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NO! Russian ladies are not eleganth enough!

She also says "no SheRaSeven girls" and "no ratchet girls" - that's rich (no pun intended) coming from you. SheRaSeven1 might have some tricks in common with Anna but at least she IS married, DOES show her followers her home and the things she claims she has, and is honest that she's middle class
Ah, I did wonder what she said, now I see it’s the name of a black youtuber. So this is her roundabout way of saying she doesn’t want black women in the group then because “ratchet” women lower the vibe. She’s pretty confident to say she doesn’t want Russian women (I’m guessing any Eastern Euros too by knock on) so what’s the hold up with just being outright racist Anna? You clearly talk like that behind closed doors.

People like this disgust me. It really makes me think that the racist fb message is actually true now.
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So much facepalm. The type of questions in that forum seems to come from a template of "is xxxx elegant?"
Ladies, we peasants on internet forums can't afford the top secret, super exclusive sex module in her Secrets of the Elite Woman course. But a scandalous source has leaked it to me for free because I elegantly smized at them :)

Module X -- Secret Module on Elite Sex Secrets of High Society Women! Feminine Sexual Energy Masterclass by Anna Bey.

1. Are blowjobs elegant? An elegant, high caliber woman's dissertation on fellatio

2. Sex positions that ensure you don't slouch

3. How to not make any noise

4. The ultimate guide to laying on your back, smizing and not moving the entire time.

5. How to ask him for money and gifts during the act whilst making sure he still thinks you're an elegant lady

6. How to smize your way from the hotel lobby into his bed and therefore his wallet for one night very super elegantly


Gossip Räty 🐭
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I’m also not happy that she seems to have become so exclusive that she won’t even answer questions or emails from her students. Which makes her course more of a rip off. I have other courses that I’ve bought from these type of “gurus” as some of you have called them. Most actually do have credentials and do amazing work that help people, but they are also always open to answering their students (ie, my) questions, ALWAYS. You cannot have a 1k course and not engage with your students. That is complete BS and a rip off. I can talk so much more about this, but I wanted to wait to contribute to this thread, since I didn’t see an opening to do so earlier.
Her attitude and the way she talked about the women in her SOA Facebook group in the leaked video is so telling of the way she treats her students. She was acting so snobby and uppity as if she is just so successful and superior and the "normal/basic/ratchet" girls are so beneath her. It's a stark contrast to her cringeworthy, saccharine sweet "welcome my dear elegant ladies" act she puts on when it's time to sell and attract new customers. She's highly discriminatory in who she actually treats with basic respect but she'll gladly take literally anyone's money.

Also, thank you for sharing your story. And if you have more to say, please feel free to let it all out here. We're all happy to read it! ❤
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I'm so glad I found this place. I discovered Anna Bey a few weeks ago and I am OBSESSED and fascinated. The glamorous grandma looks, the bonkers "high society" advice, I just can't look away. I've read all 33 pages of this thread, but the next step in my Deep Dive is to go back and read the backlog. 😂

I always wondered how much she didn't/didn't believe what she's selling, but looking through some of the posts from her old Jet Set Babe blog (thank you to the kind angel who saved those screenshots btw), it seems she's not as dumb as she pretends to be? Like in one of them she openly admits that you're unlikely to find a husband on the "Jet Set" scene and that if you do it will probably be a miserable marriage where he cheats on you. The overall tone of her old blog in general is a lot more honest than the advice she's currently giving, which seems to mostly be:
1. Level Up (aka lose weight and get plastic surgery.)
2. Hang out in hotel lobbies.
3. Profit

I'm also fascinated by how obsessed she is with hotels in general. So many of her travel posts are obsessed with the fact that she's in a 5 Star Hotel but for normal people the actual hotel isn't supposed to be the focal point of the visit? I get it if it's an all-inclusive beach resort, but I'm not convinced that eating a pastry in bed in a fancy hotel is that much more exciting than doing it at home.

Upon initially watching her videos I thought she was a strange creature who genuinely believed in a fantasy world in which Affluent Women Never Wear Jeans (lol), but the contrast between her current content and her old blog posts now has me convinced that her entire persona is completely calculated. Either way I'm finding it all deeply entertaining.
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Wow there have been so many threads in such a short period of time!
I have followed Anna for years: back when she was anonymously posting the JSB blog.
Initially I really liked her content but after a while realised she had no idea what she was talking about and it is the same topics again and again.

She comes across as extremely vapid. What on earth does she talk about with her friends apart from appearance and “elegant” fashion? She says she loves horse riding but she never talks about it.

I imagine her sitting at the beach in Greece spending her time staring judging others and feeling superior. Who cares if they want to run around and eat with their hands and smoke? They are having far more fun than you. Also, they spent maximum 5 minutes thinking about you.
Her videos “5 things elegant women don’t do” or whatever.

Her Facebook group is just filled with women feeling superior to their friends and others because they use law of attraction or watched a 7mins video on how to hold a champagne glass. Get over yourselves.

As someone who is actually friends and socialised with English society I can promise that attitude is so offputting. The only people making such bigoted remarks are the insecure ones.
I’ve attended formal events and had drunken nights with the children of very established English families and we have ended up at one of their apartments drinking £5 Tesco cooking wine eating dominos pizza.
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WTF does she mean, "no makeup"?!
She's said time and again that the stuff is TATTOOED on her face. No s*** you don't have to wear any... it's PERMANENT. But, she knows this is a misrepresentation of the truth (and so are her eyelash extensions that are already tinted -- not to mention the plastic surgery and Botox among the cocktail of unfortunate edits), and says it to the 13 year-olds who follow her anyway, helping them work their way towards body dysmorphia. Disgusting.
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Chatty Member
Does anyone here remember her showing/bragging about her future office she was supposedly moving to? She showed a floor plan of an extremely large office space, obviously fake and made to give the perception of her being successful enough to having to expand her “team” and their workspace.
Has she ever mentioned this again? Or was it only smoke and mirrors like the rest of her antics ?
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I cannot get over this contradicting snake in her latest video. Yes Anna, thank you for once again reminding us you’re not an elegant lady:

-“Elegant ladies never give unsolicited opinions”, yet she blogged from 2012-2019 about her unsolicited opinions on her jetsetbabes and elegant ladies. To this day makes videos and stories giving unsolicited opinions and uneducated advice.

-“Elegant ladies never get into taboo subjects”, yet last year she said that her teachings became an overnight success because she talked about “taboo” subjects 🙄

-Elegant ladies never touch money related subjects”, yet she tells viewers to download free shitsheet on where to meet wealthy men, talks about how to secure the bag, preaches how men always pay, promotes having a provider, suggests students to use seeking arrangements, and the list goes on..

-“Elegant ladies never talk about sex”, yet someone posted here how she was previously blogging about sex advice, blogged about sugar babies, and talks about sex being transactional for money in the cosmopolitan article. (And this coming from her mouth as a previous escort).

-“Elegant ladies never brag”, yet she is buying luxury brands with her students money and tagging the brands in every Instagram picture, videoing her 5 star resorts and breakfast spreads that could feed a family of 5, makes videos about materialistic items, says she will make videos from high street stores because many of her students can’t afford what she wears, and so much more.

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In Anna ´s affluent stories is a huge part missing out and for me the proof that she is just a wanna be.... When you are in a certain circle in society you have to entertain. It is not an option. It is vital. You are invited and you invite back. It is the wife ´s business to organize everything around this. I remember a story where Anna shopped Zalto and Villeroy& Boch glasses, Robbe Berkling cutlery etc. That moment I thought, Finally she will show her table and her entertaining skills, but no. Nothing. She could show her table settings or her menu etc without posting who and where. But I guess her Zalto glasses are living a bored life in her dusty cupboard.
Going to Hermes and other brand events is rather something for the Ladies and those who work in the Blogger/Fashion/PR and Influencer world. But even this would be good for Anna - if she would attend.
Being on board of museums, theaters, libraries, historical societies, other charities, bonus if you have your own charity, etc. is the networking stage for the upper class. The husband ´s or your family ´s name and money are the ticket but it is you who has to work it.
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"Louis Vuitton Neverfull... Will I ever never see it?"

My feels when I see Aija wearing caps.
Am I alone here or are baseball caps the least elegant headwear? I associate them with American casual style. The only thing worse would be the Chanel beanie. Which by the way we haven't seen since the infamous video. Her winter style so far has been atrocious. I know many Swedish women who are much more stylish. I guess the milkmaid wears fashion suited to her farm. She must be longing for Mother Russia 😂
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I do think this video was one of the best things she put out on social media it had a HUGE social media response and people even went to the original video and stood up for Anna, hundreds of comments like that
Anna's add-on video to Cynthia Nixon's viral video was pure opportunistic trash. Sorry but Anna doesn't remotely care about the 50/50 issue from a feminist or female empowerment perspective. She's angry because she had to drop everything the moment she found out Cynthia Nixon's video was going viral, get into makeup, hair and costume, make a video, edit it and upload it all before the virality ends and she is unable to partake in the praise and fame of it all. In her mind, I honestly think she fully assumed her video would be mentioned all over the internet along with Nixon's, and that Nixon herself would repost her (Anna's) video and it was going to be all #girlboss moments and more money and fans in Anna's pocket. Instead the video was deleted and her attempted 'going viral' venture was nipped in the bud.

Her tantrum all over social media was pathetic, and I was genuinely astounded by the level of entitlement. So Anna can piggyback off of The Pink Pill's content and audience without ever giving even a mention of her name, and charge women $1000 for a course in which she refuses to allow them to even message her directly or create their own cliques without being banned -- but she's mad at Cynthia Nixon for taking down her little piggybacking attempt because how dare she go against girl power? Laughable.

Also, as the wonderful @TransientLurk already stated, Anna's entire argument that all women shouldn't ever pay because we bear the burden of childbirth and domestic duties doesn't actually make sense in her own case. She's mentioned that in her mid thirties, she's still unsure whether she'll ever have children, and she's stated herself that she hires a cleaner because she's "too busy", and was looking for a chef so she could have home-made meals. She literally does only the same thing as her "partner", which is work full time, yet somehow he's still 100% responsible for every expense plus lavish gifts and holidays on top of that because Anna's working too hard contributing her "feminine energy". It doesn't add up. And as we've seen from the leaked information over the threads -- in her real life, her fictitious millionaire partner is actually closer to an average joe, and Anna's paying for the clothes, holidays, treatments and gifts herself...with her scammed student's money. Again, so empowering. So much sisterhood.

Seems like we have a sudden influx of anna’s minions on this forum defending her.

Soon we’ll be getting “is breathing elegant” questions from them
Agreed. Some are okay at hiding it for 1-2 posts but then it just becomes painfully obvious.
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And is it just me or does anyone else think that her change is also reflected in her choice of clothes and general looks?
She never fully got it right but in my opinion she looked 1000 x better wearing black than lilac, turquoise or yellow.
Actually if I look at her old videos, black suited her very well and made her look sexy too. Also I liked the way she styled her hair, but what's that now? I really don't recognise her, she should just forget whatever they taught her at that image course and go back to before.
When Anna took her image consultant course, she thinks she cracked some elegance code - she literally says in a number of videos "all i wore is black before, all the time, but NOW i know that yellow, pastel blues look great on me! COOL colours especially!" and I just shook my head and thought - NO it makes you look old and boring. Definitely not her colours, it doesn't make her SPARK. I agree, in some of the black outfits she looked hot. It's actually crazy how much she's aged in TWO YEARS! 2018 she looks so much better!
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Gingersnap 29

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Laydeeeehs it's me anna. Stop complhaining that I vacation frequently durhing pandemic. I alrheady had the covid so I am immune for life. It's eleghhhhant to flaunt your privilege while everyone else dies and rots away in quarantine. See you in my next video, where the content is the only thing I recycle!
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It annoys me so much. All she’s done is complain and complain about how this year it’s stopped her from being able to go on holiday, yet she’s pretty much been continuously away since the beginning of summer. I can’t cope with her selfish bitchy behaviour anymore.

You don’t need to go abroad constantly in the middle of a pandemic. A lot of rich people are having luxury staycations, or have been away once or twice, but I think this is maybe 5+ holidays now?? For the amount she goes on about elegance, it’s pretty tacky and awful behaviour frankly.
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