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Lady Doodle

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Another Thread suggestion 🤣
"Studio, Ready Meals or an Aldi Collab. Nothing's too much trouble for our old KeBAB!"
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Thank you! 😍 I’m buzzing to have a thread title!
And to keep the Monday night excitement rolling I’ve got a recap for you all. So grab a big mug, fill it with Baileys, get under your manky blanky, ignore your kids and your jobs, and enjoy x

The last thread title said it all - where does PUS sleep? Leading to many questions....why have they moved to this house? Where will all the tat go? Did they really choose a house based on a cupboard with glass doors? WTF??

Someone had asked a question on a post about storage which Babs answered and signed off with “Hope that helps”. Basically just suggesting that anyone who asks questions is a pain in the arse, and needs to be spoken down to. How dare anyone question what an Instagram influencer does?!?

Babs didn’t help the Tattle thirst for answers on Tuesday with stories of PUS working at the dining table while she’s on the sofa. Is the office too small/crammed with boxes for them to work in it? Why is the person with a proper job having to work with everyone around him? Why is she such a child that she asked him if they could sit together? Has PUS actually got some balls to stand up to her as he apparently told her no? So many questions!

Our evening treat was an Ocado AD of the four of them enjoying party food. Classic Babs; a half hearted effort where she hadn’t even bothered taking half the food out of the packaging and where the story involved her shouting aggressively, like an over excited 5 year old.
Then a pic of her at a laptop with her “professional face”. That’s all about that was professional since the caption with it was grammatical nonsense.
Following that was a parade of Tuesday night excitement - a quiz night with a Baileys hot chocolate...think she neglected to post the pint of Baileys she drank separately by the state she ended up in.....and Babs being the champion at recognising Calvin Harris from a tiny part of his face somehow led to drunken posts of her fangirling over Calvin like a twat. Then slagging off Ste because he’d stopped replying to her, like when you ignore a drunk person because they make no sense I imagine. Then he was “snoring” but clearly he wasn’t as they don’t sleep in the same bed. Her face in the accompanying selfie was the stuff of nightmares.

29 stories on Tuesday, most of them irrelevant, uninteresting and badly written, a couple drunk. How she gets companies to work with her is a mystery to me....clearly there’s a advertising intern somewhere who just looks at numbers of followers and engagement without bothering to check what the influencer actually posts!

Wednesday morning began around 6am with the Christmas film poll, which she did last year and the year before. Shall we say it again for the Babs at the back? Get some NEW content!

Then we were treated to a grid post and stories of her using her chins to tell us It’s Christmas.
No. No it isn’t.
I’m not a grinch, I’m really not, I love Christmas, and I realise this year of all years we need some cheer. However I disagree that Nov 11th is Christmas. To me, and many other tattlers, it’s actually Remembrance Day, a day of reflection that people with a platform should encourage others to honour. Anyway the post was unflattering to say the least, but then aren’t all the photos and videos she shares these days?!? As it was pointed out by a Tattler, it seems completely pointless her putting a full face of make up on for Zoom meetings and ADs when anyone she meets in real life or online can check her page and see the faces she chooses to share!

We’d had 17 stories and a grid post by 9:20am on Weds. We find ourselves wondering what she’s going to talk about throughout December if she’s using up her Christmas poll content now. Valentine’s? Easter? Summer plans? 🤷🏼‍♀️

They have a Christmas tree up but the room it’s in is being decorated on Sun so the tree will come down and then go back up. Wow. There really is no planning involved in this shitshow at all, is there?

Tuesday’s Vlog was a house makeover, altho within a few seconds she said it wasn’t a make over as they haven’t actually done anything except move some furniture, that they possibly didn’t measure for before the moved in, around and make the house look small and cramped. Except for the furniture PUS can’t move alone because there’s no one to help him (I’m sure it’s the bad back!) Babs shouted at the family a lot and made people even more confused about why they moved as both kids have lost desks, storage space etc. Someone even asked in the comments if they’re regretting moving somewhere they can’t fit everything in and Babs replied that they love it even though it’s a “PAIN” not being able to fit. Honestly wondering if she drunkenly bought the house one evening without even seeing it 🤷🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️

The girl doing dance lessons on Zoom means that Babs can sit in her pyjamas watching whatever she wants on telly. So that’ll make a change. Living “dat lockdown life” 🙄😡🙄
Her boy made a piggy bank and she loves it. I’m sure they screamed and went rabid over it.
A picture of a manky blanky and a caption explaining love is ignoring each other on different sofas was all we got on Weds eve. Don’t get me wrong; she managed over 20 stories today, but it was all over quite early and the evening was quite quiet on the Brummy front.

Thursday began with her moaning that Elf always wins in the polls. My advice....Don’t put it in then, go crazy and mix up the content!
Hope that helps 😘
Then some film votes and some scratchy pit stories about a red patch on her neck, going for a walk with a friend (I’m only doing the school run from now on”....Babnocchio circa Oct 30th 2020 when lockdown was about to begin) and how she’s starting to think about plans for her birthday.
Personally I am shooketh that Boris hasn’t conducted a press conference and issued new guidelines on how the Kweeeen of Brum should celebrate her birthday. Expecting an announcement from No 10 any day now telling us that on the day of our blessed Babs’ birth we must ensure our Christmas lights are up, wear our pyjamas all day and be wrapped in manky blankys or dressing gowns. We must gather on doorsteps across the land to raise a massive mug of hot cock in the air and put our hands under our chins at all times. There will be a national meal of fajitas, with peppers as we’re fancy, and the only program allowed on ALL channels will be Real Housewives.
Honestly every family across the world must have had at least one birthday whilst in lockdown, what makes her turning 43 any kind of special event that must be worried about weeks in advance?!? Twat.

Daily Christmas mug and some chat about mugs, then moaning about Elf winning again. Honestly, no one cares Babs! Oh and she wore the same outfit for the second day and watched the Radfords, who have their own threads on Tattle for some of their questionable choices. So that’s good wholesome content to recommend 🙄

An eagle eyed Tattler found a video from a few years ago that Babs did with Toby Carvery, so it was professionally made, but there was a massive difference in Babs herself. What happened to that calm, able to speak at an appropriate level with no hand under her chin, affectionate mum? She used normal words! Where has it all gone wrong?!? I mean we know she fell into the success trap and gave up her normal life for this crazy internet existence, but how has she changed so much for the worse?

Thursday afternoon treated us to the Jude Law coming out of a lift story (if you’re an oldie you’ll have heard it before, if you’re a newbie you will definitely hear it again) which was told through captions and close ups of teeth. Yeah I’m not sure why either.
She then spent “some in the utility room”. Again, answers on a postcard if you want to guess the word the Kween of incoherent sentences missed out this time 🤷🏼‍♀️
Fireplace is beginning to look festive - as in it looks like the display from a massive garden centre threw up over it. Clearly not a less is more fan is she?? So that will be all cluttered and gathering dust for roughly two months now. Would drive me mental, but hey, I can skip the stories and not look at it. Poor Conways who have to live there and actually want to be able to move around a room don’t have that luxury, so we here at Tattle send you our thoughts and prayers.

She told us that she likes to look at her things to make her happy (the incessant need for shopping, tat and clutter never would’ve been enough to guess this) but when she told Stephen she imagines he heard blah blah blah. Yes indeed, I’m sure a lot of people only hear that from you!
Then they discussed how many times men poo at work. Wow. I’m riveted.
The photo that came with it was of her and PUS dressed up as Voldemort and Hagrid. Trolling Tattle much? What a sad little life she must lead, spending her time reading here and then posting things to wind up the “nasty trolls”. When in fact the majority of comments on here express concern for her. Yeah we take the mick and make jokes but no one wants to see her harmed or suffering; we also just don’t want to see close ups of her nostrils, teeth, her pit scratching and her fanning her foof every five minutes 🤷🏼‍♀️
We then had a boots in leaves with the dog out on a walk, followed by stories and a grid post about the little Christmas village she’s beginning to build. Just a mum. Writing annoying sentences. Pretending Ste is interested enough to buy things for her village. Putting more tat around her small house.

Then a late evening selfie coming back from a walk that was “nippy round the nips”. Who wants to have the too much information chat with Babs?? Anyone??

Friday morning was a particularly gross start with rash scratching, ear picking and eye touching with the same hand. Lush 🤢 She also captioned the stories poorly, which is shocking considering how professional she is and how good she is at her job. She was lying in bed at 7:30 watching the kids choose own clothes for Children in Need so it’s safe to assume PUS wasn’t at work and was in charge.

She told us we’re to be treated to a new poll this year (new?! New content?!? It’s like an early Christmas present!!) of “hunks”. Yes you heard me right. Cringey? Sexist? Inappropriate? Ticks all of Babs’s favourite boxes!!

Today’s mug was a gift from a follower who she can’t remember 🙄 and we had a grid post of the kids wearing clothes. Another oh they used to be little but - newsflash - they’ve grown up post. Shocking. I had no idea kids grow up. I was shooketh and had to sit on the sofa with a hot cock for an hour to calm down.
We had an outfit of the day, a Christmas glasses on to watch festive adverts selfie, a Gary Barlow post and a chat about “sock juice”. They’ve never had carpets so she isn’t used to fluff from socks, which isn’t wet, so can’t be described as juice. Poor old PUS can’t do anything right, she really is not a fan of his at all 🙄🤦🏼‍♀️

Friday evening we got the favourite Matalan pyjamas appreciation post- I stand corrected, it was actually before 5pm so technically still the afternoon, I was thrown by the pyjamas but forgot that Babs is in hers before a lot of us are even home from work. And she was (Just a woman) watching a program about a sex cult - I haven’t seen it but the description suggests probably not appropriate to be watching when there are kids around, but I forgot she happily banishes them away from her at 5pm so she can carry on with her choice of crap tv while most mums have to wait until the sounds of snoring fill the house before they put on their grown up shizzle.
Then a reel about PUS suggesting a chippy tea - good for him, he deserves a night off! Babs and her dressing gown were very excited, not sure why since it seems unlikely she’d have been cooking anyway!
Another beautiful Christmas scene shared pretending it was her house and PUS wrecked it, because of course he would seeing as she thinks he’s such a disaster 🤦🏼‍♀️
Friday night was separate sofas and ignoring each other, again, and her texting him to ask for a cat.
Plus Lucy is really happy at the new house so perhaps we’ve found the reason for the move - the dog 🤣

Saturday morning began at the crack of freaking dawn with a rough sounding Babs in the kitchen talking crap about hugging the kids and looking at glass candy canes. Then we were treated to her using said cane to attempt a Liberty X style dance - spoiler alert, she failed miserably. Then a scenic photo pretending it’s her house, some ICED pain au chocolat (sacrilege), a festive mug and a pile of wallpaper on the floor.
Lucy watching the kids play hide and seek and bowls of soup were the highlights of Sat. The pics show how cramped the rooms are, so much furniture that doesn’t all fit!!
A reel of the kids doing “Step in to Christmas” a la Gavin and Stacey popped up, Babs of course got herself in there. We saw a red front door and a SMEG fridge, which she’d mentioned they might get and hey presto, there it is!
Saturday evening was yet another photo of PUS on a sofa under a blanket, like every other night this week 🤦🏼‍♀️ The curtains still don’t fit and still don’t look right.
Then a photo of her on the walk she went on (with bad looking skin) where they all named three things they like about each other - Babs has good style, gives good hugs and takes them nice places. But what do they love about PUS and the kids? Alas, we will never know because it is ALL about Babs!

Sunday morning and she was alone in the lounge (thus proving to Tattle that isn’t where PUS sleeps) at 6ish chattering on about boring crap. The boy is becoming a vegetarian which she of course made all about her being a vegetarian for a week in her teens to copy Mark Owen 🤦🏼‍♀️ She’s arranging books because they still have boxes to unpack and she found her masters! Who knew?!? I was shooketh. Just a woman. Who has a masters. Who now can’t write a coherent sentence. Because. She’s sold herself out. For a pay cheque.

AD for Studio reveals they have been gifted festive pjs, even tho she dedicated a morning of stories to how she can’t find any, and some other decorations that already seem to have been moved off her trees. Landfill, glorious landfill for the ever wasteful Babs!

New vlog - first Christmas one of 2020. Lucky for us we have such a martyr in Babs, willing to put her decorations up for us and set up a hot chocolate stand. What would we do without her?? Thank goodness shops are open in this lockdown for essentials such as candy canes. More chat about calories not counting at Christmas that being her claims at being confident crashing down, not that we should be surprised as she is one big car crash lately!

Sexual candles on Sunday morning 😡🤢
Decorating on Sunday afternoon - dark colours to choose from (won’t look good I wouldn’t think) and a new set of shelves. Personally I like them (I know, shooketh) but they don’t go with anything else in the room. She has a LOT of bottles of booze for someone who claims not to drink much. And she had a lit up E, it was mentioned on Tattle that it seemed unfair for PUS not to have a letter. Lo and behold, within the hour, she was on the internet ordering one 🤣 She might as well tag Tattle in there!
7:30pm and she was making a Baileys hot chocolate and watching The Crown. How you might ask? Is she not a busy relatable mum? Has she not got kids to sort, lunches to half make, jobs to do? No my friends, she has The Help for all of that. PUS coming into his own, obviously divide and conquer theses days doesn’t mean a kid each but him doing everything while she sits in the manky blanky on her own.
A photo of her with Gi Fletcher and some other instamums to say good luck for I’m A Celeb. She won’t watch it until tomorrow as the kids would get cross with her because they love it, even tho it’s on at 9 which is post watershed for a reason!
We then got an odd collage of pics with a spiel about how she’s been mixing it up lately, she’s so happy in “this home” and hopes we all see that and she’s going to keep up the slightly mundane family life.
Sorry what?!? Mixing it up? She’s literally posted a mug every morning and a photo of Ste under a blanket every night! She doesn’t seem happy, she’s always doing a close up selfie moaning about something. Last week she was grinding her teeth and waking up at 3am! And the mundane family life is pretty much her whole thing - BrummyMummy?! Cos she’s a mummy?!? So that one was really confusing.

Monday morning began around 6ish again with news of going for a smear - hoorah for a good use of her platform, she may actually encourage someone to have one 👍🏻 Then a jumpsuit she’s going to buy because ladbabymum had one and an Amazon wish list of books for her girl. More buying, more awake all hours shopping, more terrible sleep habits.
And then a mug. Obvs.

She wore pleather leggings to the smear test 🤢and laughed with the nurse about shaving. Hadn’t shaved for weeks, since the last time she left the house for the dentist “weeks ago”.
All well and good telling little stories like that, except when you document EVERY thought and action on Instagram we know it’s all crap. Dentist was 11 days ago, not weeks, and Babs has been for a walk with a friend, to an NT place and for at least two dog walks since then 🤷🏼‍♀️ Babnocchio you need to realise that just because a story vanishes after 24 hours doesn’t mean everyone forgets it ever happened!

We then had a delightful treat with some stories of Emma opening boxes where she couldn’t remember what she’d ordered. FFS love read the room - you are living through the second lockdown of this pandemic where millions of people have found themselves, through no fault of their own, struggling financially. Just the last couple of days we’ve had £399 shelves, a light up letter, a wish list of books, a £45 jumpsuit, a £1500 you’re opening a Christmas pudding jug and a Mickey Mouse head that’s bigger than you thought?!? What is wrong with you??? I get that some people aren’t affected by Covid financially and I get Instagrammers think we all care what they have. But you could take it down a notch. We don’t need to see every single thing and hear about every online shop you do. It doesn’t inspire people, more likely it makes them feel crappy or it fills them with rage that you’re so greedy and wasteful. Even the Christmas mug a day is showing off how many mugs she can afford to have 🤦🏼‍♀️

We got a dining room makeover post next, leading to some questions about choosing low chairs and a rug under the table. Also annoying to have a fridge in there that you can see from the lounge. Can see what look she’s going for but as ever she’s falling short of planning/organising it enough to actually make it work!
Then the affiliate links started. Making her furniture choices seem more obvious if she got them free/discounted/can earn money from people copying 🤦🏼‍♀️

She went to the supermarket to get special vegetarian food for the boy, then did a crotch photo with smear test info 😱🤦🏼‍♀️ Why, Babs, why??

Sorry the recap is long but she posts a lot. And I’m just a mum. Spending too much time on Tattle because it’s my guilty pleasure of amusement 🤣 Hope that helps 😘
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Good Egg

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Next thread title suggestion: is that a KeBAB or a load of shish? Give up the gram it’s Ste’s only wish
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I wish all the frontline workers would stfu about ther "busy" days. You can't understand what busy is until you've had to spend a Tuesday in mid November wrapping Christmas presents and filming a Christmas video. Stress? You don't know the meaning of the word 😤 Thank you, brummymummyof2, for your tireless service.
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A little tribute to Babs 🤗🤗

In honour of Emma I figured we could start Christmas early with a Christmas tune. Ho ho ho 🎅

"12 days of Babsmas"

🎵🎶On the twelve days of Babsmas, Kween Conway gave to me

Twelve teenage crushes
Eleven gurning faces
Ten rabid Babette's
Nine bathroom tantrums
Eight pointless house vlogs
Seven splashing bath bombs
Six "sexy" candles
Five fishy fooooffsss
Four more new plants
Three mum trump's
Two "cracking" tits
And a long arse day of watching tvvvvvv 🎵🎶
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What babs meant to say. Didn’t sleep well as I was catching up on tattle as I need some ideas for content.
Could it be more obvious when we discussed both her lack of Disney posts yesterday and how she should do some exercise on her break rather than ‘watch’ Stephs packed lunch
I was just coming on to say this! Her morning story may as well have been;

“, oh did you yawn when I yawned? I’m going to zoom in on my face now to prove I don’t care what I look like because I’m so body confident even tho they say on Tattle that I’m not.....scratch....Anyway I love Disney so it’s Mickey’s birthday so there Tattle......ear poke.....I watch Steph’s packed lunch.....neck I can’t go out at lunch time but I don’t like it that you say I’m lazy so I will go out for a walk this morning......eye you’re right Tattle, I don’t get enough exercise. Exercise? Did I just make up the word exercise? Anyway......close up zoom in and out of my face for no reason.....I’ve got a new poll and because my content is so exciting I don’t know who is going to win this one, it’s not just a repeat of last year so there Tattle.....yawn....did you just yawn when I yawned?...oh I didn’t sleep because of a child not because I was shopping online for tat or checking Tattle or went to bed too early or am unhappy....scratch.....with the house move.....I love this home.......Im just going to repeat my story from.....scratch.....Saturday about how much my family love me because I read that you think I make everything about me but honestly they....eye me so you lots.....close up of teeth”
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First time poster, very long time lurker. Feel compelled to finally break my post writing virginity (I am shooketh) over the bloody body confidence bollocks.

Of my 30 years, I have struggled with eating disorders for over 20 of them now (blame bad upbringing and food as a comfort) and although I am in a very happy setting these days, posts such as hers are real triggers. I would love to sit around all day eating ket and chocolate and then boast that I am body confident in my dresses.

I hate what I see in the mirror right now, lockdown and a divorce this year has made some of my food choices to be wrong, but I fully aware and working on it.

Her posts stating because its Christmas/weekend/sat in car/whatever thin excuse she peddles out its calorie free are actually very triggering and makes it really hard.

Does she not realise that a huge number of followers will be feeling the same, that promoting such a lifestyle is inherently wrong and damaging to so many, not only herself??

I've followed her for years, and have been driven to tattle for the last 9 months or so, due to her bizarre and frankly obscene behaviour!!

Rant over. Feel amongst friends. First post. Very sexual. I will name it. Calorie free.
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Exactly! And she doesn’t emphasise the nurse will give you privacy to dress/undress. We must remember tho she’s happy to have her husband put in/remove tampons in her, I don’t think she’s modest in the slightest so maybe not the best person to advise.
I actually think she is quite prudish. She never refers to body parts with their actual names. I don't think she is particularly comfortable talking about sex. She's a really weird mix of horny teen, lascivious older person and middle aged prude.
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The "you might think this routine is insane" story isn't for Tattle at all is it babs?

I think I know what her routine is:

5:30am Read Tattle
6:00am Story from the pit
6:30am PUS brings her a tea whilst she's on the gram looking for content ideas
7:00am Read Tattle
7:30am PUS brings breakfast for Kween Emma whilst she watches YT for content ideas
8:00am Make up some bollocks about the weather
8:30am OOTD
9:00am Story from the car about the school run
9:30am Real Housewives of Shitsville
11:30am Story about not being able to wait until lunch time for lunch
12:00pm Read Tattle
1:00pm Story about whatever she's seen on Tattle
1:30pm Real Housewives of Shitsville
2:25pm Shit Reel filming
2:30pm Weather related story about school run
3:45pm Dog Poo chase or some bollocks they all apparently screamed about (switched up on a Thursday because they're Thrilling Thursdays)
4:30pm Baileys and Real Housewives of Shitsville
6:00pm PUS makes beige food
6:30pm Emma Time because she's been so busy all day so needs some time to herself for more Tattle Reading, Instagramming and watching Real Housewives of Shitsville
8:00pm Old Lady Emma heads off to bed to watch more crap and re-energise herself because she's such an introvert and being around PUS for 30 minutes was too much

Throw in some random shopping throughout the night (or during the day if there isn't a lockdown) and that is basically her life!
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Anyone who is put off by their smear please, please, don’t be!

I am under investigation for having possible endometriosis, went for an internal ultrasound and they found nothing 🙄 went for a smear and the smear nurse found some stuff she wasn’t happy with.

These nurses know their stuff and it’s so, so, so important to go.

It’s once every 2 years, 15 minutes, ok a little in comfy but hey it could save your life!
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Emma we know you read here so on behalf of MANY of your followers may I take this chance to say......
It’s the act of a sad and desperate middle aged mum to appear half naked for hundreds of thousands of people to see while you chat absolute drivel. How much do you really need attention?!? It’s completely disgusting that we see your eye bogies, yawns and scratches in the morning. No one, and I mean no one, would mind if you didn’t post until 7:30/8am, when you’d washed your face and got some clothes on. You don’t have anything interesting enough to say that can’t wait. If overnight you have been hot, and have taken your top off, PUT IT BACK ON before you record. Your kids’ teachers, parents of their friends, they themselves may see it one day and it’s not attractive. It’s too much. I don’t want to be nasty, just please have a little bit of dignity.
Also, feel free to go a day or two....hell even an hour or two....without posting drivel on your stories. Nothing you say is actually helping anyone. And think carefully before you lie, or say the opposite of what you’ve said before, because people remember and you make yourself look like you can’t do your job!
Hope that helps 😘
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Hahaha the only comment not slagging her off is somebody asking about a box of dates 😂 it is just too funny 🤣 I can't cope. She's out done herself. Aldigate is a thing. The jury is out, people don't like you Babs
I'm worried about the date person, I hope Aldi reply to them 😓 I just want them to find their dates
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I can't speak for anyone else but I personally was referring to Emma, and only Emma, when I "joked" about the nurse "double bagging up" 🤣🤷‍♀️
I personally took it that every one that was on about wine, double bagging, additional ppe was down to the fact babs has appalling personal hygiene and went wearing pleather jeggings which make you sweat. Not a nurse would have to do that for a “normal” person even if they do have BV or not pleasant discharge.

as a survivor (fuck I hate that word) of both cervical and endometrial cancer her post was insulting to the large amount of instahuns that have been mature and adult in their approach of smears. It was like a teenager with no life experience had written it not a bloody middle aged mother of 2!
ETA mine wasn’t even found through routine smears however I’m a huge advocate of smear tests & having open and Frank discussions with your medical professional (doc or practice nurse) as their input can literally save your life. Don’t let this absolute tool put you off. It’s uncomfortable, it’s slightly embarrassing but trust me they’ve all seen worse than your bits and nothing fazes them!
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No style rocky

Well-known member
Its definitely only plastic ones used now.
We’re going back to using metal as it’s more sustainable both for cost and the environment. Just got to finalise the process for sterilising them and then it’s back to metal. But most places do still use the single use plastic

I actually think she is quite prudish. She never refers to body parts with their actual names. I don't think she is particularly comfortable talking about sex. She's a really weird mix of horny teen, lascivious older person and middle aged prude.
Agree with all this. Can you imagine what she’ll be like when Erin starts having sex. She’ll be the type of mum going through her kids room looking for contraception.

*also re my earlier comments I’m very aggy when I read comments that are potential stigmatising and could result in people not being tested screened...... it’s coz of where I work, I’ve got to keep up the good fight! Anywho I started having sex at 14, had my first smear at 18 (before the current age eligibility criteria of 25) then had colposcopy treatment at 21, followed by an annual smear for 10 years. I’m 43 and had a colposcopy appointment again last year, I’ve got “a lovely pink cervix” apparently. I was chatting to the nurse and what I thought was just one of those things when 21 had a 70% chance of turning into cancer. Anywho my point is I’ve had ALOT of smears in my life, I’ve never had a painful experience, every nurse has been kind to me. I work in sexual health services now, my colleagues don’t do smears but they do look at a lot of vaginas and no one is ever judged......... Anyways back to normal service, I don’t like Babs but if she had gonorrhoea I’d be there for her 😀👍
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