
Agree to disagree but don't chastise. It's not that damn serious.
At least not to me.
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P.’s reaction to Brandy suggesting that maybe she doesn’t want a donut but a hamburger... That they need to stop and try to understand what she wants.... P looks at A with that “oh brother, near eye roll” attitude. I think Brandy stating early on that her role will be as a consultant to the parents Rather than hands on with Abbie was interesting. P. Is living in an MLM alternate reality and clearly that is all she wants to do 24/7. It really is a cult. She cannot and doesn’t want to give anything else any real attention.
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End of vlog I think was 100% her coming down from a sugar rush. Nothing about donuts is filling. It spikes blood sugar and sends you crashing. That is totally what I saw Ab doing. I think she asks for donuts and dunkin because she knows it is what they want and do. She is bored and is just playing into what she knows gets them do go.

It amazed me listening to them talk while Brandi was there. It was like they all lived in a different house and didn't have the same life. Each was saying something different about Abby. And Summer is still more involved and motherly than P. P seemed out of place and like a stranger the entire time. I think off camera she is a ghost in that house. She only shows up to keep up appearances.

Brandi seemed to know she was talking to a wall. At this point she knows they are not going to listen and follow through. Sadly Ab is the only victim. She is capable of way more than what they force her to settle for. Maybe Ass and Summer care but P has never shown a single sign Ab is more than a burden and meal ticket.
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I watched last night's vlog and, as an autistic person, to be very honest with you, it had me in tears.

First of all, she should not be doing ABA. It should be called Abusive Imposter Training because it trains autistic people to be someone they're not. She needs to go to a different school too where she can be accepted for who she is and have a proper education that doesn't involve tasks that are too boring or easy for her, no wonder why she always comes home from school looking sad and overwhelmed.

So she had all this ABA at school, then comes home to more ABA when all she wants to do is unwind and relax. The poor girl is 15!! Then there are 4 adults crowding round her in the kitchen, talking about her right in front of her as though she is not there which is making her more frustrated and overwhelmed.

She didn't really want to go in the car to Dunkin', she just wanted to be left in peace. She gets no privacy and she is never asked before a camera is suddenly shoved in her face. Why is there not a 'Leave me alone' option on her iPad? That needs to go on there asap. When they were all in the car, I could see the sadness in her face (She did not want to go).

I don't agree with the advice that her so-called "therapist" gave about what to do if she gets upset at Dunkin. How about instead of forcing her to go and asking her what she wants, take her home, give her a stim toy and put music on. Or, even better, not taking her at all? Perhaps she finds the place too overwhelming or maybe she associates it with the stupid meet-ups she had to do.

She should have learnt how to say how she feels both with ASL and the iPad when she was little and then she would have a wider vocabulary. They treat that poor girl like she's a circus animal or dog and not a human being.

When she stood near the snack cupboard looking sad and when she started melting down, that really made me uncomfortable. What did her dad do? Instead of turning the camera off immediately and allowing her some privacy, he carried on filming. The poor girl wanted to be left alone.

That meltdown could have been avoided if they cancelled that so-called "therapy" session and they just left her be. All she wanted to do was chill on the sofa and relax.

It makes me so sad and angry for her. I hope that channel gets shut down soon as they are exploiting her for money. She is a 15 year old girl who deserves every right to privacy fgs!!!
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This vlog just has me angry and frustrated!
Yet more food added to the ipad! Ugh!
They are absolute idiots!
I bet Abbie was glad to see Brandi. I imagine she was thinking 'finally! Someone who will listen to me and help me, not just ignore me'!
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I know she is in their house and is going to get the germs from Abbie but they could't give Brandi the courtesy of wearing masks while she was there?
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Brandi is lovely. Abbie gets her I think, she senses her calm. So it appears Brandi will be back once per week for consulting and teaching Abbie emotions on her ipad. I said before I doubted there was any quitting on Brandi's part, she left when covid started, everything changed.

If Asa could just stop talking for a minute....I can;t sit and listen to him for an entire vlog.....SHUT UP! Good lord.

Disclaimer: I agree with you all, love, praise, you are all the best...echo, echo, echo. Please stop reporting me on every post I make.
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I just deleted other my post because I feel I didn’t word it right.

So if Abbie doesn’t know she’s full, that means she actually does get full, right? Full=no hungry pains. So why would she ask for more food if she’s not hungry? That obviously means something else triggers her to want to eat. Boredom? Depression? Or maybe because food is all she knows?

Stick with me here.

As much as Asshat likes to claim that Abbie thrives on "chaos," she's just as behaviorally inflexible as any autistic person. One of the diagnostic requirements for ASD is a pattern of restricted and/or repetitive behaviors - this not only includes stereotypy, or repetitive body motions (rocking, finger twisting, etc; the repetitive part) but also a dependence on things happening a certain way, often non-functionally; this is the restricted part.

In other words, routine.
Things have to happen a certain way. As an example, my older child will only say "excuse me" when they burp and "pardon me" when they, y'know, pass gas. These are never interchangeable. Ever. There's no functional difference between the two phrases; they both are equally polite reactions to air escaping the body. But, in my child's world view, the two are separate actions so they must have separate reactions. This is a nonfunctional routine for my child - it serves no purpose that a neurotypical person can see, but it's an extremely important restricted behavior, or routine, for my child. They have a compulsion to separate the two phrases the way that they do.

Now consider the common use of edible reinforcers in standard ABA therapy.
Sit in the chair for a count of 3 - good job, here's an M&M. Sit in the chair for a count of 3 - good job, here's an M&M. Sit in the chair for a count of 3 - good job, here's an M&M.
Hands waiting - good job, here's an M&M. Hands waiting - good job, here's an M&M.
Show me (the sign for) candy - good job, here's an M&M. Show me (the sign for) candy - good job, here's an M&M.
Now extrapolate that out into as much as 20-40 hours a week of ABA therapy, the incessant repetition of demand/reward, for years.

Then consider this demand/reward cycle of operant conditioning and how it might affect a person who is neurologically wired for a dependence on things happening a certain way. Mix that with what we know of Abbie's parents.

She constantly seeks out snacks because it's a restricted behavior she's been conditioned into. She learned that performing what was asked of her results in a reward, and edible reinforcers (snacks, candy) have often been those rewards.
A nonverbal child with limited alternate communication (mostly modified sign, in Abbie's case) is so, so hard to know how to parent, and any parent who's been in the position of desperately wanting to communicate with their child in any way will understand that you'd do just about anything for that communication...

...even if that means rewarding every sign for candy with an M&M or equivalent.

Which, hopefully, any parent will quickly realize what that path will lead to, and will seek out other methods of reinforcement but that doesn't always happen. It does not appear to have happened in Abbie's case, and it's become a routine for her.

Asking for food constantly has effectively become a compulsion.
It's part of her routine. It's a nonfunctional, restricted behavior.

(And, yes, I know there's a long-running debate here in previous threads about IDD vs. ASD. Abbie is very clearly autistic as well as intellectually disabled; she hits all the bells for both.)
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And Abbie certainly understands what “go upstairs if your gonna yell” means...she got it, shame on them for not sticking to that

Same, my mom was 74, too young, I was 39

It’s so annoying to hear her say she likes herself as she is ( weight wise) even if that were true how do you explain “I just want to be healthy for Abbie” HOW so P?
And notice there have been no hashtags about her "journey", no more "100 lbs down". No "work in progress." No Peloton. No swimming laps. Shes already given up again .
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They won’t listen to a thing Brandi tells them, they know it all! I would love to hear what Brandi really thinks of these know it all parents. And of course, P can’t put that phone down for nothing, she’s not that important! Poor Abbie, they have really dropped the ball with her, she should be able to do way more than she does.
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