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winnie woo

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Princess didn’t receive a reply to her text in a timely manner. Causing major anxiety . Exhibiting bad behaviour because not everybody’s life revolves around her. People have lives to live, that don’t include Jessica. Dinner was cancelled, yet takeout was a substitution, hell no, cold cereal would be my solution. Imagine that “anxiety “.
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Thank you very much WallFly! Makes me understand it better. My granddaughter is Autistic but very functional. I have never heard her repeat things over and over.
It can be a stim, or a combination of anxiety / OCD.... It's not simply autism as Val claims. She uses and abuses the term autistic ....the fact that there are zero autism professionals involved with Jessica .....pretty much says it all. Autism is not Jessica s diagnosis.
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Scanning the room!?!?!?!? What is she a cyborg!???? The " blind" girl is not scanning the room..especially when her eyes are rolled back up into her head!

It's a stim. Plain and simple. Just like her finger sniffing, finger tapping, doing the " rasberry" sound with her tongue, picking her scabs etc...

Scanning the room!! That's beyond hysterical for Val to lie like That ...maybe she's in the wine again. 😂😂😂
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winnie woo

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Marlowes Savannah trip wasn’t too bad, somewhat better without HH . She mentioned when she lived there she was a preschool teacher. How did she get sucked into a babysitter job for these losers. My hope for her is yearn for a better life, a better job, without the grifters. Her friends seem to be normal.
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Their entire lives revolve around trying to manipulate Jessica to be happy ...they lie, they hoot and howl over stupid things to hype her up, cator to her 24/7, let her run the house, pick the food tell people what to do, she's rude, mean, nosey, and unlikeable.... Then they complain , hide in bedrooms and resent Jessica for her behaviours's sick.

Jessica is verbal enough and mobile enough to have a life outside of the house... The entire " family" is in need of a serious mental intervention .
That’s what APS should be basing the grounds of neglect on because they are all mentally unfit to oversee Jessica’s care. The videos alone speak volumes of just how unfit the home environment is for Jessica. They all stayed locked away in their bedrooms saying they are working. We see the quality of the content and it’s sad to say the least.
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Gee....what a surprise!?

So as predicted... They premade videos...put them up lying as always, this is why Jessica was limited on cam ...she has a big mouth... Not sure why they always make it a big secret...

Hopefully the weather's cold,wet and miserable just like Jessica.
It will never make sense to me not only how all these unemployed idiots afford Disney right after Christmas let alone 3-4 times a year!! But WHY???

One would think Val would be saving up house hunting? I mean she's crashing at her exes...unless of course they've been together the entire time screwing the government and creating tax fraud...

Val is a professional scammer.... And manipulator I hope Karma pays the Brooks a long over due visit this year.
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winnie woo

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Regarding Val’s never ending posts about how Progress never stops for Jessica, and how far she’s come since vlogging, getting better at learning new things everyday. This is such a far cry from the truth! In actuality the NORMAL brain reaches its cognitive peak at around 35, then around 45, sometimes earlier, our cognitive ability to remember, understand, learn and apply new things starts to dimish. It’s the circle of life! Shame on Val for not allowing trained professionals and outside resources to help Jessica reach her full potential at an early age, being the best she could be. The place where Jessica stands today will not improve, decline is inevitable. If not for Val’s selfishness and know it all attitude, Jessica’s life may have been different, better, she may even be likeable. As it stands now she hasn’t even heard the word no, taught pronunciation, table manners, simple hygiene, how to say please or thank you, not to constantly interrupt, how to read Braille, even counting and ABC’s .which could have opened up her world, how Disney vacationing and getting your own way no matter what , because you’re misunderstood, is the most important thing in life and something everyone around you should accept. i would be surprised if she knows her address and telephone #. To Val I say stop all the BS about Jessica’s improved capabilities, being deprived food, abused over and over by the system. At 36 it’s too late for change. That ship has sailed. Just like you’ve failed Jess, you’ve failed Hannah and Madison as well. You never gave them a chance.
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I'm calling this mornings video 1000% BS!

We know for a fact Jessica's favourite pastime is lingering around doorways eavesdropping....I believe she absolutely heard Val on the phone talking about someone who died.
Jessica it far too simple minded to make that up.... She didn't dream it...she heard bits and pieces of Vals conversation and then her paranoid schizophrenic mind ran with it...because Val refuses to property treat her schizophrenia Jess is left to obsess and talk with her voices....what we saw is not autism.

We know this last year has been a struggle for Val to control Jessica and her mouth....she loves to blurt out all the family drama...and Val has often simply cut Jess out of videos of stopped doing lives with her...especially if she doesn't have a ton of packages to open to distract her.

Val has a lot of secrets and often went out into her car or trailer to hide from Jessica who stands scratching her crotch outside Vals door eavesdropping. So...Val uses this " dream" excuse....
You can see Jessica struggling to know what to say.... She's scared to say the wrong thing she just painfully stands there rolling her eyes and fretting. sick. Nonie going for a covid test? The fact Val sends Jessica over to a house where her father's ill and now her mother...?
There's a reason Jessica is not permitted to interact with anyone not family. ..right Val.
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Exactly my thoughts this morning! Exactly. How can she be serious with this stuff? Talk about backing yourself into a corner. I have no facts to back this up at all, but appearances speak some sort of truth maybe. Obviously, Val stopped any sort of professional input for Jessica years ago. Why? Because I believe she’s trying to right a perceived wrong on her own part, and is eaten up with guilt. So, she has created an unhealthy entanglement that has completely crippled both of them. It’s damned hard being a parent on the best of days, but you’ve got to put your big girl panties on and do the very best you can for your kids, even if it hurts like hell. Instead, she’s overprotected and spoiled Jessica until she’s so unlikeable and quarrelsome that’s it’s no wonder she was literally and metaphorically thrown off the bus! Then she discovered social media and decided she could make money and educate people. What a joke. I’ve said it before, but she’s using Jessica like you would a sideshow attraction. Same stuff day after day. Oh, by the way, I nearly choked on the “we’ve been working on J’s learning to use a knife skills” or something similar. Yeah, for the past 20 years, or 5, etc. And, since I’m one paragraph spewing, I’ll say this! She’s also crippled her other children. How proud she must be. She raised a porn star and a hypochondriac who is just repugnant, but I actually feel sorry for her. Can you imagine being raised knowing that mommy will always love and cater to big sister? And that everyone else better fall in line. Okay, I’ve ranted enough. Sigh.
That was a wonderful post FairlyCertain. Exactly the way we all think.
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Who is Val trying to kid.....

I'm beyond baffled by this "introducing fruit into desserts for the first time for my 36 year old!?"

AT age 36... Now you're going to " try" to incorporate fruit into cake ... Uhm..its still CAKE! And then adding spray coolwhip!? Why???

As parents I'm sure MANY of us have had a fussy eater or 5! It's not uncommon for most children to have very finicky pallets starting young...with autistic children this can be quite severe...I've seen 6,7,9 year old autistic children profusely gag at the smell or first taste of a the point of hospitalization can be extremely severe.
Jessica is not that severe.... She is just spoiled and been catered to her entire life...bribed with chocolate cake daily!

So...that being said ...I have 4 children 2 were good eaters 2 were not. One of those being nonverbal autistic... It was always a challenge when it came to food, between a few allergies, texture issues and stubbornness my daughter was underweight till puberty.

We worked with a dietician, and therapists that helped our daughter cope with new food, textures, patience etc.... And I learned how to cook...really cook.. Well enough that I could HIDE fruits, vegetables and greens into other foods where she wouldn't notice it...but she still got them in. Also used a juicer, made smoothies, made "CUPCAKES" which were really muffins with eggwhites, applesauce, almond flour, blended berries... And she loved them ( as long she didnt see me put certain fruits in it)
These are just a couple things I did many blending of veggies to add to spaghetti sauces, smoothies, even meatloaf.

I started doing this with help when my daughter was 3. Today at 26...she runs the blender, the juicer helps me make dinners and eats well. Yes we still have some issues... No she doesn't get dessert if she doesn't eat her dinner...I try to add something " new" one day a week...sometimes it's simply a potato..but cooked differently ( she hates mashed potatoes but eats fries, roasted, or baked)

I'm not mother of the year by any means.... I think this is just normal actions any parent would do with a fussy eater....mild or severe, autistic or not.
So...watching Val try to get sympathy and " you have so much patience etc.. " comments from these idiots is insane. Don't these followers of hers wonder why she didn't work on Jessica's eating YEARS ago...decades ago!?

Val... Is only doing it now for content. Anything she does on cam...never lasts, she's not consistant... Once we see it on doesn't continue off camera...Jessica has proven that by her lack of being able to do anything!

Lastly... Exactly how many servings of cake is acceptable before it's NOT HEALTHY!?!!
The first piece of cake she served Jessica was 2 servings then she said she could have more!
If Hannah and Marlo are going camping that means Mother of the year will be on her own dealing with Jessica...
She's barely hanging on now ...this could be her breaking point!
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The sad part of that is Val is a pathological liar....and the queen of contradictions.

In earlier videos Val lists Jessica ailments and along with being blind, autistic ,mild cp, she was also claiming seizures ...she claimed every time Jessica zoned out she was having seizures ...she even claimed she was having 59-60 mini seizures every day.
There's a video at the old house where the tech. Came to hook up Jessica. To a head ecc...for 24 hours... Hannah makes a video showing Jessica's anxiety over shows Jessica losing her mind, lying,'s hard to watch.
But... Turns out... No seizures at all.
Val went quiet about it but everyone kept asking about the results ... ( much like Hannah's sleep study results) Val tried to ignore it because she looked a fool.... NO Siezures !! None.

So her other lies addressing Jessica ... Saying Jessica hunches over to see better... Also she's claimed her " mild cp" which we know is non existant, she makes up lies to suit her narrative ....

Anyone who has been around people who have seizures knows what they look like. As for Jessica hunched over.... one reason is because she doesn't lift her feet when she walks she shuffles, she's pigeon toed, and she's insecure because she has no cane. If you look back at older videos and photos she stands straighter walks straighter... Without her cane she's cautious.
She also stands hunched over her bed sniffing and tapping cards on her nose for hours and hours every day... She has no core strength no muscle tone, I'm surprised some sort of atrophied hasn't set in yet.
Val definitely shows signs of munchausen by proxy...she's admitted herself she's suffered from deep depression her entire life and it runs in her family.... I believe there is absolutely many serious mental issues in that family most going untreated.

Jessica, Hannah, Madison.... All products of that environment.
And if they were seizures she wouldn’t be whispering in different voices while being zoned out . Anyone who’s been around individuals who have seizures there’s no talking while having the actual seizure .
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It looks like the voices in Jessica’s head packed up and went to Disney with them. How many times she’s been on that skyline yet thought they were on a plane. Not speaking but a few words, Disney has become a trigger for Jess, it’s not her happy place, yet it’s all about Val, and her sick Peter Pan obsession with Disney. How will she feel when Jessica loses complete touch with reality? She needs a doctor, not Disney. What will it take for nurse Ratchet to see the signs that Jessica’s mental health is on a downward spiral. These are not dreams, anxiety or autism. Wake up Val before it’s too late.
But she call’s Campbell’s home the bad sad place. I think Disneys seems not to be at all the happiest place to visit. Just how can anyone enjoy going to the same place year after year ? I can see if it was a beautiful ocean front home rental where everyone got together for a family reunion trip but this is a big waste of money. Jessica could go to a county fair and ride kiddie rides all day for $20 and be happy. Plus stuff her face all day with a variety of foods
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So...Val has done 2 "A week in the life " videos.

This is her week in a nutshell.
Sleep in and hide in her " cave" on the days Marlo or Hannah trade off to get up with Jess..
Eat out 4-6 times a week,or pick up fast food.
Every Wednesday being caregivers day shopping and eating out, With mommy and Hannah while Marlo babysits Jess.
Every Thursday shipping Jess off with Nonnie
Retreating to her " cave" between 7-8pm every night with occasional naps, or afternoon retreats included to "edit" ( even though Hannah was supposedly hired officially to be the editor last year)any excuse to hide in her room.

So....we see not one person actually has a job... Doesn't leave to go to work..yet hired Marlo to come WORK helping to take care of Jessica even though there are THREE unemployed adults living with Jess 2 of which are claiming to be full time caregivers.

Val of course constantly acts so exhausted ...from what I'm not sure...eating out? Napping? Cooking sausage gravy? hiding in her room lounging around in her sweats?

Not one person in that house has a real job yet they can eat out 4,5,6 times a week, afford Disney 2,3,4 times a year, buy new cars and campers...

Val is home 24/7 and can't even teach Jessica manners or help her to not obsess over her insane obsessive texting people. We heard how princess texted 5 times in a row CRAZED because she wasn't getting a response fast enough. She has been taught she gets whatever she wants and the world must do for her exactly as her family does. Jessica sees no one in her family has jobs so she assumes everyone she texts also doesn't work and their lives revolve around Jess .

Val could use this as a teaching exercise but that's work!
So be warned if Jessica ever texts you once... You've signed up for life! You must quit your job and have your phone in hand 24/7 because now you are owned.
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Also find it strange that Campbell is present at Nonnies, for the gingerbread houses event for the first time. Val seems to be treating him nicer, sucking up so he won’t realize how he’s being used for what he can provide them. What a sucker. He deserves what he gets tho, he’s a scammer too! Before Jessica’s waiver with campbells high paying job, whether together or not, and Val’s job as a nurse why couldn’t they provide a caregiver for lazy ass Val to work. Because it was easier to divorce, sit home and scam the government is what I think. The less income, the more benefits!
Val has talked about caregivers before. They could never keep a caregiver. Each would stay with them for maybe a year or two and then left because Jessica was verbally and physically abusive to all of them! It got to the point where no one wanted to be Jessica’s caregiver so Val had to do it herself!
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Well I have a friend who was feeling unwell and he took many Covid tests and saw his doctor, all tests were negative but his symptoms were getting worse. Lo and behold, the 4th Covid test showed positive. His doctor says that’s very common to be Covid positive but not have it show up on the first few tests. I hope Granddad is ok. It’s so wrong to force these two elderly people that both have health issues to deal with Jessica every Thursday. It’s not just for an hour or two either, they have to entertain her for many hours. If they cancelled on her, she would have a huge meltdown. Plus, it’s the only time Val has away from her, so she wants to make sure the plan stays on track. Jessica’s wants and demands come before anyone else. I’m sure the house is so quiet and peaceful on Thursdays. No yelling, no squealing, no constant questions, no in-your-face kissing, no “Mommmm-yyyy Zoe just don’t need it!”.
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Why does everything have to belong to Jessica? Better yet..why does Val and family condone that, and feed her greed and selfishness ?

The lies... It's like breathing for Val..effortless .

No Jessica the ride isn't yours.
No Jessica you are not a Disney Vlogger.
No Jessica you don't work or have a job.
No Jessica you're not moving to Disney with your girlfriend.
No Jessica the deepfried chicken tenders, mozzarella sticks and chocolate cake are NOT the " healthy " kind
No Jessica Zoey isn't your dog she's Vals.

The list is endless.....another reason they keep her isolated from professionals... They don't encourage all the lies and deceit .

Sorry but grey, cold deserted Disney doesn't look looks depressing.
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@rbooth61 and

To be honest in my personal opinion, I don't think at this point Jessica would ever be able to regain all the independence and abilities she once had. to

She would absolutely need to be removed from Vals care, 're-evaluated and placed on the proper medications for ALL her issues while monitored closely by professionals .
Val herself would require some type of professional agreement of participation legally binding where she herself would require a mental assessment and ONLY do what the professionals deemed the best for Jessica.
There would need to be a " changing of the guard" so to speak where Val was no longer the primary caregiver of Jessica.

A good adult group home geared towards IDD adults that specializes in adult living situations would be ideal for Jessica...
Properly medicated and away from's hard to say how Jessica would thrive...but it couldn't be worse than it is now.
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Again..simply PAINFUL watching Val cook... She never follows a recipe, never uses the proper utensils, her spices are always the same in everything.... And she acts like everything she cooks is the first time. I hate her white wrinkly pastey hands....
I'm Canadian chicken and dumplings isn't huge here...ours is more like a chicken pot pie.

Jessica was parked at the counter obsessing over dinner because it's not her chicken and rice casserole or tenders. Its something Val wants.... And you know greedy guts must babble on about how she might not like it....I did love Val staring at Jessica giving her Stink eye! ...I mean what IS that!? It obviously terrified Jess to the point she was tossing out the ole ' mommy I love you bunches" and notice how Val responded ... If that wasn't the most loving mother of the year response!! 😂

Again it amazes me how much Jess has changed ...she's much more defiant, argumentative and obsessing over EVERYTHING....and Val is clearly at her witts end.
I’ve been wondering what’s with the I love you Mommy we keep hearing now. Up until very recently you never heard Jessica say that. Now all of a sudden, it’s all the time.
we didn’t see Jessica try/eat the dumplings so I guess Val must have cooked the spoiled baby a completely different meal to meet her demands! 😂
I believe the recent " mommy I love you bunches" is a new tool Jessica has figured out ( heard someone else use) with one purpose.... To gage Vals anger... Smoooooth over the stress in the air, Val has really been unable to hide her feelings and Jessica sees and feels it ... Jessica doesn't understand or feel love... Love for others..she's incapable but she's manipulative enough to use it to get her way..
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Here’s a thought Val, quit going 4 times a year. Go 2 times, make the visits longer by 2 days and you won’t have to rush and cram everything in. Trips (I won’t say vacations) are supposed to be relaxing not frenzied and tiring. You just overdo everything that you do. What happened to the monthly newsletter, the crispies club, the 5 k runs, the weekly lives. Val never can keep anything going. Poor Val is soooo tirrred.
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