Autistic Interpretations #22 Smoke and Mirrors, Secrets, Schemes and Scams

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Just watched their video of the week, a couple of things caught my attention. It looks like Jessica has teeth that are broken off.
Another morning video taken of Jessica with no bra on and hair all over her head.
Val purposely takes videos of her looking all homely for sympathy and for people to feel sorry for Jessica in hopes of getting gift cards and gifts.
What kind of decent mother let's their disabled child go around with broken teeth? She's such a POS.
Is that an eye tooth missing/broken? Has it always been like that? I knew she had a temporary cap but I thought it was more on front teeth.
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This week in the life video not recent.

First of all...watching Hannah's bangs, which are an eye sore change length consistently do the healing scars/scabs on Jessica...
Tonight's video Jessica's scabs and scars are red and fresh...yet last week they were healing up not nearly as red...etc....

Also when did Jessica get her dog pool? 2-3 weeks ago? And we've seen the last 3 weeks of videos where Jess is supposedly opening gifts from the when was this one done? Seems most of this video was done weeks back when Val was hiding and Hannah was doing the videos for both channels while Campbell answered posts and monitored chats.


Also notice all the " secrets "
Val asking Hannah about plans or going out? Hannah just says yes.....and stares at Val with her FAKE smile...never says where it with who....saving that info for their good ones.

As I mentioned only Vals paid customers are in the " now". These other videos are simply to keep up appearances and hide the real stuff.

Careful Val...tongues are wagging are the truth always comes out.

And Val....why is your grown up 36year old adult daughter picking up a whole pancake and craming it in her mouth like an animal?
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Do you think Val is in hiding? Do you think she has finally given up her scams? I would like to be able to hear from a crispies of her secret society. What is going on behind the scenes. What has happened to the camper? It was her dream for Jessica and Val to travel the country. I don’t call visits to a park 20 minutes away from home, traveling. You giving up Val, too much work keeping your lies straight? No help from anyone with the travel scene. You aren’t as big a camper as you portrayed.
The secret club is not such a secret! Access to someone in it may be coming soon! Val, we see you!
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I just can't watch Dumb and Dumber sit at the picnic table trying to cook a crockpot meal in their cheap $19.99 electric frying pan's simply painful and I feel my IQ lower every second I subject myself to these two idiots and there stupidity.
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I just can't watch Dumb and Dumber sit at the picnic table trying to cook a crockpot meal in their cheap $19.99 electric frying pan's simply painful and I feel my IQ lower every second I subject myself to these two idiots and there stupidity.
I am not watching them either but since they dedicated a whole video to making a list apparently they didn't follow it. Is this the 27th video on the camping trip? Or more? I do believe they think they are some kind of movie stars and that everyone wants hang on their every word! They need professional help badly!
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And another dessert for Jess. And all through the video it was watch out Dad I am making a dessert, watch out, is it coming out, no the oil isn't in the cake and just the noises she makes! Her mind is slowly disintegrating. She can't even remember what she says!
When she was stirring you can see the new sore on her thumb. And yet it's not covered and she is rubbing her hands over the cool cake! My god that is disgusting! Then she put the frosting on which looked like dog poop as she squeezed it. Oh and it's to hard to eat with a fork as she shoves in more! Looks like she can't get her huge bites like with a spoon. Greed and gluttony all rolled into one.
The 3 sores on her forehead are all picked open again! Just let her keep picking Val....soon her whole forehead will be one large sore. Get her to a doctor!!! It's not going to heal on its own and for a nurse you are pathetic!
Oh and Marlow those shirts are not sexy so cover it up!


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And another dessert for Jess. And all through the video it was watch out Dad I am making a dessert, watch out, is it coming out, no the oil isn't in the cake and just the noises she makes! Her mind is slowly disintegrating. She can't even remember what she says!
When she was stirring you can see the new sore on her thumb. And yet it's not covered and she is rubbing her hands over the cool cake! My god that is disgusting! Then she put the frosting on which looked like dog poop as she squeezed it. Oh and it's to hard to eat with a fork as she shoves in more! Looks like she can't get her huge bites like with a spoon. Greed and gluttony all rolled into one.
The 3 sores on her forehead are all picked open again! Just let her keep picking Val....soon her whole forehead will be one large sore. Get her to a doctor!!! It's not going to heal on its own and for a nurse you are pathetic!
Oh and Marlow those shirts are not sexy so cover it up!
And she ran her nasty dirty hands all over that cake before frosting it 🤢
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Another sad, pointless to add to the THOUSANDS of others of Jessica holding the arm of someone pouring boxed ingredients bought from the dollar store into a bowl ...nothing new to see here.....just a 6 minute video of family members snickering at Jessica who at almost 37 still can't pour slowly, stir unprompted and is obsessing over food.
Notice Jessica mentions dinner...when she's still stirring her dessert. Food is all she focuses on, ever.
This video all the others absolutely breaks my heart....sickens me beyond belief. All I see is a 37 year old whose been so abusively neglected and exploited for profit ..used as a gimmick to make money for a woman who doesn't want to work,but stay at home (someone else's home) and make money by selling her IDD middle aged daughter online..pimping her out to monthly subscribers wanting to pay money for personal interactions with Jessica , by text,live videos, face calls...even visits.

Jessica unfortunately has fallen through the cracks being that great changes have happened within the autism world in the last 15-20 years..just as Jessica's education was wrapping up...New advancements new therapies new medications and very new approaches in understanding and teaching our children with autism.

It's clear Val has done the bare minimum of that as a mother, a teacher and caregiver ....and the proof is in the lives of all her children....all three broken, desperate, mentally unstable with copious amounts of emotional baggage and " illnesses" .

Jessica had far more potential when professionals were involved in her life...but the struggles really began with Jesse in her high school years....because Vals lack of discipline and afterschool follow through wasn't happening ..Jessica began being more bossy, verbally abusive , physically aggressive ....and being taught by Val there are no consequences for bad behaviours Jessica really started acting out..hitting teachers,students ,nurses ..and when Val was confronted about these unacceptable behaviours, asked to have jessica rediagnosed because she was and still does show significant signs of schizophrenia....Val declined blaming autism ....and slowly jessica was asked to not return to class, not return to her volunteer position , not to return to the bus....So instead of addressing Jessica's violent obsessive behaviours ...Val simply takes her " blind " daughters can be away....refuses therapy, and cries victim on a blog...and blamed every teacher, school and professional instead of taking any responsibility...or addressing and correcting Jessica's behaviours.

So fast forward to today ...look what Jessica has become. ...isolated , Gray haired , middle aged , recluse that is a puppet for Val to use and manipulate online for money.
Jessica has absolutely nothing going on in her life ....she's regressed to an unclean, violent, verbally abusive ,feral being....unable to toilet on her own, brush her hair or teeth. Put socks on, her food obsessions and extremely poor diet and nutrition are taking a physical toll on jessica who looks older than her mother.
There's no dietician helping or therapist helping regular dental checkups... Jessica is soley reliant on Val....for everything and the neglect is obvious .
Jessica has an extremely bleak future unless APS steps in and advocates for jessica ....but sadly since she's not a child one in the state of Georgia seems to care.

I've contacted APS on three occasions , a Canadian therapist with ties to another therapist in the States... I've down loaded a few of Vals videos to send to an advocate for autism in Georgia ...

But it seems my concerns are not enough....
But..hopefully ..some one will catch site of this abuse ....
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Last Thursday mornings video today. She already mentioned this in the useless weekly blog. Jess is gone with her Grandparents so I guess chef of the year decided to show off her culinary skills again! And you know she made these just for herself as HH hates bananas and I believe so does Jess!
No one wants to see you Val....
Give it up and go get a real job! You went to nursing school so why are you wasting it? You must have been an extremely bad nurse as you can't even take care of sores on your daughter!!! I worked with nurses like you and it's pathetic.


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Another DSGP camping video! A whole month of garbage videos for one couple day trip! I grabbed the other picture off the scammer page! If Hypochondriac Hannah's nails are that dirty she must be filthy! And to go to a restaurant like that WOW! I believe that going anywhere in public you should try to go out looking presentable! I am not a manic clean freak but I take pride in my home, my car and my body! Not one of these people know how to do half of that! They are disgusting...and Marlow keep your boobs to yourself. None of us want to see them hanging out of those dumb tank tops! Or maybe porn boy and 💩 girl told her to do that! Either way cover up some!
And what ever happened to Vals camper? Whatever was broken she probably did herself so she could get all her money back when she realized camping with Princess was not fun!
AND now we know exactly who Alison is.....HH as she had to add that girlfriend at the end of the comment! That's what she always says to Jessica!!!! Gotcha chick!!!


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Another sad, pointless to add to the THOUSANDS of others of Jessica holding the arm of someone pouring boxed ingredients bought from the dollar store into a bowl ...nothing new to see here.....just a 6 minute video of family members snickering at Jessica who at almost 37 still can't pour slowly, stir unprompted and is obsessing over food.
Notice Jessica mentions dinner...when she's still stirring her dessert. Food is all she focuses on, ever.
This video all the others absolutely breaks my heart....sickens me beyond belief. All I see is a 37 year old whose been so abusively neglected and exploited for profit ..used as a gimmick to make money for a woman who doesn't want to work,but stay at home (someone else's home) and make money by selling her IDD middle aged daughter online..pimping her out to monthly subscribers wanting to pay money for personal interactions with Jessica , by text,live videos, face calls...even visits.

Jessica unfortunately has fallen through the cracks being that great changes have happened within the autism world in the last 15-20 years..just as Jessica's education was wrapping up...New advancements new therapies new medications and very new approaches in understanding and teaching our children with autism.

It's clear Val has done the bare minimum of that as a mother, a teacher and caregiver ....and the proof is in the lives of all her children....all three broken, desperate, mentally unstable with copious amounts of emotional baggage and " illnesses" .

Jessica had far more potential when professionals were involved in her life...but the struggles really began with Jesse in her high school years....because Vals lack of discipline and afterschool follow through wasn't happening ..Jessica began being more bossy, verbally abusive , physically aggressive ....and being taught by Val there are no consequences for bad behaviours Jessica really started acting out..hitting teachers,students ,nurses ..and when Val was confronted about these unacceptable behaviours, asked to have jessica rediagnosed because she was and still does show significant signs of schizophrenia....Val declined blaming autism ....and slowly jessica was asked to not return to class, not return to her volunteer position , not to return to the bus....So instead of addressing Jessica's violent obsessive behaviours ...Val simply takes her " blind " daughters can be away....refuses therapy, and cries victim on a blog...and blamed every teacher, school and professional instead of taking any responsibility...or addressing and correcting Jessica's behaviours.

So fast forward to today ...look what Jessica has become. ...isolated , Gray haired , middle aged , recluse that is a puppet for Val to use and manipulate online for money.
Jessica has absolutely nothing going on in her life ....she's regressed to an unclean, violent, verbally abusive ,feral being....unable to toilet on her own, brush her hair or teeth. Put socks on, her food obsessions and extremely poor diet and nutrition are taking a physical toll on jessica who looks older than her mother.
There's no dietician helping or therapist helping regular dental checkups... Jessica is soley reliant on Val....for everything and the neglect is obvious .
Jessica has an extremely bleak future unless APS steps in and advocates for jessica ....but sadly since she's not a child one in the state of Georgia seems to care.

I've contacted APS on three occasions , a Canadian therapist with ties to another therapist in the States... I've down loaded a few of Vals videos to send to an advocate for autism in Georgia ...

But it seems my concerns are not enough....
But..hopefully ..some one will catch site of this abuse ....
I feel too that she has fallen through the cracks. I am continuing to report the neglect and exploiting - I feel one day the right person will do something.
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How does a woman's finger nails get so filthy? It's not like she's gardening or works in a greenhouse ....even then she still would have to wash her hands ....doesn't she was her hands after going to the bathroom? Doesn't she was her hands and face of shower when she gets up?

I'm sorry but dirty finger nails are serious....touching food, then going into her mouth, wiping her privates after going to the bathroom , petting dogs all day.....her " fear of water" is supposedly the reason ...if that was the case why in GOD'S name is she not getting professional help?? Get the help you need!

Hannah wonders why she's supposedly sick all the time? Why she has " tummy toubles" ?? Perhaps it's her filth, unsanitary state she stays in, the bacteria and fungal growing under her nails ? I'm surprised she hasn't gotten worms from the dogs and her lack of hygiene .
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Marlow probably hasn’t heard of fingernail brushes. Here’s a hint Marlow. Go to Walmart, in the nail care aisle, there are small brushes, made just for scrubbing your filthy nails. Add some soap and viola! Clean nails. Ick! I can’t even stand to have one dirty nail, much less both hands, all the nails. Can you imagine a csi taking fingernails scrapings from here. They would find salmonella, listeria and god knows what else. Excuse me while go throw up. 🤮 :mad:
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