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Want a sure fire way to tell someone has not only mo understanding of class, but also possesses a zero ounce of class? They use the word class as a descriptor, be it for others and/or for themselves. Seriously, nothing makes me cringe harder than someone using the word classy, more so as the person using it, is not. This applies to the word elite too. To my mind, the obsession Anna has with the words classy, classy and elite are definite signifiers that she used to be an escort, and mean a very specific thing in that world. Outside of that sphere, not so much, and to many, it's just being vulgar and dare I say it, classless.

Genuinely classy people do not conduct themselves in the way Anna does, nor do they sneer at others.
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Why Anna Bey Isn’t a Millionairess, Abridged

I am not a millionairess or rubbing shoulders with obviously rich people. I am a college student in the agriculture industry in the US, and exposing myself to people offline has helped me learn the difference between rich personalities vs. wannabe rich personalities.

Anna Bey is not a millionairess/millionaire’s wife or sharing her “secrets” out of altruism or charity. If she was, you wouldn’t have to pay hundreds to thousands of dollars since this would be a love of hers.
It has been established that:
  1. Anna is a crook that lies about her social status and preys on insecure and unsuspecting women by providing them misleading and dangerous information about “leveling up” while selling $2 worth of information for $2k. Anna is not an accredited elegant coach, plus her “teachings” can be found online for free in depth or by learning from people who have nothing to gain from you.
  2. Anna is lazy. Anna doesn’t exercise or show creativity in her content. For someone who’s out and about constantly, it’s weird Anna doesn’t share an exercise routine or health gym she visits.
  3. D8FD58D2-59ED-4A5B-9A94-F52B87276C51.jpeg
    Anna Bey is always online, living through her past, other’s lives and her delusion of affluence
    If she was affluent, her online presence would be managed by staff and specialists.
  4. C6F4BD5A-064D-471F-AE8F-F8D2B332BCFA.jpeg
    Anna Bey IS NOT affluent
    . The definition of affluence is having a great deal of money; wealthy. The biggest indicators for Anna Bey being non-affluent are the lack of relaxation or busyness in her own community, forced, awkward behavior and lack of community. Even if Anna was a hermit, she would still be interacting with non-Instagram people offline.
    Do not let the designer tags or name dropping fool you, anyone can present high fashion items. Anna illustrates odd behavior for a well to do woman, such as not matching clothing, rotating past season clothing and traveling cheaply, plus carrying high priced bags in casual outings. There is much more affluence in the world than “stylish” wealth. Anna’s perspective is archaic and classist.
  5. Anna is very [unusually] distant from her husband. At most, if she was an authentic millionaire’s wife, she could have blurred his face out or been discreet in discussing him. At least, if she was a real millionaire wife, she wouldn’t tag him in every picture they were involved in since that may appear inappropriate to his employer or clients. If you’re married, why do you need to tag him like a friend?
  6. 0DDFFDB5-EFBB-4CEE-BF93-C5D357B19650.jpeg
    Anna doesn’t have the capital a millionaire’s wife would have for shopping, personal maintenance, A CAR!!!, and traveling.
    Let’s be clear that 7 figures range from 1 million to 9.9 million. A high net worth lady wouldn’t risk damaging her skin by going “off network” to estheticians or spas that aren’t her regular haunts. Also, we would know her usual shopping places instead of “online shopping” sites. Even though Anna claims to be helping her followers on a budget, she cycles through fast fashion as fast as them. That means she doesn’t have access to places a millionaire’s wife should. Importantly, it’s unusual for a well traveled woman to have to walk, carpool or pay for transportation in her neighborhood.
  7. A2DAF522-A8AF-4806-8B8A-3F45C8EB2ADA.jpeg
    Anna does not look like a “taken care of” wife.
    If you look past the blonde hair, fillers and designer clothes, you’ll see haggard limp hair, designer clothes that look poor quality or very nice, but not tailored, and a lack of embellishments a vibrant woman would have. Observe Anna’s lack of timeless jewelry, hair care plans, invasive skincare plans without plans for healing, and poor fashion sense. You needn’t be rich for a personal stylist, observing styles in your community or accessing Pinterest + fashion magazines.
    Yes, I uploaded the same picture twice! This situation would be a minor inconvenience to an affluent wife!!
  8. B8582616-AD61-4AA3-9064-FC10C64E254C.jpeg
    Anna is a vagabond in her own/other countries
    . When showing and discussing her travels, Anna only shows the hotel-shopping area-restaurant-trip back and visits the haute destinations just because she heard it was luxurious. She takes the least efficient way of traveling since it’s the most affordable, and she doesn’t stay at destinations long. Her travel advice is extremely one sided and insulting towards the citizens of the country she’s visiting. For a woman with a high net worth and social standing, it is unwise and dangerous to suggest tourists dress like citizens due to an unknown environment.
  9. 5BB4244E-9450-4D01-B036-C3AC7324D813.jpeg
    The details don’t add up.
    Anna shows off high priced bags but her clothes don’t match her undertones or her body type. She claims to have an upscale, fabulous life but she lacks personal transportation, propriety, tact, identifiable accolades and education.
    This is tacky and unsanitary.
    She presents herself as a well rounded, elegant woman but doesn’t know the language of her new home or have a name in social outings. Anna lacks situational awareness in displaying her possessions for her personal safety for the SAKE of looking expensive when she claims to be a millionaire’s wife.
  • Do as I say, not as I do. All of the ladies discussing Anna Bey have shared that she repeats the same information about etiquette, elegance, high society, not spilling your life online and affluence. Ask yourself, “Why does Anna always take pictures outside of classy spaces? Why does Anna visit hot travel destinations and restaurants when they are empty?”
    Yes, I uploaded this one twice as well.
This is different from visiting areas when they’re less busy if you’re anxious since the hottest spots in their peak season have less busy times as well. If you’re living the high life, why would tourists visiting the same destination when you’re at your holiday home or penthouse impact you?
  • 5FC23F4B-E414-4020-9C55-137C6005BC8B.jpeg
    Anna isn’t a millionairess due
    to the fact her wardrobe and self care ranges from very cheap to very expensive. This is odd for a high status woman because her collection is inconsistent, updates at the end of season or when past seasons go on sale, and has statement pieces without complementing pieces. Forest ranger garb or a frumpy First Lady outfit don’t match a Chanella or Hermessa. I appreciate a bargain as much as the next person, but a millionaire’s wife shouldn’t be tied to such a rigid budget.
  • 6EB14060-84FC-429B-BCE6-F8FA033E9C45.jpeg
    Again, her actions don’t match her words.
    Anna claims to be respectful to everyone but she shuns public figures and others minding their business because they aren’t as elegant as she thinks they should be.
  • FC3F4C12-1CD7-4587-AA94-CF34CC39821F.jpeg
    For a millionairess, her lifestyle is very risky and nutrient deficient
    . Anna lacks vegetables and fresh fruit in her dining and fridge pictures, finishes wine in 1 sitting and has no visible sun protection. From observing her Instagram and pictures posted in the threads, the consensus is: Anna’s extremely cheap with her health by her drinking habits and jumping place to place with diets and detoxes without recommendations from a licensed nutritionist, sedentary, and easily swayed by “hot” trends if it means she’ll be the first to let her followers in on it.
  • For an expert stylist, her outfits are
    hot messes
    Anna says she’s an hourglass shape when it’s obvious her shoulders are too strong, her hips & bust are flush, and waist is invisible. The consensus about her outfits is they aren’t for her body type, not for her face shape, wrong undertone, too old or young looking, too small, inappropriate for weather or season, doesn’t match shoes or jewelry, poor quality or cheap looking and crass/tacky for an affluent, elegant woman.
    She chooses her clothing and jewelry based on the prestige & perceived price tag instead of functionality and comfort.
  • For a supposedly wise affluent wife, Anna Bey spends unwisely and recklessly on material items instead of further education or personal development. A respectable woman would never peddle her hobby as real education.
If Anna Bey was a millionaire’s wife/millionairess, SHE WOULD HAVE NOTHING TO PROVE!!! If Anna was a millionairess, she’d carry a “cheap, tacky” Michael Kors, plain leather bag or gaudy Louis Vuitton like no one’s business! What non-elegant people do has no bearing on a millionairess! For someone who over analyzes high society’s details, Anna would be aware of what’s hot or not and timeless, not discovering habits at the same time as her followers. Hell no are ALL or even some wealthy presenting themselves as put together or stylish!

The “wealthy” aren’t judging what angle you hold your food or cup, as long as you aren’t culturally inappropriate; even then the “wealthy” or rich aren’t a monolith. Anna Bey is bleeding her and your pockets by selling you an unrealistic, plastic and vapid lie of what “high society” is.

I won’t show any grace towards scammers.

Banana’s deleting posts now!!
From this morning, May 17th:

From this afternoon:
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No mention of it on her Instagram, despite having lived in London and talking about her love for London culture.
Because she is the ultimate forever tourist, no matter where she lives. Is not related to your outfits but being able to join local activities and being respectful of other people's cultures. I would say she is probably also a tourist in Sweden.

As an immigrant myself, there is nothing wrong with you or your family being immigrants, is just the lack of efforts.

Anna's interests about London were:
  • Cheap touristy theater show ✅

  • Somehow getting into some random Royal Opera House play (no mentions of which one, director's, etc) ✅

  • Cheap or freeby laser treatment (that she cannot pay for in Geneva :sneaky:) ✅ ✅

  • Taking MORE PICTURES. AGAIN. In the front of someone else's house! ✅ ✅

  • Return back to Geneva before any major coronation celebration ✅ ✅ ✅
I think the lack of Anna wearing new cool outfits goes back to a severe mental contradiction she has. As her budget is low, it may be impossible to go to Harrords and buy a brand new closet from the new collections. But she rather try to create outfits with her random "Hermessas" rather than going out with a brand new Michael Kors bag :)

Btw, do you know who likes to wear Michael Kors? Melinda Gates and her daughter:


I will be waiting here the next Tattle Conference of Anna going to Harrords to splurge thousands of pounds after the long weekend of festive Great Britain welcoming their new King

Or at least an attempt to show respect and some brand new random luxury purchase? Try harder Anna, try harder!!!

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What in the world is this tacky furniture cheap champagne fueled nightmare about?

I wonder what is she covering / hiding with that horrendous division thingy.
Even before discovering tattle, it always catch my attention the fact that every “room” she shows us is a small staged combination of furniture. If you see an actual rich person on YouTube or social media, they always show the full picture. You can tell they’re not showing just a small corner that is decorated for the purposes of the video or picture. The camera pans, follows them on the room, they go In multiple directions to show depth… Banana just stays still, or barely moves. It’s so suspicious, I wonder how her followers don’t find it strange.

Hey, Anna! I’m looking for decorating my house as an ehlegant lady. Please give us a house tour!! We can’t wait to absorb all of your ahfluence and see the work many architectures and designers have for in your place!! (No need to show the exterior of where you live - for security reasons, as you’re such an important lady, obviously 🙄)
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And her husband is nowhere to be found - Banana should really reconsider the situation. We're not fooled by her husband mentions.
We're almost half way through the year and we haven't seen Joe yet (this year). I think it would be safe to assume that they're divorced if she maintains the status quo for a few more months. Her followers may be lapping up everything she says but we're not stupid. Her behavior is becoming weirder and weirder and there must be a reason for it.
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P.S.: anyone who wants to visit a great exhibition in London atm, there are Beyond the Streets at Saatchi gallery and Style & Society: Dressing the Georgians at the Queen's gallery. Both are amazingly documented and curated
I think that all Londoner Tattlers can confirm that Anna keeps behaving as a mixture of an escort + a tourist all the time. You can't even tell that she actually lived here for a few years.

The same applies for her Geneva experience tho, as she is soooo into this "elegance" BS, keeps missing the very ways of enjoying any local culture.
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I fervently believe that everyone has the right to dress as they want, but it saddens me a little that she is urging other women to dress like grandmothers.
I used to feel sorry for her followers but not anymore. Anyone who follows Anna Bey deserves what they get. Even the blind would see by now that she's no elegant stylist and that she is in fact clueless. In fashion. In money. In life. If someone still follows her advice after all the evidence proving that she's a clueless scam, then like I said; they deserve what they get.
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I think this is the point jadakizz wanted to point out: the contradiction in Anna's claims to be worldly, part of some secret high society, and obsessed with the royals, yet, as you pointed out, she probably couldn't even afford the expensive hotel fees. Obviously locals in major hubs usually don't do touristy things, but Anna makes a living selling a certain image and lifestyle to people who don't live in these places. I think it's normal for people to expect some content or at least a comment from her.

It would be a non-issue if she had been consistent and only skipped this one event. It becomes another data point that proves her contradictions given her pattern of always skipping major events, travelling off-season, having clothes with tags on in her videos, etc.

No, I understood, but that's not even the issue.

The real issue is that despite trying to reinvent herself, Anna is at her core a jet-set babe. She's interested in money. And not just money, but conspicuous signs of wealth. She's really quite American in the respect that she equates money with social class. She doesn't understand the nuances between old money and new money, or between British royalty/aristocracy, European royalty/aristocracy and Middle Eastern royalty. It's her lack of knowledge and confusion about all these things that means she doesn't really comment on them unless she feels she has to. Take her recent video about Harry, Duke of Sussex. Given how much press there has been written about it, she just had to pick through various articles to put together her own video. However, for most things, she can't so this, hence all the recycled content and non-content.

The problem is Anna has started on a path that she can't stay on because she doesn't have the financial means, social connections or even the nous to reinvent herself (yet again) to produce something more authentic to who she is.

The bottom line is she is only interested in money and rich men, as are her subscribers. So there is little thought, care or attention to anything she posts outside of this topic.
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The event looks like a very crowded one. Are there any Tattle Agents in Geneva who could find out if it was an invite-only VIP event or an event where one could sign up to attend? And is it really customary to drag one's dog to everything? If it was a shopping event, wouldn't one rather take the husband? (especially as the store might have some menswear...perhaps they do dogwear too?)
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Anna, the motivational expert:

View attachment 2168181View attachment 2168180View attachment 2168179

Terribly elegant of her to quote herself.
Fixed! This must’ve been post-boozy session. I was struggling digesting this as a native English speaker. A tragically, ehleghant woman like yourself, Anna, should be able to afford a proofreading subscription so you don’t shoot yourself or your follower’s in the foot with wordiness. Price shouldn’t be a constraint for a millionairess like yourself if a pleb can find one affordably or for free!!
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Anna: “the secret to my skin”…
Me: adds it to the “brands to avoid” list.

I know it’s probably not a horrible brand, but since Anna likes overpriced things just for the sake of appearances and trying to look aHfluent for using/having them, I’ll pass. 😁
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Chatty Member
Whoever her "Valentine's date" was - a smartphone on the table while dining? So not elegant!

I think she has no clue about her brand right now. First it's affluence and millionaires, then scaling back to elegance and ditching the SOA brand, a bit of life coach bla bla, suddenly she's a stylist and style coach but there's no content about fashion for a while now?
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It may be obvious to you, but for example in China it is normal to chew with your mouth open, and I know of other countries where it is also normal. They are "mistakes" or customs that many immigrants make when emigrants from these countries do without knowing that we find it horrible.
Valid point.

But she was born, raised, and has spent the vast majority of her adult years in Europe. Is she just now discovering basic Western dining etiquette in her late 30s?
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10 Flat Shoes Eleghunt Ladies NEVER Wear!

Are you a masochist? Or do you just need something to send you to sleep? Then you've clicked on the right video! If you just can't find that perfect eleghunt shoe that doesn't have a 10-inch heel, Anna's got some tips for you! Remember, recycling is good for the environment.

1. "Dad sandals" - she admits they're comfortable, but who cares? What's far more important is that men don't like them! Totes not staged appearance from Teddy to bring in views; he just happened to wander into the shot, honest! Anna suggests you instead wear a block-heel slingback. She shows off an example from Zara, but she's cut off the ankle strap to "open up the foot." Why not just buy a shoe without it?

2. "Chain detailing" - Anna thinks it looks cheap, and demonstrates by cutting the chain off the shoe. She suggests ballet flats with bow decoration instead. Again, why not buy a shoe you actually like, rather than just chopping bits off?

3. "Chunky slides" - Anna's least favourite examples are those that come with huge plastic chains; or chunky plastic flipflops. She says the latter should be worn only for cleaning, and shows a horribly done edit of her head superimposed on a woman mopping the floor. So what should you wear instead? Buy these $725 Aquazzura sparkly flats!

4. "Gladiator sandals" - She says "is this a shoe for bondage or something else?" complete with spanking sound effects. What's wrong with them? You guessed it? CUT OFF THE LEG and cause PANCAKE FOOT. Projecting like an IMAX as always, she assumes everyone's feet are just as flat and wide as hers. Instead, wear Hermes Oran sandals or a Zara knock-off, Zara is back in favour this week

Plug for The Eleghunt Stylist. Quote: "I really wanna learn you the tools and the mindset"

5. "Bad animal print" - she can't quite articulate why she doesn't like this, but settles for saying it looks "too artificial." Well quite, Anna. Even in Russia where animal pelts are de rigueur, you usually see ladies in a mink coat, not real leopardskin sandals. She advises plain loafers instead. OK, but that achieves the complete opposite of the look you're going for

6. "Fisherman sandals" or as she calls them "man-repeller shoes." She admits that attracting men is not the be-all and end-all of life; but basically says that if you're a woman, it is your duty to make sure men find your shoes pleasing. Instead of these MAN-REPELLERS, wear sandals with simple ankle straps. Anna still hates ankle straps but admits they are useful for actually keeping the shoe on your foot.

7. "Running shoes", which should be worn for the gym or sports. They are TOTALLY DIFFERENT from sneakers, which are for looking classy. She recommends you buy her favourite Gucci sneakers. Or if you're a Poor, try a plain white, very boring, Superga platform sneaker. You'll be relieved to know Anna says it is OK to wear sneakers with a dress or skirt.

8. "'Yeezy'-style sliders" - she fails to pronounce Yeezy about six times and then cuts herself off for swearing. LOL! She thinks these shoes are what an alien would wear, again illustrated with a very childish photo edit. Anna suggests you wear a perforated woven leather ballet flat, which even she admits can make you look "a little bit like a grandma." My grandmother is 84 years of age and a loyal Daily Express reader. Even she would throw these in the bin!

9. "Closed toe clogs" - the "sister" of the dread Birkenstock. Instead, wear these $850 Gucci mules. Anna has so kindly put these undisclosed affiliate links in the description so you, too, can buy them!

10. "Retro flat shoes" - A pair of rather tacky loafers that Anna thinks Michael Jackson would have worn. Instead, go for ballet flats. Again!

She says her next video will also be about shoes. Which means it won't, and we can finally have a break.

What have we learned from this video? Nothing that wasn't in the many many different versions of it she's released before. Although maybe she could make a little extra cash as a domme, and whip people whilst yelling "HOW MANY TIMES MUST I TELL YOU NOT TO WEAR GLADIATOR SANDALS? PANCAKE FOOT! PANCAKE FOOT! CUT OFF THE LEG!"
Is it just me or she cannot pronounce the word 'accessories'??? Assessories? WTF? I am a foreigner but for the love of Christ? Fashion expert that cannot pronounce the basic fashion related words!
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But speaking of Average Joe - I find it mindblowing that Aija's fans don't regularly question the lack of his presence. Even indirect presence - Aija didn't even mention anything about him and the Valentine's day. Sure, she bought herself flowers and posted pics from the escort dinner date. All that to imply she was there with her husband. But I mean, isn't this extremely strange? It's a clear confirmation they don't live together and probably don't feature in each other's lives much. She fails to even fake their marriage - because a normal person would SAY something more conrete about her husband and keep him more in the picture so to speak. Aija just posts a cold picture of the flowers and some dinner pictures assuming that'll be enough for her fans. But are her fans really so naive? They've been married (if they still are) for over two years - that must be the strangest marriage on social media. :ROFLMAO:
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