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VIP Member
Omg that tiny bunk bed that Mickey sleeps in! She is clearly not even trying to get Ethan to sleep in his own bed so why have the bunk beds? If I was Stephen I would get rid of them and buy a proper bed so he can at least stretch out and get a proper sleep.

Surely there will come a time where she needs to transition him into his own bedroom. Maybe buying a decent bed for him that has one of the pull out beds underneath it for her to sleep in with him until he gets used to his room would be an idea. He can clearly go to sleep by himself as she’s always downstairs watching tv when he’s away to bed so that’s not a problem. I know it’s more convenience for her though. God forbid she actually has to take part in any form of bedtime routine.
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Go on Ste! What’s the betting he’s reading Tattle and trying not to snigger at the comments 😂
Too poorly for a takeaway dance? You’ve got a cold bab FFS! 4C405A65-D20D-4884-941A-831F0D646FAD.jpeg
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Chatty Member
Is there any bandwagon this idiot won't jump on ?
She wasn't quite so vociferous about racism when it was her friend Grabecca Meldrum who hit the headlines, was she ??
She really is just so self absorbed and vile, no one cares what your opinion is on anything let alone the MOD saga !
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VIP Member
Too busy to do a dance, how about you just give them up now you bellend ( best name for her yet ) don’t bother doing one sat night do yourself a favour
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Tattler 987

Well-known member
Miss D or whoever you are, please for the love of God get her to put some bloody clothes on she is supposed to be family friendly!! No way would I let me kids look at a naked woman in the bath covered with a box of after eights. I don't even wanna see that, I don't want to hear about her rack or her nipples, her 'foof' she has become ridiculous. She is an embarrassment to her children and her husband. Please please please sort this mess out!! Bring back paul
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at the end of this weeks vlog she asks people to dm her if they see anything disney??? eh thought you didnt read your dms bab :) compulsive liar, anything for engagement. emma honestly just gets worse and worse
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Then she has the cheek to do a vlog about how they budget for birthdays, Christmas and holidays. She clearly doesn't need to budget when she gets most holidays for free and with the earning power on her AD's etc. So relateable babs!
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New member
Does anyone follow Rosie Ramsey? She is so funny and naturally likeable. I think BM tries to copy her but doesn’t have the natural charisma. RR doesn’t try to hide the privilege she has and still manages to come across as down to earth. BM makes out she’s just a normal mum when she far from it. I don’t mind people having nice things and fancy holidays but don’t pretend you need to budget by buying endless shit at Primark!
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Brummy mummy #12
Brummy mummy stricken with Christmas amnesia not too sure about the lies she feeds us......
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VIP Member
She’s shown her true colours on that sixth sense post... what an immature bitch.
I thought exactly the same what a loser

Thinking about it she has serious anger issues can you imagine what she’s like when she Absolutley loses it no wonder everyone smiles for the camera and stands where they are told too
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VIP Member
Don't know if any of you have ever watched Emma Spears (Spectromagical). She was saying in a video the other day that basically you have to be a narcissist if you're a flogger because normal people don't think that anyone else would be interested in watching them. It was refreshingly honest, couldn't be more of a contrast to Babs who's still trying to persuade us she's an introvert and socially phobic.

(Side note: Emma Spears is a genuine Disney fan if you're after some vlogs worth watching, a bit more interesting than Babs gurning inanely at the camera at every opportunity)
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VIP Member
People were messaging her about the butter straight after she posted it to tell her how triggered they were? Yeah right. She has probably been planning this content for weeks. What a life!
What about the 500 plus saddos who have replied to her post telling her what their tubs of margarine look like?! 🙈
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Am I the only one who finds her kids, particularly Erin, really annoying. Really precocious for her age. They either watch far too much youtube or Brummy has been coaching her!
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VIP Member
Is the mean girls reference about people who moan it's too early for xmas or is it aimed at MOD?!

She's said it before but in the comments people ask how Mickey keeps a straight face filming the dance and she says he doesn't even raise a smile. He's obviously dead behind the eyes with the life he's been dealt!!
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VIP Member
She can't spend a day of half term with her children in the house but can dance around, post on stories all day and sort her precious Halloween tat?
Love that Ethan wanted to wear a football top, she would have hated that. So much for him being so unique and not liking football. Surprised she didn't force him into a stitch outfit. I love seeing their children grow up into something they struggle to manipulate.
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