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The Dads mug keeps popping up on my feed. His “hey gang” makes him sound like a cult leader. They have some paid event soon, where people pay for him and his wife to tell them what he “discovered” on his self obsessed trip to communities- one of which nearly ended their marriage by the sounds of it!! Can’t hane sold well as he’s constantly promoting it. They’ll film it and make it look busy, but more than likely filled with their rich mates! Don’t get me started on the exploitation of their children every morning, cameras in their faces, plus as mentioned before, often inappropriate images of their children half naked or in skimpy dance clothes. They are probably going to get some weirdos who think they’ll meet the kids, which I hope won’t happen…
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She should know better as a teacher, and he’s just pimping his girls out on social media.

I had to laugh he stayed all calm on thr live before he had to end it yesterday, I bet the air was blue when they came off. He then comes back embarrassed and explaining. No one cares!! Your girl had a tantrum so you ended the live. Like you should have. He wants to portray this calm happy family. He’s a weirdo! Gives me the creeps.
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I like them. I think Kate has resting bitch face though!
Been following them from the start too. I don’t think Kate is completely on board with the TikTok thing. She often looks uncomfortable. Campo is definitely the driving force. I think he probably thought they would become very well known, especially when they did their travels . The girls are adorable. Not sure they should have as much exposure online. They do seem a lovely family.
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If I were her, I’d be so annoyed with him on his phone whilst I was trying to get the children out. It’s disgusting what he’s teaching them. He leaves them outside the gym on their tablets while the goes - which is in a self storage building where there is a tyre shop with people in and out constantly. They are everything that’s wrong with modern life.
Doesn’t surprise me, considering when they went on their search for sustainable community living (which they no longer talk about and none of their content is in line with this at all anymore) they went out, just Katie and campo, without the kids… always thought it was odd that they left them with strangers. They did this at the weird naked oil ceremony when he persuaded her to go. They hadn’t been there very long, and they’d openly said it was a very difficult community, and yet they were prepared to risk their children’s safety. I personally think this whole thing was the final straw for Katie. Campo seemed more than happy to keep experimenting…
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The guy is the ‘in plain sight’ type. Why on earth would this be the best way to teach your kids about judgment and resilience? It’s all just a cover up. He is exploiting his kids for money (and dare I say his own perverted reasons… the guy gives me the creeps)

He seems like a narcissist to me. I can’t imagine Katie has much choice in all of this.
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“That’s just my nature, guys, I like sharing things, the good and the bad”
And that sums him up. He shared a video from this morning, where Katie was clearly stressed, in a rush and campo was making individual breakfasts for the girls, avocado and cheese on toast etc and Kiki was clearly not happy. This resulted in her crying, have a tantrum and being really rude to her mum. Campo didn’t back Katie up, he just flounced around, making eggs and talking to the cat and of course, their “gang”.
YOU may like sharing content, YOU may like sharing your life, YOU might like going live with god knows who and encourage the whole family to interact with strangers (I’ve said before, imagine say the people on their live were sat in their garden, watching through the window. Would they then encourage the dodgy pedalo enjoying himself at the girls running around in gym clothes to interact with the girls? No.)
It doesn’t seem like Katie enjoys the lives, as she’s got an actual job to go to and he probably sits at home all day, reaching out to brands to get deals.
Campo, YOU may enjoy the lives, but your children can not consent to making them. They may enjoy then, but do they really have a choice? If they said no, would you actually stop? No. They have continued to record Kiki when she clearly said no. Indie won’t remember life pre their lives and Taba clearly likes performing. HOWEVER, they still can’t consent. Hes a selfish, self centered prick, who needs to get an actual job, rather than relying on his family to earn a living
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Chatty Member
The clothing incident has happened numerous of times, I totally agree with everything you’ve said @leabytottle
The internet is such a dangerous place & who knows who has screenshot that and has it saved or whatever it’s really scary!
The dad gives me major red flags, some things need & should be kept private like the conversation about their grandma that didn’t need to be on camera.
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So he’s just shared a snapshot of I presume a live. His daughter clearly says NO to being filmed. Then proceeds to not like being forced to interact. Yet, she’s still forced to be on there. I just can’t with this family. Children can’t consent, and when your child is clearly saying no, then stop using your children for content!! There wasn’t much footage from their weird evening with cult night. Probably as it wasn’t well attended apart from their rich friends
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He also talks to everyone in that patronising, fake, condescending manner!
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I wonder how pissed off his family and friends gets with his constant filming everywhere they go? He seems to be very in their face, plus he has that weird selfie stick type contraption that seems very low tech for a “film maker”. You can just imagine him greeting his friends “Hi Team, im going to be taking photos and videos of you, your family and your children. Don’t worry, team, all our viewers are friends of Team Campo and I can assure you that there are no dodgy people saving these videos”
Did any of you see the footage of him at the beach the other day. He was asked by the middle child (Kiki?) to join them in the water. He obliged, camera in hand of course. Then made a comment “it’s harder to get in the water when you have a willy” whilst KiKi shrieked about his “willy shrinking when it’s cold”. It’s very odd that he says these things, and their responses are concerning. There’s a difference between understanding that men and women have different bodies, but at 7, why does she even know that? I just get a really awful feeling about him. He reminds me of Jonathan Joly
Firstly - thanks for tagging me in this thread. Very much appreciated.

I first found this family on TikTok back when he used to film innocent and funny videos of his youngest daughter. Since those have gone viral “campos” head has just got bigger and bigger. The clip quoted above about willys literally gave me the biggest ick and I just can’t bring myself to watch their content as much as I did before. I think there is a definite exploitation of their kids. Did anyone see the clip where the eldest had a camera shoved in her face whilst her mother accused her of pinching sweets! How is that content!! Clearly she felt upset and you could see it.
Hes trying to drag the family into something that they don’t want to be. He needs to be stopped before his children become victims of the freaks of this world.
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Are these the family that were camping but came home because the dad wanted to join that orgy and the mum was like 👺😂😂
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Firstly, the girls should never be filmed in that manner but also they’re getting older now too so surely are more aware of their own privacy?
They’re so used to being filmed, they probably don’t even consider that not everyone is filmed by their dad all the time. Makes you wonder what else he films…
They might not have seen him filming, he’s not very tall so probably had the camera above his head.
If he was so impressed by the bathroom, record when it’s empty. It’s so fucking odd. The fact that Katie, a teacher who has mandatory safeguarding training, doesn’t say something.
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Firstly - thanks for tagging me in this thread. Very much appreciated.

I first found this family on TikTok back when he used to film innocent and funny videos of his youngest daughter. Since those have gone viral “campos” head has just got bigger and bigger. The clip quoted above about willys literally gave me the biggest ick and I just can’t bring myself to watch their content as much as I did before. I think there is a definite exploitation of their kids. Did anyone see the clip where the eldest had a camera shoved in her face whilst her mother accused her of pinching sweets! How is that content!! Clearly she felt upset and you could see it.
Hes trying to drag the family into something that they don’t want to be. He needs to be stopped before his children become victims of the freaks of this world.
That video was awful! You could tell they were all scared of the repercussions the way they all rallied around each other. It turned out, they were actually in Katie’s bag all along, but no big apology for accusing her daughter of eating a 10p bag of sweets!! When they started their communal living thing, it all got very weird! I think he was expecting to be snapped up by a tv production company, but they all turned them down. It ended up being a rich family going on holiday and then living with strangers, some of which wanted orgies. God knows where the girls were when they were off getting rubbed in oil in the darkness. They definitely put their keys in a bowl at their posh parties
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What a good post. I’m sure there are lots of other families like this but as I know these people (and dislike them) they resonate with me. His recent post about how happy his children are just seems like he’s trying to constantly convince himself he’s doing the right thing for them, when he is actually just a lazy man exploiting his children. They won’t be happy to be filmed like this when they are teenagers. I don’t think children should be doing reviews of toilets either - it’s just weird. I hope he gets pulled up on this properly soon as it’s really not right.
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Chatty Member
I find this family so deeply unsettling - its a shame the thread isn't bigger, but I guess it shows that they don't really hold much influence or attention so with any luck he'll give it up.

His recent rants about Tiktok stopping a live before the end because one of the girls was in a crop top and then the amount of pen!s references turned my stomach quite frankly.

He can try and argue his point as much as he likes, but he never really makes a good one. Because its so transparant to anyone with half a brain that this is a man desperate to go viral, live off content of his kids with no regard to their wellbeing, becuase he is desperate for cash to keep up what is probably a very expensive life.

Whilst social media is going no where, I very much doubt that it will be the way it is now when his children are adults. People are already more aware of the dangers of no privacy, We will probably look back on the last decade of social media in the same way we do with most things - shocked at what we thought was appropriate.

To say every one is judged and that its teaching them a lesson in life - please!! These girls are too young to be confronted by other peoples opinions of them, they do not have the emotional maturity to handle the internet or social media which is why they woudn't actually be allowed to have their own accounts. People might be judging you now - but its very rare that you would be confronted with that opinion offline. And to be honest the only reason anyone is "judging him right now" or vaguely intereste din him is because he is a bad parent. He might not seem it, because they present this nice little middle class Henley life, but he is hiding behind that privilige. They remind me of the McCanns. The media completely overlooking that they made a catastrophicly bad decision leaving her, because they are middle class. Whereas if a working class single mum had gone out drinking doing the same thing there would have been uproar. They're the same. If they weren't presenting this posh couple one of them a teacher, they would have been questioned much more. They are no better than other mum influencers that expolit their kids and get a let of backlash - they just think they are. In fact I'd say they are worse, because they have options. Campo could be running a bigger company with his connections and skills - he coud have a well paid job - they have plenty of options and connections they do not need to be so desperate.

I don't know if anyone has followed her, there was a TikTok insta influencer called 'I'm the problem ' her account blew up at the beginning of the year with her storytelling - have a look if you haven't seen her - very entertaining (and not one sign of her kids - she relies on her own personality!) . She did a post earlier today, which made me think of him. She doesn't want to do content creation anymore - its time consuming and an empty life. You'll have to go listen, but I thought it was spot on and an excellent example of someone who really understands social media, how to use it and when to stop.

Sorry but desperate Campo looks more and more stressed, unhealthy and miserable to me and the constant overlooking of what is really going on, who his real audience is and what this is really doing to his girls is showing on his face which is why no one buys in to it on a big scale.
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Chatty Member
I followed them from when they started their account mostly showing Indi (the youngest child).
They went travelling across mostly America I think, to stay in places where you live in a community and everything is shared, apart from your sleeping area. It was fascinating to watch their travels.
But then at what I think was their last stop over they were invited to do some sort of naked oil touching thing with others in their community. Campo the dad was very keen and they both spoke on a live about it. Kate clearly wanted none of it, but it was discussed via their social media a few times I think and I don’t even know if she did it in the end. It changed my whole view of the dad and I stopped following them.
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I think they are upper class and born into money so it’s never going to be a major concern for them in the same way it would be for us or the general public.
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Called it king fu but in their comments have out king fu! Really bad! Just out for whatever they can get for free. That’s what the communal living is about - they wouldn’t be giving anything, just taking from everyone else. His way of talking grates on me. He puts punctuation in the wrong place and emphasises weird words!
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That post is unbelievable. He's trying to say that as social media is here to stay he is teaching the girls from a young age and how to use it safely. Its a joke. Just my opinion, but I agree social media is here for good, but I think we will look back on these sort of scenarios (family vlogging etc) in the same way we look back at things TV presenters got away with in the 70s! Many of these children filmed without consent - BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT OLD ENOUGH TO GIVE INFORMED CONSENT - will be adults and there will be a much better understanding of the damage this intrusion of privacy had. He is not teaching them anything useful about social media - he has decided to make money out of filming his children whether they like it or not and there is nothing else to it. I have no doubt that there are young people out there learning amazing editing skills and getting experience in content creation, but that is not what his kids are doing here - and he's a raging control freak, those girls will never have that kind of experience. I like that he also says its better to be active on social media, creating the content rather than mindlessly consuming it which is dangerous - who on earth are those people that watch you all having breakfast in the morning then?? I can't think of anything more mindless than watching a family you don't know get ready for the day when you should be doing the same thing. Shows what he really thinks about his 'Team'. It is all just a way to make money he couldn't give a sh1t about anything else.
Absolutely spot on! He actually came across as not only a complete narcissist (which wasn’t new) but also not very bright. He might have a posh accident, but my goodness does he talk shit. If you’re going to post about your views on children and social media, you can’t cherry pick. Does he not see that by putting his very young girl online for the world of creeps to see, that he’s not preparing them for being on social media. All he’s doing is showing them that it’s ok to film yourself 24/7 and let strangers see what you’re doing. How the fuck is Katie, A TEACHER, ok with this?? Those poor girls constantly have a camera in their face and don’t seem to be able to do anything without being filmed.
I really wish the radio show hewas due to be interviewed on, didn’t camel. I’d have loved to see what his response would be to, “Your children can’t give consent to being recorded, so why do you think it’s ok?” I know he’d Say “they love it” or “we wouldn’t if they said no”- yet have continued to film when they’ve said no. He’s a nasty man. The whole “team” thing is weird too… who is in his team??
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