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Overreliance on ChatGPT for content generation poses several significant drawbacks, and individuals should consider diversifying their content creation methods to maintain authenticity, creativity, and ethical standards. Firstly, excessive use of ChatGPT may lead to a lack of originality in the generated content. While the model is adept at generating text based on input, its responses are shaped by patterns learned from existing data. Overdependence on such a tool might result in a repetitive and predictable style, diluting the uniqueness of the content and potentially alienating audiences seeking fresh perspectives.

Secondly, relying solely on ChatGPT for content creation hinders the development of personal creativity and critical thinking skills. Content creators should engage in independent thought processes, research, and ideation to cultivate their unique voice and perspectives. Continuous dependence on an AI model may undermine the individual's ability to think critically, analyze information independently, and contribute genuinely original insights to their audience. A well-rounded creator should draw inspiration from various sources, including personal experiences, research, and collaboration, rather than solely relying on automated tools.

Lastly, the ethical considerations surrounding AI content creation merit attention. The responsible use of technology involves understanding and respecting its limitations. Unchecked reliance on ChatGPT may lead to the unintentional propagation of biases present in the training data, potentially reinforcing harmful stereotypes or misinformation. Creators bear the responsibility of ensuring that the content they produce aligns with ethical standards, and a more balanced approach to content creation, incorporating human judgment and oversight, can help mitigate these risks. In conclusion, while ChatGPT is a valuable tool, its overuse can compromise originality, hinder personal creativity, and raise ethical concerns. Content creators should strike a balance, incorporating diverse methods to uphold the quality and integrity of their work.
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Thread title by @TheDragonWithAFlagon, nominated by @HotesTilaire, modified slightly by me. Congratulations, you both win a bag of out of date salad that's been left out on someone's drive in the rain.

Well, this has been A Ride.

The ninnies got gradually more and more horrified by Carly's genuinely shocking attitude to things like GDPR, food safety, being organised so people know what they're getting and when they're getting it, not cancelling food drops that people are relying on because you've got a hospital appointment, and charity regulations, just minor little niggly things, really, nothing major or potentially bordering on the criminal, honest.

Complaints were made to official bodies. Carly suddenly started adding captions to previously published photographs to disguise the fact that she'd been putting food intended for animals out for human consumption. Much play was made of her doing all this FOR FREE.

Then the local paper published an article which was basically asking A Series of Pointed Questions, to which Carly's response to the paper was "I can't comment, it's all in the hands of my lawyers." Err, "no comment" only really applies to criminal matters, love. All hell broke loose, in the comments of the article, in the paper's Facebook page, and in Carly's own Facebook page, where people disclosed that they had been told they'd be getting a parcel but nothing arrived, people were accused of gross ingratitude, told they should sell gig tickets they were given as presents before asking for a food parcel, comments were made that made the ninnies think that Saint Carly has been locked out of the allotments by the council who are refusing to work with her any more, suspicions were raised that Carly's friends got much better food parcels than the common plebs did, further suspicions were raised that the ensaltening was all a bit convenient really and how come nobody left any finger or footprints? and the wheels fell off big time. I am waiting with baited breath for the publication of the Freedom of Information Request that a squig put in.

Carly was Very Angry that people were saying mean things about her slapdash organisation, her son might see it and be upset, how dare anyone say mean things when she's doing all this FOR FREE.

She's still the sole director of a limited company, the CIC paperwork is nowhere in sight, she's blaming "red tape", and nobody knows where £250,000, a quarter of a million pounds, generously donated by members of the public, actually is.

oooh, a poll!
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Harlow's wind, a bitter bite, through barren clay it cuts and scythes, My allotment, promised green, a graveyard for thwarted seeds and sighs. Salt of tears I've sown in rows, watered by council's callous prose, "Unauthorised! Unkempt! Unseen!" their sterile pronouncements mean.

Colin's plot, a verdant isle, where beans climb sun-kissed, fat and sly, His courgettes, zucchini smiles, mock my weeds that reach for sky. His prize-winning parsnips preen, while mine, like twisted teeth, convene, Jealous flames within me flicker, of his harvest, rich and quicker.

Harlow Council, concrete fist, crushes dreams with bureaucratic mist, Denies permits, steals the sun, leaving plots where nothing's won. Colin's carrots, plump and bold, taunt my spirit, tired and cold, His lettuces, emerald spread, whisper secrets of a well-kept bed.

But wait! A seed of hope takes root, defiance blooms, a bitter fruit, I'll fight this fallow, conquered ground, reclaim the soil, turn dreams around. Harlow's heart, though paved and grim, can't crush the green that burns within, My trowel, a warrior's blade, will carve a garden, unafraid.

So let the council forms they send, in bureaucratic blizzards blend, My plot, a battleground I tread, with calloused hands and head held high instead. Colin's bounty, once my bane, may yet inspire, not bring me pain, For even on this barren stage, a gardener's will can turn the page.

And come the harvest, sunlit gold, my own green story will unfold, No longer jealous, but content, with every weed and sprout I bent. Harlow's wind may bite and blow, but in my plot, a seed will grow, A testament to hope reborn, a garden wrested from the scorn.
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I'm just sat here sniggering that theres a firm of solicitors called whiskers lol
And now I'm sniggering at a saggy old cloth cat sniggering at solicitors called Whiskers. What a way to start 2024.
We will lawyer it, we will solicitor it
We will conveyance it for free, free, free
We will the allotment get, every little bit of it
Even if our client is the fool Carly

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some more choice comments from that same post



dunno why Ukraine got brought into it 4 years ago but there you go


also lol "how would you feel if it was reversed ... we all come over and build churches, walk about like we do in the UK then try and take over by saying your clothing offends us as you can't wear it or fly your flag"



oh sorry, never mind the British Empire, we're not going through history to 1857 babes
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She is a walking case study of why regulations exist for the voluntary sector.
It’s not that hard to comply, thousands of grass roots groups delivered food parcels to housebound people in covid times. But not by making people beg on public Facebook groups.
I feel sorry for the beneficiaries and the poor sods at the council dealing with her.
Also the money donated was to bring the allotments back in to use not for food parcels.
If the best use of the money is for food parcels it would have been better for Carly to pay the food banks to make up the food parcels, perhaps including her produce when available, and for her drivers to volunteer with the food bank, to deliver them.
But then she wouldn’t get to play Lady Bountiful for Facebook asspats which is what this is really about.
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A Meal (For Carlz’s Friends Such As Donna Whose Husband Works For A Food Retailer) On Me (You, Members Of The Public Who Donated £250,000) With Love (Unless You Keep Messaging Carlz, In Which Case You Will Be Sent To The Bottom Top Of The List WITH HATE!) xxx

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Yes she has her own Facebook and Instagram profiles (Donna’s bespoke gifts) and over 1,000 followers on Facebook. I have no way of means assessing her of course, but I’d say she’s less needy than the lady who was told she didn’t look skint and should sell the concert tickets she was gifted.
Carly, as you’re reading here it might be helpful if you explain how you assess who should receive a parcel and what they have to submit for you and the kids to decide if they’re worthy or not.

poor Donna 🥹 she didn’t know if she’d have a Christmas dinner this year 😩

here’s her website:
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Chatty Member
Do you know what’s pissing me off about all of this, aside from all the obvious, is that those asking for help are having to constantly placate and manage the feelings of this dickhead overgrown toddler and her band of sycophant huns. You can really feel it in all the comments where they’re asking for help/updates whilst also trying to not piss her off. I dunno if I can adequately explain why it’s getting to me so much but that feeling of having to be constantly subservient, genteel, playing nice with people/systems that hold power over you/your families lives is aggghhhhhhhghhh
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You'll be sorted if your Christmas dinner tradition is everybody eating their own loaf of bread in one hand and a carrot in the other
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