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She gives the blatantly obvious advice of not baring all in a church.
Blatantly obvious for everyone but Anna :sneaky: Tattle does not forget. I do not have the willpower to go search for that thread but I am sure we have discussed she went to a church while on "holiday" with a cleavage free silky dress which screamed inappropriate.

As Anna is always (always) trying to catch-up Tattle's advice for her videos, so...there she is. I wonder how will she dress the next time they go to Catholic Mass with Avarage Joe (!)

OH NO, they never go to to Catholic Mass, right? Sunday's are the day to walk-out the dog with the Chanella in the woods.

Super Jacob's video - I actually watched the one Jacob linked (forgot the name of the influencer sorry) that made a video ranting about Anna using videos of her without tagging. It's honestly embarrassing. She uses the content of REAL affluent individuals without giving proper credit.

The awful stock images are just another sign of Anna being broke AF, there are A LOT of high quality stock images. You can even hire companies to create your own stock material. But nah, she relies on free stock images.
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Screenshots from the new video (many thanks to @witchofwestbyfleet for another wonderful summary)!

Adding my thoughts to the upthread summary: BOOORRRRINGG.
Complete with Pretty Woman clips and horrid stock photos, the pioneer mastermind known as Anna Bey teaches us the art of saying so much without saying anything at all, also known as eleghance. (Oh, that wasn't what the video was about? Could've fooled me.)

I actually don't hate what Anna's wearing today; I quite like that color on her. However, I'm not a fan of how the blazer drapes on her body - and who pushes up the sleeves on their blazer?
Her hair still looks awful. No shocker there.

About what to wear:
Anna says to wear clothes that represents the brand. That's not the customer's job, that's the associate's job.
Anna says to not wear "afhfleeleizure" in a designer store. I'll just leave that there.
Also, don't wear anything too skimpy or attention-grabbing unless you're a flamboyant elegant lady. Doesn't that negate what you said? Anywho...

I'm just going to say this: when your "advise" is to be like Julia Roberts (in Pretty Woman), honey, you're in trouble!

Next video is supposedly "how not to stand out and look like a tourist in European culture", something Anna knows all about, because she is European! As always this means she will post a completely different video next week.
Please don't take this personally, but I think you're wrong about the whole "next video" thing.
She doesn't mean the next video posted; she means the next video she wants you to watch.

It's a really common YouTuber tactic - basically it's "If you liked this video, you'll love this next one (inserts link to similar previously posted video."
You can see Anna does it in the "Recommended" video section in her outro.
Screenshot 2023-04-26 125506.png

I don't blame you for thinking that she means what she'll post next. Her wording is terrible, and today's video was especially bad.

All love 😘


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Chatty Member
Spot on!!!
Anna Bey posing by a house that isn't hers -she got us used to.

Aija you're so dull...
And, Anna dearest, leveled up ladies do not highlight their poor education with major grammar slips. It’s “Teddy and I” and not “Me and Teddy.” You’re welcome, dear. Always happy to help.
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Pardon my French

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I hope the baby’s parents gave Anna consent to publish that photo. Otherwise, that photo could be problematic in terms of privacy. I don’t know how the Swiss law deals with that.
Aija is hiding Joe the thousandaire for privacy, but she really doesn't care of others'. Why would someone let their friends publish their baby's picture on a public and professional social media?? 🤔
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So, my dhear laydeez, have you watched Banana's latest video? A few things struck me as strange;

- she said early in the video; '...blah blah blah I am not in my forever home...' then the camera pointed to what looked like a bog standard middle class corridor outside her 'walk-in closet'. I mean, WHAT? You're not in your forever home, Aija? Your million dollar lifestyle is not forever? Are you going to move soon?

- she admits she bought her closet furniture from IKEA 😄 I mean, we knew that all along, Aija, nice of you to finally admit it.

- one and a half minute into the video she says '...blah blah blah, in the future once we move', I am seeing a pattern here. A clear give-away that Aija is preparing her exit strategy (either from the Audi Lounge, or from Geneva, or from Switzerland altogether....who knows).

- she mentions the ill-fitted carpet (well, she doesn't say it's ILL fitted, just fitted😄), well done once again, Aija, to taking onboard Tattle's comments, the carpet was mentioned a few times before, you finally addressed it now.

That's it, I managed 3 minutes and 10 seconds of that video and I couldn't handle anymore. The fakeness and her ear-popping accent, the exaggerated pronunciation are all getting on my nerves...The rest of the video is only for those who have nerves of steel and a strong stomach 😄
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Pardon my French

Well-known member
Wannabey trying to prove so hard she's married by giving some dangerous pieces of advice once again....
Oh, by the way Anna, when many people talk bad about you when you're not in the room... It means that you really have some questionable behaviours/habits. That's why Tattle is here and you have starred 37 thread so far 😉


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Chatty Member
Not classy is having a dog and letting him sit on furniture in a hotel lobby where other people also sit 🫠
She has a blanket for him, why is he next to the f-ing blanket right on the sofa? 😆
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Pardon my French

Well-known member
Good morning Tattle! Anna spent a very lonely eleghunt productive Easter Monday answering our questions and more damage control!
here's a sum up:

she actually wore the Hermès boots


The so promised 'big celebration after pandemic ' is not going to happen (I bet Joe isn't going to spend a penny on that anyway)


Are you sure dear Eleghunt Mangoe?


I'm sure no man as such bad tastes Anna, we know you can't style yourself and Joe just says yes so he doesn't hear your voice anymore.


Banana needs you to give her matter for her pohdcast


We thought you invented it Anna Bey?

And finally, the Arc de Triomphe of worst looks and scary face from our favourite elegant stylist:



Throw that coat away!


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Oh god, the Hermes boots. I really stirred up a hornet's nest...
I am amazed by the influenced a random voice on the internet like me can yield. Am I an influencer now? Given that I inspired so many posts, am I a content creator?
Tattle really should receive so much more credit in the cultivation of Anna's public persona
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It is incredible that Aija, as an influencer who is supposed to work with and English-speaking audience doesn't know what ''netflix and chill'' means. Sure, not everyone is good with new slang phrases, but this one has been around for ages. Now, if she had said she'd be Netflix and chilling with her ''husband'' and posted an arm no one would be the wiser.
But at this point we are not even getting arm pics.

I wonder what is the ''Fabulous future'' thing.... perhaps she is working on how to fabulously fleece her followers in the future. The Eleghunt stylist thing didn't work as much as she hoped. Now she is a dog mom... though I don't think that the dog content will tide her over for months with nothing new. She does have a video announced for Monday, but who knows if she will post....
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It seems Aija is intensely reading Tattle, congrats dear eleghunt mangoes! It seems we have rattled her.
We are like a whole office full of Banana's assistants. Isn't that fancy? If we all work hard, Aija will soon be able to buy herself a private paper plane!
Is it just me, or is Aija running out of ideas for content? Now she is just whining about how everyone is hating on her cause she is so rich and eleghunt.
Yeah, she is;

1) so 'rich' that she recently had to sell half of her wardrobe in a garage sale and cannot afford to travel anywhere anymore which she disguises with 'I-am-so-bored-with-the-idea-of-travelling-anywhere-these'days'.

2) so 'ehleghunt' that even her followers now criticize her fashion choices 😄 This one in particular is pure gold. She is trying to sell 'Elegant Stylist' to the same women who criticize her style and in turn she takes their advice. Master taking advice from his students:ROFLMAO:
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Also, who goes to a restaurant and says the best thing about it is the complementary candy lol
Because she's cheap and stingy, and her recent A-list meet and greet where she supposedly offered chips (?!?!?!?) to her followers proves it 🤡 what a clown
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Hi Ladies, I was wondering; since Anna clearly has no clue what she's on about where would I look for resources and education on 'leveling up' as they call it?
If you're looking to do it with little to no money, I would say the internet. There are so many resources by educated people online; you can look up any topic you like.

Your local library is a great mine of information. It has books on literally every topic - and if it doesn't, a lot of libraries have interlibrary loan systems where you can request books from other libraries.

For etiquette purposes, I would recommend the latest edition of Emily Post's Etiquette. A lot of it is common courtesy, but it is a good resource to have, particularly for fancier events. I love the index; it's super helpful. (It's not necessary though! Kindness and courtesy are all that you really need. If someone is judging you negatively because you accidentally used the wrong fork, they're not the type of person you want to be around.)

I would be wary of YouTube channels and certain blogs - some are legit, some are Anna Bey wannabes. There are some great videos by smaller channels though!

And just remember: leveling up is not only about the outside, but also the inside. Anna's followers focus too much on what people (i.e. affluent men) might think of them. But leveling up has a lot to do with the cultivation of your mind. Your outer appearance radiates what's in your mind; if your mind is filled with wisdom (not just knowledge, wisdom and knowledge are two different things) and peace, that will show on the outside too. ♥
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Well-known member
What the hell is she talking about?!?!? What success? Being on top may be lonely - but you'd never know, Aija, because you have never been there! The top of your career? You are an escorting Youtuber who sells scammy courses to gullible women and who lies about being rich and married to a millionaire! Not what I would call a success. You should really stop smoking that stuff, it's making you super delusional.

And for the love of God, get rid of all pictures with that horrid necklace and never show them again, you ehleghunt stylist.


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