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Chatty Member
Actually watched her live this morning… it’s left me fuming tbh. What a horrible horrible fucking cretin she really is! That woman, does NOT deserve her children! For those who didn’t watch, I’ll explain why….
1) Oscar has a bad belly again and is off school… she’s going through medicines to see what she can give him. Oscar mentions vitamins. Except he said it with an American twang so it sounded like Vidamin. He asked for a vidamin. The ugly mocking bitch said ‘A VIDAMIN?’ About 15 times, getting louder each time and each one was mocking him more and more. She fucking knew what she was doing! She kept smirking and looking at the camera. Then poor Oscar started crying. Yes crying. She was mocking him, to his face and over a thousand strangers, and made him cry! Then when she realised he was crying and she was live for the world to see she tried backtracking. Looking at the comments (every one was telling her he’s saying vitamin) and then was giving it 😱 ohhhh do you mean vitamin? Oh sorry oh my god I had no idea I thought you were saying ‘Avidamin’ and really reeling it in! It was fucking clear to every single viewer that she’s just mocked him and made him cry trying to be a funny cunt. It was disgusting to watch but it was so blatant that I just know a lot of her ‘fans’ will be thinking twice now… especially after point 2 I’m about to explain (which I’ll do in a new comment)
So the second thing that’s pissed me off and again shows how much she does not deserve her kids… In this medicine box after making Oscar cry, she finds some pepto-bismol… reading the back of it telling Oscar he needs to drink it as it stops the shits but it doesn’t taste very nice… she fully looked on the back and read it! Eventually Oscar agrees to drink it and goes to get water for after… whilst out of ear shot she’s whispering to those watching that the product is actually out of date! By over a year!! She didn’t tell Oscar this and still made him drink it! Once he had she looked at the bottle again and says oh Oscar it’s out of date, ah it’ll be fine… oh… hang on… no, it says here do not drink past the expiry date… oh no… she starts panicking reading more of the bottle that she’s already read bare in mind! And then says that h dear, it says not to give to anyone under 16. Poor Oscar is asking if he’s gonna die, the comments are demanding she makes Oscar go he sick and you could see on her face, she knew she fucked up!! Fucking bitch man she’s absolutely vile! She knew full well he shouldn’t have been drinking it in the first place. Not to mention over a year expired and it says not to drink after expiry! I’m so mad. Awful awful mother
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Chatty Member
I had a dream last night that Ash died, committed suicide, and I remember seeing a post about it on my phone and was feeling annoyed that she left her kids. Bloody weird. But thought you’d appreciate it 😂😂
I’m sorry, this makes me uncomfortable. I don’t appreciate it.
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One thing I take from the break up is chels seems to be surrounded by her ‘normal’ long term friends whereas Ash seems to have one mate left who she took away to Amsterdam and the rest are just influencer huns…. For me that speaks volumes about who the asshole was!!
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Anyone else see her girlfriends new tik tok? Chels posted out her story like flexing her bicep saying got a pump on, after moving loads of furniture etc then within the hour the new gf posts a video of herself flexing with the caption ' when all you've got to offer is biceps but 🤫' and the song over the top of it says I can do better.....

It's weird how obsessed the new gf is with the ex!
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This is such a weird and dangerous narrative that Ash is now trying to push. Constantly alluding to this nonsense of abuse and narcissism with no actual evidence is disgusting.
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Why does she keep slating people on universal credit? I'm sure she needed help once from the government hence why she is living in a council house. She needs to take a long hard look at herself and stop saying things are giving universal credit vibes. FYI ash if you reading this I'm in full time work, never been on universal credit and don't plan to be but sometimes people full on hard times and that may be their only option. Let's just hope you don't fall on hard times and have to claim. Then your whole fucking day will be universal credit vibes. That slob honestly grates on me, taking the piss out of people that are worse off than her. Who does she think she is?
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The comment is disgusting. That comment isn't what tattle is about. We've never ever said anything like that about her, that's the first, only and I hope last comment like that. I've lost people to suicide, people very very close to me, it's not funny and it's not ok.
I've reported it. Really uncalled for, absolutely isn't appreciated. But like the person above said, no one liked it and none of us agreed.
We aren't trolls, we call people out for things they need calling out for.

Comments like that feed them and give them more of a reason to call this site out.

She is however, a cunt. She's saying be nice to eachother in her last story , but she's the nastiest cunt around. Arrogant, bitchy, cocky and has gotten worse and worse since her break up. She needs to take her own advice. She's greedy, and she's nasty. She's not OK, she puts her life and her issues on a plate for everyone on her lives, but soon as someone says something she doesn't like, she flips and gets nasty.

She's clearly unwell and struggling, she's making it clear with her content and attitude. But there's help out there, help everyone deserves. Everyone. Get it Ash, get help, and become a better person, start by leaving Gee cos she's toxic as fuck, sort yourself out, stop going out drinking 4x a week and be a mother. Oh and stop reading here. And you might be happier.
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Is she having a laugh lol. "I've not said a word" it's all she talks about on her lives. Not so much now, but a few weeks ago she wouldn't shut her mouth. She's a bitter chubbster.

Whereas Chelsea would only say things to clear up the cuntish things Ash was saying.
The new girlfriend is messaging Chelsea like a child, yet Ash is claiming she's innocent? Just like Ash claims the new girlfriend is shy and isn't a big social media user. She's far from shy. She loves herself, a filter and eye fucking herself.

But going down the route of Chelsea is an ABUSER. That's dangerous and not something I believe. I don't believe Chelsea is the narcissist either. Ash is. She's the big fat raging narc. Do I Find Chelsea weird, yes. Her stories are all over the place and she's trying too hard but you can tell she's genuinely trying and I feel sorry for her.

But, I'm loving the drama 💅
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She's openly said Oscars having a hard time recently. But when he come to speak to his mum at 1130 at night, clearly because he couldn't sleep and had something on his mind that he really wanted to talk to his mum about.. and she tells him to "respectively, fuck off".

You read here ash, you admit it, you're proud of your thread... instead of fucking off every other day for a piss up in a hotel, be at home and parent your kids. Don't tell your kid to fuck off on a live when they need to talk to you.

There's a reason that boy is up at 1130 at night and begging his mum to talk to him and then falling asleep at school.. She's neglecting her kids and it's brutal to see.

She should be ashamed of herself the greasy cunt
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Look at Chels go, already set up her new place with such little notice. Looks canny aswell. I bet Ash is absolutely FUMING. She wouldn't of expected her to do this so quickly.
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This whole thing is the BIGGEST ick and cringe fest going 🤢

Imagine having a new partner who messaged your ex 🤢
Imagine posting cryptic videos online about your ex 🤢
Imagine having the front to say you’re against bullying etc etc and then posting stories slaying people 🤢

This is not the values she ever became popular for in the first place. She was fun, lighthearted and relatable and yer she had the odd dig at the kids dad but this is just embarrassing.
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I'm sorry but chels is not to blame! She posts all her personal info on her page. I know the outside of her front garden (she has shown it on lives please ty of times), I know the lay out of her house, I know what car she drives, I know where her work place is.. I know what school her kids go to.. why do these "influencers" posts so much personal info then blame others when they are robbed? Don't get me wrong I feel sorry for her as no one should have to go through that but stop posting such personal info!
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Is she fucking thick? You don't leave things in your car. Especially a boot and the back seat rammed with parcels, visible from people walking past.
How is she blaming Chelsea for her own thickness?

I live in a very nice area, very nice and private and I still wouldn't say I'm safe because scruffs will try anywhere. I dont leave ANYTHING in my car, not even 50p on show. And defo not my boot. It's all her own fault. She's lucky they didn't walk around her house considering her youngest has been chucked in a dining room converted bedroom downstairs.
And Chelsea going about her day sarcastically makes me dead. "Have a good day cos I know I will" LOL. They're so fucking pettyyyyyyyy but I'm living for it
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Oooh kicking off

Whys the new piece messaging chels? Chels barely says anything anymore
It's pathetic
Ash is a cunt
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3 stories from Chels and every single one shes sticking up for Ash! Ash is the reason all this is happening, she's clearly egging G on. How can we alllll see Ash is a massive toxic cunt, who loves drama and causing drama. Yet Chels can't?
Ash is only with G to annoy Chels anyway, it's so obvious.
The second Ash runs back to Chels, which will happen!!! Chels will take her back IN A HEARTBEAT. And that's pathetic

She's right though, if she thinks chels is a fatty then wow, what's Ash.

Edit - G won't be the one to ruin Ash's career. She's doing that all by her little self.
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