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Norfolking Good

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I work with a woman who never stops talking about herself. It’s gotten to the stage where we just do a polite nod at the end of one of her stories but if she feels that she doesn’t get a big enough reaction, she just repeats the exact same story again, immediately. It’s getting ridiculous, the other week I heard her tell the same mundane anecdote three times in a row 😆
I worked with someone who used to do that and it’s so boring isn’t it. The stories are never remotely interesting.
She stopped with me when I used to say oh you’ve told me that before and then walking off and saying I’m off for a coffee. It’s quite rude but they seem to be so oblivious to taking up your time that it ended up being the only way to shut it down.
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Tomorrow is my last day and I've been treated like shit by some team members - including our HoD, who has gone out of their way to ignore me (and has also done this to other staff - I'm close to two people who have already left and both were ignored for their full 8 weeks notice). One member of staff has just emailed me to say "not too late to change your mind and stay!" Sorry, why exactly would I do that?!
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Annoys me how some people seem to be incapable of thinking for themselves at work. Like just think? They're all meant to be smart people in good, well paid jobs, why is everyone acting like they're actual morons, how do they cope in life.
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I'm dreading work tomorrow. I'm a teacher and cannot stand my TA. She's a complete gossip. I have asked her to stop but she continues... I work in a difficult school where I am always vigilant that a pupil can disclose something to me at any time. If a pupil does start to talk she is straight over to try and join the conversation (because she is nosey) which to a pupil may mean they completely shut down. I said to her once in a kind voice 'me and X are just having a little chat but we'll let you know we're finished ' and she got all passive aggressive saying that she knows when she's not wanted and then told the rest of the staff how rude I am.

She interrupts my lessons constantly. I could be stood at the front teaching and she'll approach me from behind and whisper in my ear (I don't like her being that close to me either) that a child isn't listening or that a child has nits. It completely throws me off my teaching and interrupts the flow. If I am trying to mark she is chatting away about other staff members and telling me things that she probably shouldn't. Complaining that other TAs leave her out etc.

I had a dental procedure last week and came to school straight after and other staff were checking I was OK etc. She hated the fact that people were asking if I was ok so started crying saying she had an awful headache. Ive asked her to start sticking some sheets in whilst im teaching phonics as they need to be stuck in and this is a time she goes off to the kitchen staff for a gossip. She's not happy about that so has been sticking them in all wonky on purpose.

I have spoken to her about all of this. I approach it calmly but I don't get 2 sentences out before she runs off crying.

She also volunteers to do lunch duty and then complains to everyone that she has had to do lunch.

Everything sounds petty but it's like death by 1000 cuts. Shame because I've always treated my TAs with respect and been aware that they are underpaid and over worked. But in this case she gets paid to gossip and tittle tattle. She is the only TA I have ever worked with who doesn't enjoy the children or make them a priority. She puts her gossip and games as a priority over the pupils.

She keeps saying how wonderful it was when she was a TA in the reception class compared to now.

I have spoken to the Head who basically said she knows and that's why no other teacher wants to work with her!

I know that this is all very petty. Maybe I just need to learn to be more tolerant. I have my own struggles and am struggling with my eating disorder reappearing at the moment so maybe I'm just being more irritable.
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Out of interest, what puts you off a full time office job? How long do you tend to stay in jobs? It was the norm pre-covid times in my sector. Our office is heaven and we work so well across teams because we are mainly office based.covid caused such a problem with training and development. We have air con at home but why the hell would I want to pay the electric bill for that when I can get it for free at work? same for the heating bills in winter 🤷🏻‍♀️ also, unlimited coffee and biscuits so it’s a no brainer for me 😂
Are you my boss undercover 😂

In all seriousness, a better work life balance, time to exercise and do chores, being home with my dog, being able to tailor my environment, spend my period working with a hot water bottle and blanket, not having the low level constant stress an open plan office gives someone with mild social anxiety, good coffee, cooked lunches, time saved from no commute, slippers instead of shoes, being able to change job roles to a department based in another city, being able to get up and walk around/stretch without weird looks, all beats free custard creams for me.

I go in about once a week to socialise and wear a cute outfit but I don’t get half as much done on office days. I’m a video editor/animator so my job is very focused and requires quiet concentration with headphones on. It’s much better from home.
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DA Stella

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People who leave one second on the microwave timer, resulting in the next person having to press the "Cancel" button before they can set the timer. You couldn't let that ONE SECOND run out? If you're in so much of a hurry you couldn't wait out one more second you need to rethink your time management.
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It seems I got lucky that I just have a chest infection that is still lingering. Someone went to the Christmas party with Covid and several staff all had Covid for Christmas. This was because they didnt want to miss a free night out.
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DA Stella

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When you and a few coworkers all applied for the same promotion, you got it, and the other applicants act surly and refuse to take direction from you because they're angry they didn't get selected. Take it up with the hiring team, they're the ones who chose me!
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i have my own desk at work, and when i’m not in due to time back or a day off or just in general it REALLY bugs me when people sit in my seat.
i can see the crumbs or my pen pot moved by an inch none of my lids are on my pens, my two screens been adjusted and my software minimised of the home screen or the brightness as obviously they don’t need it - but it’s annoys me so much!! and i don’t have the heart to tell them to NOT sit there as it makes me seem mean 😂🤣
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Talking about people stealing food…we had pancake day this morning at the office canteen. Obviously, the pancakes weren’t for free. Common sense.

I got to the canteen and saw a former colleague from a previous company who basically used me to get a role in my current company and ditched me the moment she got her role. She was in line, took the pancakes and left without paying for them!!! The queue to pay was on the other side of the canteen, but it was clear they weren’t free.

Right then and there it confirmed my thoughts that I had all along since meeting her - she’s an opportunist. She didn’t even have the decency to ask if they were for free and just walked away with them. I was shocked but not surprised.
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I hate this. I go on a course to learn something from someone who knows about the topic, not to discuss random shite with people who also need the training. Most of the time the group doesn't even discuss the right things but someone goes on a tangent about their specific issue/situation that's vaguely relevant to the topic. And everyone usually says a lot of dumb shit. Then after that someone has to report the discussion back to the whole group. I never volunteer for that as it's embarrassing.

Can you tell I really hate breakout groups 😂
there's always someone who has to awkwardly start the discussion, else you all sit there in silence. Ice usually broken by a 'can you all hear me okay'

I hate them too 😂
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But - we don’t need to accept every meeting request.

I’ve had to train myself into that way of thinking and it’s hard; it’s ok to decline a meeting because it doesn’t suit. It’s up to the organiser to find a suitable slot, not the recipient to accept all meetings that come their way. Obviously we need to make exceptions from time to time, but mostly I don’t anymore.
I used to work 4 days a week and my boss used to put important project meetings in on the day I was off. Every time I'd reply and say I'm not in and she'd say I could call in if I had updates and it was the only time.

Which I didn't because f that, I took a 20% pay reduction to work 20% less time.

Then she gave me feedback that it had been mentioned I wasnt contributing to the projects.

Of which I gave the feedback to HR that she was discriminating against me for being part time. Which fixed the issue lol

So I never let anyone book meetings in that don't allow a break or respect your hours.
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When you go to the toilet at work and not only has the person before you done a really stinky shit they've also left huge skid marks in the toilet... which I then obviously had to clean as I didn't want anyone thinking it was me! Fucking disgusting, you really do wonder what is wrong with some people! It's not the first time it's happened either so I suspect it's always the same person...

The second thing is when you feel pressured to come in to the office a certain number of days a week and then when you come in, NOONE from your team is in. What's the point? I should have stayed at home.
I hate phantom shitters. We used to have one that stunk the place out and left it looking like a Jackson Pollock painting but a few of us women got together and deduced who it was-some stinker from another floor who used to come down to poo then waft back up to his own floor with no one the wiser.
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The Devils Arse

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Cough!! I know it's the winter and colds are common place but this Cough has been going on for nearly 2 months now. We've suggested Dr's, walk in centre, online doc, pharmacy etc and all we get is "oh no, I'll battle through it". You may not make it before you get murdered.
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DA Stella

Chatty Member
I worked with someone whose schedule was supposed to be 6:00 am to 2:30 pm. Every day she had some kind of "appointment" so she would wander in around 10:30 am. Then promptly at 2:30 she'd say "quittin' time!" in a singsong voice and leave. I did payroll and noticed she put her full 40 hours on her time card. I asked the manager what I should to. He paused, then said "just give her the full 40 hours". He said he didn't want to deal with any hassle.
So why again was I bothering to work my full week when I could have been getting paid for 40 hours while only working 20??
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I'm meant to be on holidays until the end of January as I have oodles of leave owed.

Today, I awoke to a series of texts asking if I could come in because someone has walked out without giving notice and everyone else is under the pump. Why is this my problem? I'm always the one called on to go in and check if someone's reset the alarm on the weekend (because I live closest to work), and I always pick up the slack when needed. But when we finished up at Christmas, I made it clear that I would not be available until I return to work.

Anyway, I missed the texts by four hours as I was busy last night doing things and didn't get in until 3am. When I read the messages I texted back to say I already have plans and am not available. Bugger them!
Well done.

Make sure that you have plans right up to the time you are due to return.
It's absolutely not your problem that someone else walked out.
And if it highlights issues, well let them figure out the issues. Enjoy the rest of your time off.
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Just pick a headline off the front of Take A Break and brave it out
I ditched Mr Right to have a stranger's five kids
Mum left so stepdad made me his wife
I let my toyboy date other women
My bloke wooed another woman with our song
Fellas fake baby scan convinced me I'm pregnant
Bedroom disaster left my head hanging by a thread (Jesus that's some awful nearly headless Nick vibes)

Just a few picks i thought I'd share in case anyone else needs to prep for future ice breakers
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DA Stella

Chatty Member
Please don't come to my desk to discuss a task when I've already clocked out, packed up and am about to head out for my hour and 15 minute commute. K, thanks.
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I'd speak with your manager and tbh I wouldn't be rushing to do him any favours.
Otherwise you will be back where you started as regards that guy. You moved away for a reason and if memory serves me correctly, he did you dirty with your appraisal into the bargain. I would be looking at him as though he had two heads if he approached me. He thinks he has found an easy way out by lumping a piece of work onto you, that he doesn't know how to do/ can't be arsed doing. Nope.

Lack of preparation on his part does not constitute an emergency on yours - as the saying goes.
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Just finished work and all my colleagues fucked off without me! I was only 2 mins late and the reason for that was because I was in the kitchen cleaning everyone else's cups and cutlery that had been left in the sink :mad: fuming
Oh that’s a rotten thing to do to a workmate. I’ve had that happen to me and I was raging. Lazy so and so’s.
I’m new to this thread and just having a read through. I started my first office job in 1975 and, although ways of working and technology etc have changed beyond recognition in my working life, some of the rotten things colleagues do to others sadly seem to be a theme. Two weeks ago I finally retired and I’m so glad I don’t have to put up with this sort of thing any longer (not boasting about being retired at all - just feel sad that people can still be so mean through the decades).
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