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They do look saggy, but I think it’s the unflattering top giving it that illusion. As usually the V of those style tops would align with the cleavage, but hers are a good few inches below it.

Did anyone see the tiktok about her and Lloyd driving to get chocolate late at night. She mentions about Lloyd giving attitude to a security guard - probably thought he was a primary school kid stealing sweets.

And then Eden told a realllly long boring story where the conclusion was her mum would buy the 3 of them when they were little a can of Coke and a Crunchie. The silence in the car after she finished was deafening. They really live such boring lives …
Why does she always brag about Lloyd kicking off with someone as if it’s a flex? If my man acted like that at that age I’d be so embarrassed. Twat.
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This just popped up on my fyp.

Shes honestly the most salty and bitter person I know.
That has literally never happened to her. She just wanted make a hateful and bitter video about successful influencers and then add some random “problematic” shit to make it seem that she isn’t actually bitter and hateful, but calling them out. Didn’t she get her dogs from a backyard breeder? Then preaching about animal safety?

Not to mention, she quite literally never stays at an event. Every single time, she leaves early with some pathetic excuse.
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If they knew my reality?
Surely, if not her than the grown man that is Lloyd, would know that their current situation is not an ideal one to bring a baby in to?? They are both as good as unemployed, living in a tiny house, with 4 dogs that don’t know their rigs from their toilet.
Tbh it wouldn’t surprise me if she made the video herself. I know that sounds horrid to say but she will do ANYTHING for attention and conveniently, had the perfect Billie song and caption that would garner attention and get her more views while she’s financially struggling.
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I don't know if it's true or not but I have to disagree with the "if you had your phone you'd have called the police" mentality because it's just not true for so many people 😫 so so many people do not contact the police at all, nevermind whilst it's happening. You don't think in the moment.

I also don't agree with the comments the "triggered" person left. Those comments triggered me more than Eden did, they didn't have to be so graphic and they also can't blame others for their SH-ing.

Just to clarify, I detest Eden. I'm just also passionate about things like this and we all know there's no right/wrong response to that happening to you
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"Come party with me. I'm gonna be there Freya's gonna be there All Lloyd's friends ummmm "
But None of YOUR friends? All your bezzies could come. Your hair stylist false nail tech all those friends at your wedding
Your bezzie elphaba. evil queen and Chelsea lee
Will be banging 😒
She’s said soooo many times she hates clubs and drinking. Must be scraping the barrel for money 🤣🤣
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On her life now and she keeps apologising about the past and how she was a young cocky girl and how she regrets everything 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 next we will see her doing that trend about getting views to pay off her debt. She also said she couldn't afford carbonara the other day as all of the bills came out but luckily Lloyd had some money.
'People always say I live in a shed, granted I might not be living in it next week's
Proves she reads Tattle 🤭
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Realistically would they be able to get "normal" jobs when their digital footprint is as bad as it is?
They can’t anyway, remember how they always slagged 9-5 workers off, we’re slaves to the system apparently. But I’ll enjoy my 3 holidays a year whilst they buy their outfits on Klarna 🤣
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Just wanted to add these clips from the live. No idea of the order I’ve uploaded them in but

- One is of her literally burning her hair, which just shows how little she gives a crap about how extensive hair extensions are and she’ll likely expect another freebie.

- Her almost snapping at someone and being condescending about global warming. Says the person who regularly buys mountains of fast fashion.

- Saying that every event she goes to (so the 2 a year then that she leaves after 10 minutes?) that the events coordinates ALWAYS say how rude Love Island people are. Whether they are or not, how unprofessional are they to discuss and slag off their own guests/attendees to other people at the event. But also highly untrue and she’s probably still just fuming about Molly Mae.

- Her getting angry about people asking how many guests were coming because she knew she’d hyped up her shower curtain shed garden far too much. She was also getting really pissed off when people asked her feat the party was for.
She really doesn’t like Love Islanders does she? Funny how it didn’t seem to bother her when she was on Olivia Attwood’s show giving her sob story.
She had tiny plaits, a wrench top and belt with feathers on oh and “mushroom” earrings. (No eden, they’re toadstools, you should know, you bought enough!) I can believe people are suggesting she didn’t make an effort to match the theme?!😜😜😜😜
*toad stalls
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This might have been spoken about previously but I've just seen a video of that stalker Amber girl showing everything Eden has bought her back in March for no reason - a crate of red bull, a crate of coke, haribo, galaxy, a ring light and a necklace. I find it really weird!
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Chatty Member
It doesn’t really mean a lot when it was not much of a company to begin with, but it’s there for everyone to see, anyone working with her in future will mostly likely do a search and see she’s full of shit and not worth working with
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secret life

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The fact she's says she has emetophobia but eats chicken wings from dominos says a lot I won't eat chicken unless I've cooked it 😂
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I’d love them to actually do a live ancestry test on tiktok.. so we can see that they aren’t Hungarian Austrian and any other nationality they decide that week and in-fact they are pure bread tonbridge well whores.
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All very confusing with the driving because made out he drove to Croydon yesterday , even showed him getting the ticket from the car park unless pro driver Eden can’t tackle multi story’s yet and Lloyd jumped in, literally can’t believe how much crap they eat, cake , crisps etc was nearly sick in my mouth how she bit the yum yum out of Lloyd’s hand the other day while licking his hand with her humongous gob, wasn’t sexy at all like she was trying to be , think it went unnoticed by him tbf 🙈 try hard
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Drop the user babs!
It’s @Element__Training on instagram.

He seems like such a lovely guy! 🤣
Is it actually his brother? I can’t remember ever hearing them talk about one
Can’t take them to a fancy movie premiere that let’s be honest they’ve probably told their friends they’re going to- so takes them to pets at home and home bargains instead, Number one auntie award is in the post Eden
But it’s okay her narcissistic ass thinks they’re happier just spending time with autie Needy
Yes I checked his mums Twitter (Caroline)
She mentions AJ, Llloyd and two sisters and states something along the lines of “mums day off”.
AJ also said “thanks mum” on one of his posts that Caroline posted on.
I’ve been doing some digging and the family don’t seem very close at all, most of them don’t follow each other etc… it doesn’t seem like the family went to Lloyds wedding that I can see?


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Chatty Member
Oh course she will bait this now and get people to ‘follow along on their journey’ will plenty of montages of her doing pregnancy tests and then shaking her head at the camera 😴 also trying means actually having sex when you’re ovulating not just having sex when little legs manages to lay off the eld ❄ for long enough to get it up

I really hope they don’t have kids they’re so selfish and irresponsible, despite how much she says it, havinga baby is NOT like having a puppy.
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She’s had to drive Lloyd to a club so
He can film content for his djing gig… why couldn’t he drive himself in the early hours??
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I swear Eden used to say she can’t go out alone coz her anxiety etc she has to be with her sisters or someone when she leaves the house (have I just imagined that?) now her anxiety’s all gone and she goes shops cinema etc all by herself. As someone with bad social anxiety it’s possed me off that it’s another thing she’s lied about
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It grosses me out how both her and Yaz have long, pointed nails and use said nails to pick things up to eat, and feed others. Yaz picking up cockles in vinegar and giving them to wolf, Eden dishing up food onto people’s plates. Can you imagine the amount of literal shit up their nails?!
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