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VIP Member
Yes I can only find 3 for England like i posted above the person said there's talk of tier 4 that's the only tier 4 there is ,so maybe England will follow that
I think England would have to introduce more tiers or else there would be a massive jump between what their tier 3 involves at the moment and what Scotland's tier 4 is. In England pubs and restaurants are still open relatively normally as an example.

I think people are letting their worry run away with them (which is understandable), but ultimately it's a waiting game.


Chatty Member
Surely if you doing self checkout with the gun things there is nothing stopping to taking one. This is absolutely crazy for the government/supermarkets to decided what’s essential!
I was chatting to a friend who lives in Wales and he said it wasn't about essential vs non essential but that it was now illegal for supermarkets to sell anything other than food and drink. I've only got his word for it and neither of us said it was right or wrong to do that but if that is the case it would make more sense why mops etc have been sectioned off?


VIP Member
Given that she says the person was in their bubble, then I’d assume their contact was similar to a household member.
No the school guidelines differ even though kids are in bubbles it's only very close contact isolates not the full bubbles ,I know someone in a bubble but because they were at one side of the room and the pos case at the other they didn't count it as close contact only people that were within the 2 mtre has to isolate ...don't know if it's because of staff issues

Mulholland Drive

VIP Member
This will give even more ammo to all the respective leaders of the UK to tighten the screws on lockdowns further.

So according to the UK stats from The Telegraph, we've had

894,690 confirmed cases since the beginning of all this
20.890 confirmed cases in the last 7 days. up 24% in 7 day average

44,998 confirmed deaths, since the beginning
102 confirmed deaths in the last 7 days. up 49% in 7 day average

and yet, it is quoted as "Death rates among people hospitalised with Covid-19 have halved since peak of pandemic, new research has found."
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VIP Member
A combination of things, it takes longer to generally process the death as most public sector services run at a reduced capacity over the weekend, this also delays the time it takes to make family aware and the death can't be published to the data until after this.

We can't just magic up extra capacity, the lag and increase between weekends and Monday/Tuesday isn't a huge issue since the most important thing is the rolling average anway.
Thank you. (Post to short)


Active member
I booked ours an hour before we went - was so quick and easy and painless

weren't cabin crew drafted in to help at the start of lockdown in the Nightingale hospitals? But totally agree, we have had so much time to first prepare for COVID initially having had warning from Italy and Spain and now over the last 6 months. It is ridiculous

I've woken up today exhausted and with a sore throat, (a slight) temperature and really bad aching muscles.. everyone is saying I should get a test but I don't know if it is worth it (weirdly I have also just for my period lol). Was it difficult for you to get one?


VIP Member
A combination of things, it takes longer to generally process the death as most public sector services run at a reduced capacity over the weekend, this also delays the time it takes to make family aware and the death can't be published to the data until after this.

We can't just magic up extra capacity, the lag and increase between weekends and Monday/Tuesday isn't a huge issue since the most important thing is the rolling average anway.
Ah just seen your reply, makes sense I guess.

Mulholland Drive

VIP Member
I think because the first wave wasn't as bad as "predicted" because of the lock down people don't believe the science anymore either
Then there's the question of the integrity of the so-called science experts? SAGE experts are not exactly shining beacons of knowledge and reassurance; moreover other experts quite often publicly disagree with SAGE recommendations. So when you have a scenario where eminent scientists cannot collectively agree a right course of action then why would the general public be inclined to listen-to/believe-in them?

I am constantly reminded of Chaos Theory/Butterfly Effect


VIP Member
Yes, because they wouldn't be able to go into work while isolating.

Yes, you become one 'household' when you bubble.
Okay. But it’s half term and they work in a school. I’m just wondering as the person who has been in contact with the positive case works with kids so won’t be at school but do parents have to know?

Person a - positive
Person b (bubble) - no symptoms. Isolate. Half term. Not at work. Do they tell employer? Do their contacts have to be told?

also adding this is not me.

Mulholland Drive

VIP Member
Yes he's held it for about 15 years I think. A couple of elections ago the media made a big thing of following a candidate standing against him as she was from the Women's Equality Party, because he advocates strongly for men's rights. She got nowhere, of course. He's basically as far right as you can get. I know him as we have a horse racing connection, but I know his father Peter better because I worked with him when he was mayor of Doncaster. They are both pleasant people to associate with but their politics and affiliations are very ugly. It kind of makes me think that sending him a letter like that was deliberately done to elicit that response so it could be shared with the public. Nobody from his constituency would seriously contact him about an issue like that and expect anything other than the response he gave. They know what he's like and he's never going to change.
but then you could argue it's not him so much but the people who vote for him compared to weaker opponents looking for your vote.


VIP Member
so this is slightly OT but I am confused at advice online, I am in furlough now but I think I am about to be made redundant.. if I am, would my company have to pay back the furlough money? (this is what a friend said but I cannot understand if this is still true)
I'm not sure about England but here I think the employers have to keep people on until January to avail of it,,,sorry this applies to the job retention bonus .
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VIP Member
Re the MPs who didn't turn up for the vote. Not excusing all of them but some of them will have been 'paired' with other MPs who could not attend for whatever reason, and were therefore unable to vote themselves. Caroline Lucas was another notable one who didn't vote.
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VIP Member
Scottish students might not be allowed home for Christmas ,I wonder how she'll deal with that.

Does anyone know when Boris is due to give another briefing?

When I look at the figures, they are skyrocketing out of control so quickly, hospitals can't cope any more, staff are exhausted, burning out, off self isolating or resigning when they should be looked after.

Am I imaging this, or was it mentioned that medics working in the forces were being drafted in to help wherever possible.
No it’s all true about the hospitals
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Chatty Member
The deaths are awful! Although I guess that is the weekend backlog too. With new positive infections, it’s gone up on last week but not as much as it has in previous weeks.

Is there any news on testing issues? If not I’d say the slight increase actually might be a tiny bit of good news- infection rate may be decreasing? I hope... 😕



VIP Member
Because i Like to confuse everyone I have another question.
Person a tested positive on Wednesday. Person b last saw person a on Monday. In bubble but do not live together.
Does person b have to isolate?


VIP Member
What will happen is people who live just over the border will go to England if they desperately need stuff, which defeats the object of the lockdown entirely. The whole thing is pretty messed up and confusing.
I think it'll be at the supermarket's discretion what they deem "essential" or not so if you can't get it one then people will just go to another where they can get it

Mulholland Drive

VIP Member
I think in the begginning some supermarkets did close off their clothing sections for a bit. I think that can kind of be forgiven, since the virus was still so new and scary and we didn’t know very much about it. Now though, it’s just ridiculous. Feels like it’s crossing some sort of line and I don’t even live in Wales!
Is it because supermarkets are concerned people might try them on, thus running the risk of infection?