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Aatra is a bimbo. When she opens her mouth and starts talking i want to mute her loool Not sure if any of you follow her on snap, but she talks there loool
She listens to songs from 30 years ago but doesnt know that Palestinian children are dying for 50 years.
She is Christian iraqi right?
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does anyone happen to know anything about youmi khoury? ( i can’t seem to find anything beyond her instagram and snap account
I think youmi is an actual Dr, she’s been on socials forever. But her trip to riyadh earlier this year screamed sugar daddy. Sis “bought” three vca bracelets, earrings and Cartier in one day. Her and her sister, were both being showered in gifts. They were receiving free items from small local businesses. But the lavish gifts don’t make sense, do their ksa fans love them that much to buy them dior, cartier, pay from their stay in the ritz idk :/ idek if youmi is that successful to pay for her own. The trip overall was just weird.
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it was a completely made up award that has no meaning. uae is filled with giving people meaningless one time awards at events. it’s all crap

Hind is nice enough. but she knows how to play not being seen as an influencer but she’s the most “real” and unfake and least pretentious. she’s not showing bags ans watches and shit every damn post like others. as for Anas. i think he has a big ego. he thinks he’s oprah lol he isn’t. nothing about how he interviews people is something new or special. i actually think he’s quite crap and often provoking just to get a response when what he is asking is actually rude or hurtful to say to that person


always using the tanning bed in sisters lounge 😂

skin cancer has entered the chat***
But fr who is still using sun beds in 2021😂
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@ninaaaaa Do you have the receipts from the pimp I really want to hear her side of the story. I remember a similar situation happened to ahood when she was in Marbella in 2016, wasn’t a pimp but some guy was accusing her of escorting. The woman isn’t even angry she’s livid that makes me think the accusations are true. And surely if someone was calling you an escort you’ll defend yourself instead of walking away trying to hide from cameras. I heard of the incident from my sister but didn’t realise it was this dramatic😂😂😂. Shaikha and Ahood escorting lool 2021 is a movie.

Their mum is Iraqi idk about the dad.

Why would the embassy get involved with trashy drama. I’m rooting for the pimp expose them alllll🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
The whole thing was from her story but she basically said that back in 2014 she was with an older guy and he asked her about Ahood and at the time she just knew her she wasnt close to her and she basically hooked them up and helped her with ‘business’ and never paid her her commission. The old man paid but Ahood never did. She also said that they take money from guys at casinos and their mum picks them up🤣
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I know she’s Persian rather than Arab but does anyone have any before/after pics of @honeybunchz.. shes another one who seems to always be travelling but no visible job 👀👀
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Im saudi and I dont know this girls story. But from looking at her IG it clearly looks like she either grow up in Saudi or she lived there for a long time. It itches me when people get jealous about foreigners that come to live in their country, especially when they promote and contribute to it in a good way. There is never a middle, its always the extreme. If she walked the streets of Riyadh in body con dresses they would be upset and if she is wearing abaya as everyones else they would be upset because she is “trying to be saudi” Noone is saying that saudi influencers appropriate white people by coloring their natural jet black hair blond. Or every other saudi influencer wearing blue contacts to look whiter. Noone says that because we are in 2021.
Every other Saudi influencer are white teenagers wannabe. Dress, talk and act like them after spending a semester in American lol i can name a dozen.

Unless she clearly states that her father or mother have saudi passport and they dont, i dont have a problem with her. Is this the case for this girl or not?

Yes things were tough with 9/11 racism around the world for us. But i take it as a compliment when i see foreign people appreciating our culture and want to be like us. They ard not taking a piece of you for you be become offended and become hostile.

I appreciate seeing non muslims/non arab people cover up visiting our countries and try to learn our culture.

We spent so much time and effort for our culture to stop being misunderstood by the west. And when it’s finally starting to blossom and being appreciated by celebrities in the west, suddenly we become offended. Why not take it as a compliment
i don’t think “jealous” is the right word for this sentiment bc i promise u normal people aren’t jealous of trivial things like that. annoyed/offended, yes. there’s a difference between assimilating and appropriating, Of course when moving to a conservative Muslim country you’re going to adapt and adhere to the culture, wearing the clothes, learning the language, etc. That’s great! i love that. but don’t claim the nationality. The issue is that often times horrible people try to pass as us and poorly represent us. Kuwaitis for example, we have to deal with the likes of SoniaxFyza representing us even tho they’re British. Every time these escorts/girls do something sketchy and harmful the comments are always “they’re kuwaiti!” 😒 it’s so annoying bc there’s only 1.5 million of us and that’s what social media correlates to us. Same for Bahrainis. That British girl who abandoned her child is front and center of snapchat explore page representing Bahrain. i know the Bahraini girlies hate it. I understand that there are asshole khaleejis that look down on South Asians or Eastern Europeans but why would u want to erase your identity to appease them? The girls i mentioned could’ve stayed home in the UK but they chose to pack their bags and move to the GCC to cosplay as us and erase their background, ultimately implying that Pakistanis, Eastern Europeans, etc are not good enough when that couldn’t be further from the truth.
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Y’all know anything about Carla Dibello? She lives in the Gulf now. She used to be Kim Kardashian’s best friend, but the family dropped her. She’s hated in Hollywood because she was Kobe’s mistress and would rub it in Vanessa’s face. Even when he died she would post pictures in his jersey smh. Side chicks are so entitled lool!!! Anyways now she lives in Dubai and apparently she was dating Sheikh Mansour bin Mohammed but they broke up. She learned Arabic and tries to blend in with Arabs by listening to popular 7aleeji music😂😂 Idk what’s wrong with her thinking a Sheikh will marry her but she posts books about “Bedouins marrying Europeans” and “Arab x European love story”. She’s a hoe and has never been to school but for some reason Saudis love her because Saudi wanted to buy Newcastle United and she would act like she was the advisor for that deal. What does a broke Hollyweird hoe know about doing business deals?

Ew what a beg🤢 I saw she’s in alula, it’s weird after she and her ex broke up she took to Saudi? She’s definitely a mistress she gives me that vibe. Question is who is paying for her bcs all of her pictures have facetuning and I feel like she’s in her 40s😂Kim k is a messy bitch herself so it’s not surprising to see the women she is/used to be associated with 😌
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Guys, I was scrolling on tiktok and I saw that Rawan got fined and her ex now has a 5 year restraining order! I'm surprised no one has mentioned this as it happened fairly recently (on Monday).

They’re both fucking pathetic...this man wrote a victim statement as if he’s not in the wrong as well. Praying for their daughter tbh when she grows up she’s going to realize she has 2 clown parents
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Because they’re irrelevant loool. Kuwaitis, even the youth have better standards of living compared to them, so why would they be checking for them? Meanwhile these girls are approaching their thirties and still don’t know the importance of hard and honest work. I don’t even know what they gain from Arab-fishing now, their careers are dead and they are seen as nothing not only in the Arab community, but in the South Asian one too.

You know once Sonia was trying to get with a innocent Arab guy, but people started dming him saying she’s Pakistani and she lied to you..and he’s like well she told me she’s Arab...and you know that got me thinking ladies wouldn’t you feel some type of way if your significant other lied to you about something so major? Someone you want to be in a relationship with should not be lying to you. If your relationship is built on lies that’s a major red flag and a betrayal. They are literally both psychopaths it’s beyond self hate because they implicate others in their delusions. At least the Mirza twins don’t really bother other people and they date within their own community ( so I doubt they tell the same ethnicity lies to the guys they date behind closed doors because they share culture).

SoniaxFyza really need to come up with a different plan because let’s say there’s an economic crisis or something happens...they’re finished. They have no community to fall back onto, no careers, no family, no education, no relationships...nothing... but there main concern is maintaining this Arab lie at their big ages😭🤢 What sucks is they’ll probably take this lie to their graves instead of owning up to it or just keeping Arabs out of there mouths and moving on with authentic content
Wow they are absolutely delusional. They need help ASAP.
Also I want to add one point I find it so bizzare they are sisters yet so co-dependent on each other. I think that’s their downfall relying in each other and not creating their own true identity. Almost like they are superglued to one another. It’s disturbing.
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I’ll ask when he married the second wife. He married the first wife at the huge wedding ceremony in 2019, but the buzz about the second Emirati wife just started in 2020. My source said they did a huge PR stunt to show the missing Princess Latifah in public again to detract from this baby thing. I’ll try to find out more and let you know.
The most corrupt and shameless royals, they make members of alsaud look like saints. I am so sick of hearing about the almaktoums, they are so...meh.
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guys can we let this topic go? I don't think q8gamer meant anything discriminatory towards non-khaleeji woman and vice versa for others. All women are beautiful regardless of their skin tone and people can marry whoever they want.
I agree. Thanks.
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Fouz for birkins and jewels, it’s also very well known her and Dana where bi sexual

The Kuwaiti based dr khalood was also busienss, very cheap one too before she made it big, I know a Kuwaiti police man who is her neighbour
Crazy! I guess it’s the easiest way to make it.

Honestly, I think it’s time for these older influencers to retire or rebrand because they’re just like an advert channels now. I used to like following Fouz (30), Ola (33), Fatima (34) and Mariam (35) but now I feel embarrassed at their posts so I unfollowed them all.
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Guys, I was scrolling on tiktok and I saw that Rawan got fined and her ex now has a 5 year restraining order! I'm surprised no one has mentioned this as it happened fairly recently (on Monday).

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I can't stand Shaikha she is SO obnoxious. Not only if she faking her entire life and doing a bad job of her born and bred "accent" she comes off as so rude to her followers and stuck up. nothing about her is redeeming estaghfr Allah :X
She rants about tailors and nail salons LOL so classless

I remember not too long ago, saudi Twitter was pissed off at Susan’s sister, I think her name is yasmin? Anyway she was angry at a couple because they were laughing together and having fun in a coffee shop, she said “no don’t do that here, you can only do that in US or Europe” 🙄 give me a break they literally were only talking and laughing idk why she was annoyed by this!
You wanna hear a funny story about sausan in LA? One time I was with my friends at urth and they were all friends with her except for a couple of girls who cut her off- she sat at table with Friends and left all her trash at the table, we all saw this. The NEXT DAY she went out on a rant about people and how disgusting they are and leaving their trash, my friend called her out and said babe you did that the other day, she just blocked her lmao
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I yet have to see him speak Arabic and I looked through his highlights and he was just copying what others were saying. I doubt he’s fluent.

What did Ahoods pimp say on snap? I can’t understand
Just insulting her calling her whore, trans etc. Either she shows screenshots or I’m gonna unfollow. The screenshots are also just name calling one saudi calling her a sheep for Qataris just seems a little political. Nevertheless, ahood is a hoe and it seems like the gulf is waking up to the reality that influencers ain’t shit.

Honey, I agree you definitely have a personal agenda against him because what you say doesn’t make sense. Why would Quirez be hanging around with your 18 year old cousin in the first place. I’ve met him many times and he doesn’t hang around with khaleeji footballers or 18 year olds and what was your 18 year old cousin doing hanging around with a guy who’s basically 10 years older than her and a “known” pimp. Seems like you and your cousins parents need to have a word with your cousin and what she gets up to at night. And how does someone get pimped out without knowing? Definitely a lie.

And you said you’ve known Quirez for years he’s had the boyfriend for a few years now and posts about him all the time. You say you don’t follow him and deleted him but you’ve somehow kept up with all his latest bags and jewellery that you say are not his and the trips that he didn’t pay for.

make up your mind girlfriend because I smell a HATER 😂😂😂. Just admit you have a PERSONAL issue against him stop spreading lies and move on with your life.
Ok account made less than 48hrs ago ❤ Show proof he’s not a pimp or begonneth.
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shes 36?? surely not
I think she is 34 but I read somewhere here that she is 36. Anyway I meant that she is being criticized because she is 30+ and not married but I don’t see why women must marry if they don’t feel being married.
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Nono al

What’s wrong with Rawan? I don’t mean to be rude wallah but all my friends from Kuwait never post with a bunch of guys, it’s not seen as respectable. Let alone old balding men wtf. She’s so beautiful and young. She really needs to focus on healing and raising Luna. I sometimes read her comments on Tik Tok and Ig and it’s just a bunch of guys sexualizing her and young girls looking up to her. I’m surprised her parents are okay with this. I know it’s not good to judge people but I don’t want her to end up like a bunch of beautiful Arab girls I know who act like this then men dispose them when they’re older and “have no use” anymore. They end up really broken. God forbid she ends up like SoniaxFyza 🤮🤮 because she’s just like them but prettier and gets more perks.
Girrrllllll she’s worse than Sonia fyza on the low, it’s widely known rawan is an escort and always has been. Every khaleeji I speak to has a story about rawan no lie
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YES definitely the ‘late’ gives it away. I actually don’t think she sounds like a native Bahraini speaking English at all tbh
I’m Emirati and my cousins are Bahraini from their father and lived in Bahrain for at least 20 years before moving back to the Uae, when she speaks English it’s nothing like how Bahrainis sound when they speak it lol. We all pretty much sound the same. So that’s why I can say it’s sooo off
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