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Be creative

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For god sake, everyone getting up in arms about wearing a mask. It’s not exactly a hardship! We’re hardly getting ushered into makeshift bomb shelters in our gardens with barely essentials to stay alive!!
So you wear a little covering over your mouth and nose, unless you’re exempt for whatever reason...Perfectly logical why they want you to wear one. Limit spread. It wasn’t necessary during lockdown because barely anyone was out. Not the case now. Hardly rocket science. Complaining about wearing a mask... but you’d complain about getting sick, so just wear a mask and suck it up (not literally) 😂

I’m from Scotland, so perhaps I’m just accustomed to it now. But seriously. Why’s it such a Big deal?!
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I honestly think the people saying it’s no life because we have to wear masks for a few months and it’s no way for their kids to grow up are being dramatic as fuck. Some people grow up/ live in war torn countries, or famines or with genocide and people actually say with a straight face that wearing a mask for a few months to stop the spread of a global pandemic is “no way to live”.
Jesus Christ get a bit of perspective 🙄🙄 “not worth living” is massive over exaggeration like.
It’s obviously not ideal but it’s a fucking long way off “no way to live” because you have to wear a mask to go shopping.
Is it better to see the army trucks that NY and Italy had to see because of the sheer number of dead bodies that had to be dealt with??
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xoxo GG

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I’ve got to be honest, I’m now less likely to go out and spend money on the high street having to constantly wear a mask. I know it’s for the greater good but I can’t help but think this will push the already struggling high street shops and shopping centres over the edge.
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I honestly think the people saying it’s no life because we have to wear masks for a few months and it’s no way for their kids to grow up are being dramatic as fuck. Some people grow up/ live in war torn countries, or famines or with genocide and people actually say with a straight face that wearing a mask for a few months to stop the spread of a global pandemic is “no way to live”.
Jesus Christ get a bit of perspective 🙄🙄 “not worth living” is massive over exaggeration like.
It’s obviously not ideal but it’s a fucking long way off “no way to live” because you have to wear a mask to go shopping.
It’s not just the masks. This isn’t normality for many people. I don’t want my boy to grow up being used to everyone wearing masks and Darent go near each other, or not go to school full time and near his friends. I don’t want him to be washing his hands constantly or never experience going to a gig or a show. I don’t want social distancing to be the norm.

There’s people worse off in every aspect of life but that doesn’t mean you can’t sick back and think you know what, this is all really shit for people at the minute.
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xoxo GG

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Nobody is saying it is hard to wear a mask. This thread is becoming shambolic. I’m happy for those that will feel more comfortable with people wearing masks in public. If that will encourage you to leave the house and return back to some slight normality, fine, that’s fantastic.

But that doesn’t mean that I can’t share my opinion on it. It doesn’t mean you’re right and I’m wrong. And it doesn’t mean I’m right and you’re wrong. It is an OPINION. It also doesn’t mean that I can’t share the fact that it won’t encourage me to go shopping and in fact will pose as more of an inconvenience for me. I’m not being a selfish twat refusing to wear one in shops, I just won’t go! Allowing those who it makes feel comfortable to be at ease whilst being there.

We all have different views on this whole pandemic, for the majority I’ve tried to support other people, but it’s beginning to seem that unless you’re living in fear of covid and you’re constantly dragged down by the announced numbers, you’re in the wrong.
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Why are people so keen on the £500 voucher fantasy? Does nobody here pay any income tax or something? You know we would have been given a £500 voucher and then stiffed for probably £3000 in tax in the next few years to pay for it?
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Do people really think that, prior to this virus outbreak, all humans were immortal and nobody ever died or even got sick?

Of course not, we all accepted that going out and mixing with other people carried a small risk of you picking up a cold or a bug, but we accepted that risk and didn’t let it stop us doing all the things we enjoy like going out, socialising, visiting friends and going on holiday.

It might sound scary that some days nearly 100 people are dying of coronavirus in the UK, but on average around 1.500 people die in the UK every day and that’s never stopped us from going out and living our lives freely.

It seems to me that the government’s hysterical and excessive warnings have been too successful and now we have a small but vociferous group of people online who seem to think that the minute you leave your house, get on a bus or enter a shop you will instantly catch coronavirus and die. People need to stop scaring themselves and others; a life lived in fear is no life at all!
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Anyone else think that if you’re gonna get it, you’ll get it regardless? You could wear a mask but touch a trolley, absent mindedly touch your eye - and get Covid. I do think some people are sadly just more susceptible to it and they’re probably the ones that have had it by now and passed away. It cannot possibly be as contagious or deadly as they’re saying amongst the healthy population or there would be masses of bodies in the street! I work in a small office with rotating staff, usually about 6 of us in there at any time (pre-lockdown) with a total of about 30 using the office during the week. Of that 30 I think 4 had confirmed Covid back in March. This was before test and trace etc so no one else got to know if they had it asymptotically- so this must mean either it’s just not as contagious as we think, or maybe we all had it but had no symptoms! We were not SDing, wearing PPE or even wiping our phones down like we are now. I was sat next to one of the staff members the day before they went off sick. We were sharing phones/pens/keyboards for days before this all happened. Of the 4 that were confirmed, 3 of them had underlying lung issues or were immune compromised and one was in another risk group.

The new cases are rising but the deaths are reducing - does this mean the newer cases are in healthier people who are showing less severe symptoms? I guess time will tell.

Some people seem to be getting very excited about the prospect of a second wave and lockdown. Not sure why. Maybe they didn’t have much going on in their lives to begin with and enjoy stirring the pot.
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Not my words but thought it was was perfectly put.
The way I see it is that the British public have been treated like toddlers and given very simple instructions and choices during this pandemic. This latest one is pretty easy: - wear a mask if you go to the shops or - stay at home and shop online “But why now?” I hear you yell. Well, it’s quite simple, really. The science doesn’t really show much effectiveness on the transmission of the virus when wearing a mask AND social distancing DURING lockdown when most people are at home and most shops and businesses are shut, and the vulnerable are shielding, as the number of people out and about is minimal and social distancing on its own is sufficient to reduce transmission of the virus. Now, all shops and businesses are open, people are out in their millions AND, crucially, those who have been SHIELDING are now leaving their homes for the first time. There are many more people now out in public, you can now shop for anything you want and not just essentials, social distancing is more difficult due to the increased number of people, and areas are more crowded so social distancing is not enough anymore. During the pandemic, the most vulnerable stayed at home 24/7 and did not leave their homes at all (unless for medical reasons), but these individuals are now venturing out for the first time and we are being asked to do one simple tiny thing to keep them safe from our (potential) germs - wear a face covering in enclosed spaces. It’s not hard. Really it isn’t.
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Just made my sons year. He's not left the house for 17 weeks and although he speaks to his mates daily on xbox he's not clapped eyes on them since school finished on 18th March. Today one of the mums text me asking if he was able to go to pizza hut and go karting on the 31st for his mates birthday. 3 kids going altogether and the birthday boys parents. It's a day before my shielding is paused so I've said he can go. Never seen him smile so much. I'm petrified but he needs time to be a normal teenager
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So, reporting back on my first post lockdown restaurant experience!

We went to slug and lettuce, we had booked. The restaurant had a one way system so entrance was entrance only. When we arrived there was a lady waiting by the door who showed us to our table, she explained the one way system and pointed us to a qr code which was on our table which linked directly to track and trace and we scanned it and input our details.

Used the app to order which was seamless. Tables were all well spaced. Felt pretty safe all in all! Had a couple of cocktails and all the food and feel v content!
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Firstly if we must wear masks in public then can the government get their act together and pull out all the stops to make the damn things available at a fixed and reasonable price (should be just pennies for the disposable ones), so we're not at the mercy of dodgy sellers on ebay and amazon marketplace scamming the hell out of everyone. And so people are not just funnelling a ton of money back to China for shit masks either. I read yesterday that the government is or has procured 10 factory production lines, get some more going please.

(Incidentally if Boohoo want to salvage anything of their reputation right now there's a golden opportunity here for them if they switched all their Leicester sweat shop owners into making face masks for the nation.)

Secondly I think one reason people are so upset about masks, is not really the act or inconvenience of wearing the mask itself. A lot of it is just the psychology of announcements like this are like massive roadblocks in the path of returning to the normality we knew six months ago. Compulsory masks in shops / in public pushes the hope of returning to normal lives SO much further back, it's a massive wakey wakey slap in the face to say that this isn't over anytime soon. My wife is really upset this morning, because she wants to get back to something normal, but the masks in shops announcement has convinced her that any sort of normality is months if not years away. I've had to do lots of comforting and gentle persuasion to calm her down about it. She won't be the only one, lots of people are having a hard time psychologically with this drab new world and continual authoritative rules. Lots of people.
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I find it hilarious that people are up in arms over a voucher when there’s countries/people that have been offered fuck all and just cracking on with it 🤣
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Is anyone else just really fed up of this shite?
Although stuff is reopened our numbers are going up because the idiotic government won't mandate masks.
Really having an awful night and seeing no light at the end of the tunnel even though I've been trying to be positive.
Miss eating out at restaurants but not comfortable doing so yet.
Miss grabbing a coffee with a friend but still not comfortable doing so.
Miss going to the gym.
Miss travelling.
Just miss fucking normality.
Honestly, I am fuming at the Chinese govt again for covering this up in the beginning. I know that the anger won't help but it's how I am feeling. How the hell are things ever going to improve? 😭😭
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My comment about no way for my kid to grow up wasn’t related to the wearing of a mask but the pandemic in general. Not seeing family, not seeing friends close by. Whole life turned on it’s head which is difficult for a 4yo to comprehend.
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xoxo GG

VIP Member
I honestly think the people saying it’s no life because we have to wear masks for a few months and it’s no way for their kids to grow up are being dramatic as fuck. Some people grow up/ live in war torn countries, or famines or with genocide and people actually say with a straight face that wearing a mask for a few months to stop the spread of a global pandemic is “no way to live”.
Jesus Christ get a bit of perspective 🙄🙄 “not worth living” is massive over exaggeration like.
It’s obviously not ideal but it’s a fucking long way off “no way to live” because you have to wear a mask to go shopping.
Who are you to tell people that how they feel is ‘dramatic as fuck?’

Just because worse things happen in other countries, it doesn’t mean how people feel is inadequate because somebody has it worse. People can still feel how they do. That’s fine and it’s completely valid. Not dramatic, just people struggling with what is fast becoming a shit reality.
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I'm looking forward to wearing a mask. Put a mask and hat on, can go shopping in your pjs. No one will know its you.
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xoxo GG

VIP Member
Nobody is up in arms about wearing a mask.

Merely discussing reasons why we don’t think they’re a good idea, will it stop us from going shopping etc. I don’t understand why it’s okay for others to say masks are a good idea but not for the opposing to state how they feel. I don’t care about the fact they’re telling me I have to wear a mask, but that doesn’t mean that I can’t discuss the fact I think it’s too little too late and that it won’t encourage me to go out and support our struggling economy.
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I personally think saying it’s crap is way less dramatic than no way to live though. No way to live implies its literally better to be dead.
Of course it’s crap, but in the grand scheme of things it’s a short blip in most of our lives right now. Better to wear a mask and be alive, this is the card we have been dealt at the end of the day.
Please bear in mind everyone deals with these situations differently - for someone such as myself with a history of anxiety and depression it’s very overwhelming. Yes, a lot of the time I do think death is the only way out of this. All of my protective factors (family, friends, travel, freedom, the possibility of having a family one day if I choose to) have been taken from me suddenly. I also think the absolute shambles that has been made of the rules is making things a lot worse - I find it much easier to deal with change when I understand the reasoning behind it. If masks had been brought in at the start I wouldn’t have cared, but to give us some freedom then change their minds just seems cruel to me. If face masks were essential they should have implemented them BEFORE easing lockdown. I have no objections to wearing a mask, I wear one all day anyway at work. It’s more the symbolism and emotions it brings up - the feeling that this will never be over, I can’t just potter around a shop and pretend everything is normal anymore. The confusion about when/where I’ll have to wear this mask, will I be fined?! Will I be turned away from places if I’ve forgotten my mask?

On a side note this is absolutely shite for a lot of older people who’s only social interaction is a chat what their local shop owner/cashier. When I worked in a shop we had regulars in everyday, usually in their 80s who would love to just have a chat and then leave - it was the highlight of some of their days. If anyone has tried to have a conversation in a face mask it’s very difficult for people with good hearing let alone those who may have relied on lip reading :(
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