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This mornings video.....

Val eats scrambled eggs on a day old biscuit that " showed up " in the fridge...and decided to also make it into a sausage biscuit.
Apparently she went to bed hungry and couldn't sleep well because she was hungry...
You heard it hear first folks.
You can hear the resentment in her voice that plans changed and she isn't getting her caregivers day out....( One would think since Jess is gone Val could still go out with Hannah for their lunch and shopping right?? But I guess it's not the same when Nonnies not there to pick up the tab!)
You know Vals motto... " if it ain't FREE it ain't for ME! "

So....basically no content, boring.
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don't understand how Val can post the exact same videos 3,4 times a week for 5's sadly hilarious

Exactly my thoughts this morning! Exactly. How can she be serious with this stuff? Talk about backing yourself into a corner. I have no facts to back this up at all, but appearances speak some sort of truth maybe. Obviously, Val stopped any sort of professional input for Jessica years ago. Why? Because I believe she’s trying to right a perceived wrong on her own part, and is eaten up with guilt. So, she has created an unhealthy entanglement that has completely crippled both of them. It’s damned hard being a parent on the best of days, but you’ve got to put your big girl panties on and do the very best you can for your kids, even if it hurts like hell. Instead, she’s overprotected and spoiled Jessica until she’s so unlikeable and quarrelsome that’s it’s no wonder she was literally and metaphorically thrown off the bus! Then she discovered social media and decided she could make money and educate people. What a joke. I’ve said it before, but she’s using Jessica like you would a sideshow attraction. Same stuff day after day. Oh, by the way, I nearly choked on the “we’ve been working on J’s learning to use a knife skills” or something similar. Yeah, for the past 20 years, or 5, etc. And, since I’m one paragraph spewing, I’ll say this! She’s also crippled her other children. How proud she must be. She raised a porn star and a hypochondriac who is just repugnant, but I actually feel sorry for her. Can you imagine being raised knowing that mommy will always love and cater to big sister? And that everyone else better fall in line. Okay, I’ve ranted enough. Sigh.
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Here’s the reason Jessica is who she is ! Val thinking Jessica was an entitled princess who didn’t have to follow rules and hitting others was just ok . I want to say that bus drivers my hero she didn’t put up with the Brooks family crap. Also on the part where she says Jessica was kicked off the bus all alone why didn’t Jessica just use her phone that was always in her pocket to call for a ride ? Then she mentions within 4 months four teachers quit that class. Duh 🙄 it’s was to get away from Jessica. The field is hard enough but when you have parents like Val constantly in your face it’s not worth it . I am sure when Val pulled Jessica they were blowing party horns .
I didn’t see any videos of Marlowe’s grandmother because if I remember right after that incident all the videos with momma Joe in them were removed. Val didn’t mind sending Jessica over there for sleepovers and visits though. I think Marlowe’s family had enough of being used by the family and said no more . I remember when she died Val didn’t even seem phased.
Thinking about the video I just posted and the reason everything failed for Jessica at her new school was because of her phone. Started with using it on the bus , not giving it to her teacher when asked and how they felt that Jessica didn’t have to follow the rules when it pertained to her phone. Also Jessica didn’t have a cafeteria full of food choices. All the things still til this day effects her ability to be successful and how it’s used to make everyone’s life a living hell.
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Love pats verbalized by Jessica as slaps, and followed by Ouch! I slapped you.
The funny thing is that I fully understand as pretty much any parent does that children require PARENTING...we train them to potty, say please and thank you, have manners, have patience, SHARE, etc.... When behaviours come up... Whether your child is autistic or not ALL parents teach what's acceptable and what's not.
It's common sense... Otherwise kids would be beating eachother, living in diapers, and simply be feral and not permitted in schools or in public!

Hitting is 100% unacceptable period .
Jessica unable to determine the difference between the fridge and freezer doors she's been opening her entire life... But Val claims she face " pats" to show love. That's a lie.
She does it because she got a rise out people and has always been a hitter... She just gets zero correction. Hence why she's been kicked off the bus, kicked out of school.... Removed from family gatherings ....she's dangerous and can't be trusted.

Because of that non correction... Jessica is a threat to society of anyone bumps her by accident in a store... She will hit them.

This is why we don't tolerate bad behaviours , unacceptable behaviours! It's hard, God knows I cried and pulled my hair out at times... But once new behaviours and consequences are understood... It's soooooo worth it!!!

Sadly it's too late for Jessica....this is a classic case of ... " you can't teach an old dog new tricks"

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winnie woo

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When is Val going to clue in that these rescheduled calls are because unlike them people have lives, too busy to listen to the endless ramblings of Jessica. A missed phone call puts their whole life in a tailspin. Not everyone’s world revolves around Jessica even though Val expects it should. Time Val faced the fact her contacts are prob over it, never thinking a simple conversation with Jessica would become a lifetime commitment with a rigid schedule that no doubt borders on harassment.
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Remember 5-6 days ago...Val was trying to convince Jessica she had a " dream" that she heard Val on phone call talking about someone dying? Val told Jess she didn't have anyone call it was a dream!!!
Today they are talking about a funeral for a friends mother obviously Jessica DID hear Val talking and Val being the sicko she is lied to Jessica and to the world in her video about this big dream...
Val uses the dream scenario many times as an excuse to explain Jessica spilling family secrets and Val hiding behind the " dreams" to deny everything .

Did you see the tantrum rising in greedy guts when Val mentioned they weren't doing the pizzas like Nathan ....jessica lets out her feral moan of displeasure !

Vals, patience is running thin with Jessica you can see and hear it....can you imagine feral Jessica seal clapping over the casket at the funeral yelling zoeyyyyyy just donnnnnt need it!! Like a lunatic!?

I'd pay big bucks to see that shit show!!!
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Tonight's post....oh Boo Hoo Val. Grow up because there are people out there that would love to have your made up illnesses instead of what they have! I am talking severe arthritis, cancer, the inability to walk and I could go on but don't want to give you any new illness ideas!!!!!I It's amazing to me how well you get around when you want to. Just like you have taught HH get them to feel sorry by lying!
Val you will find no sympathy on this page and no you are not mother of the year! And sounds like Jessica’s days at Disney are numbered!!!!
Yes, Jessica’s days of going to Disney are definitely numbered, but I’ll bet Val’s aren’t. What does a middle aged woman get out of Disney shows? I just don’t get it.
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winnie woo

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There was a video quite a while back when Marlows grandmother Was alive and Marlow took Jess over there sometimes. The last time we saw her there, Marlows mother and another family member were there and posts said Jess couldn’t go over there any more, so I think Marlows Mom saw how abusive and mean and saw the potential for Jess to hurt someone and put a stop to Jess being there. Which is a great move, more need to stand up and stop it.
Was that the video with mamma Joe, Marlow her mom and her mom’s boyfriend, they were ordering out and Jess insisted it was where she wanted, not allowing anyone else to help decide. She was her obnoxious self, repeating marlowes moms name conlee, conlee conlee, as she interrupted over and over, and of course do u have a dog scenario, you could tell the group was wishing she was outta there. Jess is always extra annoying in a group and this video was no different. She wanted the focus on her and all the attention. I’m sure marlowes mom went there to visit mamma jo, and her daughter not Jessica, but Val doesn’t care about sending Jess where she’s really not wanted. I loved how mamma jo would look at Jess like WTF, and often put her in her place.
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Val sounds dumb as hell every time she says Jess is “independent with help”. She not even close to being independent Val because she has made the same damn food over and over again and still stands there looking like a drugged up old lady waiting for you to tell her every single step of the process. Drives me crazy when Val says she’s independent because she’s absolutely not and she never will be thanks to Val!
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winnie woo

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Totally agree....the removal may be imminent and that's why she has taken off on vacation twice now! And those spur of the moment camping trips. Something is up!
Also find it strange that Campbell is present at Nonnies, for the gingerbread houses event for the first time. Val seems to be treating him nicer, sucking up so he won’t realize how he’s being used for what he can provide them. What a sucker. He deserves what he gets tho, he’s a scammer too! Before Jessica’s waiver with campbells high paying job, whether together or not, and Val’s job as a nurse why couldn’t they provide a caregiver for lazy ass Val to work. Because it was easier to divorce, sit home and scam the government is what I think. The less income, the more benefits!
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I, personally, think it is a shame that not one of the Brooks clan helped Marlow and her Mom with their moving. Everything that Marlow does for them, which goes above and beyond what she gets paid to do, and they are to lazy to help!! 🤷🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️
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This mornings video...Jessica miserable in bed, Vals chomping at the bit to go go go!!! It's clear Jessica could care less about Disney she's happier with her phone calls and texts, then heading over to Hollywood studios...but no matter what she MUST make her ever so important phone calls! She has her hectic busy phone appointments Nonnie was this mornings victim. ( but we know it's not really this morning was probably yesterday or the day before.
Then she rode her slinky dog kids rolls coaster...
Can you imagine paying ALL that money to go to Disney 3,4 times a year to ride a kids ride?
Save yourself THOUSANDS of dollars go to Six Flags, or a local carnival for $30

I have noticed something interesting .... Not once have they said Disney. When Jessica said it at home they blocked it Im betting she was contacted and demonized by YouTube or Disney themselves for past videos.

There's a reason....
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It can be a stim, or a combination of anxiety / OCD.... It's not simply autism as Val claims. She uses and abuses the term autistic ....the fact that there are zero autism professionals involved with Jessica .....pretty much says it all. Autism is not Jessica s diagnosis.
Wallfly, Val and nonnie were told by the school that they had serious concerns regarding Jessica's behaviour,and wanted to work with the family and have her tested for schizophrenia. They went crazy!!! Shouting and screaming and pushing school staff. They were shouting they were never to use or say that word again, Jessica had autism and she was never to hear the word schizophrenia. The school were very concerned regarding Jessica talking in other people's voices, which was upsetting and confusing the other kids. Her obsession with food and her violence and her delight when another child and a staff member sadly died was brought up in the meeting. Not long after this meeting val removed Jessica. She's never had any professional input since. And she won't ever again,as val knows its schizophrenia Jessica has.
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I do love the weekly synopsis of the life The Brooks Asylum! It's an absolute confirmation of what we already know.

First of all its the third week of January ...they still have Christmas stuff up! And someone else pointed out..those bedrooms are pigstys.
That house has 3 unemployed adults over the age of thirty living there, not to mention Jessica and babysitter Marlo...yet they have no time to clean up Christmas??
They all look like they just rolled out of bed at any time of the day or night.

This week once again outlined the fact Jessica has absolutely NO life...standing in her room hunched over sniffing cards only emerging from her room to obsess over food... McDonald's with Grandad, visiting the P.O... Which we all know if there's nothing there, there is a hidden supply of cards, CD's, and colouring books at the ready to prevent Jessica going ballistic !
That's it...although I do wonder what meltdown happened for Hannah who made her soup to unexpectedly go out for dinner with Jess.....hmmmm.

Also I noticed the quick cuts when Jessica was getting " anxious" we heard her say.. " you know" ...obviously talking about something she was warned not to.

We saw a week of Val barely able to keep up with making content, a messy house, lots of bedheads, Jess sleeping with mommy and making out with mommy in the kitchen.
We will never get the truth about the camper, or the " mysterious" appointments they supposedly had... All is crazy at the Brooks Asylum!

I have to add...the state of that Breveil convection oven is a DISGRACE!!!! How can these people live in such filth? How can they prepare food in such unsanitary conditions ....I have the same convection oven... Mine's 9 years old and spotless!'re home all day .. In someone else's home at that!! CLEAN your pigsty!
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You can see Val, cringing as she reads here. Knowing all the comments are true. Is it wearing on you Val? Is it depressing you, causing you anxiety? Do you cry yourself to sleep? Well, the solution would be, stop filming your handicapped daughter. Quit posting about your daughter. Give her 100% of your attention, while she is still in your home. Live your life, take down your site. Then you don’t have to respond to all the truths on this page from actual moms and caregivers of autistic people. You won’t be stressed out about other calling you out. Get your life back, give your kids their lives back. Quit trying to be the voice of Autism. It’s not working anyway. I wouldn’t want people throwing out unsolicited advise and making hateful comments about my life. Quit now Val. Avoid a total breakdown.
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For Jess Disney is only a Happy Place because Val says it is. She’s follows Val’s cues that she having a great time, she’s happy when in truth she so far gone she doesn’t know where she is or what ride she’s on. The suggestion of chocolate was barely acknowledged. When she does have a complete thought, Val interjects mid sentence with her version of what Jessica is thinking. She senses Val is not pleased with her, so she fakes it as much as she can until the voices in her head take over. On another note Val looks like crap. Thunder Mountain closed on Jan 16 for 4 days, so they’ve been there since at least Monday, not as many videos this time. “ Mommy, Are u having a Great Trip,or What?”
Absolutely ...Val used Jessica for Disney Perks, no waiting in lines, attention and she used her as the excuse for her Disney addiction.
This trip has been very.... " quiet" the videos are all days behind, even the week before they left... You can tell when Disney is coming up...we see less of Jessica because she hard to obsess over the food the sausage balls for the car ride, her phone calls ...etc.... She was miserable and distracted obsessing over her phone calls ...more than being excited for Disney.
I think this is a quick trip .... To ease Vals built and make her look good.... I think Theresa bigger longer Disney trip coming this summer....and Jessica don't be going ...
I also predict we will be seeing Hannah in that wheelchair .....probably at Disney.

The schemes, lies and scams are real!
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Well I have a friend who was feeling unwell and he took many Covid tests and saw his doctor, all tests were negative but his symptoms were getting worse. Lo and behold, the 4th Covid test showed positive. His doctor says that’s very common to be Covid positive but not have it show up on the first few tests. I hope Granddad is ok. It’s so wrong to force these two elderly people that both have health issues to deal with Jessica every Thursday. It’s not just for an hour or two either, they have to entertain her for many hours. If they cancelled on her, she would have a huge meltdown. Plus, it’s the only time Val has away from her, so she wants to make sure the plan stays on track. Jessica’s wants and demands come before anyone else. I’m sure the house is so quiet and peaceful on Thursdays. No yelling, no squealing, no constant questions, no in-your-face kissing, no “Mommmm-yyyy Zoe just don’t need it!”.
Plus taking a covid test means you are definitely not feeling well. Even if he is negative there is so much going around. It took me 2 weeks plus to get over the "crud"! And I am still so tired.
Had Val been any kind of a daughter she would have told her folks to pass on taking Jess this week no matter what Jess did! But that would be kind and we know she isn't! She is a me, me, me daughter!
And you are right she does it for the peace and quiet but at what expense to her parents!
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