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Among the many topics of interest to Anna were how to get "sponsored" by a man. I'm afraid this was a thinly veiled guide on how to get money from (usually married) men:

Here is an extract of that article

The girls I know who have sponsors, they like the guys and enjoy spending time with them (and having sex of course!). Nobody would bring on a sponsor they feel disgusted by or who they secretively hate. It’s not that hard to find a wealthy man that would consider helping you out, so girls do afford to shop around and not settle for the first best thing that comes along. In the end of the day, having a relationship with a sugardaddy is like having a “friend with benefit” kind of relationship. Both parties are getting some fun out of it!

Depending on how busy the man is (and if he is married or not, lol), the average meetings can vary. I think the most common is like 4 days per month. Sometimes less, sometimes more. If you live in the same city it’s most likely to be more than that, but if you are divided between different countries (plus he travels a lot) then 4 days per month is more likely. (For example you meet him once a month for several days in a row, or twice a month 2 days each time)

Want some more insight into how Anna made her money? Here's an extract from another post, called "The Constant Chase" she spells it chaise in the URL haha:

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Why does a woman who is already affluent need to film rushed and poorly lit videos while on holiday with her man?

Could be because her man is bisexual. Now his buddy David is gone he is probably on Grindr hunting, leaving her alone in the room to hustle. She has to work hard for those little coins that she's getting.

In my world luxury is escaping with my partner and him not being able to keep his hands off me. He works hard all year so when he is with me I turn off the phone.

He has my full attention. We sample delicious food, take hot tub baths together, and make love well into the night (and morning). I barely think about social media and my business? I have assistants to deal with posting while I'm away. This incessant hustling life is why Anna Bey looks 50 instead of 34.
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Most Polish girls I know fall into two camps: the very hard-working, no nonsense, conservative/religious types and trashy, escort/gold-digging types. There seems to be little middle ground for some reason. They do tend to be beautiful on average.
Sorry, but not all hard-working and no-nonsense Polish girls are religious. Actually, there are massive protests going on in Poland for female rights including reproductive rights. It's quite a difficult and sore subject and saying all girls from Poland who work hard are conservative and religious is quite blind. I know you said most girls you know, but I just wanted to highlight the subject as it is a real problem in Poland (I'm not from there but have many Polish friends).
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The third episode of the podcast is out... It's about her travel destinations this summer. She also touches upon Covid situation, addressing one of the messages she received judging her on travelling during Covid. Apparently, travelling is fine for Anna as she has antibodies for Covid as she has had it already.
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Yes, agree. If you look at what Anna actually owns, places she stays at, personal style + beauty (lack thereof) there is nothing affluent about her/ these things.

🧐 However, are these THE images she presents to her audience when she’s trying to sell herself/ her course? NOPE.

She uses pictures of REAL JetSet Babes, IG models, sugar babies, throws in 2-3 pics of herself - BLENDS it all together to create this “RESULT” (dream life that you can now have too for an introductory low price of $997.00). :poop:

This RESULT that she presents is a mix match of things every girl has once dreamed of: Lady of leisure lifestyle, a high caliber wealthy man, someone who treats you like a goddess, vacations & trips of a lifetime, the perfect body, access to everything, love/ gifts/ trips/ freedom etc. etc.

Does she outright PROMISE you anything? Well, even she’s not that stupid. A good scammer knows her main weapon is dirty marketing tactics. Slow brainwashing by trickling her presentation with images of everything you’ve always wanted. STUFF that other women have actually been able to acquire but NOT HER! 🤥

As she’s no longer able to keep up the charade she’s now scrambling to pivot away from this facade..saying that she’s been questioning how much the material world actually matters to her.. blah blah blah. Right. We can all smell the bullshit from afar Anna.

Read these books and I promise you, you will have “gained” 1000x more (assuming you’re interested in these topics) than if you had taken any of her courses, ever. All she’s doing is repackaging shit and presenting it as her own.

1. How to Make Him Buy You Stuff
2. Men Don’t Love Women Like You
3. The Rules
4. The Art of Seduction
5. Ho Tactics
6. How to Marry the Rich
7. Smart Girls Marry Money
8. Why Men Love Bitches
9. The 48 Laws of Power

And in my opinion, I’ve only watched a few of this lady’s videos, but she does a better job at getting her point across than others YouTubers.
I bet this woman never exchanged more than a random hallo with any hnwi. She literally has NO IDEA. Not on travel, not on fashion, not on style, not about the scene - nothing. She lives in Geneva and still didn‘t figure out the the Beau Rivage is the older, more prestigious and „affluent“ hotel than the 4s. She has no access whatsoever to any high (low, middle, whatever) society in Geneva. She has no friends, no network, no connections. She is nobody. Only a random chick with a bloched face, one Cartier braclet, a Van A one and a fake diamond ring.
btw - her fan accounts link all the fashion she wears to selling links, so i guess thats her way of earning a penny as a side to her courses, when delusional women try to emulate the style and buy the stuff she‘s wearing
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I also know a group of Eastern European women in London who are very much Anna like.
The one thing they all have in common is that they will accept anything to secure this affluent lifestyle.

they take on married men, totally ruthless.

they are successful at what they do and they didn’t need Anna’s course.

what they do is hang around in Annabels. This works for them because they have money from their first victim (first rich marriage). They are slightly older but very good at getting things from men (houses, kid tuition etc).

Anna is targeting (as covered here) less strong women.
The hotel bar thing doesn’t work. Men are there for work and focus on that.

the other thing she doesn’t cover is married men, the majority of affluent men are married. Annabels is full of them, the chances are if you’re after a wealthy man he will be married.

My advice is Annabels and Arts Club - if you can afford it. They have events and you can freely mix with men there without looking desperate. The challenge is these clubs don’t offer membership freely and it’s expensive.

I still think this is a more effective option than paying for advice from
A woman who used to date a overweight DJ and dance in primary shorts. 😁

Behoooold, our queen of scamelegance !

I had some time off this afternoon, so i did a quick drawing... and as reading you makes me laugh so much, i thought i might returning the favor 😎

Sorry about the picture quality, have no scanner where i am...
This is excellent talent
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they also target women to find them, the reverse of a sugar baby. Caribbean are very stingy,
Educated Nigerians less so.

I do feel for black refined/educated women. The black man doesn’t seem to stand up well.

this is her target audience.
does Anna’a course material have as many English mistakes as her speaking?
if I paid £1k for materials I would expect a lot.

**fund (not find)
sorry once again - late for the party..

As I'm part black and dated a few black men (also in the UK) - I can only say: it really depends on the man. I mean you have two eyes, you can tell a lot from the way a guy dresses and carries himself and of course vica versa. Just because he drives a flashy car (imo a major turn off anyway) - doesn't make him wealthy (one guy tried to impress me with his Ferrari once - I just never contacted him again - and he kept on asking my why :rolleyes:😆).

There are "high-value" black men out there and they're prepared to date high-value black women, but if you walk around looking like CardiB - don't expect to be sitting at the Royal Box. I know plenty of black well to do women that have broken into the "weathly" bracket, by being elegant and "classy" (though I really don't like using that term - but for the lack of a better one.. let's call it "classy") - married and all. So to flat out say, white (wealthy) men only like dating/marrying white women isn't true. But as with everything - black women just have to be a cut above the rest. I know a Lady - white royalty. She looks really average and walks like a (sorry to say) a man. There is absolute zero feminitiy in her walk.. but you know what - she married aristocracy - of course, because she's raised in that circle and her friends are all from that circle and guess what: one thing lead to anohter and one day she met this guy - a friend of a friend of course and he happend to be her future husband. So unless you MOVE in those circles - it's really hard being considered an eligable spouse.. even more so if you're black. But it's not impossible. Look at Angela von und zu Liechtenstein, one fine example.

The thing with black ppl is - there is always two sides to us: "the white side" and of course the "black side". When black ppl are amongst themselves, we can have laugh and talk cheap (no matter what social stratum one's achieved) - but we rarely (I mean almost never) share that side with white folks.This makes interracial dating so much more complicated, because dating/being married to an affluent (white) man mean you constantly have to carry the white side in front you. I must add: there are however some "upperty" black women that do not participate in the "whole black thing" - usually older women that "all of a sudden turned holier than thou" (usually from a church background - I wonder why??!!). However all my black friends super down to earth - no matter how many zeros they have in their bank account... (doens't mean we like CardiB or Nicki Minaj - and tbh - even Beyonce is questionable). But we like Angla Basset, Tina Turner, Maya Angelou and can have a good talk about everyday rascism we encounter).

But having said that, all black (or non-white) women that "married up" - were able to because they brought something to the table. They're all educated to various degrees and if not had impeccable social skills and are "presentable" (again for the lack of a better term). They're affluent, top on current affairs, can talk politics, arts and at the very least are up on the latest on the stock market and therefore make good hostesses.

Non of that nonsense I see on ABs Instagram. Smoking is an absolute no-go for a woman in those circles - and IF she does - she's definitely not smoing in any sort of company where she can be seen - so since she's not smoking there are no ashtrays seen anywhere (not even by accident).

Some smurf accounts have also been asking for elegant skiwear and other winter vacation related things, either that or we have the hadids joining the first course and being active in the group
I ski every year - and believe me - sking is not where you pick up wealthy men. They almost always go with their partner unless it's a "boys weekend" and he's after one thing. However then, it depends if you're pretty (and maybe funny?) not what (latest desinger ski outfit) you wear if some guy engages in convo (and believe me: you will be thrown to the curb after he's done with you, because he'll go back home to his wife - the whole reason he's away on a "Boys Weekend" - get the "hint" :sneaky:). I'd say overall a winter place in general is bad place to be looking for a "single rich guy". They're either busy being sporty or then sit in their private Chalets (with a big group of friends) - wehre in between do you want to meet them? If you're not working at the ski rental or the cleaning lady in the chalet.. good luck striking up a conversation - it just doesn't happen, I know I've been skiing for 45 yrs now!!
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New Rose Glow seems a bit mentally delayed to be honest. She's the girl who got straight As in class but could never figure out how to dress or how to interact with people and make friends.
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@laurensanchez long time lurker here.

I have a male friend who was hounded by the Vida consultancy to “join”.
He is an affluent man & attended one of their events. He soon got the measure of the Vida Consultancy.
They are a group of middle aged fairly posh married women with this as a side job ( the “consultants”). He soon realised that the women there (to date) were all “city types” mainly divorced.
Vida hounded him (and other men) to balance the ratios. The women pay extortionate amounts whilst the men get Adored and dawned over.

this is another big co and they have no outcome.

vida consultancy will not match you with genuine eligible men. They are a step worse than Anna because they take a lot more and give nothing. He got out of there and found his wife in

it is no surprise that they hired the chief gold digger Anna on their team. They needed more vulnerable women to con And Anna has them in abundance.

also all the men they have on their books are on tinder - for free.

ladies - everything is free. There is no need to be drawn into these scams with intangible outcomes. Anna and Vida “consultancy” are made for each other. Cons.
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Because noone of your friends were looking for eacorts hahhaha Anna forgot to mention that. I Have never met any guy giving me bussines card just because.
Most probably on all those times where the man wanted to give you he got turned off coz he saw you didn’t have nail polish and you carrying last seasons LV. That’s why we must all listen to Aunty Anna. 😂😂😂
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By the sound of it, she was going to end up dropping you anyways because Anna tells them to drop ( what she calls negative people,normal people aka average joe\plane jane or people who aren't supportive of their "level up journey") though sorry you had to lose a friend this way
Well, that's the new age - "think only positive" cult.

Problem with Anna Bay and her influence is that married womens believe that they are married to "average Joes" -- they wanna divorce, or young girls are believing that sponsors - guy have to pay everything.

In real life - If you are planning open your business or improve quality of life - you have to work on it, sacrifice, find partnet who will support you.
I'm sure that business guys are looking for woman who understand their efforst, dedication, and those mistresses who are getting "spoiled" with holidays, dinners - are sitting alone during Christmas.
I'm just curious why Anna Bay is not filming about real life problems.

- being sick
- loosing job
- loosing money and wrong investments (happen to rich people)
- unhappy moments when fake friends try to use you (happen to rich too)
- clothes from Zara/Mango/Primark etc is produced in Banglades where people are paid miserable wages - its unethnical to support and buy this brands

Problem is that her followers will "manifest" psychological problems , because they are deluded and real life is not INSTAGRAM.

Even in rich life shit happens and I'm sure that living that life will be hard if you are socialised in "average" circle of people.
It doesnt mean if you are not rich that you are missing something ---
every "class" has pros and cons...
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So this corona infested slag was out running around knowing she could infect other people? Back in spring she posted herself out without a mask and claimed she only took it off for the photo. Her impression has been that Geneva is somehow a covid 19 free bubble. Obviously not since she managed to catch it. She was socialising and travelling in close proximity to people. So irresponsible. That St Tropez trip I wonder how many people were infected? I saw btf 7 disappeared off IG recently.
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*takes pic of her primary iPhone with her secondary iPhone*

"My phone broke! Oh no! Now I have to use my secondary phone! Thank God I have it, although my secondary has no contacts and isn't connected to anything, no email, social media, nothing! Now I can really relax!"

Whilst ironically posting this in her stories on IG...

Also Anna: continues to post incessant stories and posts... :rolleyes: 🤦‍♀️

Seems indeed that the two couples spent the holiday only partially, so she's only partially lying.

Btw, what does someone have a second phone for if it isn't connected to anything and allegedly doesn't even have contacts?
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She really does seem like she's having a mid life crisis, having material from sugarbaby tips to find a man, podcast on her rambling on about nothing, and now a random Mango shopping video.

I can imagine her as one of those crazies in town dressed in fur with no friends, approaching strangers for a monologue and laughing loudly on the street.
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I have been following your posts for the past weeks and want to thank everyone for contributing to the discussion. I bringe watched Annas videos during lockdown but most of the time I didnt listen and read the comments instead. They were what truly disturbed me.
I can't remember the exact title of the video, but one had tons of comments of women telling other women not to get into law or med school, cause rich men dont like working women.
I am the daughter of judges, currently studying law in my country (middle europe) and as far as I can tell, its not that hard to get the son of wealthy lawayers or business owners as a boyfriend. However, you have to be presentable and cultured for that (forgive me my wording).
Almost all women I know that married rich men have something going on for themselves. I know one that works for the UN even though she married into old money, and my former spanish teacher still works at a school (not even a private one) after marrying a millionaire. She told us to never be dependent on anyone.
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I personally think she monitors these forums herself as well as using her poor employees and a service. The thing about the Internet is that it is free and open. We cannot be censored like her Facebook groups or fake reviews on her podcast. The truth is a dangerous thing. I can't wait till she is exposed in the media by the journalist.
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Hi all, I found this forum by searching for any source that exposes the school of affluence scam. Some months ago YouTube suggested Anna's channel and the first video I saw was the one where she shops in Zara and buys a nylon jacket because it "looks so expensive". I was shocked nobody exposed her on YouTube and I was 75%sure she is a former male. The voice, the way she tries too hard to look feminine is what made me question her. Still have some % doubt.
She should be exposed on YouTube. The two videos so far are by people with less subscribers but they should go viral.

I admit, when we were acquaintances I defended her too. But unlike her students it was not because I saw her as an expert. It was because I believed in spreading the message that 50/50 culture is bad for women.

Her army of elegant bots are scary. Any adult that idolises another human because of some fake pics and background on IG cannot be all there in the head.

I still see no success stories. They seem caught in a loop. "If I pay for the next course then I unlock Super Level Up 1000!" Meanwhile nothing has changed in their day to day life.
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I just listened to the 2nd podcast, the one about travel. I cringed so hard when I heard Aija say that she doesnt like travelling to Tulum as they only have small boutique hotels and she likes 5* places like 4 seasons. It sounded so pretentious, but hey did she not stay at a 3* place in Greece last week and raved how she liked it as it was not a large hotel? This woman is mad
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A couple of pages before someone asked if here are any new members who just learned about Annas scam - well, I am one of those! Until recently I didn't know she's a scammer but because of these threads I found out. I used to watch her videos and many times felt something was off. Luckily I didn't buy her course, but I watched the workshop and have to say, it was pretty impressive. But the email spam and the shitty layout of the course website made me run away very quickly :p (I mean, honestly, every scammer always uses the same website layout!)

I have seen some of those Youtube videos her students made and actually felt bad for them. I am worried, as it seems Anna uses similar marketing techniques than MLMs.. advising her students to leave their "average Joes" and get rid of all the "negative people" (= friends and family) in their life. And only positive comments are allowed in the community. In case of some vulnerable girls this might lead to the basic MLM effect of them having nothing else in their life anymore than their "idol" (Anna) and the community. And then they will have the urge to buy every course Anna's gonna release in the future to keep up.

After seeing some of the screenshots here though, I agree some of those girls deserve to be scammed. Sending a pic of their IDs to Anna, WTF?! Come on. Or the one girl whining about her provider bf not also doing the housework and other girls in the community then encouraging her to search for a sugar daddy. Gosh, are these people dumb or brainwashed? 🤦‍♀️

Anyway, for the sake of the vulnerable women that were taken advantage of, it's important that this thread exists. They have to see the truth.

Aija, darling, you think you have "made it" now that you can afford hideous logo stuff? That everyone is jealous? Well, it doesn't matter if go to Stockholm, London or Geneva - people laugh at you. And you deserve it. How dare you use other women as a money machine?
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