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Gingersnap 29

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Anna: omg nooo another lock down *rolls eyes* "buy whatever you need to buy now before the stores close" girl do Hermès and Dior sell groceries now? You don't "need" that and people are dying. She's so out of touch.
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Gingersnap 29

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Omg. Her wording is so gauche and predatory "how to upgrade your life, even in a pandemic!!!" Like shouldn't our priority be taking care of ourselves and others, not taking advantage of others so that we can upgrade while everyone "lives in mediocrity" aka dies of covid that she super-spreads. So so tacky
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By the way it's the Beau Rivage Hotel. Shall we let them know a scammer has brought her lamps and photos from home and is currently nailing them into the wall?

Also, this actually doesn't add anything to her credibility. In order to do so, she'd have to

1. Prove there was a wedding, photos and all.
2. Prove he is a wealthy man (clearly not since she's hustling a new course for coins)
3. Prove he financially supports her
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I think she is really bothered about all those fashionistas/influencers who sometimes make a little money (or are married/born into wealth). They are always wearing jeans/sweat pants/oversized clothes ie Max Mara style. She could not afford that (at least in the past) so she just made up that those type of women are not rich. They just "pretend" to be rich because "real rich people" dress like a 75 years old grandma who inherited old silk gowns from her friends who passed away last century.
Now that she made some profit from her School of Flatulence she's wearing the classic Chanel bags (I've seen 3 in different colours so far).
So when she could not afford Chanel/Hermes/Gucci: You don't need chanel bag because real rich people like me and my invisible elite friends don't wear.
Now that she's got money: chanel, hermes, gucci bags.
Next step will be oversized Max Mara Teddy Bear coat that nearly every woman with some spare cash bought in 2014 and then pretend like she's never mentioned anything about oversized clothes being ugly.
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A selection of photos of her contradicting herself and her expensive advice which is worth $0.
collage one.JPG

Don't wear gym clothes when you are not at the gym. Elegant ladies must look "representable". Yes, she made up a word.

Yet as you can see she is out running errands in gym clothes and sneakers (Chanel beanie and scarf clearly are not for the gym)


Ripped jeans?


Creased clothes, even when at a hotel which should have ironing service?


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Why is she posting videos/photos of clothes in shops and not do like a mini haul of what she has bought? Oh wait.. she doesn't have money and she's only accompanying her friend LH
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Gingersnap 29

Active member
I took one for the team and watched the first workshop video. In between the mispronounced words and terrible grammar (sorry, university professor here lol) there were small tidbits of information that I would have considered insightful. The problem is that she's tying it to her product and selling it rather than simply looking out for fellow women by encouraging them. She would alternate between something little and harmless but then add in something really nonsensical. She said that teenagers should begin their level up journey and blamed kids for getting bullied (versus the bullies or society)...Oh and she said that her first level-up was when she "stopped being a nerd" at age 12. I feel like preaching all of this to kids and pre-teens is unethical. You expect them to ask their parents to buy them the course so that they can stop being bullied? Lots of talking about how people should try to fit in and voila, they will be successes. But then said we should be our individual selves? I have a headache now. If someone watches that nonsensical video and then proceeds to purchase the's kind of on them IMO. I don't like her preying on people, but man that made no sense.
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She told that story before. She never mentioned she had an interaction with the people who commented her hideous lashes in SPANISH or ITALIAN. You see, she speaks SO MANY languages so well that she can't even distinguish them.



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Gingersnap 29

Active member
She is not even a good youtuber - how to be a good interviewer ?
she’s so fake and insincere . Can not imagine how her fan club can take her Seriously.

Oh wow.
She manage to make even worse combo than yesterday.
She looks like my grandmother I can't even deal

She just posted an insta story about how she never said the Chanel flap was "not classy" she just said people should invest in "more fun colors"

She's just speaking to tattle at this point and it's hilarious. Girl you're backpedaling! And also buy what you want everyone, but if I were to advise someone on whether to make a big investment on a versatile color or some whimsical trendy thing...I would suggest the former over the latter (not saying trends are bad, but it seems more pragmatic if you can only afford one, get the one that goes with your clothes. Might be the black, the tan, or another color depending on one's closet)
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She did.

I think I know why she went to Lina's place. She still has those boxes that are most likely unpacked after moving.
I personally don’t think she ever moved.
Last week she did videos inside her closet, which looked the same as her closet in videos from the last year.
She also had shown a photo of flowers on a glass coffee table the other week, and you could see the glare of the chandelier above. I distinctly remember her at the beginning of quarantine last spring, showing flower arrangement she did on her coffee table and it had the same crystal chandelier above.

My opinion is that she said she was moving because people here had exposed where she lived. I bet she spent money investing in new decor (once she made money from the course), and now feels more confident in showing it.
And I bet she really did order new furniture like she said, to upgrade her place. However, I think her saying she was moving and that things were in boxes was another way to delay showing her home, because it was coincidentally when people pointed out she was filming in hotels. I think she wants to throw everyone off, and again will create any narrative to do so. Just my opinion.
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She has singlehandedly just destroyed this man's career.

Save this post for later 😉

This is the exact opposite publicity of what a private banker needs, especially in a discreet place like Switzerland. He clearly wants to lose his job or is planning to switch countries or companies. Attaching to a woman like this is career and life suicide.


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Content calendar time. Just a rundown of the greatest lies I mean hits of Anna/Aija/Bey/Beyer/Raty/Hallitosis.

In this video she lies about her background and more.

At 3:53 "Yes I have Russian in my heritage" But she said couple days ago half her family is Estonian? In this video she says only her mother is from Estonia, with Russian background...I look like my mother, she's technically Russian. Um, what?

My father is from Finland. Really? Actually she doesn't know the identity of her father and never speaks about him. Or her stepfather.

My blog Jetsetbabe doesn't exist anymore
- why? Why have you not just stopped posting, but instead deleted it entirely from the internet, including the Wayback Machine? Probably has a little bit to do with Tattle? See the dossier and previous Tattle threads for screenshots of Jetsetbabe where she shared the reality of her life in London, lonely, broke, and with an office job she hated, and her other trips to drug hotspots in Central and South America, and a stint in Asia.

I'm not a dating coach, I don't teach women how to bag billionaires.
Well, you can't actually, because you have no experience. Yet you allowed multiple media outlets, especially Daily Mail, to write these headlines and introduce you as such, including your first TV interview here. You LOVE the publicity and notoriety this gets you.

More lies, obfuscations, and things that don't make sense. Notice the wallpaper? She filmed it in the same hotel, but moved to a different chair, lol. Around this time she filmed multiple videos in the same hotel room and brought furniture and even framed photos to make it appear it was her home.

At 2:30 - I train with a personal trainer. *pause* hahahaha. Honey no. We won't even comment on this ghost trainer you've never shown. You're too cheap and lazy, your exercise consists of walks in Geneva's public parks.

3:38 - We have a lot of friends in Geneva that we spend time with. *chokes with laughter* We have hundreds of pages of evidence that you only hang out with 1 person in Geneva, Lina, and this only happened recently. You only are allowed to tag along on events when your roommate goes.

7:25 - the "partner" is mentioned. Notice, she does not call him fiancée or husband. "I run a channel that's controversial, so I will not answer any questions to do with my personal life." 8:16 calls him her BOYFRIEND.

*record scratch* cut to February 1st where she's pimping her relationship out to sell her scam.

12:00 - Mentions her favorite movies and shows are Sex and The City and Priceless (about a gold digger who sleeps with rich men in the South of France). Notice she was able to name specific movies and TV but dodged the question of books - as we thought, she is an airhead and doesn't actually read.

13:30 - Grew up next a stable and would spend hours and hours there sometimes her mum had to come look for her *No COMMENT* But I do want to note the horses and stable were not her own. I already made so many jokes about her childhood already. At minute 14:00 she confirms she left Sweden at high school. So no degree or higher learning.

19:41 - In response to: are you a housewife who cooks and cleans? We have somebody who takes care of our household and cooks. No evidence of this, for sure. Why would you need someone to take care of a 1 bedroom flat? I have a full time job so I refuse to have another job at home. So basically she's a slob, and for his money Average Joseph does not even get a woman who can make him a decent meal.

Oh by the way, dear elegant ladies, university is a waste of time. Minute 3:35.

9:30 She was working in nightclubs in Rome as a 19 year old and got fascinated by the jetset life.

13:50 This supposed Italian rich kid stopped seeing her after a few months. (Wow! I thought this was a real relationship, sounds more like a fling)

I want to really highlight her lie about how her teachings are not about finding rich men. Lies. Check out her videos and titles:

Where you'll find Rich Men this summer

3 Simple Ways to get noticed by Rich Men

Why Rich Handsome Men Marry Unattractive Women (probably one of her WORST videos hating on other women)!
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This whole wedding charade of hers has left a really bad taste in my mouth.

For years now, there have been so many cryptic posts & flat out deception... that even if you wanted to like her, she continues to give you reasons why you cannot & must not trust her.

She is incapable of being honest (with herself & others). Time after time she continues to compromise whatever conscious she has because she’s a slave to appearances. (Huge red flag, in case you know someone like her in real life).

It’s so obvious that she lives a double life. The image she wishes we’d all believe never reconciles with her real life.

“Money is the root of all evil” is the phrase that comes to mind when I think of Anna. Deception. Manipulation. Illusion. Lies. Settling for this life she’s created because it’s the only stepping stone she has up the greasy pole she’s determined to climb.

For the new ladies, keep your distance. Just watch & observe from afar. It’s not worth investing your time trying to figure out if she’s a liar/ scammer. Trust us, she is. All you have to do is observe for a little bit and you’ll see it for yourself.

A sad mess Anna has become.
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Congratulations on your offers! Be very proud, and be sure to ask: your potential advisor's students about their experience so far specifically regarding the advisor, the inter-faculty relations climate of the department (including collaborative attitudes), get specifics on the advisor's authorship standards, and find out how competitive the grad students are with one another in the lab (vs supportive). If your goal is not to teach, then go for an advisor with solid funding a couple yrs out if you can, too -- you'll probably end up with more time for research over TA-ships, then.

Happy to discuss further, but if we do that then we should find an alternative platform.
Thank you so much on your advice. The specific questions you suggest really helps since I do need to choose at least between two programs.
Congratulations on your progress thus far and I'm happy to help you out if you have questions about academia..but maybe not in public because I don't want to be doxxed, haha. Broadly, I work in the humanities.
Thank you so much! I understand your concern of being doxxed. Good luck with your career.

I will be sure to reach out to both of you when things are more settled.

Can we just take a moment to appreciate our community at Tattle? We came here to expose her scam on self-improvement, and in fact we are giving each other advices on real self-improvement.

I have read genuine life advice from genuinely happy ladies---ones in happy relationships, ones with fulfilling careers, and ones who are aiming towards it.

I also appreciate we share our experiences with skincare, fashion, travelling and other lifestyle aspects.

We are the real, non-scam self-improvement course that she's unable to teach (or learn from).

I just want to say I love our community.

Wish you ladies a fulfilling 2021.
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Wait wtf - she filmed her course before Covid and she told all her students that she was already married. She's just exposed herself to her students.
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To all of you haters who say I am single!!! Here is the Shadow of my "partnheeeeer" 😂 oh and me standing by not riding myself ofc just standing there filming other people ride horses so you know I am a great jockey 🧐
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How very convenient that she revealed that she's engaged just a day before lunching her new course and now (of all days) her wedding just falls again just in time before her course starts.
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