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Erin was just saying she would have to put Tom in his cot for two hours with an IPad to attend to Lu or leave Lu and tend to Tom, neither is safe & this is why she needs full time care. Wasn’t she laying on the grass yesterday chatting on stories after a 23km run? She NEVER has either of her children as she’s always attending to her own needs. The look of nastiness in her eyes is horrible
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Erin has decided she wants it, so Erin wants it NOW.

Erin is also in the position that she could easily privately fund the chair if she really wanted it.
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OMG her latest stories!! “I need a full time carer for Lu because I have two children,” basically. Like, no, Erin. Every parent of multiple children faces the EXACT same struggles!! NONE of it is actually related to Luella’s disability. The solution is you need to upskill your parenting and your capacity to manage your life (ie get therapy etc), and none of that involves the taxpayer. Get a grip, and get some help. FOR YOURSELF.
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Honestly, Erin should have been well prepared for the outcome. Everyone knows Capacity Building funds get drastically reduced (rightly or wrongly, it’s just how it is) once a child starts school. As parents we desperately want our child to still receive the 3+ hours of therapy a week we managed to provide them with prior to school, but the reality is - and I think this is NDIS’s logic as well - they are in school 30(?) hours a week, not including travel/transport, and getting ready for and winding down from. Kids simply can’t sustain the same level of therapy, especially during the first year of school. For kids like Lu who will attend and SSP, they will likely receive therapies IN school, even if not by OTs etc, but by staff who have a great deal of experience in kids just like Lu.

Secondly, the carer (ie core funding)? Erin is even stupider than I imagined (which I didn’t think possible). She has got to know that people from the NDIA are all over social media accounts like hers, and see that she is a lady of leisure and simply doesn’t WANT to care for her daughter. Lu is disabled, no-one is arguing that she isn’t. But this 24/7 carer business that Erin demands is absurd. Their rationale with cutting core for Lu is likely that Erin will now have at least 30 hours per week of Luella in care (school), and thus is getting a break from the extra care Lu needs compared to a typically developing child. But like someone above mentioned, ya gotta actually parent occasionally!! She has absolutely shot her self in the foot with the constant posting about both her kids being cared for (one by NDIS funds) so she can run, go on date nights, get massages, and rest.

I don’t see this reduction in funds causing Lu suffering, EXCEPT for the fact she now will be required to endure her mothers disdain, I mean, care, rather than being with a carer who most likely shows her more attention, love and support than her mother.
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She feels so fine roasting the kid who puked in the pool, but can’t put 2 and 2 together to figure out her own son is sick (fever + vomit) & should never have gone to swimming lessons in the first place. She is an A grade idiot, this one.
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This makes me so sad. Imagine delaying the process, then finding out Lulu loves it and it is so beneficial for her, and then waiting 6+ months to receive funding when you have the means to buy it yourself. If only she had access to go fundme cash….
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Shouldn’t have had Tom then. What did she think was going to happen? If you want two kids then you have to parent two kids. My mums neighbour has four kids, two with epilepsy who are also both on the spectrum. And another son on the spectrum who is non verbal. She’s also a single mum. And literally never complains about her children. I’ve never come across someone who is as entitled and incompetent as Erin. I feel bad saying this because as much as she is unlikeable it’s clear that she’s unwell but for the love of God can’t someone step in and make her realise she needs help. It’s really hard to watch
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She really doesn’t know how to respond to a seizure.
I’m a mum of an epileptic child and it’s bloody scary seeing your child seize, but panicking and blowing in their face isn’t that way to respond.

I recall Erin saying they only have had to administer rescue meds to Lu once. Which means virtually all her seizures are under 5 minutes. In contrast, my kid virtually never stops seizing without rescue meds. His longest seizure was close to 40 minutes, but 10-15 mins is standard.

Erin panicking like she does is seriously not helpful. Yeah we panicked the first few times but once you know what you’re dealing with and how to go about it, you just go into action mode.

Blowing in her face seems weird to me. It’s very unlikely Lu would stop breathing during a seizure and blowing in her face wouldn’t help anyway. It probably makes it harder for Lu to breathe. We just hold our son’s hand, stay close, stroke his cheek, make sure he’s safe, let him know he’s safe and that we are right there, call an ambulance and give rescue meds as required.

And I would NEVER post a video of my child having a seizure online. Those poor kids have no privacy.
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Chatty Member
Honestly, Erin should have been well prepared for the outcome. Everyone knows Capacity Building funds get drastically reduced (rightly or wrongly, it’s just how it is) once a child starts school. As parents we desperately want our child to still receive the 3+ hours of therapy a week we managed to provide them with prior to school, but the reality is - and I think this is NDIS’s logic as well - they are in school 30(?) hours a week, not including travel/transport, and getting ready for and winding down from. Kids simply can’t sustain the same level of therapy, especially during the first year of school. For kids like Lu who will attend and SSP, they will likely receive therapies IN school, even if not by OTs etc, but by staff who have a great deal of experience in kids just like Lu.

Secondly, the carer (ie core funding)? Erin is even stupider than I imagined (which I didn’t think possible). She has got to know that people from the NDIA are all over social media accounts like hers, and see that she is a lady of leisure and simply doesn’t WANT to care for her daughter. Lu is disabled, no-one is arguing that she isn’t. But this 24/7 carer business that Erin demands is absurd. Their rationale with cutting core for Lu is likely that Erin will now have at least 30 hours per week of Luella in care (school), and thus is getting a break from the extra care Lu needs compared to a typically developing child. But like someone above mentioned, ya gotta actually parent occasionally!! She has absolutely shot her self in the foot with the constant posting about both her kids being cared for (one by NDIS funds) so she can run, go on date nights, get massages, and rest.

I don’t see this reduction in funds causing Lu suffering, EXCEPT for the fact she now will be required to endure her mothers disdain, I mean, care, rather than being with a carer who most likely shows her more attention, love and support than her mother.
You’ve summarised my exact thoughts!

It’s also no secret that the NDIS is really cracking down on funding. They’re probably wondering how a child got that level of core to begin with.

When a child goes to school but especially a special school, therapies are all done on site. What does she need a full time carer for now!?

Disabled or not, we all drive our kids to and from school everyday. Disabled or not we still feed them, bathe them, love them. Disabled or not we still have to prioritise their needs.

I hope people’s complaints have gone on their file too. It’s quite frankly disgusting the amount of outsourcing she does for Luella’s care. You know she rarely has her own her own because when she does she posts about it. Lol.

She would honestly put Luella in full time assisted living and make her someone else’s problem if she could. 😞

I for one with a child with significant disabilities who has had their plan substantially increased recently am glad it’s becoming a more level playing field. My child is similar to Lu with regards to his functional capacity (so far below peer level it didn’t even score), except he has a parent who gives him everything and has put their life ON HOLD purely for the benefit of maximising early intervention. The NDIA planner commended us on our commitment to his supports.

It’s never ever been about Luella. It’s all about Erin. Erin contributes nothing to the world? She doesn’t volunteer, she doesn’t work, she is an angry, twisted, bitter resentful person who honestly deserves a bit of a wake up call.

Luella is not dying. She does not have oxygen, trachs, etc. She is not palliative. She needs support yes, support that should be being provided primarily BY HER PARENTS. She is a beautiful, vibrant little girl who will likely live a valuable and happy life. Unfortunately for Luella she got the shitty reality of that as her mother.

Also. one last thought.
All calls to and from NDIS are recorded. They give you the spiel about respect and courtesy before you can even select an option to proceed. They would deal with some emotional and suffering people, i’ve cried to them before too… To be hung up on means Erin must have been downright disgusting. And to then post her NAME!?!?!?! Shame on you Erin 🤮
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Does she even have funding for support co-ordination? Do we think she knows it’s a specific line item in your plan, not something you can fund from core or CB?

If so, the funding is minimal for support coordination and won’t last long with the way she likely intends to use them (to fight her battles with the NDIA, which is a bit silly bc there’s nothing they can do that she can’t do herself).

Time to come back to reality, Erin. You have to care for your child. With your own two hands. She is your responsibility, which is an awful reality for Lu, but the reality nonetheless. There is absolutely evidence you can provide that would support her application for more Core funding (the bucket that you can use to fund support workers) - not going to share it here, because I don't want to help her in any way, shape or form! - but even with that evidence and documentation there is no way she will get the funding she wants.

It's funny, because Erin could easily have played the situation so differently. She could have been a loving, devoted martyr. Refused to accept any help in caring for Lu, because no-one could possibly care for her better than her own mother. She could have been Lu's constant side-kick, celebrating her every win at NAPA, showing her all the world has to offer, refusing to allow environments or situations be inaccessible, she could just get in there with Lu, be her hands and feet and show her little girl that life is good and she won't let her disability stop her from living her best life. But that's just not who Erin is. Instead she throws up her hands and says she can't cope with the level of Lu's needs, that she cannot possibly care for her single handed, and whines constantly about how much Lu ruins everything and the world isn't designed for her. Which really just goes to show what a selfish, miserable, entitled, ableist and spoiled person Erin is.

Wild horses could not stop me from advocating for my son. I am his biggest cheerleader and advocate. I will never, ever stop. Ever. I have so much hope and optimism and joy about his life, because he's amazing! & then I think about Erin, and it's the kind of heaviness that makes me feel sick to my stomach. That poor little girl (Lu, NOT ERIN!!).
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Swamp Life

Well-known member

Does anyone else read this as a dig at NDIS?

Erin, maybe YOU should have started this process earlier.
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Swamp Life

Well-known member
Did we notice the pointed comment about GFMs should be used for whatever need the person decides. I felt that was a dig at the criticism she’s received about her GFM.
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Tom is a typical two year old, and she’s saying he can’t be left unattended, has to be put in the cot with an iPad. Use your brain, Erin. How does she think literally every other parent of multiple children manages? Tom is at an age where lots of mums are either heavily pregnant again or already have a newborn. No, I don’t think he should be left unattended, I think Erin should be able to use the same problem solving skills that every other parent is capable of using. WHY did you have Tom, if you knew you weren't even capable of looking after the single child that you already had?
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Sorry, but applying to a high school when you’ve got a newborn baby tells me everything I need to know. Education is such an individual thing. There is no chance that is ever in the best interest of the child. You couldn’t possibly know that yet. Everything is always about status for Erin. No wonder she mortified at the horror of having a disabled child. Poor Lulu was doomed, long before she was ever diagnosed with epilepsy.
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The sweet, sweet look on that baby’s face. 🥹 I don’t know if it’s just me but the difference in her demeanor in that chair is striking. And heart tugging actually, that it is so apparent even through photographs what a positive difference it has made for her. She looks so content and curious and participatory in the wheelchair, and she always looked so uncomfortable and forlorn in that tiny pram. Just sort of stuck down there, removed from everyone, forced to look at a sea of knees rushing past her instead of being able to engage with the world around her. I love this for her so much!
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I cannot believe the audacity of a wealthy family expecting ndis to find carers because they are in Berlin for a fucking marathon.
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Lots of private schools in the eastern suburbs have parents enrolling children as babies. These schools are $40k plus a year. Just shows the privledge and entitlement of Erin though. She was happy to do this at 6 weeks for 12 years time. But it’s a huge drama to enrol her disabled children at a public school a year in advance.
The process she is outling is quite normal ? Why does she think it is such a task ? I only skim read though as it was making me angry.
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This was definitely triggered because it’s thrown a spanner into her Berlin trip. She’s melting down because she can’t figure out how she’s going to carve out hours a day for alone time marathon prep and how she’s going to pull off the romantic trip OS for her and Dave without having to lay out a significant amount of their own cash for childcare. Boo fucking hoo. They both can go fuck themselves.
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