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Anna has a new free style workshop coming up, Anna’s style is very European, recently she’s had a few misses style wise but in Europe like classic almost basic outfits so I do believe she has something to teach in terms of style especially judging by her followers...
She goes to enough middle and upper middle class hotels and events to know what to wear to to luxury restaurants, how to stay elegant in winter etc etc so let’s see what her free workshop is about
Just my personal opinion but I think she has terrible style. There are rare occasions where she dresses nicely, but they are very simple outfits, such as dress and heels, which is hardly difficult to get wrong. She also doesn’t give out very good fashion advice (wearing white to a wedding is the biggest and most obvious faux pas, and everyone should know this). I would be interested in watching it but not for any advice I would receive, but more out of curiosity in the way you can’t help but watch a car crash.

She is adamant her body type is hourglass and continues to dress it that way even when it’s not so outfits often look ill fitting, she doesn’t colour match correctly, and her choice in putting more complicated outfits together is questionable. You only have to look at the outfit she was walking in today to see that (thank god she was wise enough not to wear those terrible, silver cheap looking gloves though).

I think she struggles to put together original outfits off her own creativity, and simply tries to copy instagram outfits item by item (judging by her “cheatsheet” in her course which was basically stolen pics of real jetset babes). I am very cynical of the professional photos she’s had done too, in the sense that may be a rare occasion where a stylist has helped her and therefore she looks put together.
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I am in a similar situation, but I didn't pay for her course. I have self-made wealthy parents, and I watched her stuff to better my etiquette etc.
I find a lot of her content "basic" or inaccurate, especially her tips to tell people not wear sweatpants to the airplane etc. I have seen people in pajamas on 10-hour-long flights, in business class. You pay the premium pretty much just for sleep, so why not making yourself more sleep-ready?

The dressing stuff is certainly not how people dress these days, for sure. I know a lot of wealthy people, and a lot of them are just trying to be comfortable. They don't need to please anyone, eventually. (Well, some also have bad taste, but that's a different question...)

Another thing I have doubts about her is, how much money she actually receives from dating a rich man. I mean, I get a reasonably large allowance from wealthy parents, yet I still can't imagine me afford living that lavishly and going to all fancy places, wearing all design clothes etc. They just cost too much. I definitely agree she tries to paint her life more lavish than it is.

A final remark: I honestly don't think her stuff on "places to meet a rich man" works. And I am speaking as someone who constantly visit those places. Don't do that, it's a waste of time...
I feel like adding more points here:

About fashion: since I have part-time worked in fashion as a hobby, I know a lot about fabrics. I recognize that when she says "silk gets wrinkled easily", she must be talking about silk satin, at a fabric weight about 16mm-19mm--- one of the most commonly available type of silk. This gives aways that she's not familiar with fashion and fabrics, a major part of what she's teaching, she also does not regularly shop at more high-end places.
That is, I know fashion brands that focus more on fabrics would use more exclusive finish of silk so that they don't wrinkle. A lot of them don't even need you steam them to make them perfectly flat. They are beautiful. And Anna certainly has no knowledge of these things.

About budget: I personally have to choose among traveling, fashion and fine dining, with a large allowance. Most of my friends with wealthy parents are in similar situations. If Anna is getting an allowance from a man, it's unlikely she's able to afford all those things. In the beginning, I did get the sense that she was just trying to make some pocket money, as I had to tutor kids of family friends for some pocket money when I was younger. I still don't have evidence that she's purely relying on herself, but it does seem to be her main source of income.

About fine dining: she complains about fine dining/ high end hotel/ airline lounge meal in a way I had felt. Those food are not even as five times better as a usual meal although they might cost fifty times more. But I speak as someone who doesn't spend much on food, and I don't complain about them. Most of my money goes to traveling and fashion, since I am more passionate about them. I don't think she's going to those places as often--- not even as often as I do.

About her "elegant tips": a lot of them reminds me of a wannabe ex-boyfriend. I hide my family background in dating because I don't want to attract the wrong type of attention, and he was trying to pretend that he's having it. For instance, "only go to high-end places", "feeling cringed about cheap fabric", "feeling disgusted about drinking cow milk". This ex had done many things like that, and tried to shame me for thinking about things differently. (Well, I made mistakes dating weird guys when I was a teenager, but I am no longer like that.)

Finally, my relationship advice and wealth and general happiness in life: love is blind. Try not restrain your heart by eliminating someone just because your brain thinks they are not fancy (or of a certain race, background, or any superficial things like that).
Money is a difficult thing: not having enough of it brings serious problems, and having too much of it brings many other problems. Fighting with siblings over inheritance and giving up one's passion to work for family business are just two things I've seen happen. Do not sacrifice your own happiness for money, whether that means to marry someone just for money or to give up your passion to inherit a business.
I feel that the only way leading to true happiness is to follow your heart. Follow your passion for a career, hobbies, and love of your life.
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What do you think, where will Anna travel next?

I have a recommendation for her. Stop traveling and go volunteer in a corona test center, as you "can't get corona because already had it".
Even princess Sofia of Sweden (former Paradise Hotel candidate) is now volunteering in a corona hospital. Wouldn't that be eleghant, Anna?

Even the escorts I know don't travel during corona peaks. But Anna's just there, taking butt treatments..
No sensible responsible person or influencer is traveling right now, period.

Too bad she's too weak from the prison food or we would be treated to another video of platitudes and cliches filmed with the prison background.

5 ways to Elegantly Show Your Ars* on Instagram

Top 3 pajamas To Wear on Fake Business Trips during a Pandemic

Luxury Eye Masks that Even You Broke Losers can Afford
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Anna has a new free style workshop coming up, Anna’s style is very European, recently she’s had a few misses style wise but in Europe like classic almost basic outfits so I do believe she has something to teach in terms of style especially judging by her followers...
She goes to enough middle and upper middle class hotels and events to know what to wear to to luxury restaurants, how to stay elegant in winter etc etc so let’s see what her free workshop is about
About the free style workshop remember: the only free cheese is in the mouse trap...🐭

I also live in Europe. Her style has no character. She wears safe clothes that she can be worn when she reaches 60. Sometimes she puts a nice dress on but you have to try hard to make mistakes if you only wear one piece.
It has granny vibes,boring but sometimes it makes us smile...

I think she sticks to monochrome sets cause she's not good with matching clothes... She also attended a color lesson in order to know the colors that suit her...!? Anyways why take her advice when there are so many inspiring stylish women out there?

It is so easy to fake wealth these days..And lets not forget Anna can go to a nice hotel if she gained €100.000 from her last course! I think the majority of the commenters on this thread have experience with 5* hotels, Michelin restaurants, I would say here are the insiders, Anna is the wannabe...
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Anna Bey: I just want to empower women!

Anna Bey also: No, not women like you. Damn, I feel like I'm doing charity work here!


Funny how I just recently watched a video about the youngest female broker in NYC stock exchange (she's also African-American). She was amazing, telling how she wants more women to have the courage and apply to work there. Talking so nicely about women and men, no word about competition. I mean, what an elegant young lady in her twenties! This is empowering.

Be a good person and have normal manners. Be interested in other people genuinely and not just try to use them or "beat the competition". There's a different path for everyone and even if there are some a-holes in every gender, it's just waste of time to see other people as your enemies. If you want a rich man, you want to find a one who is crazy about you, not be afraid to lose the man to your "competition" (as a little disclaimer: I think leveling up is great, but it's always the best to come from a positive place instead of negative).
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Personally, I think it's pretty typical rich white lady bougie to pay $6k to go to the alps and starve yourself, but the point is to keep it SECRET. Not post it all over the internet and complain nonstop like poseur Anna. One's maid is supposed to reveal one's diet habits after one's DEATH, Anna dear!
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Hey girls, I have been following the drama and it really open-end my eyes. I paid for the 249$ course and it was kind of helpful, even got offered feedback for questions and that was my first inkling that sth was wrong.

I am young and from an extremely wealthy family, and therefore know a lot of "high society people" my parents are self-made and so I simply wanted to get some etiquette and dating tips so as I not get with a man who just wants my money ect. now I would like my money back but the FB group is worth it in terms of entertainment and false encouragement and info alone.

I asked Anna specific questions about dating in high society, where and how to go, if she knew of this and that person... she could not answer ANYTHING she had no idea about that level of people she claims to know so intimately and their way of living, nothing and its obvious to me now even more.

The dressing stuff is totally wrong. My mother wears jeans practically everyday but her jewelry too, doesn't make her less elegant... also Annas cloth are mostly cheap, I am quite knowledgeable about designer clothes and her style is simply SB with a hint of escort. Not elegant or natural at all actually, which is why as a lot of you wrote her partner couldn't take her anywhere business or society related, a sore thumb...

When I was asked for a testimony she later deleted all her messages to me, which I thought was super strange there was nothing incriminating there.

Another time I stayed in a hotel with my family for a week in Koh Samui. Anna went there just two weeks later. But I know she stayed there for a 2-3 day time period only as per her posts. She gave the resort a very low rating... This makes me laugh sooooo hard. It was a 5 star plus resort with a Michelin star restaurant she didn't visit as there were no posts about that. She only ate at the hotels cheapest restaurant for the whole trip and didn't go out as any restaurant around there are very expensive. She booked an influencer package that is available there, I met other influencer type people and there were packages (I asked because they got on my nerves.. taking photos all the time at the pool when you wanted to swim ect. ) there were packages of 12h , 24h, 48h, 72h stays literally for taking photos and pension in the cheapest restaurant. That was obviously what Anna did there.

Then maybe unrelated but sth was weird there, someone once asked her about bisexual woman ect. she was quite aggressive and refused to entertain the notion even.

If I remember more I will write it here :p
When was she in Koh Samui? I admit I had not been following her vacations but don't remember that one.

Well, I understand you may be young but ... (not being harsh but telling you straight) this is your first lesson that money is valuable. For you, $249 may be a drop in the bucket. But the wealthiest people I know are also the most conscientious about wasting money. They do not hesitate to ask for refunds, discounts, or scrutinise what they pay for. In future, hopefully you will be more sensible. If I ever heard of a younger relative of mine throwing away money on an online course by a guru with no credentials I'd give them a right talking to!

I don't buy your reasons for taking the course. How can Anna teach how to spot a man who's after your money? Is she not in fact the gender-reversed version of the artful money hungry social climber?
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Annas students are talking, while actual succesful people are doing things. An elegant woman has her own taste and stands behind her decisions. No need to go to some fb group and ask "if these shoes are eleghääänt". You just go and buy, if you like them. Then you wear them and shine.
Also no need to bash anyone who eats junk food from time to time. This doesn't make a person unelegant. I mean, there's some Lauren A, who has a pic on her Insta where she's praising McDonalds ;)

I still can't believe the crime post existed.. Didn't anyone teach you the advice of every lawyer: Never write anything anywhere that could be used agaist you in court. Many rich people indeed do crime, but they know to shut the fck up!
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I also doubt she attended the finishing school.

we have no proof.
We do. She showed the paper in her story.
A lady in her group I was friends with while in her group attended the same finishing group some years ago. She recognized the interiors of the school and she asked one of the teachers she still has contact with about Anna. Anna wanted to convince the school that it is a "privilege" that she posts and writes about the school, and she is advertising them. But guess what, they didn't want it. In contrary. I am sure this is the reason Anna doesn't write where she got her "diploma" from. They also were not very happy that she posted so many pictures of the school and the pupils. She had to remove some. And they wanted to keep an eye on her in case she repackages the content for online use. I am sure they still do as this is nowadays more than true as because of Corona they think about going online with some of their content. So Anna can't really use much of the content and methods of the finishing school she attended for so much money.
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Chatty Member

This is so funny :ROFLMAO: I really don't wanna hold her past against her for too long because so many people had their dumb moments during their youth but the fact that she tries to sell her past as a cheap partygirl as "moving in affluent circles" I mean... I just can't... 😂
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I don’t believe you speak five languages at all Aija, being able to scammer-beg for a beer in Spanish doesn’t mean you can speak Spanish.

She’s been living in Switzerland for almost two years and still hasn’t learned basic French or German so there’s no way she learned Spanish during a trip to South America.
She can barely string together grammatically corrects sentences in English after all these years.
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She’s been on holiday non stop since like July. Did she get dumped and doesn’t have anywhere to live so she’s just traveling at the moment?
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Got around watching today's stories. She's definitely at this Resort / holiday / Medical Center haha because of the weight she put on when she was on holiday. This unecessary pandemic trip is all about getting the weight off because she has very disordered eating habits.

Her skin looks a mess.

Another thing I noticed is that the media she consumes is all very superficial and not worthy of a high-class woman for example the show Gossip Girl the other show she likes sex in the city, and finally this trashy unrealistic portrayal of the best French city, Emily in Paris. All of these shows are completely superficial and unrealistic just like her!
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Only SHE can stretch one small issue like “oh I don’t feel so great” into one whole drama. Very talented.
Every time she takes a pic in that empty breakfast room I laugh. Guess why she's the only person there?

The rest of us sane people are at home with people who love us.

I have girlfriends all over the world and every one of them is in a city on lockdown.

Only narcissistic losers are travelling during a pandemic. Europe, the UK and America are in crisis. For her to insist on not being home now is suspicious.

Anna's bisexual boyfriend/roommate must have asked that she leave. Or she hates spending time with him.

Poor Aija..her only consolation is staring at her screen as the drips of praise from her adoring minions seeps into her veins through her new iPhone.
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I think Anna cannot have proper relationship or connection with people. She is keep running away places to places Sweden, Ibiza, Italy, UK and so on. Never seen her with friends or family (Her so called best friends are actually his bisexual partner's friend). I am sure if she broke up with her bisexual bf Free Palestina Hadid and Karim won't be hanging out with Aija no more.

It is actually really sad thing. She didn't have proper family (does not know her biological father) in youth so she ran way to have a better life but now she is also completely alone. I think Aija cannot date a decent guy from now on so best deal for her is to keep scamming till you can and date with much younger Greek guy (below Average Joe but has good appearance). I often see middle age women with young Greek guy in Sweden.
Her masculine energy makes me think her ideal partner would be a younger lesbian sugar baby. Anna could spoil her and be adored, what she always wanted. Maybe that's the weird sexual tension she has with Ann Andres lol.

If my prediction is right and Anna ends up with a brunette younger woman in 2021 someone please please tag me!
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Chatty Member
She hasn‘t got any new content, that‘s why travelling is all she can post about. Most likely she‘ll release her new course before Christmas, bulletproof marketing strategy and she‘ll monetize again. We‘ll see where she‘s at in spring and how fast she‘ll reinvent herself again
I second that, she'll launch around Christmas or maybe between Christmas and the New Year. Some young girls got money for Christmas, everyone is bloated from feasting, so many boyfriends failed and haven't gotten their girlfriends a Birkin bag...AGAIN. Time to get rid of the average joes and the average family with their ugly christmas sweaters!!

With the new year approaching it will be the perfect time for her to preach once again "My deeaar eleghant ladies. Now iss the time tooo invvest in yhourself. Make the nuu year YOAR year."
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Or maybe staying for 3 days it’s all you can afford! I just want her to shut her mouth when it comes to COVID, because nobody is buying her “i had it” i had it as well and i am younger, healthier then Aija and I went through fucking hell!
Apparently before COVID she had other health issUeS. Maybe from drinking like nuts for years on yachts and backstage with fat DJ Mykill?
no cure can heal you for 3 days, shut up you roasted potato!
Paying 1300 to eat prison food? I am missing
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Speaking of her ill grammar. It was displeasing, come to find that NONE of her material was proof read by a native English speaker nor a professional editor for ANY of her course materials in her “Secrets of the Elite” program for $1k 😳 She couldn’t even afford to pay someone a couple hundred dollars to edit and proof read her materials that many ladies of the program printed out. Just shows how cheap she really is and more of what a scam she sold to so many. Proper English in any business especially written material that native English speakers buy is so important. It is a subtle way of showing the credibility of the company too. I mean if you read an email that was not proof read at all you would think that person was not credible and super illiterate and that detail really doesn’t matter to them. As much as she teaches that it’s all in the detail that matters, her lack of action speaks louder than what she preaches.
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There is no sisterhood in cold hard cash.

it’s business only.
She doesn’t care about you.

Not everyone hates Anna as a woman I can’t respect her sinister intentions and money grabbing efforts with her followers but I do believe she wanted to create a sisterhood and social circle to begin with, I do believe she had pure intentions to begin with.
Anna hasn’t got many friends and I can believe she initially wanted a sisterhood but too many starters and randoms joined in and she just couldn’t resist turning it into a money making scheme
I don’t hate Anna I take what she says as entertainment there are no other people frequently discussing high society, level up, Hypergamy all on one social media channel in the “interactive” way Anna does.

how many hundreds of women have to dm you, shall I text him back? What shall I wear to a ski trip? Where shall I vacation on summer on a budget? Before you monetise off it, every single other jet set babe does it, just not to the level Anna takes it
I don’t believe this at all.
It’s somehow easy for all to forget the only constant in her story. She’s an internet marketer. That has been for over a decade. Circa the time she started her FB group FB groups in general were taking off. Personally I think she started the group so she can watch her target audience more closely PLUS gather info from them PLUS try and get closer to them. On a blog you can’t make good persona research. She would have know this when she started the group. Plus around 2016 and earlier bloggers were all rushing to YT and IG and FB to break through. Also don’t forget as internet marketer she be watching blog stats like a hawk and viewing all this in terms of stats and clicks.. where were you before you read her blog, where did you go when you left the blog. If she closed her blog to focus on the FB it’s 100% because her time profit effort ratio was in favor of her moving to FB. Not genuine anything for community sisterhood etc.

I don’t believe she genuinely wanted ANYTHING other than to take her marketing abilities and apply it to her favourite topic to create an income stream so she don’t have to work anymore. And that’s all. She don’t give a damn about the so called “elite lifestyle”. She’s just a content marketer and trying to monetise her niche. That’s why nothing adds up to a “real person”... and the “real people” whom she trying to “appear to be” see her as a fake. But she don’t care so long as her targets perceive her as legit.
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I feel back then she actually did have controversial content, but now, there's simply
nothing controversial she talks about anymore! SO why would she keep saying that it is?

And is it just me or does anyone else think that her change is also reflected in her choice of clothes and general looks?
She never fully got it right but in my opinion she looked 1000 x better wearing black than lilac, turquoise or yellow.
Actually if I look at her old videos, black suited her very well and made her look sexy too. Also I liked the way she styled her hair, but what's that now? I really don't recognise her, she should just forget whatever they taught her at that image course and go back to before.

If that Jetset babe blog was still running and being updated, Id actually be willing to pay a monthly subscription fee, I found some stuff on there was juicy gossip nowhere else to be found.

She should recognise that her niche, and the reason why many of us started following her actually this inside knowledge.

She was also very likeable few years ago, and I don't even think she pretended to date someone ultra rich, rather to date someone well off. And honestly I don't care If her boyfriend is rich or not. But I feel like that London lifestyle suited her better, whatever she was doing there, than the stressed business woman one she has now. She was just providing insider knowledge. Only after all these big newspapers gave her so much attention she probably felt like she had to portray this person was actually a billionaire or whatever.

I have to admit, I miss this type of actual controversial content packed with real sassy information and food for thought. 😝😝
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