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For some though this has helped with their mental health. I'm one of them. People weren't necessarily more resilient, mental health wasn't recognised which meant people weren't supported.
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Following on from the new words in the last thread;
Zoom - never heard of this pre COVID
Virtual meetings - if you couldn’t attend, you couldn’t attend. Never did I think I’d be having a zoom meeting with my boss in his bedroom with his unmade bed in the background.
Tidying up before a zoom meeting is the new tidying up before someone comes round 🙄
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The next two weeks are critical in the fight against covid-19”

Every. Fucking. Week. Since. Fucking. March
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I’m not really bothered about Christmas (quite like the idea of a cosy one with my husband) but I will be heartbroken for single households if rules come in that mean they have to spend it alone.

might not be worth it to you or I but for some that will be a blow to their well-being.
I'm a single household (aged 32) after my Mum died 3 years ago and I go to my best friends family home on Xmas day so that I'm not alone so rules or not I'm going.
I've been done with covid BS for a while now and we had a holiday in the UK last weekend and it was lovely to be normal. Masks can get stuffed now they make me feel panicky everytime I have one on! Christmas is still my favourite time as it gives me positive memories of my Mum. I couldn't go to her damn grave back in March.
I read something about how the other pandemics ended and it wasn't because they went away - hell Spanish flu still pops up every winter in its current mutated form - they ended because people had enough of being restricted so went back to normal.
I feel social media has spread this virus more than anything else with the scaremongering and BS that I read every day. Plus curtain twitchers are still in full force. I work in social care and the MH issues etc far outweigh anything the virus has actually done to people aswell - I AM DONE WITH IT ALL. Don't think my MH did well as I need to have plans and aims and when I can't it affects me so this is really BS lol
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The lockdown was put in place to

1) take the pressure off the NHS/HSE

2) to allow the government put plans in place for how we would move forward.
Track and trace, ICU capacity, PPE,
to ramp up testing and get the apps working, to make plans for how people can safely go back to work and to make plans for how kids can safely go back to school.

3) to slow the spread - always going to be a short term thing.

have they done any of that. Have they fuck,
They’ve halfarsed the attempts at getting these measures in place and destroyed the economy and mental health of many.

so no, I wouldn’t see why they’d do this again or why anyone would agree to it. The public won’t stand for it and I don’t think they should 🤷‍♀️
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2 deaths recorded today....2. Wonder how many died of being unable to access services due to coronavirus :cautious:
Absolutely this!! How many women were alone in a scan room today and told that there was a problem with their baby? It’s things like that that really annoy me about this. The whole let’s open the pubs as quickly as possible but so nothing for people’s mental welfare mentality.
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No, I’m sharing my experience which you appear fortunately, to have none of. You can see your mum, enjoy seeing her, love seeing her, but if the shit hits the fan know that you played a role in that by ignoring very basic guidelines.

Yes I’m in the shielded category, yes I nearly lost my dad, but I’m also a mum who normally fulfills her role as an ICU nurse and leads a very normal life. I’m all for people carrying on and making choices I personally wouldn’t ie pubs/holidays but I’m not asking a lot for people simply to support what has been a national effort. It’s not a debate I’m going into any further as I think it’s sad when the thread takes this turn 🤷🏽‍♀️
Normally this thread is very supportive environment, I’ve been here since April and we don’t go around calling each other selfish because we stated we wanted to hug a loved one (as it’s perfectly NORMAL to want to) so this has just rubbed me up the wrong way.

I’m sorry you have had such a hard time but every single post you seem to say everyone else’s points are invalid because you have had this experience with covid which just Is not the case.

Just because someone isn’t suffering in the same way as you as does not mean they are not suffering.
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This from the Daily Mail, yeah I know, don't start!

Pond life has spoken.
I don’t want to say anything inflammatory here, I’m not the sort of person who tries to stir up trouble so please know this is only my observation of the people I know, but from the friends I have on Facebook the only ones who’ve posted anything along the lines of this all being a hoax, caused by 5G, etc, etc are the people I know not to be very intelligent or highly educated. They’re the same people that repost the posts saying things like if this post gets 100,000 likes this child will be cured of cancer, if you repost this Mark Zuckerberg will choose X amount of people to give £10,000 know the sort of thing.
I’m not saying I’m highly intelligent and I do like to keep an open mind but I have more faith in the scientists than a complete stranger on Facebook who’s done a post that’s managed to go viral. Social media is a very dangerous place and I’ve been shocked at some of the things I’ve read that people will readily swallow with absolutely nothing to back it up but don’t trust the science 🤷🏻‍♀️
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I will be sending my kids to school and I will be returning as a teacher. Am I happy? No. Do I tell my children that I’m worried? No. I don’t want them to be anxious about school. They’ve always loved going and I’ve had friends who’s kids have cried and clung to them every day for years at the school gates, so I’m determined to avoid that. Do I think it’s completely safe? Hell no. But I don’t blame the virus. I actually blame the government.

In lieu of plowing money in eating out, they should have diverted the funds to schools. Instead of giving us different and conflicting advice, they could have been succinct and honest. Six months. Six months they’ve had. I remember back in March being horrified when my HT said we’d be back in September. Six months?! It was unfathomable. But surely by then we would be over the initial panic. World beating track and trace would be in place, right? Instead, we’ve had our PM nursing his interminable hangover in a yurt in Scotland whilst encouraging us to march into our underfunded state schools.
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We CAN and we WILL do this. We have no choice. Yes it’s scary. Terrifying intact. Uncertainty is one thing is as humans don’t do well with. Some things will get worse. Some things will get better. I just pray to god we get through this and sit at the other side healthy and talk about “when coronavirus was around”.
Unfortunately we do have a choice - suicide. Mark my words that is going to be the next pandemic. People cannot and will not live separated from their loved ones, nothing to look forward to for fear of it being cancelled due to a last minute lock down. Suicides and riots are going to become a LOT more common. People are going to be in crippling debt, homeless, jobless, children uneducated, people dying at home alone because they can’t get the support they need or are too scared to go into hospital. It’s fucking bleak... so yeah, sorry to piss on your positivity parade but a lot of people WONT get through this.
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I've done a complete u turn. Spent months shielding and not leaving the house or seeing anyone other than my husband and children to now just trying to live my life the best I can. My kids are back at school next week and are in year bubbles so mixing with hundreds of other children. Ive now allowed them to meet up with their friends and my daughter had a sleepover at her best friends last week. Myself and my husband went for drinks at my sisters over the weekend and I feel so much better mentally for not living on fear of this virus. My kids are back to their happy selfs too. I just can't live in fear anymore
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I am having the most down, shit day with all this today.

I just feel like it’s never ending at the moment, this was meant to be a year of travelling for me and my husband before we had kids. Now I just feel like I’m going to have to accept we just won’t get to do these things and I just feel shitty about it.

I KNOW I have my health and I’m so lucky blah blah before anyone tells me I’m being ungrateful, it just feels like shit timing and I’m having a bad day.
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I just live in the mindset of its here, we can’t stop our lives, we cannot live like this forever. Crack on and those who don’t want to them stay in. I make no apologies for sounding selfish but everyone has to take some own responsibility now and we simply cannot live this way forever.
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Talking of masks I'm sick of seeing people wearing them with their noses poking over the top. Why do grown adults (and it does seem to be the older generation) find wearing a mask correctly so difficult? I've seen kids manage to wear them properly, I've seen kids freaking out going into shops because they don't have one on so why can't these people manage it? They also primarily seem to be the people that don't think social distancing applies anymore... sorry had to rant I'm so frustrated by both covid and some peoples stupidity.
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Mum works in a shop , she sent this to me after work today....

A person came in shop today, he was about 20 - 23. He said 3 people where he works have covid 19, so he took the day off. WHY. WHY don't these people understand.
Isolate. Not go shopping. Omg.

I mean sure the people who have it might be in a totally different area to him but still not something I'd be shouting about in a shop! 🤦🏻‍♀️
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