Anti-Conspiracy Theories #7 Google told me, so it must be true. Sheeep!

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Anyone else find the radio silence from the antivax crowd in response to the news stories about the WHO planning to declare aspartame as ‘possibly carcinogenic to humans’ quite amusing? I’d have thought this would be right up their street!
Yet nothing…
I suppose if they can’t blame a disease on the covid jab, they’re not interested
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Give them time, they’ll link it somehow!
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Who would they tell? Everyone who had the jab is dead and everyone who didn’t and knows what ‘they’ are up to already knows what’s going on
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Who would they tell? Everyone who had the jab is dead and everyone who didn’t and knows what ‘they’ are up to already knows what’s going on
Very true mate, the only logical conclusion we can possibly come to is that aspartame is simply another DiStRaCtIoN .

In other news, has anyone been following the Lucy Letby case? The conspiracy theoryism surrounding it is absolutely wild, we’re at the end of the trial now and the CTists genuinely cannot fathom the fact it’s probably more likely that Letby is a corrupt serial killer nurse, and are convinced that she is the victim of a scapegoating ring which doctors, nurses, hospital managers, police and victims families are all in on. I know there are always a few weirdos who like to be edgy and claim that they think an obvious serial killer is still innocent, but I do think that the police need to crack down and start holding people in contempt of court because some of them are being absolutely fucking vile about her colleagues and the victims families.
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What have they been doing?

I’ve occasionally looked at what’s been going on and the conversations surrounding it on Reddit but it’s all been semi-reasonable, even with the ones who have floated the idea that she’s been turned into a scapegoat or that the evidence in some areas is lacking
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It’s more the facebook lot who are the major conspiracy theorists, there’s a group with about 13k people and the vast majority seem to be hardcore supporting her.
The problem is, a highly qualified statistician who was involved in getting Lucia de Berk (dutch nurse who was convicted of killing patients in 2001 but was later acquitted partially due to a statistical analysis he did, partially due to the fact her trial was obviously unfair) has got involved on twitter and is really pushing the CT narrative. He started out claiming she was a scapegoat for deaths that happened due to infections because the unit was underperforming but has recently moved on to openly claiming that several of her colleagues who have given evidence against her ‘euthanized’ the babies who died because they were too fragile and were going to die anyway. He’s also been contacting LL’s family and defense team too. It’s absolutely disgusting but the thing is, he can get away with it as he lives in the Netherlands so can’t be held in contempt of court, however all of the moronic CTists who are repeating the awful things he says on social media can be if they live in the UK. Very stupid game to be playing imo.
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Ah… of course it’s somehow connected to children being euthanised, next you’ll tell me they wanted organs or something else from said children

There must be something more than the Alder Hey scandal that makes the CT so receptive to CT-like claims when it comes to these sorts of situations?
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Does anyone know the architect Robert Jamison? He used to be on the show Your Home Made Perfect. Turns out he's a complete nutcase. Came across him on Instagram. Posting about how climate change is fake and the latest is a post from Reddit where someone wasn't able to withdraw £10k from their bank account as they couldn't say why they needed it or what it was for. Instead of realising this is money laundering legislation and requirements at play, he's launched into some crazy CT spiral.
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Initially I thought it was just that because it’s very hard for the average person to imagine someone actually doing such awful things to innocent little babies, it was more palatable to just convince themselves that the deaths were natural / due to mistakes by doctors and she was just the fall guy.
However given some of the stuff I’m seeing people saying about narc doctors performing secret euthanasias on babies, I’m not so sure anymore…
Very weird line of thinking tbh
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This financial level of CT thinking is imo plain weird. These same people would scream blue murder if the banks allowed fraudulent activity on their accounts. If you have a large cash transaction to make, eg a house deposit or you're buying a 2nd hand car straight off, all you have to do to make the transaction rock solid on both sides is arrange a banker's draft with the payee's details on it. If people are paranoid about banking institutions not allowing them access to their own cash then there's nothing to stop them taking money out of their accounts at the maximum cashpoint level per working day (as long as the funds are there) and stashing it away at home. No one in the bank will question your taking your own money out, as long as you're not an idiot attempting large, regular 10k or more batches like a money launderer would! I for one am glad banks do these money laundering and anti-fraud checks as someone attempted multiple loan application fraud on me a few years ago and it was only the strict anti-fraud rules at the institutions the criminal applied to that meant no money of ours was actually taken. It was still an awful experience but by god were we grateful for those banks' stringent checks!
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Lol I know such a cringe financial CTist, she’s always going on about cashless societies and bitcoin (has quite obviously fallen for some digital money pyramid scheme thing as well), reckons the banks are all controlled by the jews and is always laughing at people who keep their money in the bank and talking about how financially free she is and how her money is always gonna be safe etc. However she’s literally on UC, and I really wanna point out to her the irony of banging on about how ‘financially free’ she is from the banks compared to the average person just bc she withdraws all of her monthly UC in one go, when the government quite literally controls her entire income?
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Looks like the riots in France will be cast as deliberately planned by the authorities, if not already on the government planned disorder list - first though is of course the shutting down of parts of the internet (actually not so simple, also annoying here is the need to check the translation he's given)

The giveaway as to whether this is a sane assessment or not is the 'it begins', though I'm disappointed he doesn't prefix that with the proper 'And so'.

Additional point of interest, tried to imply the source of info is via two different people but a closer look tells us the URLs are almost identical, one for a post within one person's telegram timeline, the other for the same post in the same person's telegram timeline but to display as a single post and therefore completely different - but how many people bother to look at both?

Telegram post says "France is planning shutdown of the nation's internet...", which - whilst being a lot of old bollo - is certainly more direct than the not terribly subtle quote-marks around the word 'certain' on the article headline.

Obvs the 'blackout' is somewhat limited and there's all sorts of things that depend on the internet that can't just be switched off except perhaps for a very limited time, emergency service numbers still working etc.
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Is this to distract us from something? Hehe
I read earlier today that the French lockdown/blackout is just a test then they'll inflict it on the rest of the world.
The fact that there are already countries living under extreme regimes seems to escape this lot.
Perhaps their inherent racism makes it seem worse when it's a Western country?
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Imagine if someone told the conspiracy theorists that using the internet is a distraction.
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I just love the irony of CTs spending hours posting disparaging memes about the sheep who spend hours on the Internet
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PSA guys, unv*ccinated is now a slur! Please use the term ‘pureblood’ instead.

Otherwise the CTists will have to cancel you.
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Yes, the white supremacists of the wizarding world!
I suppose when people don't have much going for themselves, they clutch at things like this to feel superior.

I was reading a tweet the other day about someone who'd been sadly diagnosed with cancer and several people were in the comments either asking if the person was vaccinated, or saying things like "there's so much cancer about since the covid vaccine was rolled out". How ghoulish.

They always seem to want a simple explanation to everything, whereas there are multiple factors as to why cancer has increased - eg overwhelmed NHS not seeing people as quickly (yes it got worse during lockdown but it was bad before then too), people living longer, people exercising less and living more sedentary lifestyles, etc. Plus some of it's just down to genes. My dad was diagnosed with cancer in 2019 when it was too late to cure. But he'd lived a healthy lifestyle, he wasn't overweight, he ate well, he did all his cancer screenings and so on. He did everything right, but it still got him and his brother (my uncle), too.
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