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winnie woo

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If you listen carefully, Jess was telling what she ate and she was down to dessert and said “I got 2 pieces of…….” And Val gets her attention off camera with more cake Nonnie sent with her.
Yup, that cake over there is mine. Mine,mine mine…after panning to huge cake on counter in a household that never has desserts. 2 choc pies coming up a household that rarely has desserts!
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winnie woo

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Val to Jess ...Does it bother you that we had to put Abby down? it doesn’t bother me!
Val…but you worry about it sometimes
Val always makes sure to focus on Jessica’s worries and anxieties. She makes sure they continue to manifest and stay prevalent in Jessica’s head. To tell her she’s anxious when she says she’s not is very cruel. ..

No they don’t read anything. One of my pet peeves, people who repeatedly ask the same question on the same thread when it’s been answered 35 times already.
I hate this too. Also that Prudence Young person who comments 10 times in one post summarizing with one liners! Things like…Jess likes cake! Going to PO! On and on and on, I want to scream! Enough Prudence! One day I counted 14 of those stupid one liners from her on a single posts..and her ❤emojis and sticker posts!! Wtf is wrong with these people.
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winnie woo

VIP Member
The live is just to much for me. They are all talking at once and over each other again. I did see the beginning when Jess pissed off Val and she made Hannah sit next to her. The looked Val gave Jessica could have killed! Then Jess asks her mother if she has a good attitude!!! Busted again Val! It's not a joyful life and that comment from Jess tells that you talk to her on how to act before the camera goes on!!!
And Jess just looking for cards in the packages and could care less about anything else! And the one person sent 2 Disney gift cards!!! WTF is wrong with people paying for 3 able bodied people plus Jess to go on vacation! They don't work, sleep all the time and take, take,take!!! I just don't get how people don't see the exploitation! And Val is so stupid....she read the card in the last big gift and the person said please don't use my name!!! YET Val kept saying thank you Stephanie, these are great Stephanie....what is wrong with her???
I could only watch the first few min today. As soon as greedy guts started grabbing and obsessing I was out. Wtf is wrong with people they don’t recognize greed! When Val gave the look at the beginning Jess seemed to get the message for a few min, proof Val knows she’s being obnoxious, rude and that could lead to unlikeable which may reduce their no work income.
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Jessica is a totally different person when it’s just her and Campbell or Marlow. She isn’t watching every word she says or her reactions. Yes, she is still showing signs of schizophrenia but she seems happier to me. Val scares the crap out of her and Jessica scares everyone else. But I think the fear of Val comes to light when every once in a while Jessica will say “are you still mad mommy?” Or I’m sorry mommy. Val is the one who needs the most help in that family. I wish she would go to therapy and actually listen and learn. Instead, she will deny any help and everything has to be her way. Because she knows it all.

I thought that when I first saw him, something isn’t right with him.
Of course something isn’t right with him. He wouldn’t be doing what he is doing if he was right in the head.
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I swear these people wear blinders! Hell she drinks all the time and that's why she has "spider veins" on her face! Many people with mental illnesses like she has drink to self medicate! Hannah too but she is in the beginning stages! But maybe having to have a drink at 10 am when they were at Disney says different! That was something that she should not have filmed! But she said she woke up not feeling well so probably hung over!
How many of you saw the video where Val was driving with one drink too many under her belt? That was taken down.
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Another old video...all the chat with Jessica videos were done in one day about 6 weeks extremely desperate they are for content not to mention lazy.
The editing if you can call it really just rough jump cuts.. Removing Val prompting Jess and coaching her responses.. Jessica is clueless and has zero concept on having a conversation about anything except her obsessions about dead dogs, food and what she's, cards, cds.... She's extremely self centred and in 35 years hasn't been taught to self regulate, cope or deal with anything.

The fact she repeats the same questions about Abbie...who Val actually had put down, 2 years ago.. Really shows the lack of help Jessica has, no therapist to help her cope, no professional in site...just crazy mom, hypochondriac Hannah and Vals porn star sons ex-girlfriend Marlow.

We see Jessica HATES the dogs especially " DarDar" the only reason Jessica barely tolerated because Val keeps trying to convince Jesse Zoey is HER dog...she's not she's Vals baby....but in order to have anything Jess has to approve ...and she is you have to pretend everything belongs to Jess...

Jessica is a prop used to make stupid videos... So Val doesn't have to work...she lives rent free at Campbell's house, cheats the government for free funding to pay her inexperienced lazy daughter to babysit her big sister... And of course she scams others into donating to her Disney Vacations.
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I see on Instagram they posted how Jessica has to wear earphones because babies crying bothers her. I find it odd for someone who likes to watch videos of barking dogs and lives with the constant barking of their two dogs. This whole Disney obsession is Val’s thing not anyone else’s. Jessica likes it only because her lazy butt gets pushed around and she can fill her face all day with food. I would love to run into them in public to ask them about their nasty son so called doctor. This family gives a bad name to the autism community!!
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Would it be so bad if they didn’t post a video for 5 or 6 days. Would the money dry up that fast. How fun is it to go to Disney and be on the phone or have your “employees” monitoring your page for comments. Here’s a thought Val, go to your happy place, don’t pick up your phone to video, concentrate on having fun with your daughters and relax. You stress yourself out yourself worrying about negative comments . Val lives by having her phone on or Hannah s phone on every minute of every day. How sad. No one has your absolute full attention at any time.
I think the obsession is even worse now that porn boy is out there! They are trying so hard to do damage control for that and for what they read on here. They don't know exactly who we are but we are their worst nightmare! We tell the truth about what we see since we are not the sheep that comment on their page.
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Good Idea but I I’m pretty sure that Brodie lady does a lot of that for them. We could always try though I’m game!
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New Series, only thing new is the day, the rest is the same old crap with Rusty the dead dog added to the fold. Of course there’s also a little anxiety or worry throw in for more pity effect, making sure if Jess says she’s not worried, Val makes sure to convince her she is, especially at night! Jessica would have no anxiety if Val didn’t keep telling her she does. Jess says no to the anxious question lots of times and Val convinces her otherwise. Thought blue was her fav color…guess it’s poodle black now. Next up in the series…Fav food! That’s my bet.
Let me guess, a talk on chocolate cake and chicken nuggets. Can’t wait.
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I agree Susan 200%.

I love how Val is desperate to try to address what we've posted here. We are real families, real mothers of autistic children and see the bullshit that Val tries to pass off as autism.

I've mentioned having a team working together to help in the growth of our child and the entire family to be honest.
We work together WITH professionals , therapists, councillors, teachers, instructors EDUCATED and EXPERIENCED in home health care providers...( Not friends and family).

As the old saying goes... " it takes a village to raise a child " in the case of autism... Professionals are required to help the family learn to cope and follow through to ensure progress.

The fact that in today's video...Jess whined about.. " you have to help me" " I can't do that" " where's the fridge? " really???
35 years of " working hard with jess" but she needs you to show her where the fridge is??

Val is correct in REPEATING what she's read here from real autistic parents....that it's work, it can take years to teach ..incorporate daily tasks such as showering , teeth brushing, hair brushing...getting your own juice etc...

Today's video outlines the truth we've already pointed out.... Jessica has zero professionals to help or advocate for her, she has absolutely NO consistency of follow through in her daily learning of tasks...personal hygiene or feeding herself.
At 35 she still refuses to brush her hair.

As for " making her own breakfast" no...all she did was reheat pizza for 60 seconds and whine about having to get her own juice...AFTER you prompted her over and over, had to show her where the fridge is...tell her to get a plate..where's the progress???
You just showed us it's taken you....your " team" 35 years of WORKING to get Jess to reheat pizza ..with help.
That's the progression of a person with ZERO professionals involved....and why they are crucial in helping the families to work with their child in achieving growth and some independence.....which Jessica has neither of...after 35 years she should in the very least brush her hair and know where/ what the fridge is!!!

We know she's been obsessing over those two pieces of pizza since the minute she got them wrapped at Nathan's .... It's ALL she's obsessed about since yesterday which is why the entire house is up at 5 am because Jessica MUST have HER food before someone else eats it!!!( God knows in 35 years Jessica hasn't learned manners, patience or to SHARE!)'re fooling no one but a few idiots on real autistic families are buying into.your sick selfish manipulating bullshit.

At this stage of the game ...Jessica should have a secure peer group in her community, perhaps attending adult workshops, getting O U T with a therapist a group councillor, an autistic day program one or two days a week....maybe.volunteer work ... An exercise program?? SOMETHING!!!
She's a recluse've removed her from the outside world...just like a true abusive relationship... You've isolated her from professionals and stunted any personal growth concerning Jess.

She's 35 years old....almost 36... And she does less today then she did in her 20''ve turned her into an old looking hermit..housebound ...walking around over medicated while shuffling around Campbell's house in a daze, scratching her crotch and sniffing her filthy fingers and screaming at the dogs if they dare get to close to Jess, or touch her. are an absolute disgrace to the autism community. I went to a discussion group this week for autistic fami!ies.... SCAMMERS like you.. Who abuse the system a system created for REAL families with autism detest people like you.

We see you Val.
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Well Nonnie and her sweet potato pie...that was not meringue on the top it was melted marshmallows. Yuck! Not the same at all!! And it called for 1 stick of butter but she used 3/4 of a stick because butter is expensive??? Hello...that other 1/4 of a stick was really going to stretch your budget!
I can see where Val gets her being weird from. Nonnie is as strange as they come!
And shut Jessica up if she is not in the video! Bad doggie, Zoe is a bad doggie! Val that is abuse towards the dog...they understand what we say to them and the tone we use!
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Chatty Member
It’s like a lot of politicians and celebrities, they can’t stop being in the spotlight. Val has no friends so she thinks this is what she has to do to be relevant. She needs to be on camera. It’s not about Jessica anymore, this is all about Val and her need for praise and adoration.
Agree....She & Hanna really like to look at themselves!

WTF is wrong will Val . Jess took advice from Zoey about putting Abby down , Zoey told her it’s time! Val has the same delusions because she too heard Zoey say “I’ll be right here by your side” Stop encouraging this Val, Jessica s obsessions are being fueled by you! So much love for Abby her ashes were left buried at the old house. Here’s a reality check Val..Dogs don’t talk. Chicken nuggets and French fries have calories. Pasta is choc full of those carbs you avoid.
She really should stop allowing the repetitious talk. It's non-stop & ridiculous. Teach her brain to move on instead of repeating the same fricken things over....and over.....and over. I really don't get why anyone would tolerate this same shit talk & squeal day after day??
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They never use the either/or strategy with Jess. This was always a “go to” method when I worked with children with autism and my own kids. Give two options and let them pick. Gives them some control but the options are appropriate.
Also, notice how when someone touches or moves something of Jess’, she (Jess) freaks out and the other person immediately pulls back their hand. I bet Jess had some massive meltdowns in the past and everyone is gun shy of how she will act.
You can tell she always gets her way....just like the other day with the birthday pie for Hannah she said no! She needs to be brought down a peg or two and told its not up to you! But let's just fluff over it. She may have mental issues but a good discipline program should have started when she was little. But I guess when your mother is a nut case and her mother needs to step in that does not happen.
Even the other day after her outing with her grandparents she came home with 4 CDs. She is supposed to get 2!! And that dirty garbage rap and children's church songs send a great message! The grandparents are nuts too! They should not allow that anymore than Val does!
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They are desperate for content. Why would they bother filming that video when it’s the same shit Jessica says all day every day. And for god sakes, get her a decent bra! Her boobs were in her lap. Shame on Val for letting her 35 year old daughter look like that on camera.
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What I find amazing about her natural ability to's absolutely effortless's truly her super power.

We already see and hear her daily lies to Jess...about " studying, nursing, being an RN, having a job, Zoey being HERS, Moving out, Moving to Disney...etc...... "
Not to mention encouraging or rather demanding everyone else to LIE to Jess a well.

Last night's video..and she does it ALL the time adds ingredients to meals intentionally KNOWING Campbell doesn't like it, jalapenos for example, or cheese on Jesse's eggs etc...

It's absolutely effortless ...the fact Campbell opened his home to Val and Jess..( Not even his child) not to mention how Jess absolutely disrupts that entire household with her feral animal behaviours ...and unemployed Hannah...the non stop video nonsense, the would think the LEAST Val could do is NOT hide the poptarts or add jalapeno juice to a sauce then LIE about it.

She has zero respect for anyone everything is about HER.

She's an evil piece of work....
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I just watched some of Tales of an educated debutante and heard her mention the doctor/porn sibling. She doesn’t believe it. I guess it really is hard to believe and would shock a lot of people, but I’m keeping my mouth shut. 🤪😁
I commented saying yes its true. He does porn with his wife Sara. I also commented on the new you tube video "kitchen cookies" asking val if she has heard other wonderful mothers talking about the ex doctor whos now a porn actor and was it Madison and would she do a q+a soon about it. Hopefully a few people see it before its hurriedly deleted.
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That was so disgusting 🤢 she literally picked her gross nose the entire time and the first time she did it she rubbed it on the kitchen table. They are the most disgusting people. Also did you hear when Jessica said she had no packages Hannah started singing let it go. So Jessica must’ve been harping on that all day. And her asking where everyone lives and saying she doesn’t have cards from there. What a greedy spoiled disgusting brat. Seriously Val you raised a fucking feral animal good job.
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