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I’m waiting for the post of:

I viSitEd RyAn’s fAmiLy and they were bloWn aWay by HoW cHiLled and AmAziNg I Am. ThEy LoVe me aND said I Am eXacTLy wHo hE nEeds. ThEn we FuckEd liKe wE lOve oUrSeLvEs uNdEr tHe ChRiStmAs TrEe. WhAt iS LiFe? YeS aND bOth mY LoVeS. YeS aNd bOtH. WE tHEn weNT tO gYm and DrAnk MargaRiTas on tHe tReADmiLl and I GaVe hiM his “sPecIaL” cHrisTmas pResenT *bunny scrunch-arm-in-air* in ThE sAunA. I’m a NaUgHty ReinDeEr. AND wE Are StiLL wEaRing the ChRistmAs pyjAmas fRoM yEsteRday’s wOrKouT.
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Funny, that whole submitting to your man, being his sex toy and doormat bullshit didn’t save her last relationship or keep her from ending up with a busted lip. I honestly find it very hard to believe that a woman who is literally in the midst of a slander campaign against a man she claimed abused her is saying that a woman should bear responsibility for maintaining a relationship by subjugating herself to a man to keep him happy. Wtf kind of logic is this? Has she exaggerated the situation around the busted lip?
So divorced, very very recently entrenched in a dysfunctional abusive relationship, network marketing schemey GRIFTER Scamma is now - after a few months dating a recently separated 40+ year old Dad of teenagers claiming expert lover status??!!! This is hilarious and so embarrassing for her. As expected. Keep going Scamma spin the bullshit, fake it til you make it. Tell every last put upon woman to get on her knees and suck peen cos it’s working for you in your juvenile new relationship. Bloody hell she’s a regressive nightmare.
Scamma knows women who post every minute of their frivolous lives on Instagram, monetise their relationships and children. Spend time and money they’ll never get back pumping their faces full of botox, filler, hair extensions on every follicle and dream up ways to package air and sell it to those who can least afford it. These women might be on their knees tired at the end of a long day worshipping their waste of space kings but I bet Tattlers are surrounded by smart women with full lives and very sexy fulfilling private lives and well chosen partners that would run a mile from the mlm LiFeStyLe if some pathetic slimy grifter tried to ‘recruit’ them. Scamma actually can't even imagine a life like that and that is very telling.
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Every single word of this - YES.
There is no logic, because she’s talking shit. The abuse claims against Stripper Ken may be very true, what I call bullshit on is her actually believing what she’s writing about being submissive to her ‘KiNg’ and all that shit. I don’t buy that she actually 1) believes this, or 2) lives like this. She so desperately wants to be relevant, popular and one of the ‘cool kids’ and she knows this kind of discourse is what is circulating in her online and IRL groups and ‘friendships’ (especially on the GC). A few years ago the shit these MLMers posted was all about being a strong, boss babe independent woman who can build empires. She spits this garbage, thinking she believes it and thinking her followers are impressed and inspired by it. Maybe they do believe it, most of them do seem pretty fucking thick and pathetic.
Also ALL of this!! 100%.
Fuck yes. Nailed it. Agree.
My personal opinion is that she does live like this, based on the pathetic, placating texts that Trent revealed that she never thought would see the light of day. And the fact that she has been spewing this toxic shit all along, even when she was with Trent and during the very same time that she claimed he tried to kill her. I’m more inclined to believe that she is exaggerating the DV claims. Yes she showed pictures of her injury but in all plausibility that could have happened another way. I split my lip and got a black eye from a washing machine lid falling onto the side of my face as I was unloading it into the dryer. Weird shit happens sometimes. What we know for sure is that she is a proven, malignant, devious, manipulative, habitual liar so nothing she says can be taken as fact, unfortunately not even DV claims. The really sick thing is that she claims to be allied with abuse victims while at the same time preaching to them to further submit to their abusers and claim full responsibility for the health of the relationship, even dangerous relationships. There are real victimized women out there who will listen to her because they feel she’s travelled the same road as them and she clearly knows the answers. She could literally be leading these women to their deaths with this horse shit. She’s SO FUCKING toxic.
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I don’t think she’d admit it publicly if anything did happen but I wouldn’t be surprised if when she resurfaces she doesn’t fabricate some other big drama to feed her bruised ego.
She didn’t go dark for a week because she was in a holiday love bubble. That’s not even remotely what Anna would do, she’d shove it everbody’s face.
She didn’t melt down on New Year’s Eve because she was facing “unprocessed emotions” from the last 2 years, forcing SK and the bestie and her husband and kids to give up their festivities to come sit in audience with the queen and placate her. Something must have happened on Christmas day and she’s been spiraling out from narcissistic injury, as I suspected, right down to the fabricated drama to cover it up and feed her bruised ego.
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If he had had any sort of hernia surgery he would be told he's not allowed to lift weights for 6-8 weeks post surgery ... if he DID have surgery, then he's a bloody idiot to be working out like that. He'll rip all his internal stitches.
I bet it wasn't a hernia op but a reversal of a vasectomy.
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“a very important document got put in front of me late last night”
my goddddd the way she speaks as though she’s the prime minister or some other high level government executive, give me the fucking strength 😂😂


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Scammie…I’ve had this little chat with Carlz before. Just use words that you know the meaning of. Using words that you think sound clever but doing so incorrectly has the opposite effect. For example: you continue to use the word “infamous” to describe what you think are good and positive things when in fact “infamous” means the opposite. For example “Ryan’s infamous platters” means that Ryan makes notoriously bad platters and everyone knows this. “The infamous Auntie and Niece day” means that you are known to provide an awful day of activities for your niece. The word you are looking for is famous. Plain old famous. You’re welcome.
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I am fascinated by this ‘weeks of back to back eight hour days’. Fascinated. Does she genuinely think that’s a long day? Sitting in a chair?

There would be some nurses on here that would beg to differ.

I regularly work 15hr days (becos corporate Scamma, and gobsmackingly I really enjoy it, especially as I finish my days knowing I’ve not ripped anyone off, helped make the world a better place and made great money. This is a weird concept I know). And I don’t think I work anywhere near as hard as other people with less desk based jobs.

Eight hours? EIGHT HOURS?! And more than once?! God almighty. Someone get the woman four hundred bottles of veuve and some fake grass. She needs a lie down.
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Guys I put my knickers on this morning and I kid you not there was a feather poking out of them right on my vulva. It was definitely not a rogue feather that escaped from the couch cushions though…. I’m pretty sure it was scammies dad contacting me to send me a message about the power of her yoni
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Fuck…she doesn’t learn any lessons does she? So so so desperate for a man. How old is “all female led” TAW? Like it’s in its infancy and she’s already brought two boyfriends on board? One that allegedly beat her up and controlled her and another who has drank the Koolaid and thinks Scammie is going to make him rich.
Who is going to tell Anna that she is the quite literally the OPPOSITE of an Awakened Woman?
She’s a sad, desperate woman who centers her entire self worth on whether a muscle-necked masculine man desires her.
As long as they work out (because she‘s shallow AF and thinks it reflects positively on her and that makes her a high value woman) that’s all Anna needs. She thinks her men are filet mignon when in reality they are table scraps and she’s so thirtsy she’s thrilled to have them.
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In the context of her current DV claims … this is some really twisted shit to be saying.
These slides in particular (picked from the 20 slide rant she posted) are so fucking toxic. In her own words you should always “gush” and “ravish love and appreciation on him”. A woman should never “nag” and “complain and withhold love” when she is upset with him and women are primarily responsible for the high rate of male suicide because they hurt men by not worshipping them 👀.

Ssoooo then … you’re taking full responsibility for being abused by Trent, Anna? By this logic you are saying that it’s your fault he wasn’t happy and he was moved to anger, Anna. It’s always the woman’s responsibility to please the man, right Anna? Or you don’t take responsibility for being beaten because you don’t really believe this trash that you’re spewing? Or maybe you can wholeheartedly make these claims because you’ve been exaggerating the DV all along? Which is it because I’m confused?

There is no way you can reconcile this logic with her DV claims. I’m sorry, this bitch is deviously duplicitous.


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New thread title: Anna Rose TAW vixen put together in a rush, bodysuits designed to cause thrush
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Scammie “Me and Morgan never, ever fought”

Also Scammie
View attachment 2648081
Who is cooking this beautiful slow lunch? And buying the champagne? And getting the kids ready for the beach? And making sure your elderly parents are ok on the day? Ans wrapping the presents? And dropping a meal to your friend who is going through chemo? And ringing your goddaughter to wish her well on her backpacking trip? And making some sandwiches to take to your cousins house who’s hosting in the evening to make life easier for her as she’s had a really big year. And making a trifle just because it’s your baby brothers favourite and you have missed him. These are things that humans (not just mums) do for the people they love. And yes, maybe it’s sometimes way too busy at this time of year but lots of us love it anyway and love our family and friends. I can’t think of anything worse than a narcissist’s Christmas Day. And what makes her Christmas Day different from the way she spends every other weekend??!!
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Stalker obsessed haters? Scamma, we don’t want any part of your Groundhog Day life. Every single person here laughs at your Supre bargain bin lifestyle. We just don’t like seeing you scam other people for a living 🤷🏽‍♀️
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I can’t imagine being with someone who would set up their camera to get a pic like this. It’s just so fake.
As a Perthian, I know the strip of beach stripper kens shoebox apartment over looks, and I know the beach they’re at. They’re 5 mins away from each other max. Where they were running this morning was even closer to stripper kens shoebox apartment. Perth has beautiful coastal waters allllll over, central Perth, south of the river, north of the river, there is SO MANY PLACES she could have chosen to stay? That are literally beach front. It makes ZERO SENSE! Also, her family do not live in this area she is staying in either. They are a good 30/45 mins away. She has 0 excuse to be staying in Perth so close to Trent. Very, very bizarre behaviour. Especially to be publicly posting aswell. And being Anna, theyll go to the same beach every day and run the same path every day.
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