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My list from last week was:
  • Rake the garden - partly done but covered in leaves so needs another go!
  • Jetwash and oil my decking -jetwashed but didn't oil it ❌
  • Buy new cushions and lights for the garden plus food, drinks etc - done ✔
  • Jetwash my drive and paint the front steps - done ✔
  • Plus clean my whole house - done ✔
  • I was also considering redecorating my downstairs loo but realistically that won't happen! - despite expectations got this done too and put a new loo seat on :) 👌

Clearly I need to have people round more often because it means I am massively more productive 😂😂

This weeks tasks:
I have some super urgent work stuff which MUST be done by tomorrow and which I'll be working on late tonight
Oiling the decking
Raking the garden (both rolled over from last week)
I also need to send a couple of personal emails/ follow up on refunds not received etc
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What nice favour will you do yourself this week?
I love this too 😊 I definitely need to try it next week.
Awful failure again this week 😢
So much of my time is spent getting stuff done and agreeing to last minute favours for others, when I’m home I have absolutely no motivation whatsoever to do anything other than the basic washing, cooking, shopping etc,,
I’ve also realised that I’m using this place as an escape/de-stresser, which is great but not great, because I’m basically procrastinating in a major way by being on here!
Next week I need to limit myself to maybe a half hour catch up before bed.
Need to also have a major clothes sort out and reorganisation of the spare room.
I’m not even going to bother listing any more things because I’m just setting myself up to fail at the moment!
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Thanks for this! I'm a dreadful procrastinator, except when the deadline turbobrain kicks in eg 7pm on 31st Jan to get the tax return in by midnight. I think it's a combination of perfectionism (see dsm iv for obsessive compulsive personality hahaha - not the same as ocd) , anticipatory anxiety /overwhelm and now the sheer bloody boredom of repeatedly doing the same tasks for 35 years. I did manage to defrost and reorganise the freezer yesterday, no idea what I actually went into the kitchen to do! A list of what I want to get done... I'll come back tomorrow with that. Probably.
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I start off so well then something happens and it all goes to pot!
Got a shocking cold and on period this week so all I want to do is do nothing yet I want to do stuff!
I am at my best middle of the month, maybe I will do my list for then 🤣
Yep! Life’s got in the way here too! Have spent the last few days getting various things sorted and done for my Mum - not that I mind that, but I’ve been too knackered and fed up to look at my own jobs!
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All such relatable experiences!

I write endless lists too (absolutely love Google Keep for this!) 🙄

This week I need to:
* RSVP a wedding invite + email them (bleh!)
* Check on the plan for my mam's birthday and communicate with her about it
* Finish sanding the bureau I've stripped, order the wax I need, apply a couple of coats, and put the whole thing back together —I'll need to do a bit every day to get this done in time for the start of start of term.
* Do my morning walk every day - I've totally let this slip lately.
* Keep on top of the basic household upkeep stuff - I've got a massive week at work and I really just need to not let everything go totally to shit at home. Partially to shit, max.

We can totally do these things!! Let's go, procrastinators!! 💪💪💪

@oksobasically I've laid every floor in my whole house, including the bathroom - you can almost certainly do it yourself! Let me know if I can help 😊
Thank you! Knowing someone that I'm assuming doesn't do this professionally has done it and not been so put off by the process that they did it repeatedly is genuinely really helpful in itself!! I made a mistake at the start of lockdown 1 of watching a YouTube of a guy demonstrating how to regrout and recaulk a bath/shower that took him about 45 minutes and looked really simple, yet I was there 6 sweaty hours later part covered in paste and wishing I'd procrastinated longer. All my DIY to-do's have really lengthy periods between thinking and doing with far less guilt now 😂
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Like most of us here I love a list!

This is mine:

My deadline is this time next week. I’m going to try my best, but not beat myself up if I don’t do it all.

Have a great week procrastinators! 🖤

View attachment 1538395

I didn’t do as much as I would of liked to, no excuses but I’ve been in pain 😫 I’m going to continue this week with the list and not beat myself up over what I’ve not done.

Hope everyone has a good week 💜

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Some People!

Chatty Member
Why is eBay listing so hard to do?! I’ve not done it for a while but when it’s on my to do list it will sit there for a solid 6/9 months before I even look at taking photos. Will be so impressed if you get your eBay bits listed in the first month it’s in your head to do @Some People! 😂
Honestly, it's such a chore!
It starts out like tedious admin when you create the listing, becomes mildly interesting while the listing is live, then becomes both tedious-admin *and* tense-errand when you post the thing and hope the buyer isn't a dickhead at the end of it all!!

For transparencies sake: this stuff has been sat in a "to ebay" pile since pre-covid, probably. Sometimes I end up trading what the stuff might have been worth on ebay for having the space in my house back, and just drop it off at the charity shop 🙄
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I think I procrastinate with my own personal stuff because I’m the total opposite at work. It as if I get home and totally switch personalities.
This is me! But I'm not working at the moment so the procrastination personality has well and truly taken over.

Tasks that would be beneficial for me (for example, making things or taking photos of things that I could sell to earn money) get pushed back in favour of....not much really. I always think there are too many steps "in front of" the task I need to do - like "I need to tidy this area before I can do this before I can do this" etc etc. I hope I'm making some sort of sense!

This week I hope to accomplish:

- ring up a company about something
- change password online
- list at least 3 things on eBay
- put some paperwork away in file
- repot 2 succulents
- weather permitting, get all the washing done
- clean bathroom (I'll split this over a few days due to back/hip problems)
- do a mani and pedi on myself
- make some pizza bases and put in freezer
- make pizza sauce and put in freezer
- do some work towards something that I hope will eventually lead to a wage

Thanks for starting this thread. My procrastinating depends on my mental health. If I’m feeling low or lacking in confidence I can’t get motivated and I find it so difficult to actually do anything.
Me too.
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Well I achieved zero off my list today.

I somehow convinced myself that I needed to tidy up first, but that ended up taking me all day. Rather than just put something away I decide to completely reorganise things 🙄 I do now have a wonderfully alphabetised wine fridge 😆

Still not scanned that sodding document …. Maybe tomorrow 🤓
I’m like this when there isn’t a deadline! I try to sometimes think how I will feel after doing the thing I’m putting off. Relief, sense of achievement and all that good stuff! I wonder if you were to fine yourself if you don’t get that document scanned give/donate money to a cause/person you can’t stand! That worked for me many years ago!

I’m going to go through my planner and have a look at things that have been on my to do list for months! Even if I get one thing done I’ll be happy - maybe? 🤔

I believe most procrastinators are perfectionists in that we don’t want to start unless we know that it will done right/correctly/perfectly, therefore we don’t do it!

I struggle with the action side, so someone said do 1 minute which sounded ridiculous at first, but once I’m there doing it the action makes me want to continue to maybe 5-10-20 minutes.

Having a look at some of the lists on here have reminded me of some I’ve forgotten! 😅
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Chatty Member
- ring up a company about something
- change password online
- list at least 3 things on eBay - I have taken some pictures! Just not listed them yet.
- put some paperwork away in file
- repot 2 succulents
- weather permitting, get all the washing done
- clean bathroom
- do a mani and pedi on myself - half done!
- make some pizza bases and put in freezer
- make pizza sauce and put in freezer
- do some work towards something that I hope will eventually lead to a wage

I did clean and put my pool away so that was an extra task I hadn't planned for

This week's list:
- ring up company about something
- eBay listings - more than 3
- repot 3 succulents
- manicure
- make pizza bases
- make pizza sauce
- clean bathroom
- work on future wage project(s)
- go through bank and credit card statements
- finish small cross stitch project
- laundry
- put clothes away
- varnish a plant pot I decorated a while ago
- take up a dress hem
- organise a cupboard
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Well I posted once and that was it! I’ve even been procrastinating about catching up on the thread 😳 😂
I’ve achieved nothing really on the list I made. I seem to be rushing around like a whirlwind lately with nothing nothing to show for it; mainly doing errands and chores for other people, but that’s life sometimes.
So a smaller list:
Catch up with the pile of ironing
Sit and do (and stick to!) a proper groceries list
Put ironed clothes away immediately I’ve finished
Do a half hour job around the house each day after work.
Let’s see how that goes!
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Well-known member
Why is eBay listing so hard to do?! I’ve not done it for a while but when it’s on my to do list it will sit there for a solid 6/9 months before I even look at taking photos. Will be so impressed if you get your eBay bits listed in the first month it’s in your head to do @Some People! 😂
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Some People!

Chatty Member
Just screaming into the void here:

I'm back on the wagon today! No more flailing around being ineffective and lazy and sad!

Anyone else attempting a fresh start this week?
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I love the idea of weekly accountability cos I'm just going to proscrastinate on the daily lol

-finish a website that's it's been under maintenance since May, and almost totally completed in May - something about just finishing it that I'm hitting a wall on ❌ Mmm maybe I'll finish it today?! I gave myself a 1 September deadline so fingers still crossed to hit it
-book flights visit a friend next month ✔
-reply to an email I've been ignoring ✔ realised as I was replying I've actually ignored this since April and it was that they chased a reply in July whoooops
-look up how complicated it is to redo bathroom flooring yourself ✔ sheet/tile samples bought, other materials bought, ready to go

@Some People! 4/5 is so great especially when some of yours are ongoing/regular rather than a 1 and done!

What I'm gonna be accountable for getting done this week:
-finish my website!
-finish 2 blogs for launch
-clear out 1/2 vac bags under my bed
-little home spa treat afternoon
-get canva pro
-make organisation labels with the cricut I nabbed from my mum
-clear out old/expired skincare
-switch all my hangers to velvet ones and bin the plastic crap
-sort weekend trip to Prague with friend in October before prices get too high
-send birthday gifts
-choose bathroom vinyl from samples and order for full flooring
-check paperwork for USA is done
-help my sister with managing her bills/setting her up with a workable budget

The only hard deadline is my website even though it's the easiest to procrastinate and my perfectionist self doesn't love where it is yet, but it's been too long without now so that's my real battle - having something like that might make me more productive when it comes to literally everything else though so it's going to hopefully make me get a ton of the above done!

What's everyone else trying to tick off this week?
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Some People!

Chatty Member
@oksobasically 3/4 is really good going! High five!

Just posting this morning has made me guilt myself into starting 2 of this week's 6.

Hope your flooring stuff goes well and you love it!
Website stuff isn't something that's ever really "in a finished state" which really triggers the perfectionist tendencies, I think.

With stuff like that I try to remind myself: "Good Enough Is Good Enough"

Good luck!
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Some People!

Chatty Member
This entire week has been a write-off in lots of ways, but I have to get my shit together for tomorrow and the rest of the week.
That said, today I just cannot. get. started. I'm so annoyed with myself! I've got a huge list of stuff I have to get done and I'm still lolling about on my sofa/tattle.
I've estimated if I just do the stuff on the list, don't stop for breaks or make lunch for the kid, and don't get distracted I might be finished by 8pm.
I've got about 2.5 hours left on my audiobook so I'm hoping that I can finish my coffee* and crack on until the book's finished.

Wish me luck 🤣

* story of my life
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Sorry for such a slow reply @Cupoftae , I was totally off grid and just getting through jet lag now. Some of my favourite coping mechanisms have been getting a pomodoro timer so I can schedule regular breaks/rewards for keeping on track, a chair with an unstable bottom (I think about it like a adult version of a space hopper, though it is like a stool) that works to make even just sitting 'still' a bit more interesting so I don't feel the need to wander so much, and then there's a slime thing that's mint scented that I got from amazon that's great for when I feel myself starting to fidget, both for busy hands (therefore not going and finding say something to eat) and because mint scents are great for focus. Aside from them I'd say it's worth having a look on adhd twitter/tiktok/YouTube for some great tips on like habit stacking, body doubling etc etc. I'm also thinking about getting a thing that can turn my desk into a standing one as this is also meant to be really great for people with adhd, and anyone who sometimes struggles with focus at work lol. Also Trello is great for keeping lists if you're like me and have LOTS of projects on that have lots of little things to remember, but a really bad memory that feels like it wipes out when I find something more interesting to focus on - though arguably before medication they weren't really things I was working through.

Before my hol I wanted to:
-publish blog and launch site tomorrow ✅
-pack for New York ✅
-get some dollars from somewhere ✅
-holiday beauty prep! ✅barely
-make sure I've done all the docs for travel (and have someone else check I've not missed anything where my head is busy)✅
-order bathroom floor vinyl tiles✅
-clear out the fridge✅missed 2 things but oh well
-clear the top of my wardrobe now I've under bed storage space ❌
-finish horrible work project or hand it over to my manager as close to done as possible ✅I did... but it didn't get finished while I was away, so that's been today's fun
-put an out of office on and remove slack from my phone ✅
-watch Selling the OC❌

I'm so motivated by your lists, feeling you @Some People! on going to the mechanic, my MOT is coming up and I'm already overthinking it. Hope your really busy and stressful week goes better than expected!

My plans for this week are:

-try to get back to the gym, look at possible PTs to get me motivated and feeling confident about going in there again after so long! (this one is probably going to be a recurring feature, my favourite thing to procrastinate is exercise but I did a hike on holiday and it highlighted my total lack of athletic ability and I'd like to not do that in front of someone I'm attracted to again lol)
-find a screen protector around the flat and sort my phone
-get organised with medication requests
-do a meal plan
-book trains for a London work trip week after next
-buy paint and caulk for redoing bathroom skirting boards/door/walls maybe & grout cleaning
-start mapping out bathroom vinyl tile placements/how they fit around the loo
-clear top of my wardrobe
-buy new cosy pyjamas in the sales
-nails infill and try and book a mega hair keratin appointment
-see when botox availability is back
-prep for a possible cell removal on Friday (get your smears ladies!)
-work out what paperwork I need from my nan to get an Irish passport/dual nationality
-sort trip with friend since we both procrastinated too much to get an affordable spa trip sorted lol

This feels like a lot but I'm hoping my great post holiday mood helps me through before the holiday blues arrive ☀
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I've not answered the poll because in true procrastinator style, I'll come back to it later :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

My life is a study in procrastination. I can't even admit certain things I've put off for YEARS.

It all started when my dad died when I was 25. I think I rebelled against adulting and responsibility by relentlessly putting things off. And it's continued basically for 25 years 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ (I'm now 50 and have 2 ardent procrastinator children - they are in their 20s. I told them 2 years ago to choose new furniture for their rooms. They still haven't 'got round to it')

My current main items are house/ garden. In the short term, I have guests coming next weekend. Between now and then I need to
Rake the garden
Jetwash and oil my decking
Buy new cushions and lights for the garden plus food, drinks etc
Jetwash my drive and paint the front steps
Plus clean my whole house
I was also considering redecorating my downstairs loo but realistically that won't happen!

I intended to start the above this weekend.
Needless to say I didn't.
So that list starts tomorrow (as ever!)

I will report back tomorrow with progress (or lack of!)
I've not answered the poll because in true procrastinator style, I'll come back to it later 🤣

Made me lol for real x
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Apologies for not being active on here! I’ve ticked one more thing since last time. I still need to do all bedding - I’ve done some, but not all!

Also I have a pile of books I want to read including the UFYH @Some People!

I got distracted last week because of electronic issues with the car - I’m coming back as an auto electrician in my next life they make a fortune! I feel all your pain with the mechanics, but if you find a good one stick with them.

This week I have a few goals mainly to do with sleep. I will rewrite and update my list in the next couple of days.

Good luck everyone 🤍🍀

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I feel like I’m falling apart at the seams - so much stressy stuff going on and I think I’m coming down with something just to add to all the crap 😔
To try and preserve a little corner of sanity and discipline, for the rest of this week I’ll:
Limit time on here and on web surfing
Do a half hour “job” each night on top of the usual cooking, washing etc.,
Half hour to go for a walk each day/evening
Not give in to the temptation to eat crap while stressed (inhaled half a packet of Jaffa cakes last night rather than murdering OH 🙀)
@oksobasically Did you find a coffee machine? I’d love one of those :)
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