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rundown from the new video incase you didn’t fancy putting money in her angelle collection size small pockets:

- makes a little speech about trying to be healthy and not liking it so now she’s just eating foods that make her happy, within moderation and balance of course. start the vlog off as you mean to go on i guess elle, by✨ lying ✨

- since pregnancy her taste buds have become “SO” different. i assume she meant this means she switched from chocolate marylands to double chocolate marylands

- reminds everyone she didn’t suffer from morning sickness AT ALL

- “i’m just here to be real and honest because if i wasn’t then i wouldn’t be being me” says size 8-10 elle darby

- goes on about pregnancy as if it were a terminal illness again, “i feel like unless you’ve been pregnant you won’t understand what i mean when i say, you just have to like, get through every day” let me get my little tiny violin out for you whilst you slob on the sofa all day, and hundreds of thousands of other pregnant women all over the world slave away at full time jobs 🥺🎻

- states this is a very realistic what i eat in day, but proceeds to show only probably half of the food she consumed that day

- says she feels like a whale, needs so much water because she’s so thirsty, it’s incomparable to anything she’s ever ‘dealt’ with. no doubt from the excessive daily sodium intake

- concerned over her iron levels, but not her diet clearly

- shows massive baby bump and vile new angelle collection merch, she feels like he’s “gotten really big all of a sudden or something else is going on in there”. that would be the 3 dominoes pizzas a week

- blames the baby for being SO full SO quickly after her little measly 700 calorie breakfast, then eats a banana anyway

- runs out of breath halfway up the stairs

- wedding planning is going well, invitations are sorted. another venue visit booked this month

- says people were calling her crazy in the “comments” (tattle, hi elle) for getting the nursery and playroom sorted so early. she feels dedicating a whole room to 1+ years baby toys for a baby that isn’t even born yet wasn’t too soon at all. careful elle, your ✨ privilege ✨ is showing

- nursery update, still looks like an ikea baby sale. new white company lamp angels!!!!

- plans on sitting in the chair next to the crib all day every day once he’s born. so not much change from before

- pretends she took the dogs for a walk and didn’t just sit in the car the whole time, although says she may have to start doing that 🤥 she’s having to take it slow and won’t be able to take the dogs for as long a walk as they need because obviously pregnancy is completely debilitating and crippling

- loves a smarties yoghurt and salt and vinegar crisps at the moment

- conman shows off his new elle funded home gym, probably the only time she’ll ever be in there. con suggests she could go on the treadmill when it arrives, to which she replies “well... yeah, we’ll figure that out”

- continues to talk to one cup con like a toddler, calls him dude about 10 times

- hello fresh ad, pretends to dwell over the two healthier options but shock horror opts for the creamy carby pasta dish

- con corners herby in the kitchen with a hug, herby looks very concerned. possibly having flashbacks to THAT picture from the park photoshoot

- hello fresh apple crumble and custard, because carbs

- hopes she’s inspired other preggy angels with her meals, happy gestational diabetes girls!!! ✨

not to sound like elle, but that was draining. you’re welcome 🤪
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New thread head title with the most likes by @Seashellsshesells

Any angles care to have a recap?
I'll give it a go!

Despite being totally exhausted from pregnancy Elle manages to visit Primark on opening day and drag her pregnant ass to every pub garden in the local area for three consecutive lunchdates.

Elle continues to lie about her size and still claims she's a size 10 even while pregnant. She's a medical marvel! She's discovered the secret to the perfect diet. You know those "Weight loss coaches hate her!" clickbait articles? It's Elle.

One-cup Con and Belly go off to London for the weekend now restrictions are lifted. Con is interviewed about his hair transplant and can't sit still on a swivel chair during the interview. I'm not sure what's more distracting - the swivelling or his ghoulish complexion. 🧟‍♂️

Elle buys a load of baby clothes from Zara while in London and pretends Katie picked them out for a video. She gets very jealous when Katie starts talking about Zoella being pregnant.

Elle unintentionally dresses up as Roger from American Dad. It's bonkers!

Her and Count Con pop off to the seaside for her last Angelle Collection shoot before she goes on "Maternity Leave" (don't you actually have to work to have maternity leave?)

She films a vlog with a segment on her ✨new stretch marks✨ like that's something new and interesting for her teenage viewers 🤔

Everything is beige. The clothes, the food, the house. It's like Mad Max but there's baby clothes and dog shit everywhere.

Let me know if I missed anything important!
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Thread title: Elle wants marriage and kids, Conman wants a new girlfriend with fake tits

Never done this before so sorry if it was bad😂 i just started thinking about this one and had to post it
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Elle stop this now it’s just silly. There is no point in continuing to lie about your size, it’s so toxic considering the average age of your audience. You cannot claim to love your pregnant body and yet edit your grid photos so heavily!!
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*don't comment on a pregnant woman's body*
*don't comment on a pregnant woman's body*
*don't comment on a pregnant woman's body*

.....👀 Why does her belly look so doughy
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Sorry if this is a long post and pleeease don't people be commenting saying I should be starting a rave thread for Elle.. I really do not rave about her.

I think that like some other people have said on here it feels a bit wrong to comment on another woman's body, especially when pregnant. I know in myself and like so many other women we do critique ourselves and look in the mirror and we don't see what we want to.

I don't care about what her body looks like, and to an extent I even kinda like her mention at the beginning of the video about not being so uptight about what you eat during pregnancy. I know for me personally I'd way rather watch a woman be honest and say she has maybe 5 choccy digestives with her cuppa than the influencers like Zara McDermott who basically promote eating disorders.

My issues with Elle like everyone else here is that she says one thing 'im happy with my body' and then edits it another way. I'm kinda sympathetic to this because I know what it's like to feel insecure but I just wish ALL influencers would be honest and either admit they edit their photos, or be frank about their insecurities...

And maybe this is a terrible thing to say but I just kind of feel she's not ready for a baby... I swear soooo many influencers want to have a baby because it's good content. Like she's milked her pregnancy for all it's worth so guaranteed she'll be the same once the baby is born. It's just sad tbh, that's a human being, not a prop.
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Yes because you’re buying a size 8 every time angle🤦🏻‍♀️
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Why do you need to buy a new suitcase to use as your hospital bag?? Can't you use one you already own? 😂
GREED. Pure greed.

she has nothing else to focus on in her life, she doesn’t work, she has no hobbies and no interests. She doesn’t do a single thing for other people and she doesn’t do a single productive thing.

normal people get a real satisfaction from working, whether they work in a supermarket, do heart surgery or work in admin. Working is healthy for the mind and it makes us feel productive and as though we are contributing something to the world.

Elle and Connor don’t have this, so Elle constantly gets bored and bounces to the next thing, new houses, marriage, babies... she wants it all and she wants it all now, because she has nothing to else to fill her time and her emptiness. Whereas Connor just fills his time staring at semi naked girls and playing computer games.

what a sad and empty life they lead.
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I think a majority will agree that bodyshaming a pregnant woman isn't called for. What Elle is being criticised for is her lack of empathy towards others, her inability to talk about anything than herself and her pregnancy with her thousands of followers that have watched her or bought her Merch over the years. Making people believe she's a size 10 (nothing wrong with whatever size you are btw, she's just obsessed with making sure people know she's a size small) The heavy editing of her photos, her blatant disregard for the rules during the 2nd Lockdown particularly, the constant stream of IG stories of all the crap she eats, yet pretends in her latest video she eats more healthier (sponsored by Hello Fresh) how exhausting it is being pregnant, yet somehow finding the energy to visit Primark on its first day open after Lockdown, blocks people that warn her about the dangers of cot bumpers, allowing Con Job to sponge off her whilst he screenshots away on soft porn Insta accounts to store in his vampire Wank Bank.... So yes. Yes we're entitled to call her out on that shit and enjoy a bit of banter whilst we're at it. 🧛‍♂️✌🏻🍕

I would've given my right arm to be hooked up to an intravenous drip of Tango Ice Blasts, and devoured Crunchies and Haribo like they were going out of fashion in my pregnancies, but a line has to be drawn somewhere 😅

This is to nobody inparticular, but if you're starting to Police what can and can't be discussed on a gossip forum, then maybe this ain't the place for you 🤷🏼‍♀️
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