Ashley aka BestDressed

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I think the reason people are upset about her not saying if shes quit youtube, and basically ignoring them is because she always preached the “matey, awkward girl next door whos like a good mate” kinda vibe, like she was very open with them, but now kinda seems like the opposite- like shes become all she was against.
Personally I think she should address the YT thing ‘cause it’s getting weird and like people liked her videos and she made money from that, people feel invested ya know? As a lot of people on reddit said, if you stop turning up to work people are gonna ask questions and justifiably so.
Personally I lost interest in her pretty quick so don’t care anymore but do think its all a bit odd..

Also I totally agree with you about her fashion, I feel like its taken a swift turn to the quirky weird side of fashion now.. Very few of her outfits hit the mark for me
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The Youtuber broey deschanel (typical video essayer basically) made a video on celebrity abuse and part of it was about Ashley. To be quite blunt I really don’t agree with her assessment of criticism towards Ashley.

Ashley said and did actively shitty things in a very public manner and people had feelings about it. I’m so sick of this idea that you cannot have anything to say about a public figure’s harmful and distasteful behavior without being completely responsible for their mental health. Even before people started to criticize her, she always deleted the tiniest comments that weren’t even criticism — like when she redid her boyfriend’s bedroom some people added some nice flattering comments just suggesting how to fix certain things that weren’t put up well, and she deleted them because she couldn’t handle being told she didn’t do everything perfectly.

Also, oversharing is a real problem and it’s unhealthy. Ashley started uncontrollably oversharing very uncomfortable personal issues (some of which weren’t even her own issues), and people weren’t coming out of nowhere when they asked her to seek professional help instead of broadcasting her mental breakdowns. It became like Dodie Clark 2.0. People criticizing Ashley for traveling cross country during a pandemic and refusing to wear a mask in public aren’t fucking responsible for her crying posts.
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Also relatedly, I saw a tweet today that was like “breadtubers will make a 2 hour video about cancel culture instead of just reading a book” and it’s so true. Like with Ashley for example, everyone acts like anybody who has criticisms of a public figure’s behavior is now a rabid proponent of cancel culture intent on blasting them off the Internet forever. People just thought some stuff she said/did was concerning and damaging. I miss when you could just remark on someone’s questionable behavior without it sparking entire theses on cancel culture.
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i think i made a comment on her london video that was like girl buy some tights if you're cold they're like £2.00 in primark and she deleted it so she really can't take any criticism.
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When her "controversial" COVID video came out, she also deleted comments from health workers asking people to take the pandemic more seriously. I think keeping silent and deleting things is her way of sweeping things under the rug (like never addressing the criticism about her amazon video and then quietly deleting the video and all the insta ads once she's collected the revenue from that sponsorship).
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This is why I find it ironic that BD was trying to act like Ashley is relentlessly hounded with criticism, when she deletes all of it. She also deleted all the criticism about her doing an Amazon sponsored vid after building a brand based on ~sustainability~, and then just ended up privating the vid without ever giving an explanation.

It seems like broey deschanel just chose certain instances of criticism to display with 0 context while ignoring all valid criticism of Ashley’s behavior, or trying to cast anyone who did question her in a legitimate way as “”parasocial”” leeches or whatever. It’s like, Ashley divulges extremely personal info about her sister’s disorder without her knowledge, and her fans are in the wrong for questioning why she would do something so inappropriate??
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the parasocial thing works both ways as the people who are rabid defenders of ashley are parasocial leeches. personally i don't have a parasocial relationship with ashley. i'm just disappointed in her. i liked her old content and i think her new content is awful (and currently non-existent) and there's no way to comment that on her youtube videos bc she'll delete it and her defenders will swarm you asking how you could be so mean to smol bean ashley who's just trying her best.
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deleting (non-hateful) comments is so weak, she really has no backbone. either stand by your (dumb) actions and leave the comments up or take the advice and work on yourself. she's one of those people who only want yes-men around her. i'm not one to judge others by how many friends they have, but I can see why Ashley doesn't seem to have a lot of people close to her if that's how she acts offline as well
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The whole thing reminds me of Rohini Elyse (who ironically has a similar aesthetic to Ashley) being found out for pretty awfully racist behavior + being criticized for not giving a fuck about Covid, and then spiraling into a whole “cancel culture is BAD it destroys REAL DIALOGUE” fiasco, whilst still deleting all critical or questioning comments trying to start ~real dialogue~ with her. Except it’s not even Ashley whinging on about “cancel culture” (though she does delete comments), it’s her fans. I know I don’t even get this torn up when people criticize me to my own face, idk how people are so distraught over others questioning the behavior of a girl they do not know and who could not care less about them?
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She always tries to act like she's an activist in her videos but she's so silent when anything ever happens.
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Tbh I wouldn’t expect her to say anything about Palestine if she never even said anything about Myanmar, where her family is actually from.

If she did say something people would probably attack her for being insincere anyways, as a lot of influencers have been for taking a stand, can’t win. I as a normal person don’t post abt my politics on social media, doesn’t mean I don’t donate directly or attend rallies etcetera. Ashley def doesn’t do either of those things lol, but in general social media activity =/= real world activity.

Palestine is also a genuinely controversial topic in the US compared to something like Myanmar that a lot of people have no opinion towards, she wouldn’t risk losing subscribers or sponsors.
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I'm not just talking about Palestine though I'm talking about everything. Her follows literally wheedle her into talking about anything important e.g. BLM where people begged her to talk about it on twitter. And honestly I don't class her as a normal influencer I class her as someone who has made being political in her videos into her brand but whenever anything actually happens, she doesn't want to rock the boat. It's wrong.
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After the Amazon sponsorship & her subsequent transformation into a walking ad I don’t think she really keeps up the pretense of being sustainable or activist-y anymore. Her statement abt police brutality last June was basically “this is taking away from focus on Asian hate” and then once that became a more prominent issue she didn’t actually have anything to say about it. I feel like it’s probably best she doesn’t pretend to be an activist anymore bc she’d continue putting out equally horrendous takes
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Yay happy this thread has been made here. I did really love Ashley's style but the U.K. trip where she wasn't wearing any tights that just showed me that she can't dress - there's nothing more difficult than trying to look good and also dress practically for the wind and rain!

And yes to whoever compared her to rohini- she 100% has those kind of vibes!!!
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Lmao I just noticed Broey Deschanel wiped all of the non-praising comments from her video about Ashley, mine was deleted where I questioned why her fans were somehow in the wrong for finding it concerning that Ashley exposed vulnerable info about her sister without her knowledge. So apparently Ashley’s fans have the exact same intolerance for any slight criticism that she does.

If anyone hasn’t watched the video it’s wild. She compares criticism of Ashley to the hounding of Princess Diana (???!?!?!??!!!??) for what? Having people ask her to wear a mask, apparently?
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So glad i found this thread! Looks like she hasn't uploaded a video in 5 months now...bit weird since i thought that was her job, surely 1 video a month wouldn't be too hard? I agree she has said some weird stuff, but I think people expect way more from influencers than they should. I personally just want to see their niche content, i dont care about their political opinions etc. Hopefully she is using this time off to care for her mental health.
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Re: Ashley’s tightsless UK trip

Omg she actually doesn’t know how to dress and I was sad bc I thought she was gonna serve more layered/all weather looks when she moved. When the Olsen twins moved from LA to NYC, Mary Kate actually says she wore so many layers bc nyc is fucking cold and she wanted to be comfortable. I can’t with Ashley out here, defiantly shivering, bare legged in her mini skirts. Fashion has to function, for me at least to the point where I’m not sacrificing comfort.

Also doesn’t YouTube demonetize a channel after six months of no new posts? I suspect she will be back in a month or so.
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I think it goes back to the issue that her fashion really isn’t that unique or innovative. Her initial aesthetic was basically just any girl with a Pinterest circa 2018. Even now her jumbled aesthetic is just the same city-cool-girl aesthetic of any other IG influencer that consists of throwing around some Tiktok trends with clashing designer / vintage pieces.
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She did really perfect a certain editing aesthetic that is now imitated by hundreds of other fashion/lifestyle youtubers. I really enjoyed her content and I don't mind her either making more or finding other things in life.

But I am kinda annoyed with how she is not doing either - when her twitter was allegedly "hacked" she suddenly emerged and asked people not to unfollow when she hadn't been active there for a long time anyways. I sometimes unfollow my childhood friends if they don't post anything, my interest in this random girl from USA is not that big to keep following her if she isn't doing anything. You can't be a social media superstar with the followers and sponsored deals if you also don't do anything there or just sometimes post vague pictures that anyone could make.
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I wonder what she actually does all day now.. She always said she spent most of her time planning and making Videos. But she doesn’t really post on Insta much or Tiktok either, like does she have “something big” shes working on in private? What the fuck do you do all day if you just sporadically post semi-bad outfits.. I thought she wanted to be in fashion or something and honestly thought maybe thats what she was working on instead of Youtube but now I don’t think so.
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