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Who has the tea on Rania and Hala? And what do you guys think about Rania’a little sister Talia’s glow up?
Talias mama zeena put immense pressure on her daughter to loose her weight, restricting her to a diet of no carbs. The whole family is obsessed with dieting, I remember rania was eating only tabouleh for a month straight🤣🤣🤣the sad thing is she was just a cute little girl with a sweet, bubbly energetic personality, but now she’s far to mature for her age and dresses inappropriately for her age. Mama zeena is trying to turn her into Dubai’s youngest fashionista I see...

Yeah they’ll finally admit to fillers it’s the nose job no one will own up to 😂 but Miriam rod looks good for 35 but it’s kinda weird she didn’t settle down the clock is ticking. It’s funny she gave interviews about her “privileged upbringing” when people who grew up with her said her family was far from wealthy.

Fouz is just snobby after her nose job changed her life. She dropped all her old friends and started hanging with a new bougy crowd. I think she looks good and while she is popular and attractive she did turn 30. Unfortunately in Arab culture that’s considered late for marriage so I wasn’t surprised to see her settle down. There’s some rumors her husbands family was unhappy with their union and wanted a more traditional girl for him. She’s been quieter lately because she’s being investigated for money laundering.
Fatima the typical air head type who studied abroad and comes home thinking she’s Jennifer talking like “oh my godd” “eew” “whatever” I know people who saw her around campus in Miami and they said she was pretty in person. It’s her attitude that is the problem and she did mock OCD and tell people to “get over it”

Fatima Almomen before and after
View attachment 333528View attachment 333529View attachment 333533 Fouz before and after

the Hala before and after. Her family is open minded so they let her study in LA by herself and she didn’t wear hijab so she was hounded relentlessly by Saudi guys. I’ve seen her in person and she is tall I don’t personally find her striking or interesting to look at. I do know she had to change her apartments a lot because once word got out she lived alone guys would follow her everywhere.

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LOL HALA is actually not beautiful at all. I saw her in cecconi in ldn 2018 and in Cannes too 😂and I have seen Saudi girls sososo much more beautiful than she is. She tries to act “different” but she’s just another chick who’s baba is immensely lenient. Apparently she’s been engaged for a while too, but we’ll see, bc from what I’ve been told back in her LA days she was clubbing/drinking a lot got an ugly ass tattoo on the side of her waist, might not seem like much but this is enough to ruin her image in a conservative community. Her little sister Alabella, prefers to not follow in her sisters footsteps and seems really sweet and down to earth.
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Excuse me but in Europe I see plenty of 5aleeji women without 3abaya in a daily basis.
Anyway most of Arab 5aleeji men don’t like the Kim kardashian look. She is too dark and her features are too harsh. I don’t care of what some influencers do, in a patriarchy, male dominant society, standards are set by men. It’s a known fact that 5aleeji guys love lighter Levantine/North African women. They do love dark features and hair though. If you put two beautiful girls they would rather go for the lighter one (I have seen it and it wasn’t in 1980 put late 2000’s).
Thats very debatable. A lot of men prefer the tanned look over the lighter skin. Especially this generation and men in their 20s/30s. They obsess over golden skin with long dark hair rather than fair skin. They like tanned skin but they dont prefer woman on the darker side i.e African features which is sad, all women are beautiful.
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totally agree. Now I’m older and have a family myself I enjoy seeing home, cooking + mom life content and that to me is goals 🤣
mashallah!! i’m so happy for you! that’s my plan soon and i love watching women who talk about lifestyle, cooking, even how to shop and save on luxury items, and relevant beauty stuff. Fouz is married to a billionaire. Can you imagine the bomb af content she could put out? home remodeling, business development, family planning. but nope. she just posts rants mad that people copy her hair color.
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I feel she is overrated not saying that she isnt pretty she is beautiful but i don't know something about rawan is off , as hard as she tried to come across as smart and intellectual on anas bukash 's chat show , she still comes across as attention seeking and dumb . Overhyped
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Yes. That family is way too obsessed with looks. The only thing they live for is their looks and altering them. I love beauty as much as the next person but what about working on your inner beauty, personality, self growth, faith, health, anything?! No one is jealous of a 16 yr old getting a nose job. that is sad. her family are a poor influence. i was also shocked with rania's wedding openly making out at the wedding. i've never seen that before at an arab muslim wedding. even huda beauty posts pics like that but AT LEAST she actually grew up in the US and is married to an American so has somewhat of an excuse but Rania umm no.
Its shocking to me that expressions of love, at an event where love is being celebrated first and foremost, is shocking to you. Something is deeply wrong with Arab culture in this regard. I’ve seen women get hit by male family members or their husbands in public but God forbid a married couple share a kiss...
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I feel sorry for her if it's true. I didn't know her before she married him but she seems conservative wears abaya so this is sad it will hurt her family reputation. Also, she is in her mid 30s

Yagoub has a bad reputation with all the shady money laundering stories. His name is associated with ‏غسيل الأموال
She deserves better
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I feel she is overrated not saying that she isnt pretty she is beautiful but i don't know something about rawan is off , as hard as she tried to come across as smart and intellectual on anas bukash 's chat show , she still comes across as attention seeking and dumb . Overhyped
Since she’s been pimping herself out since she was a teen in university, she’s going to end up both physically and mentally messed up when she’s older. She always plays victim, but I know some Kuwaiti girls who said no one bullied her for being too white, she used to say that her skin and her eyes are her best features apparently. I used to like her, but now she seems like a narcissist. Everything she does is for attention. When you live in a Muslim country that’s disrespectful and a bad influence for younger girls, including her daughter. I feel bad for her baby, may God protect her.

Also you’re right, there is something off about her and I can’t put my finger on it. I think it’s because we pick up on her vibe. Something about her seems fake and sinister tbh. Also what’s weird is that her and her friends follow and like every picture on these accounts made for shipping her and different guys. They make edits saying that they should be together. She seems obsessive...I’m 99% sure she makes the accounts herself. Honestly she’s probably one of those girls who look normal in public but are crazy behind closed doors. My friends have seen her in London and they said she’s loud asf and ppl who studied with her said she lies about little things.

She is pretty but sometimes she kinda looks like a bobble head with big lips in my opinion lmaooo no hate tho she’s still pretty
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Girl. He was broke. Never came from money. He makes his money from pimping people out. He spends that money on designer things and fur coats etc but its the rich men he works for that fund the hotel/ boats for him, You think 5k£ commission can fund this lifestyle? these men pay for him and the escorts. Kind of like a package deal. Second of all, when i said wealthy men dont want to be seen with him Im talking about the educated ones from very well known families. A lot of men dont fuck with escorts and pimps. The rich tourist men are usually the 5aleejis that come from Qatar or UAE not those who actually live/ study in London. Third of all, the fact that youre defending Quirez is hilarious. Ive known him for over 4 years. He complimented by cousin on her looks and what she was wearing (because he could tell she was very well of) and invited her to a party to meet a footballer and basically begged her to go with him. The 18-19 year old men were people i know😭 Whom he posted HIMSELF on his story and the guy was trying to hide 🤣. A lot of wealthy guys only let Quirez on the table bc of girls. Quirez wont look at you if you dont look rich 🤣🤣🤣 Anyways, i couldnt care less about him, he’s literally a joke.

And why the fuck would i lie about Quirez or be a ‘HATER’ 🤣🤣🤣 Acting like hes Beyonce🤣🤣🤣 Quirez is that you??

Everything i said has been proved as he posted people i know on his story. I deleted him off Snap not too long ago. People send his snaps as a joke 🤣. The RM pics were posted a long time ago. What my cousin gets up too?🤣🤣🤣 She met Quirez in the smoking area of a lounge with her friends. Her parents dont need to tell her shit. Shes 18 and of legal age. 3 years ago he was out with Khaleeji footballers and a lot of people can confirm this since so many people were surprised. His boyfriend as in the same recycled insta stories and him licking other men at the club? And if youve known him for 4 years youd have seen allll those porno snaps. I know for a FACT he doesnt pay for shit and leeches of people as he has tried to leech on to my friends and got kicked out of a VIP area because the guy didnt want him anywhere near him🤣. The fact that youre calling me a liar is hilarious Ive witnessed waaaaay worse from Quirez. Dont be fooled honey 😭

Account called realtea101 created 48 hrs ago.. Inspired by my user i see😭 has to be quirez or one of his little escorts 🤣
Im deceased 💀🤣🤣🤣 who else would be defending him so much. Its him ! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 a lot of efforts were put into those paragraphs to defend him 💀
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I’ve been told her ex rented her an apartment she lives in now in Dubai , for the baby . But now that he filed a lawsuit agains her , i doubt that he will be paying for anything . Wasn't she posting that she couldn't afford paying her baby medicals bills ? I think she like to keep a set of rich old men up her sleeve so she can pull them out when she is in needs of something .
Why did she pick Dubai and not Kuwait? Medical bills would probably be cheaper in Kuwait because she’s a citizen, even though her baby is not. Even though her husband is a man whore, I’ve been told his family spoiled Luna. If both parents are crazy Luna should go to Rawan’s parents or his because they’re both irresponsible. The baby does not deserve a crazy father and a clout-chasing bald man loving mother smh. My friends have seen Luna in person and she has a Filipina nanny who goes to parks with her while Rawan is out drinking with guys and weird girls. There’s nothing wrong with having a nanny but most traditional Arab women develop some type of bond with their children while having the nanny help out. Whereas Rawan takes vacations to Seychelles and leaves Luna behind.
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I’m late to the party on this but why did Maram Zbaeda and Rania Fawaz stop speaking to each other?
That’s weird they always seemed to be friends but not close. Sara7a these girls have no loyalty to each other and it shows, sisterhood in the arab world rn is dead. Its sad everyone who comes to the gulf has a secret like mis tamara alghabani, shaykha almajd. It’s about time these women own up to their bullshit l. Seeing as everyone wants to be all westernised, let’s bring cancel culture to the arab world. I’m really sick off all these influencers they are al the same deep down.

anyone knows why muroj alrehaili isn’t married and is always hanging around girls who look like typical 5leeji lesbians?
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Ya banat.
Let’s be clear here.
Writing on Tattle life and commenting on others would not be condoned Islamically. There ain’t no white shining faces here right now.
So instead of trashing influencers for being bad Muslims, can we just stick to wondering whether they had a nose job or not?
But no one was trashing anyone for being a bad Muslim. All I said is idk how people are comfortable with displaying their sinful acts. That’s not trashing😂

She’s not Arab but I’m glad she stands her ground and does not take shit from other people. Laili tried to act like a “Persian heiress” around her but failed miserably. How do you claim to be Iranian but don’t even know Iranian food or how to converse in the language? Very Embarrassing! Also she stopped being friends with Anncy and claimed on Instagram that she disrespected her which is true. Anncy is so critical she’s just like Laili. If you’re insecure don’t rub off your insecurities on other people. Also I can’t stand people who call their friends bitches and wtv every 2 sentences... like Anncy your life is not a Cardi B music video pls chill and have some class
Class habibti, you either have it or you don’t. You can’t fake it. And so so so many of these “women” do a shit attempt of it. I used to enjoy that ancys videos like in 2018 before she blew up it’s sad how she’s changed, and has been influenced by laili fakepersianselfhatingindian mirza out of all people on this green earth🤣🤣
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Nono al

Absolutely disgusting, pray on their downfall😂

at the end of the day, this gets old, they get old, and it’s over. What a waste of life lol. Embarrassing that these people even called themselves Muslims at one time imo
exactly! it's annoying how these trashy girls try to pass as khaleejis. ofcourse there are plenty of trashy 5aleeji girls on social medias but the general population is still relatively conservative and don't hoe themselves out for a watch or a birkin :/ sick of these girls (Regardless of where they are from) and the fake faces and bodies. Can we normalize having arab noses and normal bodies? Not all bumpy noses are ugly and not everyone needs plastic surgery to look good!
This girl is literally gutter trash, if she wasn’t I wouldn’t mind as much, at least she cleaned up her act and stopped street walking but she is utterly vile even the personality is fake to match the face and body. It’s just scary how you can deceive the unsuspecting public at this level, the brands that work with her are being deceived and paying a street walking cultural appropriating sex worker to promote their business and services to the world 😵
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Has anyone noticed that Dima and Rania never feature in each other’s posts/stories anymore? I wonder if there has been a rift between them. They used to be so close!
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A lot of them actually believe its like a Moroccan gang that has an agenda against Khaleejis 😭 😭😭 They cant grasp the fact that their girls are escorts
Moroccan where lol that accent is as Jordanian as they come 🤣poor moroccans always getting the blame of ugly self conscious khaleeji women 😂 so sad how they’re in denial.
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The most corrupt and shameless royals, they make members of alsaud look like saints. I am so sick of hearing about the almaktoums, they are so...meh.
Yeah ur right. I went to Saudi Arabia and they’re not even bad compared to the UAE. Everything is blocked in the UAE...for what reason? My friend said no one could comment on Palestine because some people got in trouble with the authorities. And that poor girl who locks and beats their own daughter smh! And no offence but their people worship their leaders too like I went to my Emirati friends house, tell me why they have pictures of Sheikh Zayed and the new one hanging...but not a single Quran in sight? They’re really nice people but I just think it was a bit weird. May god help us
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What’s up with Arab celebs using contact lenses, but going overboard. I just saw a pic of Haifa Wehbe after years...I literally forgot about her and homegirl made herself look like an animal with the crazy contacts lmaoo!! I love beautiful brown eyes why does everyone want to look like some type of mutant ninja 😭😭
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LOL at me thinking Reem is natural :/ I never thought she had done her lips because it doesn’t look like the typical duck lips all other influencers have but oh well

Ngl lama alakeel is b o r i n g I had to unfollow. I only followed her snap cuz I wanted to see more of her house interior design but naah she doesn’t show much & her snap is all ads. Nothing bad/crazy just too uninteresting for me lol

I can’t stand fatima al ansari & her whole fam purely because I find their content super cringe

Looool reem is the fakest inside and out. She attended the same university as my cousin (Chapmans US) and she was known for thotting around. Soon as she graduated she was forced to move back to ksa even though she had plans of doing masters. She’s a really bitchy girl, this whole cool vibe/chill girl shit she has going on is a facade. Also babygirl is almost mid twenties and dresses like a 13 year old white girl called marie-lou. Her sister Hessa also a rude self righteous piece of 5ra. She told people she was marrying an Italian loool her husband is half Italian/Kuwaiti. She only did that so it looked like her parents are lenient. They are both rich girls with no taste or individuality whatsoever. Not even full Saudi (mum is Lebanese)

I don’t get the lying about surgery business. It’s 2020, no need to hide it anymore.

Reem’s lips are fat grafted instead of fillers if anyone is curious.

I read that Lama’s mother is Egyptian, she got married pretty young, and now has two children. I agree that she’s very boring. Even her outfits are stylists, not her creativity.

Lama is only fun to watch when she’s on vacation. She’s a good traveler, knows all of the good places if you’re wanting to vacation south of France/Spain.

I don’t get the lying about surgery business. It’s 2020, no need to hide it anymore.

Reem’s lips are fat grafted instead of fillers if anyone is curious.

I read that Lama’s mother is Egyptian, she got married pretty young, and now has two children. I agree that she’s very boring. Even her outfits are stylists, not her creativity.

Loool do you remember when Reem used to post baby pic throwbacks with her (facetuned) lips to make her followers think they’re natural?😂😂there is nothing natural about that girl except her flat chest😅

View attachment 344026 Shahad Alzahrani before and after a Saudi influencer
View attachment 344028 The Hala before and after 🤭
View attachment 344029 More Fouz before and after
View attachment 344030 Reem AlSanea before and after

But Shahad how?!! I swear she was like 16 when she became famous, on her interview سوار شعيب she was youngg. That’s sad if she got work done prematurely 🤨🤨
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Rawan will never stop and live a private life even if her in laws or whoever took care of her financially. you can tell she LIVES for attention and getting as much money as possible. I feel really bad for her daughter.
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