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VIP Member
You just know he was an ugly geeky looking kid at school. He’s buffed up at the gym and tried to make himself more appealing but he’s still 🤢 body of baywatch face of crime watch!
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Jamie didn’t present his talk sport show last night. Some other guy stood in for him. Not major news I know, but thought it was worth a mention. Wonder if loopy has him tied up somewhere until he takes her back.
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VIP Member
My predictions:

Jamie is back together with Liz
Danielle and Kris have been dumped
They will keep it secret for a while to prevent a backlash.
Jamie will take Liz to Dubai at new year
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Rita Chevrolet

VIP Member
It is shocking ! My hid when she tried to ‘sell’ the holiday pyramid scheme she sounds so thick ! She can barely string a sentence together ! I tell you it’s lucky she is beautiful as she hasn’t got much else going on! Shit personality and thick as shit !

Her behaviour with her daughter is disgusting! Another example of a women who had a kid to try keep a man ! Unfortunately men will always come first ! I still can’t get over how she just leaves her with him ! And let’s him cuddle her etc!

now I’m not saying Kris is in anyway dodgy it’s more that you just would never do that ? Is it just me ? Maybe I’m just over protective but I’d never let a boyfriend look after my kids.

And to be honest most men wouldn’t want to do it ? It’s weird ! But I think Kris is so desperate for Liz to want him that’s why he is offering to be her babysitter! So muggy
Boyson has plenty of childminding experience considering skanky price left hers with him constantly whilst she went out shagging.
He seems to have a track record of choosing Wrong Uns
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Active member
Am I alone in thinking Kris is a bit suss ??
He always cottons on to Z-list celebs or Z-list celebs ex girlfriends...then posts all over social media and appears in the daily rags .
Its almost like it's to keep his and their faces a marketing agreement ....
Then they supposedly split ....
Besides I'm sure he's gay ...👍👍👍
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He's gonna go broke trying to provide the lifestyle she thinks she deserves.Poor,deluded idiot.
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Active member
Hahaha so glad I found this page! I’ve been following Elizabeth for a while and she’s a mental narcissist who is obsessed with herself and Kris is an ugly fucker who looks like the penguin from Wallace and gromit!
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She is 100% on benefits she needs reporting!! But she is down on Jamie’s business as working for him
Her real dad is a crack head from Manchester and the mom was a lady of the night so we now know we’re Liz gets it from
She couldn’t buy breakfast let alone a house she will be desperate to get back with jamie to bank roll her
She also refused to let her daughter see her dad for years and forced her to called jamie dad it makes me sick that poor kid much be so confused she needs reporting so social services for bloody mental abuse
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Bianca Del Rio

Well-known member
I must be going soft in my old age but I feel a bit sorry for KB. 🫠 Give me 5 minutes, I’m sure it will pass.
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It must be frustrating as hell being as attractive as she is and not managing to lock down a premiership footballer.She really is down to the dregs with Boyson.
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DCI Jack Logan

Chatty Member
Only just found this thread, so glad I did, I suspect eye fucking yourself will be featured on the school curriculum shortly and influencer will be a job prospect at careers advice. Thank fuck I’m old I just wouldn’t want to be a youngster in this day and age.
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Chatty Member
That poor kid of Liz’s… biological dad that isn’t involved, left Jamie dad, moved in with Kris dad who got engaged to her mum, left Kris dad and now back to Jamie dad
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Well-known member
She’s probably the most embarrassing person on Instagram at this point. She just wanted everyone to know it’s her engagement day ( a complete embarrassment in itself ) does she think people are jealous of her ? I’d rather shit in my hands and clap than live her desperate life where she dumps her kid and gets bunny boiler vibes over ugly men . Pathetic behavior .
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I've got to hand it to Liz,she really committed to the part.Getting a KB tattoo next to her vag just to make Jamie jealous shows real dedication to the cause.It is also literally deranged.🤪
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Kris’ lastest post . Nobody is hating on you because you are ‘doing something right’ we are laughing because you are a first class mug who let Loopy Liz take you for a ride !

if she have any self respect you would expose her before she leaches her next house victim

And Liz come on ! What was her mistake I wonder ..shacking up with coach cringe or trying to get back with Jamie eve of her engagement party
It’s annoying how massively entitled she is. She THINKS she’s entitled to a man with money. She THINKS she’s entitled to be looked after by a man and just leach off him. She also thinks she’s entitled to not have to do a hard days work and do the bare minimum to earn any money.

I actually have more respect for her mate Alice. Whilst her line of work is questionable, she at least puts the effort in to support herself financially.
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Well-known member
Jamie's story today saying it's ok to make mistakes, Liz story saying "I own you and you own me" and her last Instagram post says the grass is not always greener on the other side (...with Kris). It's all so toxic and immature. They are fully grown adults with children, it's actually crazy.
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