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xoxo GG

VIP Member
Again it’s stay 2 metres... if you can’t stay 2 metres stay 1 metre but don’t stay 1 metre if you can stay 2 metre 🤷‍♀️🤯 has the virus gone? No!! Stay 2 metres for goodness sake!! Stay at home and stay safe! This government is ridiculous (I’m sorry if I’m offending anyone) but lives matter, money doesn’t!! That’s all this is about making money... very upsetting and disappointing ☹
Not every virus disappears and at some point we may very well have to accept that covid is here to stay and live with it. How long do we just stay at home for? Forever? Do we never have social contact again because of the threat of a virus? Or do we adapt and learn to live this way.

If people don’t want to stray away from their current lives staying at home then that is absolutely fine. But the world cannot be expected to stop for much longer. More lives will be lost if we allow the economy to crumble much lower than it already has.
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I don’t mean to offend anyone and I can’t find the poster who said similar the other day but we can’t be in lockdown forever. If people want to go out and break the rules for their mental health I completely don’t disagree with them.

we usually get an online shop but we forgot this week so had to go out instead. I didn’t realise there was a one way system and the amount of huffs and puffs and tutting I received until I realised really fucked me off. The direction of my walk is not going to give you covid. If people don’t like it or don’t feel safe then don’t go out.
You shouldn't have been tutted at, someone should have mentioned to you that you were going the wrong way. I don't think people need to treat others impatiently or rudely during this time and I'm sorry that happened to you.

However, it's not about going out for essentials or for daily exercise. It's about the unnecessary gatherings that can be avoided during this time, and the total lack of social distancing/ wearing of face masks correctly, because people are "fed up".
Nobody wanted this but being impatient isn't going to help. Adapting to the new normal and following the guidelines will actually help.

If nothing else, by avoiding gatherings and doing our part to slow the spread, we are saving our front line workers who are being exposed to huge viral loads on a daily basis. If we can make educated choices that reduce the risk of those front line staff and the most vulnerable members of society from being infected, we should do so. It's only humane to do so.
However bored or inconvenienced or annoyed people may feel, it certainly would feel worse to know that you may have infected someone else because you went to a party or couldn't be arsed to wear a mask (<- examples of things people I know have done).

I don't think life stops as a whole for anyone. I also don't think most have the option to simply not go out, as you state. Many of us will need to go out. But I would love for those out and about to remain vigilant and not get complacent because this is still a real threat. The numbers are rising, there is not yet a cure or a vaccine, there are many indications and warnings that people are not building an immunity to it and are getting reinfected, thus our choices will have an impact on the rate of contagion. If we continue to be vigilant, perhaps we can buy some more time for a medical solution.

PS. I caught it. It was hell. A month on I am still not fully recovered. I have family and friends on the front line in hospitals who are breaking from the stress and strain of it. I worry for them all the time. I know 3 people who have died now from this- all young and fit and healthy.
So, forgive me for saying that this remains a risk and I'd rather people err on the side of caution.
I don't care that every country has different guidelines, I think at this point we can all see that global numbers are rising and even countries that had in under control are now having new outbreaks.
So, we should do our part: wear the masks, stay away from people, sanitize products, wash hands regularly, stay indoors whenever possible and above all please be patient. We need medicine to catch up to the rate of contagion.
Sorry to see that so many disagree with this. It saddens me that many are becoming complacent when the risk is still very much present. :(
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37 years old and I've just sat and drawn a fathers day card for my dad as I'm unable to go to the shops and refused to pay the ridiculous online prices. Hope he likes stick men 😂😂
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Thank you to everyone who was concerned about my little one, thankfully he's back to normal and he had a swab done yesterday which came back negative this morning- think the entire street must have heard my screaming at 7am 😂
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I’d just like to thank @Bobbleowl90 and @JLXRD for being always being so logical and positive with their posts. I genuinely love reading your posts, especially when I feel like I’m having a wobble and getting wrapped up in the scaremongering- FANX 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
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My children have went to the playground today for the first time since before lockdown. Playgrounds have only just been allowed to reopen here in Scotland. Their dad took them to let me rest after work, and he sent me photos. They look so happy, I could cry for them. It’s the simple things.
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Not that I'm trying to stick up for the government in any way shape or form but WHO are actually only advising 1m distancing and have done all along so the UK dropping to 1m maybe isn't as scary as people think ❤
Personally I'd feel happier at 2m only because people have a weird idea of how far away 2m is so at 1m I can imagine people being on top of you.
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People have to stop saying that other people are selfish, without knowing their circumstances. Nobody knows how others are feeling mentally and why they do what they are doing.
It’s not okay to berate everyone that doesn’t feel the same way as you do. People are allowed to not be scared and people are allowed to be cautious and scared. Yes there are a few that have taken SD and thrown it out of the window and have really ran for the hills, but not everyone that is breaking a few rules are doing it because they are selfish and don’t care, some people genuinely cannot cope anymore and I’m really sorry but we can’t do it forever. YOU don’t care about haircuts, some people do and their appearance matters to them, YOU don’t care about restaurants, some people like to eat out and that’s okay, YOU don’t care about the pub, some people like the social aspect and getting out, that’s ok. Stop berating each other and stop judging each other without knowing the circumstances.
It angers me that people think because THEY are shielding and scared that everyone else has to be terrified and think about them, just like they are saying that these ‘flouters’ are selfish and it’s not about them, it’s not all about you either and everybody else should not have to stay at home until next year because you want to. I’m so sorry if that’s harsh, but I try not to judge anyone until I know the circumstances.
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In England they can sue the toilet and you should wipe it all down after each use. Use seperate toilet roll if poss. Witty gave that advice at the briefing
If we're allowed to sue toilets i want to start with the portaloos 🤮
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xoxo GG

VIP Member
Whitty said he would be surprised if we weren’t in this situation through the winter and into the spring? Do you not think that means the new level of restrictions?
I don’t think it’s worth thinking ahead to Christmas yet. Everything has been so unpredictable who knows what the situation may be come winter, I think people should be realistic but I also don’t think it’s against the odds to think that this virus could be in circulation but at a minimal amount
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We have new science that the alcoholic fumes in pubs, bars and clubs kills Covid19 so there it is safe to be 1M distances obviously.

-Boris Johnson probably.
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Saw my mum and dad again tonight and sat in their garden for an hour. He loved the card I drew for him and it made him cry. I just wanted to run over and hug him but obviously I didn't. I was much harder to to walk away today than it was last week. I just want a cuddle from them
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I have so much furlough resentment today. I know some will say I'm lucky to know I've got my job through this but ugh, a month off with pay sounds so good right now. Very jealous of my friends who sre just spending their days reading and baking and enjoying the weather whilst I'm stuck in my flat with my work laptop.

Sorry to moan guys, I know it's total first world problems and laziness on my part!
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I really hate how this has made people argue and fall out over what people are and aren’t doing. It’s unreasonable to expect people not to have opinions but why do people have to be unkind 😞
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Finally a shielding update. 1st August we can be released back into the wild. Can meet up to 6 people outside now too
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Took my son into school this morning for the first time and he was a bit shy and clingy (unlike him) but just had a message from the teacher to say he’s settled lovely and is enjoying being back with friends. Phew. I’m alone for the first time in 14 weeks and it feels so odd and quiet in the house.
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I think the UK gov handled it like :poop: from day 1 and the PM telling people come on out enjoy yourself is hardly a good message to give out during a pandemic.You can't blame people for taking it literally when that's the message the gov is portraying.The other nations are testament to the results than can be achieved by getting the right message out there and the police doing their job. I hope the Uk can pull it back before it's too late ..
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