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VIP Member
Like most of us here I love a list!

This is mine:


My deadline is this time next week. I’m going to try my best, but not beat myself up if I don’t do it all.

Have a great week procrastinators! 🖤

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Well-known member
Me on a Sunday remembering I'm trying to be accountable somewhere publicly and seeing my list:

What I'm gonna be accountable for getting done this week:
-finish my website! ❌ but only because I've got external support fixing something. When they get a grip this is finally off the list!
-finish 2 blogs for launch ❌ 1 finished 1 to go
-clear out 1/2 vac bags under my bed ✔ though set up like 5 new jobs
-little home spa treat afternoon ✔
-get canva pro
❌decided against
-make organisation labels with the cricut I nabbed from my mum ✔
-clear out old/expired skincare✔
-switch all my hangers to velvet ones and bin the plastic crap ✔
-sort weekend trip to Prague with friend in October before prices get too high
❌ swapped to a lil uk spa trip because too disorganised to sort now
-send birthday gifts ✔
-choose bathroom vinyl from samples and order for full flooring ❌ waiting for 4 samples still
-check paperwork for USA is done ✔
-help my sister with managing her bills/setting her up with a workable budget ✔
It was such a crap week in every way that I'm surprised I managed to do anything, fingers crossed this week doesn't wipe me out in a similar way. Hope everyone else had a great week!

This week for me :
-finish my website if support gets the navigation/header fixed
-finish 2nd blog for launch
-find spa spot for a good price around Manchester/NW in Oct
-choose bathroom vinyl from samples and order for full flooring
-transfer under bed bits to vac seal bags
-deep clean under bed storage
-trip to the tip
-get nails done
-try out tan-luxe for face (pray for my pale self to not glow orange!)
-finish big work project
-find an excuse to go and try Gooey cafe
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Well-known member
How's Monday gone for everyone?

I knocked a couple of things off my list today 💪 It's exhausting, doing the bare minimum of normal stuff for just one day! 😂
I truly thought I'd done loads today, it's been a busy one. I scrolled up to see the things I wanted to do today and I'd forgotten 2 of them that would have been easy to do, whoops. Some progress though! Mondays are always hard to get going with - is anyone making good progress?

Priorities this week for me that I'm going to be accountable on here with:
-finish a website that's it's been under maintenance since May, and almost totally completed in May - something about just finishing it that I'm hitting a wall on
-book flights visit a friend next month
-reply to an email I've been ignoring
-look up how complicated it is to redo bathroom flooring yourself buy vinyl tile samples; choose 1; order for room
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Well-known member
What nice favour will you do yourself this week?
What an amazing lift for your week! And ah I absolutely love the idea of the above because it kind of captures the reason I’d love to procrastinate less- being kind to myself definitely looks like not letting things pile up and overwhelm me when it’s inconvenient.
This question is going on a little whiteboard on my fridge ❤
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Well-known member
Something in the water this week, or something about mercury retrograde maybe? Crap week here too, my loop excision on Friday had me showing up to A&E 6 hours later and I'd not felt bothered to do anything all week so my weekend wiping out more or less wasn't quite what I needed. It's been easier to focus on feeling bad about not doing my to do list than getting anxious about the medical stuff.

-try to get back to the gym, look at possible PTs to get me motivated and feeling confident about going in there again after so long! (this one is probably going to be a recurring feature, my favourite thing to procrastinate is exercise but I did a hike on holiday and it highlighted my total lack of athletic ability and I'd like to not do that in front of someone I'm attracted to again lol) ❌ I didn't even think about it lol
-find a screen protector around the flat and sort my phone ✅
-get organised with medication requests ✅
-do a meal plan ❌
-book trains for a London work trip week after next ❌
-buy paint and caulk for redoing bathroom skirting boards/door/walls maybe & grout cleaning ✅
-start mapping out bathroom vinyl tile placements/how they fit around the loo ❌
-clear top of my wardrobe ❌
-buy new cosy pyjamas in the sales ❌
-nails infill and try and book a mega hair keratin appointment ✅
-see when botox availability is back ❌
-prep for a possible cell removal on Friday (get your smears ladies!) ✅
-work out what paperwork I need from my nan to get an Irish passport/dual nationality ✅ holy crap there's so much to it
-sort trip with friend since we both procrastinated too much to get an affordable spa trip sorted lol ✅ my friend did this but I'll take credit since I'm anonymous here lol

This week I'm gonna try and take it easier so just a few things I'd like to tick off. I need to be kinder to myself all round.

-book trains for work trip when they are available given the strike stuff
-pack for work trip
-buy more leggings
-mega hair appt
-call hospital and check I don't need to go back in
-have someone come and replace the fan in my bathroom
-pay tax for self employment stuff last year
-maybe buy a fancy drip coffee machine as a treat
-maybe do the grout cleaning in bathroom

Hopefully things feel better for all of us this next week! ❤
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VIP Member
This entire week has been a write-off in lots of ways, but I have to get my shit together for tomorrow and the rest of the week.
That said, today I just cannot. get. started. I'm so annoyed with myself! I've got a huge list of stuff I have to get done and I'm still lolling about on my sofa/tattle.
I've estimated if I just do the stuff on the list, don't stop for breaks or make lunch for the kid, and don't get distracted I might be finished by 8pm.
I've got about 2.5 hours left on my audiobook so I'm hoping that I can finish my coffee* and crack on until the book's finished.

Wish me luck 🤣

* story of my life
I feel you. I’ve had a major set back this past week and it’s really thrown me. I wanted to be new month, new goals, but I need to sit with what’s happened. I’m hoping to remove stuff that doesn’t need to be in my home. I’ve even checked up at the recycling centre - it’s weird here they have odd and even days that match up to your car reg! I got caught out last time so hoping to take a couple of broken electrical items as I don’t like putting stuff on landfill ♻

If I can later today I will fill out my planner. I sadly only managed a couple of goals from September so I can carry them on, but I need and want to complete them 😩

I think we are hard on ourselves aren’t we? That’s something else I’m trying to work on… work in progress!

Good luck 🤞🏼 on your to dos this week 💜
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VIP Member
There does feel as though there is something in the air doesn’t there? I’ve been awol from here for a few weeks and just catching up! It’s taking me ages!

Finally washed ALL the bedding! 😂👍🏼 ✅

Is everyone organised for Christmas? I don’t have loads to do or buy for. I got a Christmas planner from Home Bargains for 99p which I’m going to use alongside my notes on my phone. I am extreme in that I can be organised and then last minute. I’ve promised myself that I’m not going to get stressed over Christmas this year and chill - will update you all!

Hope everyone is well and that you have a fabulous week 🥰💜👍🏼
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VIP Member
Me on a Sunday remembering I'm trying to be accountable somewhere publicly and seeing my list:

What I'm gonna be accountable for getting done this week:
-finish my website! ❌ but only because I've got external support fixing something. When they get a grip this is finally off the list!
-finish 2 blogs for launch ❌ 1 finished 1 to go
-clear out 1/2 vac bags under my bed ✔ though set up like 5 new jobs
-little home spa treat afternoon ✔
-get canva pro
❌decided against
-make organisation labels with the cricut I nabbed from my mum ✔
-clear out old/expired skincare✔
-switch all my hangers to velvet ones and bin the plastic crap ✔
-sort weekend trip to Prague with friend in October before prices get too high
❌ swapped to a lil uk spa trip because too disorganised to sort now
-send birthday gifts ✔
-choose bathroom vinyl from samples and order for full flooring ❌ waiting for 4 samples still
-check paperwork for USA is done ✔
-help my sister with managing her bills/setting her up with a workable budget ✔
It was such a crap week in every way that I'm surprised I managed to do anything, fingers crossed this week doesn't wipe me out in a similar way. Hope everyone else had a great week!

This week for me :
-finish my website if support gets the navigation/header fixed
-finish 2nd blog for launch
-find spa spot for a good price around Manchester/NW in Oct
-choose bathroom vinyl from samples and order for full flooring
-transfer under bed bits to vac seal bags
-deep clean under bed storage
-trip to the tip
-get nails done
-try out tan-luxe for face (pray for my pale self to not glow orange!)
-finish big work project
-find an excuse to go and try Gooey cafe
I've been told many times that Appleby Hotel and Spa is excellent, though maybe too far north (is NW though (Manchester isn't really IMO 🤣)🙊🙈)
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Some People!

Chatty Member
I am procrastinating to the max, in that completely-paralysed, depressed way you might be familiar with...?
I've got zero energy, everything is a huge ordeal and I'm exhausted before I've started 😭
Someone give me a kick up the arse??
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Well-known member
If I don't do this today I'll forget and it really does help me to have accountability here!
Tbh I think I'm getting lots more things done than usual lately because I'm trying to avoid thinking about things that have been playing on my mind, anxiety is such a motivator 😅

-buy fancy bean to cup coffee machine - hopefully gets discounting on prime sale days ✅
-work out what beans to get ✅
-buy a new shower head and swap current one out ✅arriving today, will swap next week
-do grout reviving ❌ went with painting first as I was in London for work til late Thursday and since any diy tends to mean an out of action shower for 24 hours this hasn't fit in yet. next week might be good for it
-do 2 coats of paint in bathroom ✅
-maybe start flooring change ❌ too big of a task by myself given how the old stuff is when I had a peek- doing next week hopefully
-do a huge food/laundry/etc shop and prep keto snacks ✅ yes but not keto

Next week's list:
-do grout reviving in shower
-change bathroom flooring
-weds-sat entertain my visiting best friend 💃💃
-finish book on adhd for adults
-sort car insurance renewal
-see if I need to book my MOT already
-buy xmas presents that I've decided on
-book in flu jab?
-pick a stretching routine back up, my back is not loving my DIY and then no movement the rest of the day split
-finish 1 work project and summarise working plan/process map for next one for my manager
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Well-known member
@oksobasically Did you find a coffee machine? I’d love one of those :)
I grabbed a fancy bean to cup one in the Amazon prime sale this week with 28% off! I went with a Cuisinart Grind & Brew Plus with a burr grinder and a thermal jug so I only need to brew once and it’ll do all morning, still came to £150 but a friend of mine that’s a real coffee snob has had a version of it for about a decade so it feels like an investment!

I hope your week is going better than you’d been expecting and you’ve not ended up under the weather on top of it all!
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Well-known member
I've been told many times that Appleby Hotel and Spa is excellent, though maybe too far north (is NW though (Manchester isn't really IMO 🤣)🙊🙈)
Ooh proper north for that!! 😂 😂
Will def have a look though, I’ve only got 1 place in mind to even check prices of at the mo and that’s close to tons of things we could do alongside a spa trip so prob worth the travelling