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I hate to post this given this is a new role and I feel like I’m sounding like a chronic complainer at this point. However, I experienced some onboarding hiccups that could have been avoided with appropriate communication;”:

1. My new manager failed to inform me I needed to bring my laptop into work everyday. I moved internally and we didn’t use laptops in my previous role, just two desktop screens. I arrived on Monday and had to return home because I wasn’t informed they operated differently in this team and laptop was mandatory otherwise you can’t work.

2. No one requested my access to the floor I’m supposed to work on and I had to force the security team to grant me access after 3 days because people were sick and tired of playing door keepers. Access to the floor should have been requested by my team before I joined.

3. To top it all off, I was in the office this week and no one from my team showed up for various reasons so I was essentially on my own during my first week with no one to speak to in person.
I'm annoyed for you ... solid induction procedures are a must-have in any organisation.

I've worked at places in the past where there have been little quirks such as this ... and nobody thinks to tell you; it's almost as if they get off on knowing something you don't.

It's probably not part of your role, but if you can jot down all the things that haven't been sorted for/explained to you, and advise your manager - with a view to there being a checklist ticked off before new starters come in - it will work in your favour. If you really like inducting people then you could also offer to do it in going forward?

I work in a small business with low turnover - certainly those who left a few months back to set up their own company haven't been replaced - but we have a number of freelancers and school experience types coming in and doing various things for us. Before they get their login details they have to read our policies and procedures manual and sign to say they've understood everything. And prior to that, I'm the one who ticks off all the boxes on the list - that they've received their alarm code and instructions, their network drive access has been set up, they have whatever permissions they need to access our client database, they've been their access fob ... all that sort of stuff.
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A friend was given a stern talking to by her new boss at her new workplace for taking a chair she had no right to.

Nobody told her that the chair you're given is dependent on your place in the pecking order - she didn't actually have a chair to begin with, so grabbed one from what she thought was a spare desk (it was empty, but that's because the person who sits there works between two offices and carries all their stuff - except for their chair - around with them).

What a stupid policy. Just give everyone a chair that's suited to their needs and be done with it!
Sounds really petty. At my workplace it’s all hot desking so I sit somewhere different almost every time I’m in the office.

I don’t mind it, but they go on about how we all need a DSI assessment regularly and may need to get our chairs adjusted, but how likely is that when we’re constantly moving?
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Something I don't miss about working in an office is giving up part of my Sunday to ironing office clothes, making the food I need to take, sorting my work bag, and trying to remember if I need fuel. Amazing to have my full weekends!

I also find I have time for a whole hour of walking every single day. I get up early and go before work if the forecast looks too wet or hot in the afternoon.

In all seriousness, a better work life balance, time to exercise and do chores, being home with my dog, being able to tailor my environment, spend my period working with a hot water bottle and blanket, not having the low level constant stress an open plan office gives someone with mild social anxiety, good coffee, cooked lunches, time saved from no commute, slippers instead of shoes, being able to change job roles to a department based in another city, being able to get up and walk around/stretch without weird looks, all beats free custard creams for me.
Absolutely yes, the low level stress! As well as being in control of your own light, heat, windows and noise/radio - I still don't miss the unspoken/open battle of wills over these, either mine or coworkers
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We have a booking system for desks at work. I showed up this morning and someone decided to sit at the desk I had reserved. She thought it was appropriate to sit at an already booked desk just to be next to her work friend when there are a lot of seats available elsewhere because it’s Friday.

There’s a booking system for a reason, use it.

It really irked me because some people think they’re above everyone else and if you don’t show up at 9am sharp, the seat is gone.

I honestly didn’t want to make a scene, but this is not the first time.
I’m a scene maker 🙋🏻‍♀️
Spent so many years being the bigger person and accommodating other people being pricks.

People using meeting rooms I booked, sitting in my booked seats on trains and planes, using my delivery of stationary items when theirs were not arriving until later that week.

I honestly tried so hard and tbh, it was mostly the males I work with. But now, nah fuck it. I’m not a pushover and I am going to “sweat the little things”

Now I’m like “you’re in my seat” and just stare at them. I will literally stand there and make them look like a dick (and myself probably 🤷🏻‍♀️)
And the ones that will sit with their headsets or earphones on, please 🙄 you’re just giving me the opportunity to be louder.

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DA Stella

Chatty Member
The period talk reminds me of a situation I had years ago.

I'm someone who likes to be prepared, and I had a small bag in my top drawer containing pads, pain and heartburn relief tablets. I also kept one each in my car and handbag, just in case. I went to grab the one from my work drawer one day, silently relieved that I'd had the forethought to have this set aside, as I had a heavier than usual period and I'd used all the ones from my handbag -- only to find it near-empty. It turned out one of my colleagues decided to help herself! When I asked out loud if anyone knew who'd been through my drawers, she sheepishly admitted it was her, then turned the situation back on me as if I was the guilty party by saying I was making something of nothing and that I needed to calm down. It was straight-out theft and I complained to my manager about it, who agreed it wasn't on. She never did replace what she used.

From that point, I gave up taking things into work. I also had my mug taken off my desk, and a little USB-powered fan went missing (the air conditioning in that place never worked, so I took my own fan in).

You'd be surprised how many so-called professionals are dirty thieves - in the same place, stationery used to go missing at a shocking rate.
I had someone come in and ask me "If I tell you the model of my printer at home can you order me an ink cartridge?" And I said "I'm not sure how that works, I'll have to look into if they can deduct it from your paycheck." And he said "No, just let the company pay for it." Of course I said no and he got really mad and left. Same guy found out that we submit payroll a day early (Thursday) when the following Monday is a holiday, so he decided not to show up on Friday. He figured since I already submitted payroll he'd get a paid day off. I contacted payroll and told them to deduct that day from his check. He actually had the nerve to come to me to complain that his check was short! I reminded him he hadn't come in on Friday and he said "But I thought you already submitted payroll." And I said "I did, but when you didn't come in I told them to deduct that day from your check." He threatened to report me and I told him to go ahead. What was he going to do, complain that I hadn't let him cheat the company? He actually did complain and he ended up getting taken off the job. What a "maroon"!
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My boss has recently developed a habit of leaving me ‘in charge’ of the office whenever he goes on holiday. I’m writing it as ‘in charge’ because that’s how it gets messaged to me.

My pay doesn’t increase, but my workload and responsibilities do? My colleagues then all try to pressure me into early finishes, but I’m the one who would get in the neck if he came back and I just said “yeah we all took the afternoon off”. He then has the nerve to complain when I request a holiday day, even though he’s on his 5th holiday of the year already, and has even suggested he gives me a calendar with days marked that I simply can’t take holiday on because of my workload that he’s already admitted is too much for one person.

I’ve also got another work colleague who keeps barking about Andrew Tate and constantly trying to show me videos of him ‘making good points’… 🤦🏼‍♀️
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I brought up a couple of points to my manager this morning. It was related to a project, so nothing outside of boundaries. Her response was ‘this is above your pay grade. You don’t need to think about this’.

I’d never heard this sentence ‘this above your/my pay grade’ until I joined this company. I hear it all the time.
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It's definitely sucking up and cringe! I will never understand why managers accept such behavior. :sick:
Me neither but this manager seems to like attention.

Mind you, it was just three of us in the office today. The person brought a coffee for themself and the manager but none for me.

I don’t care for someone to buy me coffee and I wouldn’t have such expectation ever, but it’s really inappropriate when it’s just 3 of us to leave someone out. It very clearly shows the person is a suck up.
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I cannot stand my manager, even taking a breath pisses me off. Maybe it's all my fault since I've always let things go and sort of built up my anger for her. Something that she recently did was that she booked me for a course that the employer is providing to all staff and SHE CHOSE THE DAYS for me!! I was talking to other colleagues and told me that there was a person in charge phoning everyone asking which day of the week they prefer and it came to my mind that I have never received a call from this person. This morning, since I am at the office with my manager, I told her that others informed me that this person was asking which days they preferred and my managers reply was; "I talked to her". Who bloody gave you this right to chose for me? (to be honest, the day she chose for me is good but my point is communication, I just wanted her to tell me "Hey, I am booking you for that day, is that good for you?")

Recently, the relationship with my manager is going downhill with a fast pace. Every time I am in the office with her I get really depressed cos she spends 8hrs talking about her kids, their schools, teachers, ballet classes, karate classes, timetables, concerts, how intelligent they are etc. NON-STOP for 8hrs except when she asks me when I will finish my task!!!

She is definitely a narcissist as she talks talks talks and when you say something about you/your situation etc. she just starts facing the laptop and ignores you completely. If she hears you talking to your neighbour colleague about something she just interrupts you and asks you something work related pfff.

Sorry just needed to vent.
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Messaging at 4.30pm on a Friday afternoon in the lead up to Bank Holiday to ask for a “quick chat”….. Pisses me off. I’ve now got a piece of urgent work hanging over me that need drafting for Tuesday (which means I’ll most likely have to log on on Sunday at least draft something to ensure I’m happy with it). Absolute wankers.
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I'm currently being told I've not done something and we're running out of time to get it done.

Only I actually have done it, tested it and have the results in front of me.

This person is looking at an old version from before I made my changes. Which of course isn't updated with everything I've done!

I've now given up pointing this out. A long call and a whole day of messaging back and forth has been no use. Theres only so many ways you can tell them to fucking refresh. Fuck them all.
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Norfolking Good

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Gosh that’s dreadful from a lone working point of view. You must raise this as high as possible even above your manager if necessary because there should be a switchboard protocol and that’s really not ok.
I’d be inclined to try and find as many stats on dangers to women (horrible reading) and stick that in your complaint as it’s such a hot topic and hopefully it’ll get some traction for you.
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Half year review time and I may have brought up fact that my direct manager has not helped me with handover of tasks to new staff. So to get her own back she made comments about my timings.
There is an option to go over this ahead of main meeting if I want, Ive declined that and am going to ask for times of when this was brought to my attention so that I can defend it.
Its crap, I know it, she knows it and head boss will know it when I bring it up in front of them. Ive accepted my immediate boss hates me, and I no longer make any effort to impress them. I go higher up the chain of command now.
They also mentioned 2 other team members in my document, but its supposed to be about me so she will have to explain that away.
Im not playing nice anymore 😄
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I had a Zoom call scheduled with someone and when I logged into the call, they had left their seat and left me there waiting while watching their empty seat. It’s rude. If you’re gonna be late, just let me know and I’ll log in later.
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When someone pings you "hey quick question" no it's not a quick question you want a quick answer.
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Run 101

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The latest 'break the ice' fad is to tell two truths and a lie (with the audience guessing which is what) ... at the last one I went to, one person's lie was, "I'm really excited to be here" :LOL: 🤭

The "team" dinners and get-togethers are awful if you don't want to be there or if you value your personal time, and sure you can say no, but it almost always reflects poorly on you if you don't go. I've gone along for just the first half hour of some which has been more than fine.
I remember an induction i did for an office job we had to tell 1 really interesting fact about ourselves i am not good at speaking in front of 15 people i dont know as i was 12th out of 15 and all these really interesting things my mouth decided to say "I once went Goat herding in the nmountains of Peru" I think my brain disowned my mouth and went home, it impressed 1 or 2 but for some reason a few didnt believe it
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People who just deny everything instead of admitting to mistakes :mad: Michelle, I can see on our system log that you changed the price of an item but you swear blind you didn't do it...
Also she's a 40 year old woman who has worked here for years, not some young starter who is nervous.
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My new manager is incredibly OTT about meeting timings - I don't mean people swanning in 10 minutes with no explanation (which is piss poor), but if we're talking a whopping 1 minute (and this is usually preceded with early messages such as "caught up on a call please bear with" or "I have an Ocado delivery coming so I may be a tiny bit late to the meeting at 3:00pm today") he makes examples of the offenders and really goes on at them for far too long which then cuts into the proper discussions. One hour meetings turn into nearly two hours ahbfhbfhdbfhbdhfbdhbfhdb).

I had one-on-one training with a VERY SLOW COMPANY laptop which I pre-warned I had issues with getting into Teams, but he still constantly had digs at me about getting me a watch for 10 minutes before I just asked if there was actually going to be any training :rolleyes:

(I also have an interview for another job next week that is a £15k payrise on top of what I get at the moment - is it bad if I ended up handing in my notice after two weeks based on the above and other annoyances?!)
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Passive aggressive email responses where they start to just use your name instead of “Hi no-no”. Who are you talking to 😤 So many people not doing their job, either it’s laziness or they’re out of their depth, but it’s getting ridiculous now. I need a brew.
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